After the graduation ceremony at Galois Magic Academy and after a goodbye to all of my close friends, I was visiting the Dean's office with three Serinas.

This is because he had been called in advance to appear after the graduation ceremony. From now on, I will deepen my relationship not only as a student but also as a good neighbor.

Considering that, it is the last day to be treated as a student, and when you think about it, there is something deeply emotional.

The dean headed us through the usual reception room, sitting face-to-face, and greeted us with an artificial expression with little change in emotions as usual.

What has long sent out many students as the head of the Magic Academy, how did he feel about today's graduation ceremony?

"It was a good graduation ceremony. It seems that Phenia met you and was calm and I can expect a leap forward."

If you look closely, the director looks a little laughing. Looking back now, it's been about a year, but it's a really rich relationship.

As the elder of the oldest and most precious bloodline in the forest of Ente, this dean is very dependable to be a good neighbor.

"At least, I'm convinced that the graduation ceremony has been, and has never been, a strong graduate.

Christina, a direct descendant of the hero who killed me, is a reincarnation of the old dragon Dragon, and Phenia, who has the Phoenix factor.

Especially with regard to the former two people including me, I can say that I can never say that it is impossible. It may have been a great burden for the director of the academy to know his identity and treat him as a student.

"That's right, you're right. I'm not sure what you are saying, but it's something different ... but it wasn't just the students who were the strong faces.

Selina was brought in as a familiar, then the vampire queen, Domina, who joined as a familiar, and a linet owned as a golem. Furthermore, you are also the trigger that Diadora, the people of the forest of Ente, came to Galois.

It was a year in which you and your students were the center of causality, and there were people who had never been possible before.

Especially if you, Christina, and Dolamina, only a small part of their true origins and abilities are known to the upper ranks of the kingdom, it is not a joke or a metaphor, and it is no wonder that the world situation is upside down. ''

My reincarnation has spread to the heavens, and now the gods are coming down to the earth at a reasonable frequency using me as a landmark.

I have told the dean of the situation to some extent, but not all, but in fact, Diadora was secretly taught that the dean was quite hurt his stomach and that he was bitter to the familiar face of Diadora. ing.

I've helped twice in the Ente no Mori crisis, but I'm sure the dean had more vivid memory that she was a more troublesome student.

"From now on, I'm going to go north, so I won't have to unnecessarily disturb the public."

I intended to lie without a lie, but the Dean shakes his head a little in a stiff manner. Apparently, the dean thinks it will not be so.

Oh, this is out of my mind. My eyes will now be on my hometown of Bern and the people who live there, with the exception of the dragon world of Alexander and Lenia, so I'm not going to be a typhoon to make a fuss ...

Then, not only the Dean, but also Serina, Domina, Diadora, and Lynette seemed to agree with the Dean with a bitter smile, though to a greater or lesser degree.

Apparently, in this place, I have been forced to stand alone. But why are the Serinas convinced that I will be in a fuss? After all, is it so far?

"Do the Serinas think I can't help making a fuss?"

"Because it's so far, it's easy to imagine Ente Yggdrasil being happily visited, given the fact that he's just back in the forest of Ente."

That's exactly what Selina says. The seedlings of the world tree from Ente have begun to grow slowly, and even if Ente does not come, it will be possible to project through the seedlings to reveal themselves.

"The presence of Ente in the village of Bern can be evidence of a close relationship with the forest of Ente, but it is rarely seen that the incarnation of the world tree is even more prominent. Is that going to happen? "

Among those who know me as an old dragon, Ente has a longing for him differently from Alexander, Renia, and Ryuyoshi, so he can't be treated in any way. .

Just because you have a friendship with the World Tree itself, you will need to tell the kingdom that you are not a good negotiator.

When I cross my arms and make a little annoyance, Diadora, a key figure in the Ente no Mori, who is talking about, laughs as if to make fun of me.

"Don't give up on Yggdrasil-sama. He has a very young and innocent heart. Pureness can be both good and bad, so you may struggle."

"It's not a hard time to be able to say it's a hard time. It's a pleasure to innocently admire me. "

"He's unbridled behaviour hasn't started yet, and we, the people of the forest of Ente, live in that wood, clinging to him, I'm not in a position. "

"Make humble speeches. Given the nature of Ente, if the people of the forest are gone, you will cry too much of loneliness. You and Ente are inseparable coexistence and co-prosperity."

"If you can say that, I can live with Ente-sama with confidence.

And from now on, it will be like that with your village of Bern.

Now, while Christina is appearing in the family of Al Madia, you are going to return to the village of Bern. Are you talking with the mayors there about your future plans? "

"Yeah. After Christina's talk of inauguration came, he rushed to build a mansion in the village.

We heard that he sent some soldiers from the Governor's Office to the village of Bern to increase their troops.

We are also recruiting civilians working under Christina, and as for military officers, we will promote Barran, the captain of the garrison in the village, and his aide, Marida, to knights and ask for command of troops.

And before we go to the village of Bern, we have to buy a lot of publicly compliant documents and spare sets of weapons. ''

"It doesn't seem haphazard. With a small number of soldiers, it's all you need to have everything you need in alchemy, but with more, you won't be able to say so soon.

It costs money if you place an order with an arsenal, etc., but that will widen the border, and if it is set up in Bern village, you will be able to raise the land strength of the territory. ''

The only place to stay is in the village of Bern alone, not to mention self-sufficiency, as well as the need for a production system that can supply munitions on its own in light of the conflict with the North.

This is the point that was noticed by Domina. However, the blacksmith's workshop in the village of Bern is now mainly dealing with agricultural tools and everyday tools, not swords or armor.

"I don't mind being a blacksmith in a job, so I'd like to start with the number, because ordering the necessary equipment as the force increases will lead to job creation.

If you have the same number of wizards, you will be able to enchant yourself with armor and armor, and you will be able to rely on it when fighting with the North.

The recent trend seems to be firearms, but this is still a luxury item, so it will be possible to reach out after a while. ''

"If guns were to play a major role in the battlefield, the battlefield would change completely. It seems that the heavenly people were using guns instead of swords and spears as main weapons. Regarding the weapons used by civilization, you, the old god dragon, were far more familiar than me. ''

"Yes, in any case, it was common in almost every stage of civilization that it was less harmful and more harmful to the opponent, farther than the opponent.

Spears over swords, arrows over spears, guns and magic over arrows. But beyond a certain level, science and magic usually did not differ much. Even the heavenly people have entered that stage, but it will still take centuries for today's civilization on earth to reach that point. ''

It was the civilization of the Seven Heroes who killed me that developed both magic and science to the best of my knowledge, but his weapons were swords, swords, and spears. It also received equipment and assistance derived from.

Christina's Dorado Note is not only magic, but also the most advanced technology at the time.

The dean seemed to have no objection to my opinion, but after a short time looking at me and Dramina's face, it was unusual and sighed in front of us.

"But just because you and Doramina are there, it doesn't make any sense to build the mighty powers of the demons. Even Serina, Diadora, and Lynette are inferior to you two, Is a strong person who can easily win against the opponent.

There's no shortage of worrying about the defense of the village of Bern, but fortunately Dolan and Christina are aware that, after you, you need to be prepared for enough strength. ''

"It's close to a dream story, but we want to make sure we don't have any war dead."

"It's irrelevant if you don't ask for the means, but you have to be grateful that you have the self-control to choose the means. But who do you want to thank yourself? What?

In any case, being present is synonymous with threats from other worlds and the Makai no longer being threats. I can't thank you enough for that. ''

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