
Needless to say about the situation at this time, the drows on the big ship of the Mez Baritanna family know that fighting is inevitable.

A female drow warrior armed with two swords attacked Ques. She stared at the opponent with a dwarf, her footing unsteady.

Ques quickly threw Corindo aside, then swung a long spear to slam the opponent’s double swords and let out a long moan. The female soldier fought back fiercely, but gradually, her movements became slower and slower, unable to cope with the tricky attack of the bayonet on Drizzt’s electromagnetic nail gun.

She smashed with a sword and blocked the hilt of the gun on the right. A sword raised, trying to intercept the bayonet cut.

But Ques’s stroke was nothing but a vain move, and only her own double swords rushed out. As soon as she realized this was a feint, she stopped the sword and turned back to protect.

It’s too late. Ques slammed his foot on the enemy’s knee, and the female drow warrior immediately knelt to the ground. The next second the bayonet plunged into the gap of the delicate chain mail. He now has the empty door wide open, but the female soldier has no strength and no life to attack again. With a beautiful blow of the bayonet through her heart, she had lost everything. When Ques withdrew the knife, she only shook.

In addition to Ques, the performance of the other people in the adventure squad is not bad.

Jarlaxle was looking for Mistress from the Metz Barrettanna family. Before this experienced warlock could even release the spell, he was blinded by a flash bomb suddenly fired by the mercenary leader, and then used it. The life-stealing light sword and blood light rapier made two holes in the body.

Calder disappeared as soon as he got on the deck, but judging from the tragedy of the drow family guards who stepped on slime traps every now and then and got a sap from time to time, this great trapper Indeed the name is not in vain.

The dwarf digger stood on the deck and stepped on a relatively solid ground, and the battle strength was also greatly improved. He used his proficient martial skill to specialize in the offensive method of Xia San Lu. At present, he has successfully made more than a dozen drows to walk on crutches in the second half of their lives. Of course, the premise is that they can survive today.

As for the orc druid who turned into a shark-eating crab, at this time they found the only cave lizard on the ship, Knight. The latter are the traditional heavy cavalry of the drow clan. They will ride cave lizards that can climb and walk on the wall, and hold a lance to fight the enemy. Just because it was on a boat now, the cave lizard Knight lost the advantage of attacking from a weird angle. Faced with the violent attack of the shark-eating crab, it didn’t take long for the big claw to snip off lance and pierce his body. Even his mount failed to escape the bad luck of the severed head.

In just ten minutes, it seemed to have counted the time. After the five-person adventure squad cleaned up all the Mez Baritanna on the boat, the banana boat also landed on the other side. Jarlaxle changed his form again, and even his clothes became the same as that of the first family Mistress.

He led several “Cobluss” out of the ship proudly, and the half-orcs and goblin boatmen who wandered on the shore did not dare to approach. Without the permission of Mistress, if a vassal race like them rashly boarded a big family ship, even if it was to be dragged into an anchorage and do some sweeping work by the way, it would still be a crime of being knifed.

When disembarking from the ship, Ques found Calder smiling and hiding small hourglasses around the ship. The young Blue Dragon glanced at it and knew that the sand in those hourglasses had been enchanted. As long as the hourglass runs out, they will turn this big ship into roasted bananas.

“The tower of soul-binding is just ahead…”

There was no drow around, Jarlaxle simply used words that a few people could understand, pointing to the pyramid-shaped building in front, and whispering.

“… There was originally a huge stalagmite growing on the ground, similar in shape to a pyramid. According to the habit of the dark elves, they usually use the’fossil to mud’ spell to turn it into a spider-shaped temple. But the wandering drow clan Having abandoned Rose’s faith, under the command of those blasphemous sacrificials, the warlocks simply turned it into a pyramid in its shape.”

Several people walked forward slowly, and teams of drows patrolling at the main entrance of the pyramid began to appear. But seeing Jarlaxle wearing the disguised identity of “Mez Barrettanna Mistress”, after they all bowed and saluted, they quickly avoided the adventurous squad members.

“The status of the Maez Baritanna family is very embarrassing. If according to the drow custom, the first family will have the Supreme authority in the dungeon. But now the real power is the blasphemy, and it is said that Lavis, the daughter of the spider queen who wants to usurp the power of Demon King’s deep pit. With these two forces under pressure, Metz Barrettanna’s Mistress’s right to speak is not much different from other Mistress. Even to beware. She, Slartak, the leader of the sacrilege, has repeatedly made things difficult for the Mez Baritanna family.”

After speaking, they walked into the main entrance of the pyramid. “Now, the people in the dungeon are uneasy. Everyone thinks that a big battle will break out in the near future. At this time, no one wants to get too close to the First Family.” At this point, Jarlaxle switched to The language of the soul mode is explained.

“Should we stealth in like this? The investigation must require a result. Finally, we must go to the core of this soul-bound tower. There may be battle. If that is the case, can we return the same way? You? Are there any plans? Speak up and listen.”

Calder’s voice came from the channel of the language of the soul, like a cannon. Jarlaxle was taken aback by the words that suddenly came. He thought that only himself and Ques could “talk” in the language of the heart.

“Halflings are born with innate talent, only hidden in the bloodline, they are discovered by accident.” Ques messaged to the mercenary leader alone at the right time, because the other party always likes to think about it, so he has to deal with it. To reassure, “In a world called Atas, the ancient halflings relied on psychic powers to create an extremely glorious civilization. You have just used the language of the soul several times. Calder listened to it several times. The innate talent was It’s normal to be inspired.”

“Understood,” Jarlaxle replied.

Ques continued, “However, what he said is also a problem. I don’t know how you look at it, anyway, I think so: Now that I have sneaked into the Tower of Soul Bound, I think I might as well use a comparison… …Radical stealth approach. As long as no one sees us, then we are considered perfect stealth. At worst, it’s enough to make all witnesses disappear. And in this way, you don’t have to worry about being surrounded when you go out. Jia Lasso, what do you think?”

Hearing Ques’ words, the mercenary leader instantly recalled, and his bald head under the magical cover instantly oozes a layer of cold sweat.

Good fellow.

It turned out to be the perfect stealth of “no one sees it, even if it is perfect”… This, logically, is indeed impeccable.

“Listen to your arrangements.” Jarlaxle responded nicely.

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