RWBY: Path of Blood

94 Chapter 86: I'sm here...

Before you start reading the chapter, I just want to apologize for disappearing on you guys again so suddenly. It's just life hasn't been cooperating with me lately. It's honestly been a struggle just to write this chapter. I don't know I kinda have not been in the mood to write lately and I understand that the update stability hasn't been really okay this past two months. I want to apologize for that.

To those who dropped this, I can't say I blame you. I would drop this too if the update was really slow and unsteady. To those who stuck around, First of all I'm sorry and thank you for waiting. Thank you for your understanding and enjoy the chapter.


Haruki was clearing out the Grimm in an astronomical pace. He was moving from point to point. Devouring every Grimm in sight.

Together with both Yushu and Kurenai, They made their way into the middle of town. As they were cutting through the Grimm, Haruki felt that everything feels so familiar somehow.

Deep on his own subconscious, he heard a familiar voice. At first, he was ignoring it, but it grew louder and louder as they went closer in the heart of the battle.

He furrowed his brows, 'There can't be three voices in my head now, can it? Ars wasn't talking, and gluttony was also silent. If it's not them, then who could it be?'

As he was contemplating who it was, the voice was slowly getting louder. He couldn't ignore it with his subconscious. It was like a whisper, yet he could hear it louder than anything in the area. Even the words Yushu and Kurenai were sending his way turned to deaf ears.

'Hey! I know you can hear me...

A familiar sight isn't it? The things that are assaulting your senses right now were the same as back then.'

Haruki tried to ignore it, As he looked around the entire area. But every time his sight falls towards the debris and the struggling huntsmen and huntresses, it reminded him of a place. A place he once called home.

The Battlefield.

'The faint aroma of smoke...'

'Lingering scent of gunpowder. Well... in this case dust powder. Hahahahahaha!'

'The looming feeling of death...'

'Such a familiar sight don't you think so? No matter where you go, it will always be there... Catching up to you.'

Haruki gripped his blade, he finally saw two familiar figures in the distance. He ran as fast as he could towards their direction. Yushu and Kurenai were surprised by the sudden burst of speed but they chose to just run after him instead of materializing beside him.

"Hey, Do you think our master is going to be alright?" Yushu looked towards her frowning sister.

"He has to be Because I don't know what else to do with this life. Besides, he has survived many battles such as this, We've seen how he always stood back up even though it's hopeless." Kurenai answered her sister as she cleaved the Grimm in half, that was running towards them.

"I just don't want our first master who could ever wield us to die... I don't want this kind of life to end...

Heh, Look at me talking about not wanting to disappear. I'm barely a day old and I'm already like this." Yushu stared at her own hands as she ran.

Kurenai smirked towards her sister's remark, "Hahahaha! You? Going soft?" Yushu just shrugged and approached their master.

Haruki, on the other hand, zipped through the Grimm that was blocking the way, He used Kusanagi to slice the Grimm in half, followed by Void Bats who devoured every Grimm in its wake.

As he approached the two figures he noticed that the Grimm couldn't even get near them. They were surrounded by White specters of Dead Grimm, that fought back against the Grimm.

"Hey, Em! Winter! Are you two alright?" He stared at the two of them, they were exhausted but there weren't any injuries. The two looked towards the direction of the voice that called out to them.

""Haru!"" They both dashed towards his direction. They both wrapped their arms around him.

Emerald was the first to speak, "You're okay! I'm glad." She said in an exhausted tone. Haruki brushed her hair with his left hand, "Sorry I'm a little late." She shook her head and just smiled.

Winter, on the other hand, wore a serious expression, "This can't be the work of Salem alone."

Haruki nodded his head, "She had help, And I bet you already know who they are."

Emeralds expression darkened, "But it's too early! I thought she would begin her attack on the date of the festival?"

Haruki shook his head, "I believe her plans haven't changed. She wants to prove to Ozpin that she's more powerful than he is.

This is more of an appetizer before she begins her assault. She wants to show Ozpin that she could tear down the city walls whenever she wanted."

Winter scowled, "At the cost of many innocent lives! How many have died already!? Hunters that fought this meaningless battle? Just because she wants to prove a point!? That's insane!!"

The two broke off their hug and looked at him straight in the eyes, "We have to stop this! Go now! We'll take care of this place!" Winter said, but she noticed two figures standing behind him. She raised her eyebrows but ignored it, there were more pressing issues at the moment.

Haruki then summoned echoing fury, He brought back an army of Grimm and soldiers that added to winter's summoned army.

"Stay safe you two!" He said as he darted into another direction.

Emerald sighed, "What a worrywart..."

'Heh, Pretend all you want nothing won't change.'

'It'll only be a matter of time before it's their turn.'

Haruki furrowed his brows, trying his best to ignore the voice. He moved towards a new place, searching for his women. He neared an area where it looked like a battle took place. The first thing he noticed was the metal beams that stabbed the ground all over the place, The metal spikes littered and spread across the area.

And Beyond those things was a crater, in the middle of it was Pyrrha. A few Grimm were surrounding her but Ren fended them off blowing them to bits.

He was exhausted himself, But Pyrrha wasn't that faring greatly either. Their battle with Eris exhausted the two of them. The two breathed heavily as Grimm was slowly cutting off their escape route.

Ren glared at the approaching enemies, "I'm not going to fall down now, not until I rescue my friends!"

He looked towards Pyrrha, "Let's do this!" Pyrrha gave Ren a brave smile, "Heh, come to think of it Ren, this is the first time to see you so energetic!"

He smiled in return, "I can't help it, my friends are in danger. And the only thing stopping these Grimm from making it through the innocent people's homes are us hunters."

"Well said!"

The surrounding Grimm was held down by Jet Black wolves and set ablaze by Haruki. He landed besides Pyrrha.

"Are you two okay? What happened here? Where's Jaune and Nora?"Haruki fired questions one after another. The two gripped their weapons and looked down on the ground as they answered his questions. Their expression was that of pain.

"It was Eris... She took the two of them, saying that she needs the two for something. We're okay, it's Jaune and Nora who needs saving." Ren answered. Pyrrha, on the other hand, was silent, she was frustrated. Is this going to repeat again? Where someone else has to do it for her?

She looked towards her beloved, biting her lips and tears were forming at the corner of her eyes. "Please save them..."

Haruki nodded no further words were required. She swallowed her pride to ask of him something she couldn't do.

'Nostalgic isn't it? Someone begging you for help but you only made it worse.'

'Drill this into your mind, you can't save anyone...'

He hugged Pyrrha before he went and kissed her forehead, "I'll take care of it I promise." Pyrrha nodded her head and leaned on his chest for a little while.

"Yushu, could you stay and help them?" He looked towards the girl who was checking her nails in the middle of battle.

She nodded her head, "Don't be reckless out there master..." And in a low voice she said, thinking that no one might hear her, "Please..."

Haruki smiled towards her, "Relax, take care of them for me will you? Emerald and Winter are both fighting off the Grimm in that direction, If you guys finish clearing this area go to that direction." They all nodded at his statement, he gave Pyrrha one last look before he went.

He dashed towards another direction along with Kurenai. He arrived near a place where the entire area was decimated. It looks like multiple explosion happened her. And Beyond the Rubble Two figures leaned on a nearby rock.

Haruki's pupils shrunk, he immediately went besides the two. He checked their condition, they both weren't in a critical condition. But if this went on they would be soon enough. He looked towards Neo, She was barely conscious and she stared at her beloved and said, "Hey you..." In a very weak voice before fainting.

Cinder on the other hand closed the wound on her shoulder with her flames, It was extremely painful. Yet she held on. The reason why they both weren't swarmed by the waves of Grimm was because of her. If she fainted now they both would be gone.

Haruki on the other hand was battling the voice in his head,

'A familiar sight isn't it? wasn't this also the very same line when you spoke to her covered in blood?

What do you think this is just some cosmic coincidence? or a joke?


This is what happens Haruki...

This is what happens when you act like you're in control.

Who's to blame for all this mess?

Ha! No one but you...

You don't belong with them.

Someone that brings upon pain and despair doesn't deserve them.'

Haruki gripped his head in pain, "Ars! Is there anyway to cure them?"

<<Affirmative, Use absolute domain to heal them. But, Since Humans here don't have things such as Mana, you would be using your Aura and blood essence that you have collected.

This won't cure their injury, but instead the domain would reject their damage. But since the World won't accept this and try to fix it by injuring them again. I would have to transfer their wounds to you and amplify it a thousand fold.>>

Haruki bellowed towards the Ars Magus to drown out the other voice in his head, "I don't care! Just do it!"

Haruki instantly cast absolute domain, "Reject!!" In the very same instant. Horrible pain assaulted his senses. He couldn't explain the feeling, but it did silence the voice in his head. In that mere Thirty seconds felt like an eternity to him.

His eyes went bloodshot, He gritted his teeth. It felt like his pores were widening and blood was slowly seeping out of it. His shoulder felt unbearable pain as if it was being seared by a flaming knife. Yet he withstood the pain, for them. For the fear of losing someone important to him once again.

He only had one thought in this ordeal. It was, 'Im not losing anyone to anything again!!!' It was his only reason to cling on, bearing the hellish pain.

After thirty seconds of endless pain invading his body Haruki finally sighed in relief. Panting in exhaustion he looked at the two of them. The two of them were breathing steady. Cinder has observed what happened the whole time, Gradually the pain subsided and she instantly felt better.

She furrowed her eyebrows and held her lover's face. She worriedly and wordlessly stared at him. In turn he just gave her a confident smile.

"It's fine darling, this is nothing." He said to her.

She was still worried but she put it all behind her head and pulled him close. She held his face between her chest. The sheer warmth of it made Haruki feel a little better.

"We'll be fine here... Go! Don't you have something else to do? But please don't be reckless like that again." She asked Haruki as she let go.

He nodded and cradled Neo on his arms. He stared at her beautiful face. He gave her a gentle smile. He looked towards Kurenai.

"I'll leave this place to you." He kissed both Neo and Cinder in the forehead.

'No matter how hard you try...

nothing would change a thing.

Now that we're all alone. Nothing could distract you anymore...

From you own thoughts!'

Haruki stopped in his tracks, His eyes opened wide. Only the void bats that were devouring Grimm and healing him we're the ones in motion.

'What? Do you think I'm someone else? I'm you! you stupid fuck!'

'Why do you think I know all about you!?'

'Why do you think I know that you would fail!?

I know that your efforts are all in vain, because it's inevitable! You can't alter the course of history! you've only made it worse!!'

"Shut the fuck up!!"

He gripped his head tight as the voices got louder, he screamed at the empty space.

[Get your shit together kid!!!]

"Gluttony? is that you?"

[Finally! I got through you. Don't listen to that voice, or as much as possible ignore the negative aura here.]

"What is Happening? It felt like my thoughts were the only thing I could hear."

[It only means one thing... They're here, the closer the sins are with each other the stronger the negative aura surrounds the place. The Desires and Doubts, the despair and agony. All of it coalesce into a one big pool of negative aura drowning the people and driving them mad.]

"Do you mean!? That all seven of you are here!?" He asked gluttony shocked by this revelation.

[No kid... If it was, then the effects would be far more worse. It is just probably the Two of them.]

Haruki raised his eyebrows, "Which ones?"

[The Worst of them, Greed and Pride.]

Haruki widened his eyes and gripped his blade, "What are they doing here? Could you tell their general direction?"

[Beats me kid, all I know is that they're here to gloat or that they have another agenda. It could also be both. And as much as I want to tell you to run on the opposite direction, you're a stubborn idiot, so I'll tell you where the most negative aura is surging.]

Gluttony paused, thinking to himself why he's helping the kid, and advising him to be careful. But in the end he told him where the two sins were located.

[To the middle of the City, I can feel their presence swirling on that direction.]

Haruki nodded and ran straight towards the eye of the storm. Gluttony Guided him to move where the exact place it was. As he neared he felt that the voices once more resurfaced. This time however he ignored all of it. He was glaring at the Sins direction.

"That's where Team RWBY landed! I hope they're safe."

When he reached his destination he saw All three of the known sinners. Eris, Aergia, and Touma along with the mysterious youth he just fought earlier.

Team RWBY were behind Glynda, and Ozpin was at the forefront blocking all the attacks that came their way.

He created a big spherical barrier that covered all of them. "What is your purpose in coming here!?" He shouted towards the sinners while resisting their torrent of attacks.

Eris just smiled towards Ozpin and she looked towards Touma who in turn, lifted up both Jaune and Nora.

"These two, well Aergia is done scanning them and taken enough blood so you can have these back." She said as she motioned Touma to toss the two kidnapped kids towards Ozpin.

"Oh and This too..." Eris vanished from when she stood, and when she reappeared she was holding an unconscious Sun Wukong. She also tossed the unconscious boy towards Ozpin's direction.

"Now that's all settled, let's move on to the next order of business.

We a- -"

Before she could finish Haruki came smashing down with warmonger, using lightning emperor and the element of surprise, He sent a slash that cleaved the ground creating a massive fissure in the middle. The sinners moved away when they sensed Haruki. All except for Aergia, Touma had to carry her around so she could avoid the incoming attack.

Eris on the other hand was smiling gleefully, "Hahahahah! I was wondering when you'll turn up." She looked at Haruki from top to bottom. She gave him a knowing smile, "You got even stronger..."

She kept clutching her blade, spinning it around. She was eyeing her prey, she couldn't wait to attack him. Luckily for Haruki, Pride is nearby, Eris wouldn't defy his orders.

She breathed deeply, steadying her stance, "Before I was so rudely interrupted, I was explaining what we're doing here. But it seems that time is up."

They could all hear a faint sound of flapping wings, but what accompanied it was a terrifying aura. It feels heavy and light at the same time, it was an unexplainable sensation. But their instincts were telling them to run. It was fear. A deep seated fear inherent in all being when they see a being far more stronger than them.

What descended from the sky was a White Winged Man. He was wearing a mask, yet they could feel the holiness behind it. He wore an ancient white Robe, But beneath it were chiseled muscles that were pulsating with pure power. His piercing golden eyes that observed the surrounding area felt as if they were being stared down by the greatest monster known to man.

They were so enamored staring at the mysterious man, they didn't notice the person he was holding by the neck. It was Qrow, He was bleeding everywhere. He has injuries everywhere.

He threw Qrow towards Ozpin's direction. Then his eyes moved towards Haruki's direction. "I see, So you're the new wielder..."

He appeared in front of Haruki in an instant. Haruki couldn't even react. It felt like he was frozen in place. Then, at the next second he was already sent tumbling towards Ozpin and the other's direction.

He couldn't even see what happened. The next thing he knew he was rolling on the ground and feelingterrible pain in his stomach.

He coughed out blood and glared at the winged man. The winged man just shrugged his shoulders and He stared at Ozpin's group.

"I know what it's like to lose, To feel so desperately that you're right yet to fail nonetheless.

It's frightening, turns the legs to jelly.

I ask you to what end,

Dread it.

Run from it.

Destiny arrives all the same.

And now it's here...

Or should I say,

I am..."


You're probably thinking, 'That's Thanos's monologue! You ripped it off!'

Well it felt fitting considering he's pride. And a little clue on who he is. He's not Thanos btw that's just stupid. Hope you enjoyed the 2 in 1 chapter.

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