RWBY: Path of Blood

93 Chapter 84: Most Unlikely Duo

The skies were bleak, Grey clouds covered the bright rays of the sun. Countless Grimm was rushing towards two figures in the middle of town and yet not a single one could even get near them.

It wouldn't be surprising The first one was a full blown winter maiden, while the other was a step away from being a full one.

Neo and Cinder stood side by side as they fended off the endless waves of Grimm that assaulted the city. "I don't like this one bit..." Cinder said.

(And you think I do?) Neo replied bitterly. Cinder sighed, "Of all the people to be stuck with it had to be you..." Neo shrugged her shoulders, (Cheer up old timer, you could go and side at the side I probably could do this myself.)

Cinder clicked her tongue as she ignored Neo's reply and looked towards the incoming threat. Cinder closed her fists tightly as she suppressed the enemies, Her mind drifted inside her own thoughts.

'Tsk* It's worse than I expected. I thought that Salem would hold off the attack for a little while. But it seems that this facade is over. Well it was fun while it lasted.

I was just supposed to ask him to go shopping with me so that I could cook him something for dinner, now it ended up with me and this brat fending of Grimm for our supposed assassination target...

Sigh* How the mighty have fallen.'

Neo on the other hand was observing Cinder, Her expression changed from worried, to pissed, to lovestruck... ('*Pffft* She's too old for that...') She thought. Then finally Cinder's expression went back to pissed.

"How many Grimm are there!? It's like scooping out a glass of water in the middle of the ocean!" Cinder bellowed. (You know you're not supposed to drink from saltwater right? It's like common sense...) Neo replied worriedly looking towards her companion.

Cinder's lips twitched as she glared towards Neo. Gritting her teeth she replied, "I know... It's a metaphor!!"Neo couldn't hold her laughter. It seems that Neo held a grudge from Cinder ordering her around. Since now her status is a little bit higher as of now, she can't help but tease her.

As the two were Arguing Loud Flapping noises passed through their ears. From a distance they could see a flock of massive nevermores swooped down on their direction, The two split up and ran on two different directions.

Neo ran straight upwards towards the huge building. She covered herself in a blue barrier that crackled with electricity. To shield her from the steel like feathers of the nevermore Grimm.

With footholds made of ice she climbed towards the top very quickly. She created multiple ice Spears that had lightning revolve around it. She waved her arms around and the ice Spears shot straight towards the Nevermore Grimm on her side.

After clearing the hostiles from the skies she jumped down from the building. She opened her umbrella to slow down her descent. She quickly landed below an unsuspecting Ursai Grimm. She folded her weapon and Drew the needle blade she hid on the handle. She stabbed the Grimm on its skull, quickly turning it into dust.

Grimm surrounded her from every side. She just smirked towards them and put her palms on the ground. Suddenly electricity shot forth from the ground. Her eyes were emanating blue flames. The surrounding area's temperature dropped. The lightning wrapped the Grimm like slithering snakes. Slowly tightening crushing their insides.

The Grimm were either burned to death or squeezed to their demise, it doesn't matter. They were slowly disappearing, what remained was a lone girl in the middle of the Carnage. Carelessly twirling her umbrella. Neo strutted towards Cinder's direction.

(Time to help the old hag.) She whispered.

Cinder on the other hand was rushing towards the flying Grimm. She jumped in the air and created Two Blades made of glass. She slashed towards the head of the first nevermore of the flock. She kicked it's corpse towards unsuspecting Grimm below, crushing them.

She cut through the grimm in the air, trying to mince them into pieces. And as she was falling she created a bow made of glass. She aimed towards the nevermores she just cut down. She fired multiple arrows aimed toward their heads. She flipped in the air and landed on her feet.

The flock of nevermore Grimm landed near a wave of beowolves. She just snapped her fingers and the arrows detonated creating a huge pillar fire on each arrow. Burning the Grimm alive. She walked towards Neo's direction not even looking back, with flames and explosions sounded behind her.

Neo saw Cinder from a distance, She was smirking towards her. (I defeated Grimm on my side 0.14 second faster.) She said as she put her arms on her waist confidently.

Cinder just scoffed towards her, "What are you talking about little girl? Did they not teach you how to read time? I was 0.014 second faster than you were."

Then suddenly a third voice was heard on the two's brief exchange. "Nahh...I think I'm faster." A Blue blade that glowed suddenly struck the two shattering them. The sound of glass breaking was heard.

The assailant raised her eyebrows wondering where opponent went. Yet retaining that crazy smile. She tilted her head and looked towards the two standing at a distance safe and sound.

Neo and Cinder were vigilant towards their new intruder, Once their attacker turned around they saw their opponents face. It was The Sinner of 'Sloth' Aergia.

"Hello! Maidens! It's me, The savior of mankind!" She said as she spread her arms wide. The blue blade she used slowly morphed and turned into a ball. It hovered into her side.

Neo raised eyebrows towards Aergia's fashion sense. She was wearing a Black punk shirt. And Her short skirt was a checkered gothic one with white frills. Covered by a long white lab coat.

"Long time no see, you crazy woman."

Aergia just laughed and ignored her remark, "I still haven't repaid you two from wrecking my favorite toys."

She raised her arm until it reached to her chest level. She opened her palms and spoke, "You two would suffer greatly, I'm not as soft as those useless dolls." The Blue Hovering ball slowly wrapped her arms and turned into a gauntlet. A huge metal one at that.

"Behold! My magic! My creation! A living weapon! Solitas, let's welcome these wenches!"

She disappeared from the place where she stood. Suddenly a fist slammed towards Neo's Blue barrier. It broke her shield instantly and sent her flying.

Neo flipped in the air and landed safely, but she was still surprised from the sheer power that blow Aergia threw at her. Then the weapon once more shifted into a blade. She crossed blades with Cinder. Aergia's strikes were clumsy, random, and had a lot of openings. It showed that she wasn't much of a swordsman.

Cinder easily cut Aergia in multiple places, In just a brief exchange of blows Aergia was on the defensive. "Solitas! Take the reigns!" She bellowed. Then they heard a mechanical voice. "Affirmative."

Then as if Aergia's pathetic display of swordsmanship didn't exist. She quickly turned from a child flailing a sword around into a master.

"Pull from Record 3: Eris." Aergia said.

"Affirmative." The weapon morphed once more into the shape of Eris's longsword. Aergia wasn't as fast nor as strong as Eris so she could only imitate her technique.

Neo quickly supported Cinder from afar. She was firing off icicles covered in lightning and spinning them like a drill to add power to it. Aergia just ignored it all and tanked through most of the damages. Her aura blocked most of the damage.

Magic suddenly surged from her free arm. A large purple magic circle appeared beneath Neo's Feet. Purple flames emerged from it, Neo quickly sprang on her feet to get away from the magic circle.

Aergia kicked Cinder on the chest, while cinder successfully stabbed Aergia in the chest.

They all gained distance from each other. Aergia pulled out the blade that was lodged in her chest.

"What is it with you people. Who the fuck do you think you are to get in the way of progress!?"

Neo furrowed her brows, (Mass Murder is progress? How?)

Aergia shook her head, "Unenlightened fools."

"Starting from now I'll show you why I'm called the Sinner of Sloth."


Sorry to end on a cliffhanger, but my battery is almost dead so... Here ya go.

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