
The small boat glide across Lake Luvock.

This is a small and dark lake, located in the middle of the city of Drow, separating the wizard tower from the other two towers in the “three-tower building”.

Jarlaxle sat on the bow and looked west. The caves and stalactites in the distance gradually appeared before his eyes.

However, according to his night vision, the scene seemed a little strange, it looked blurry.

At first, he thought it was caused by the warm current rising in the lake, so he didn’t care. However, when Zall figured out the real reason for the blurring of infrared vision, some things from a long time ago actually gradually oscillated in his awakened memories.

“It’s like back then…” The mercenary leader thought to himself.

“…The Banri family of Mzoberlei first ordered the whole city to light up, and then went to their own end.”

Zall does not like bright light. This is not only due to physiological reasons, but also due to more than seven thousand years of tradition.

The old Mistress who “ordered myself not to die” in Ban Rui’s family back then called the whole city to light an open flame because she was driven by her ambition and wanted to unite with the drow of a city Infiltrate the surface and establish a dynasty named after its name. She needs the drows to adapt.

When the orc sailor was rowing, there were chants behind him, and he finally had time to organize his thoughts.

Jarlaxle closed his eyes, trying to convert the heat-sensitive night vision into normal light vision. He remembered the stalactites and splendorous and majestic buildings he saw last time when he visited this dungeon. The elaborate patterns on them were illuminated by flashing purple, blue or red flames.

Suddenly, the boat swayed, and the rowing chant from the orc sailor stopped abruptly.

The mercenary leader thought it was an adventure squad. What happened to his companions, but when he opened his eyes, he saw a big ship passing by the small boat. This big banana ship is very close to the boat, which is unpleasantly close.

Moreover, there is a blue and purple magic floating dish floating on the bow of the big ship, which is a common transportation tool used by Mistress.

“Mez Barretanna…” Jarlaxle recognized the badge on the side of the “Banana Boat”. The Metz Baritanna family is the first family of the drow in this dungeon.

However, the position of this family is a bit awkward.

Although they are the “first family”, the current actual controller of the wandering drow clan is actually a group of blasphemy sacrifices.

Ques also took a look at the “banana boat”. And when the young blue dragon transformed into a human form looked towards it, the drow standing on the magic floating dish also turned his head.

Mistress Barrettanna saw the boat, saw the male drow on the boat-Jarlaxle once again changed his appearance with unknown spell supplies-and he The few “Cobluss” that I took with him.

“Huh?” Zall Mistress suddenly became suspicious.

It is not surprising that a drow brought a few slaves, but the equipment on these abandoned people is too gorgeous. No drow would allow their slaves to have such good things, even if they are stupid. Famous male.

“She is a Mistress, she should be suspicious of us now,” Jarlaxle immediately told several of his companions in the language of his heart. The mercenary leader did not make a judgment, he knew who was making the decision in this team.

“Can you pretend to be her?” Ques also asked in the language of the heart. Moreover, his question is one-way.

“No problem, as long as you get close enough, let me have enough time to observe the details of her dress and appearance.”

Ques smiled, and suggested to everyone: “Let’s go and hijack that ship.” He looked at the dwarf who had been squatting in the middle of the boat since he was meditating on the boat. , “The ship is big enough, safer, and less swaying.”

The underground digger heard it, and his eyes suddenly lit up. When he was happy, he stood up all at once, Haoxuan didn’t fall out of the boat.

“You…” Just as the orc boatman wanted to speak, Marsh Fezzak, who was standing next to him, slapped him on the neck, and the orc druid directly knocked him unconscious.

“I’ll be first this time,” Marsh Fezzak jumped into Lake Luwak after speaking. Everyone looked down from the water and could see that he quickly turned into a giant crab-shaped monster. His eight legs are long and pointed, like bent lances, covered with spiked shells all over his body. Two swift and powerful claws slapped the water savagely, as if desperately eager to sandwich something in half.

The orc druid became a shark-eating crab.

“We also follow,” Calder, the naturally leaping halfling architect, urged, he couldn’t wait to join in the fun.

“Idiot, sit firmly, I won’t catch you when I fall.” The dwarf patted the halfling on the shoulder and pressed it into the middle of the boat.

Ques took out his electromagnetic assault nail gun, “Grindo is right… Now, you all sit down.”

As he spoke, the young blue dragon, transformed into a human form, pulled the trigger. When he talked before, he replaced the electromagnetic gun with a special bullet, a tail section with a string and a “bump claw” on the head-after the collision, he turned out five claws to all around-the bullet head The steel nail flew out of the muzzle with a sound of “xiu”.

Upon hitting the target’s side, Ques held the gun in one hand and the string in the other, dragging the small boat towards the big ship at extremely fast speed. The small boat drew a white line on the water, and in a flash even passed Marsh Fezak who was launched in advance.

“Oh, wu~”

Calder raised his head “stubbornly” even though Grindo held his shoulders and groped around. The halfling experienced this kind of speedboat-like feeling for the first time, and he couldn’t help but cried out excitedly.

Fortunately, his cry did not spread far, and was “physically suppressed” by the dwarf in time.

Jarlaxle did not know where to conjure a magic flute. After fiddling for a few times, the space including the two ships was enveloped by a faintly colorful soap bubble-like film. Up.

Before the membrane ruptured, not only was the spell transmitted, but even the sound could not be transmitted from the inside to the outside.

The small boat drove a half circle on the water and changed from a parallel state to a “T” shape and hit the side of the banana boat. Ques doesn’t care about Jarlaxle and Calder, the mercenary leader and the big framer are far more agile than ordinary people. The shark-eating crab, which was equally eager to catch, prodded the ship’s side with lance-like claws, and rushed straight onto the deck of the banana boat like a flat ground.

Ques held Glindo Qianzhongyan’s shoulder with one hand, and with the other hand held the string before, pedaling the boat hard with both legs. The whole person took a dwarf who was so heavy and suffocated that he didn’t let himself yell out, and suddenly boarded the deck of the big ship of Mez Baritanna’s house.

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