At the same time Serina and many of the farewell students had left and returned to me, Fatima, Nell, Fenia, Christina, Renia and Irina had also turned to me.

Surrounding students and their parents are turning their eyes on curiosity to the scene where all the players who achieved the overwhelming victory at the race festival are gathered.

In particular, Christina has been officially notified that she will be Baron Bern in the spring, and there is a growing emphasis on the departure of her grandmother and daughter of the great nobleman Almadhia from home.

Since his grandfather had been the head of the northern settlement, the royal family could resume the frozen northern settlement, and the royal family and neighboring nobles and powerful merchants would be honest. Rumor has it that I have heard.

Christina wants to offer a marriage tale because she is one of the most noble pedigrees in Japan and her favorite and her beauty, and her ability to fight for one or two, not only among her students but also on a kingdom scale. There are many people who show movement.

To keep up with the movement of those people, Christina seemed a bit tired as she continued to do the tedious imitation of silence and occasional glances.

There is also a custom that juniors who yearn for graduates give one of the buttons of the uniform with thoughts, and Christina is handed buttons that can not be held with both hands and overflows from pockets I was too tired of them.

If favorably, but unilaterally, it would be unbearable even for a good Christina.

"Mr. Christina, what if I did that for now?"

I pointed to her shadow and made a suggestion to see Christina's misery.

Christina must have mastered the magic of shadow boxes, which I often use to store shadows as subspaces.

"It's wise to do that. Unlike Doran, I'm only a little box-sized, but it will fit."

"Christina is still not good at non-combat magic."

"I'm better than before, but I'm still working hard."

Christina, who boasts exceptional aptitude and learning speed when it comes to the kind of magic that enhances physical abilities, isn't very talented when it comes to the kind of magic that's useful during daily acts like shadow boxes.

Although Doradnaut could make up for it, Christina didn't like relying too much on tools.

Doradnaut acknowledges Christina completely as the Lord, so she seems to want her to use her tool as much as she wants, but it seems that Christina is not willing to give up.

"Christina, I don't care for such trivial things, if not myself."

The clear voice, like the sound of a bell, which can be heard by both boys and girls, is the Doradnaut that should have been kept in Christina's room.

Both Elspada and Dordnaut are away from Christina's waist, but for this sword, a legacy of ultra-prehistoric civilization, it's just a matter of connecting myths to those other than the Lord.

Isn't it truly ironic to say that my sword has penetrated my heart?

"Human, relying on tools easily for convenience is just going to ruin your roots. Unfortunately, I think I'm a savage. It is visible to continue.

If that happens, you will soon have someone who is not suitable for your use. I'm sorry to those who believe in me and grant your ownership. ''

"I conclude that Christina is not such a person, but if your Lord, the Lord, thinks so, there is no help for it. I will put up with this Dorad Note that I can not use it.

"Recently, I'm not shy on me. I wondered if there was more nyx. Will it be my familiar or weapon?"

"That means that you are a friendly and inseparable master from your servants."

Well, what do you say, Dorado Note and Christina, are building a broken relationship.

It seems that she is already a different person when she first encounters Doradnaught previously heard from Christina. Well, it's easier for Christina to get along with Doradnaut.

"If you go to the village of Bern, for bookkeeping or paperwork, I'm going to ask Dorado Note for help."

"It's not a bend to let me be a weapon, but if you say it's useful for your master, it's the best reward for this Dorad note."

"I'm going to say that I really do. I'll be short on staff for a while."

Well, for me working under Christina, is Dorad Note a weapon for my colleague and boss? It's a weird relationship, but it's going to be all that strange and unprecedented in the village of Bern.

The strange fact that Christina is talking to a long sword that is not in this place can make strange students around him strange, and no one in us can wonder.

Among them, Fenia, who spent a lot of time with Christina while I and the Serinas were on an empire pilgrimage, opened her mouth without hiding her eyes at the Dorado Note, who told her husband that she was crazy.

"Kristina, well, got a shrewd magical sword, but when she saw her pompoms and exchanged words as if to echo, she met her breath in a mock battle. I think we are building a good relationship as we work together. ''

"Thank you for your compliments, Phenia. After all, I was just simulating with you until Doran came back from the empire. I think it's good to have a little shopping or a study session. "

"Oh, we didn't have a tea ceremony with Fatima and others. It would have been nice to go to a theater or attend a poetry recital, but Christina was not good at that. You're coming. "

"Phenia has become very familiar with me. This is because of her growing up and her innate nature. If she's working, she's superficial, but if she's going with her friends, it's boring. I'm sorry because it'll be on my face. ''

"Well, it's the biggest harvest we've made in the last year that has made Christina so easy to tell him that he's a friend. The next crop is with Doran and Nernesia. It's a familiar thing. "

The ambience that she feels like she wants to take care of Christina, like when she first met her now, has disappeared, and her shoulder has no extra strength, and she is acting in a very natural state.

Phenia is a much more attractive woman than she met for the first time. It was a delightful thing for me to be pleased that she became close to her.

I decided to obey my heart and obediently confess my feelings. It is important to convey your thoughts in words, what time did you first learn in the previous life?

"It would be a later festival if I talked about it after I became so close, but if I knew there were people like Fennia and Nell, I would have hoped to enter Magic Academy sooner.

But that would have been a different shape for the encounter with Serina and Diadora, so that's a concern.

"Oh, honestly, Serina and Doramina are the best for Dolan. It's only natural that lovers are valued. There is no word" mo "in the complaint. .

But if Doran had been enrolled earlier, I think he might have won not only last year, but also two years ago, and even before that, and the Galois Magic Academy may have been honored for the third consecutive year of the Championship. I will not be missed. ''

Since I, Christina, and Fennia will surely win three, surely, as Fenia says, it would have been possible to win three consecutive victories at the Demon Festival.

"Even if I had enrolled earlier, I would still have wished for a graduation, so I would only have been able to fight side by side at the victory festival for only one year."

"Now, Doran is a very gentleman who is usually a gentleman, but she is not a couple when she happens to be. Even though she is very sweet with Serina and Doramina, this is the difference between her lover and those who are not. .

Dolan, despite the fact that both polygamy and polygamy are legally and morally recognized in our country, we are passionate about increasing new women, Don't neglect it. This is the heartfelt advice of Phenia. ''

The advice from Phenia has been sent by some people, albeit slightly differently.

It is a matter of course that people who have a feeling for multiple opposite sexes have a corresponding problem. With that in mind, I think that the mother of Ex, who has eight husbands, is a great man. I even thought of something that I couldn't ask for.

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