The barrier between Doran's unraveling deception and interception had a perfect effect on his brothers on the ground.

Inside the barrier, the promise from a young age, the increasing magical power of the crimson dragon Vage and the black scarlet dragon Zelgum, which compare the power, and the amount of heat that evaporates the surrounding lava zone do not leak to the outside at all, From the outside, it seems that the Vajés are talking peacefully.

However, since Doran decides that the effect of the barrier should only be passed on to his brothers on the ground, he may have perceived Bahamut, Voldage, Tetsushu.

I judge that if the compatriots on earth were to find Doran to be in the middle of the power of Vajé, they would reach the border of the wonderland, but Bahamut would think about Doran. There was grounds to think that it was there.

In front of Doran with his feet down on the red mountain skin, Vajé and Zelgham, also descending on the ground, are already facing each other, generating heat reaching 8,000 degrees Celsius from the whole body.

He is a childhood friend who has been around with his whole family, and while Vajé is full of fighting spirit and body, he has no lack of feelings of murderous and malice.

There was a strange calm in Vajé now, as Doran remembered his first meeting and thought that it was just the opposite of my time.

Vage's mind is unmistakable and cloudy. There was no hesitation or reluctance to do what I was doing like a polished mirror. I'm looking forward to playing with my childhood friend for the first time in a long time.

Sergas, on the other hand, was calm on the surface. He is sharpening his mind and nerves so that he does not miss the opportunity to unleash the magical power of the black scarlet dragon that filled his mind and body.

――But it's not calm in your heart, right?

Only Doran's eyes were able to see the slight mental fluctuations of Zelagum.

The emotions contained in the depths of the heart are irresistibly curtailed and tingle like a bruising and healing wound.

Yet, just as Vajje has no malice with Zermum, Zergam has no malice with Vajé. However, emotions that cannot be controlled by reason alone are banking in the youth dragon's chest.

It was a simple story in words, but it is also a problem that is so simple that it can only be settled by Sergas itself.

"Vage, Zelgum, and as a witness, if either side gets hurt, I'll stop you, because it's possible that you'll make mistakes in the last few minutes.

There are barriers so that there is no intervention from others. Do not worry about other things. And do you need something like a signal? "

"No, the dragon has taken care of ourselves and only has words of thanks. Well, yeah, Zell."

"Yes, as Vajé says, please forgive me for bothering you.

Can you please be afraid to give me a signal? ''

Before Zelgasm, Vajé's words, which call Doran a dragon, contain plenty of such gratitude. In addition to that, I feel the joy of being released from the tensions so far, and I can see that it is quite uplifting from the side.

With the release of pressure and tension, Vajé's innate militant temper was finally beginning to look into her face. As Doran, I think Vage should be like this.

"If you are not dissatisfied, it's best. Then we will launch a magical shell in the sky. When it pops, it's time to start comparing.

After confirming that Vaget and Sergas are together, Doran builds a white magic sphere on his right and launches it into the sky.

The magical cannon that was launched with a beeping sound bursts high above Doran's head and pops from the inside, and white mist-like light spreads in the blue sky.

Vage and Sergas moved exactly at the same signal. The sharpened nerves, without a moment's notice, were notified of the signal to start, and the next moment the interior of the barrier turned into a burning hell.

The enormous amount of heat emitted by the two upper fire dragons boils while watching the ground and rocks, turning into gas.

In an ordinary creature, the world burns down without leaving any charcoal as soon as you step inside the barrier.

In addition, the flame heat emitted by the ancient dragons Vajé affects not only physics but also spiritual beings, so even spirits and dead spirits are burned.

The flame that burns equally fills the heavens and the earth, without distinguishing between those who have flesh and those who are spirit.

Vajé wore a crimson flame as the race name, and Zergum also emitted a black scarlet flame from the whole body like a torrent.

The flow of the two colors of fire, reminiscent of a catastrophic event, collides at the midpoint between the two, creating a myriad of splashes of flames that are not abundant water splashes, pushing and retreating, and playing an antagonistic state of retreating and pushing.

"Well, Zergam is a pretty young man. Vajje is quite rigorous, but he is one of the three promising young generations of this star."

While Doran was impressed and watching the clashes, Vage and Sergas decided that the sighs of fire were nearly equal and decided to change the way of fighting.

"Hahahaha, Zell, I've become very good at handling fire after a while!"

"That's this line, Vajé. I thought I was getting stronger, but you're so strong."

Closing their mouths, Vajé and Sergas spread their giant wings and flew from the lava sea into a scaffold, generating strong winds. Instantly reaching speeds beyond the sound barrier, tearing through the flaming heat of the atmosphere, the two dragons engage in fierce flesh fights and flames in the air.

A single blow can kill large monsters and destroy any small fort or other building that can be destroyed instantly. .

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