Sayonara Ryuusei Konnichiwa Jinsei

This is a story of Bern village as seen from a third party perspective.

Galois, a metropolis north of the Kingdom of Arkrest, has seen an increasing number of unseen sights these days.

One example is a large herd of horse-drawn carriages and a mixture of human and golem cavalry guarding them from the road leading to the villages of Clause and Bern further north of Galois.

The horses of the cavalry and the horses pulling the carriage are all huge horse golems, far more than average horses.

In addition to the stunning features of the live horse, the knight-style golems and centaur-type golems that straddle it, the high quality of the equipment worn by the cavalry, and the magic applied over and over The adventurers and the Galois knights turned their gazes on envy.

One of the citizens who bought a corner of Galois under the name of Baron Bern and saw a carriage entering and exiting the carriage station asks a friend who was walking next to him.

Both of them are seated in Galois and both are just 20 years old, but those who talked to them just reached the other day for half a year due to business reasons.

Therefore, I was interested in the scene that was not seen six months ago. People walking to the carriage station lined up, including not only merchants and adventurers, but also families like free laborers and peasants.

"Well, what's that all there? Is there a carriage station in that place? And there's an unfamiliar crest, but that's not the Galois but the crest of another lord?"

It is a flag of the dragon's family crest, holding a sword in a sheath, raised on a master's stand shown by a young man because he would be disrespected if he points.

Another young man begins to speak and explain the changes that have taken place this spring, for unknown friends.

"The carriage and station are owned by Baron Bern, who was newly built during this time. From the territory of the village of Bern, we traveled a number of carriages daily to the Galois via the village of Clause. I'm there. "

"The village of Bern? I started dating with the forest of Ente, and the story started to get my name. Did you have a new lord? Independence from the kingdom. That's a very good line. Isn't that a good place, what is Bern village? "

"You know how much you're away from Galois, so if you're a bit more upbeat, can't you eat in business?

It's not surprising that goblins have attacked me, but now she says she's collecting more soldiers and putting more effort into her army, and she's looking for more and more migrants.

The taxes are very cheap, and above all, once the land has been cleared, they can make it their own. It's so busy now that it's not just tools for land reclamation and building materials for newly built houses, but it's said that if you bring anything you can sell it. ''

"It's gorgeous, but the people are going away from me, and the lords won't look good.

Well, we've been talking about the Ente no Mori and the only trade window, and we'll do it well-it will be a fairly wealthy land. By the way, can you go inside that carriage station? There is a very nice building, is that a waiting place? "

At the end of the youth's chin, there is a one-story U-shaped building, and people who wait for the carriage and those who do not repeat it frequently, and there are stalls under the eaves of the building. You can hear the voices of the customer interacting side by side.

Apparently it's not just a waiting area or a resting place for soldiers guarding the carriages.

"There are stores and other stores under Bern's territory. There are some guides to those who want to move to Bern village and those who are looking for work. They take in those guys and do business.

Here you can buy something that can only be bought in the village of Bern, although it is somewhat expensive. Perfumes using special magical flowers and fragrances that can only be found in the forest of Ente are sold like idiots to rich people like idiots. ''

"Well, nobles and rich people are so good at looking at each other. It's competing that he doesn't have to look good if he doesn't have it. If there is, it's a story.

Even so, it's a big deal that people are just crowded. Even though the carriage fare will not be ridiculous, I ride until it looks like I can not afford it, but why?

Anyway, just go out to the neighboring town, but don't want to go to the village of Berne by using a carriage. Well, it would cost you a lot of money to stay on the way. ''

"Oh, it's a baron's stomach. That's a free fare for some carriages. Can you believe it? I can ride it.

As an extra bonus, the accommodation beyond the village of Krause is also free if you just stay like a carriage. It is said that it costs money if you have a bath and meal and a private room, but it must still be fat. ''

"Hey, that's not going to cost you anything. If you have a lot of customers who just want to use it, the fare of two bundles and three sentences will be piled up and it will be a great amount."

Now that I have spoken so far, the young man came up with something. First of all, the Baron's territory could have that much financial power.

The next possibility is that the frontiers may have been promoting the land, including land ownership, in order to attract people to the territory beyond the countryside.

When new territories are created, there are differences depending on the environment, but it is a common topic to collect people and raise money first.

The Bern territory is also somewhat flashy, isn't it just doing it? If Bern collects and allocates funds here, the territory management will worsen at a stretch, but it is also a great opportunity for new gatherers like Baron to decide on a life reversal. is there.

"Even if a goblin is attacked, it's all over the world that no one survives without dying, and instead gets plenty of bounty, and it's no surprise that more people are considering migrating. I hope I can become it. ''

"That's what it sounds like. As a merchant aspiring person, how about your fingers being greatly stimulated?"

"Oh, absolutely. Why didn't you know this story earlier? I just want to beat myself up!"

"Well, it can't be helped. It was only in the early spring that the story of Almadia's daughter becoming Baron Bern began, and much more recently, she decided to take a bold and bold policy. It's been talked about since.

Nevertheless, she is the daughter of Almadia, a favorite of Princess Frau, and a hero of the victory at the Demon Festival. In addition, she says she's a beautiful woman who can't be considered a worldly person, and rumors spread like setting fire on a dry meadow.

It is said that the assistant was a young but skilled wizard who also participated with the lord at the contest. This is here, somehow it's a social connection with His Highness, and there's a lot of backing. ''

At this point, it was well-known to Ichii that Baron Bern and his aide were intimate with the next King of the Arkrest Kingdom and his sister.

This was not a story that the Doran and others intentionally spread, but rather a story that was spread around Galois by working on the governorate of Galois from Superior and Frau.

The abilities and loyalty of Christina and Doran as minions-in fact, the Spelions also know that they have little to no loyalty-are the two who have greatly bought the personal goodness. The royal family and the royal patrons secretly engaged in a secret effort to benefit the village of Bern in the ignorance of the Christinas.

"It's interesting to say that the Baron's lord has some sort of black rose in Lamia or Vampire!

If you have an elf or a beast, it's not surprising that there's a Lamia that's treated as a monster, but it's not a strange story because it's next to the forest of Ente. Some people are scared or weird, but personally I think it's interesting. ''

As for vampires, it was a very unfamiliar race in some parts of the Arkrest kingdom, but it is extremely rare that Lamia and flower spirits are involved in human reign.

Even in an elf society closely related to flowers and tree spirits, the story of the village of Bern can be said to be extremely unusual given that these spirits rarely speak.

Well, it is difficult or impossible for the following cases to occur because the spirit of the black rose, Diadora, serves the palace because most of his reasons are missed by Doran.

"If you're talking about arakune settlements and yarn trades, you're famous here, but lamia, vampires, and black rose spirits. It's an interesting story. It's just like this. First, get ready to go to the village of Bern! "

"Okay, I thought you would say that. But what are you going to do with your business? The village of Bern is overflowing like you do, and you can sell whatever you have. But if you want to do business for a long time, think about selling things. ''

"Gum, if the number of people increases, eat food and house. Food will eventually become self-sufficient in land reclamation, and if you don't choose the goods you will get bored.

But if it's wood, it's from the forest of Ente ... no, if you're dating over the wood elf's largest habitat, you're unlikely to cut it down. "

"It looks like you've decided what to bring, but I'm going there with some of my siblings."

"Are you a blacksmith?"

"Oh! It is said that farmers and weapons are ordering in the village of Bern right now.

They seem to order from the Keke studio outside, but when they are rooted in the locals, they can be crushed and the master remains here. Do it well.

I'm going to raise my flag in Bern Village! Hahahahahaha "

In the village of Bern, young people like today still dream of success. How many of them can realize the dream sight? It is not known until their death comes.

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