RWBY: Path of Blood

60 Chapter 52: Back to normal...

The sound of the birds chirping, and the slightly warm breeze woke him up, he slowly opened his eyes... only to be assaulted by the bright shine of the sun.

It was as if telling him to wake up. He tried to move his body but he noticed that there were two people clinging on to him.

He sighed, how spoiled could these cuties be? He thought to himself as he chuckled.

But when he looked down... his eyeballs almost popped open, and sweat started pouring from his head and his back.

He immediately closed his eyes. After a few seconds he opened them again, but his fears were proven true...

He thought to himself as he quoted a famous philosopher, to distract him from his impending doom.

Life... cannot be calculated. That's the big mistake our civilization has made, We never accepted that randomness is not a mistake in the equation it -- IS PART OF THE EQUATION...

But So much of life, it seems to me, is determined by pure randomness.

*Fuuuuhh* He breathed deeply to calm himself down.

He peeked below and slightly opened the blanket once more as he stared at the woman laying next to him on his right side.

The girl was buck naked, She had silver white hair, her hair flowed down like snow falling from the sky. It was picturesque, it was like a beautiful painting of the winter season.

Her beautiful sleeping face, was as elegant as she was awake. Her body was beautiful Haruki couldn't help but stare, but he can't enjoy the view for the woman sleeping on his left was Neo.

He can't make any sudden moves, for when Neo wakes up, he's pretty sure he's dead.

He pondered calmly...

' Who's fucking calm dammit!! How the fuck is winter here!?'

He was pretty sure he didn't drink last night. And he's pretty fucking sure Neo was the only one who laid next to him on bed because it was her turn...

As much as he wanted to smoke for this unexpected victory he can't...

He looked down again, 'Shit she's still there!! I thought third time's the charm!? work with me here world!!'

His mind went into overdrive as he recalled the events of last night.

'It was dinner... after eating they told me to go buy ingredients... I could've materialized it all, but for some reason they were all smug about it and so I reluctantly went. I was thinking of materializing it outside but they wanted me to bring a receipt...

I went back and after restocking, we watched and slept like usual....


Haruki's smile was shaking, he was almost in tears... 'So where is the window there for me to make such a grand mistake like this?'

He checked his clothes and he was only on his underwear...

Help me out here gods!! Oh wait... goddamn it Salem!!! you made another reason for me to hate you!!!

Author-saaan!! retcon puriiizzuuu!!!!

Oh Sartre!!! In this case...the existence of my little brother precedes essence!!

He was clutching on straws as he pleaded. He was on full panic mode.

'Amitabha Buddha!!! Oh my lawd Jezus! any body!!!!'

He screamed into the void, but no one responded...


The sleeping girl couldn't take it anymore, she stopped feigning sleep, as she giggled at Haruki.

"Hehehehehe, Bad wolf... did you enjoy the view?"

The naked Winter slowly faded into a hazy blur as she was replaced by a fully clothed emerald.

Smirking like a child who has succeeded on her prank.

"Hehehehehe, you should've seen your face it was priceless."

Haruki on the other hand looked like his soul has already left him, He looked like he lost some of his life span because of this mischievous little lamb.

*Click* She took a picture of his shocked face with her scroll.

Emerald giggled as she wrapped her arms on Haruki and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Wakey wakey you sleepy heads. Breakfast is being cooked as we speak."

Emerald slowly stood up, giving another wink and sending her tongue out towards Haruki.

Sigh...This girl is getting naughty by the minute, she needs to be 'Punished' He grinned savagely, when he looked towards the other sleepy head, she was already awake. She has been observing Haruki for the past few minutes.

Neo smiled cutely, (You know ever since emerald got here, she's been smiling more and more. That just shows how much of an impact you've made towards our lives.)

She said as she clung towards him like a koala.

"Well all of you did the same, you made my days brighter... and probably the days after today and till the end" He said as he caressed Neo's face.

"Good morning my cute wifey, you look beautiful again today."

Neo turned red, she was used flirting around but being called wifey sent butterflies to her stomach. She liked hearing it.

"Hehehe, you too my dear husband." She said as she cutely buried her head on his neck.

"Alright let's go eat." He slowly stood up, while Neo was still clinging on to him. He smelled the faint aroma of bacon and eggs and pancakes. It stimulated his appetite.

Nothing beats good ol' American breakfast.

He made way towards the bathroom as they both freshened up.

As he arrived at the dinner table, Pyrrha and Emerald were already gorging themselves.

Pyrrha was preparing for her morning practice, while emerald was preparing for her gaming marathon.

Cinder had her back turned towards them as she hummed while cooking their share of the food.

Since there were no classes today, the girls were planning on doing whatever.

Neo climbed down from Haruki and sat on her seat. Emerald looked at him and winked at him cutely as she continued to browse The Net.

Pyrrha greeted Haruki with a weak smile, "Good morning baby." It seems that she still needed a bit more time to ponder. But that doesn't mean he can't make his baby girl feel a little better.

He picked her up and made her sit on his lap, She uttered a Yelp."Did I hear about my princess wanting to be spoiled?"

He hugged Pyrrha from behind, she immediately turned red as everyone was staring at the two of them.

"Uhm, everyone's watching..." She said as she lowered her head, embarrassed.

'Oh this cute girl!!!' He hugged Pyrrha tighter and whispered on her ears, "Nope... not letting you go my cute little princess."

He picked up a piece of bacon and he put it in his mouth, urging Pyrrha to come and eat it.

Pyrrha opened her eyes wide, Everyone on the other hand had expectant eyes.

Emerald banged he hand on the table repeatedly and chanted, "Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!"

Everyone followed suit. Pyrrha flared up in embarrassment. Haruki laughed as he went closer.

"C'mon! we've done more embarrassing stuff than this." He chuckled, Pyrrha pinched him on his legs as she embarrassedly ate the bacon from his mouth.

"Yaay!!" everyone cheered and looked towards Haruki with sparkling expectant eyes, He started to sweat hard, 'Oh my...'

It was a merry breakfast, after being spoon-fed by Haruki Pyrrha immediately went out to train. Mainly to hide her embarrassment but to also think.

Training gave her the focus to think and the isolation towards otherworldly thoughts calmed her down. It was her form of meditation.

Haruki looked towards her departing back.

Neo was looking at him, (So when are you two going to have a proper talk?)

Haruki sighed, "She needs a little more time to herself, what Ozpin said probably didn't bother her that much. It was what That homunculus girl two probably said...

She has to come to terms with this herself or else, she won't be able to improve her skills.

Not every enemy would be Grimm, not every enemy would be captured willingly, not every enemy has a choice to go and start a new.

Not every enemy... could walk away from a fight, She needs to come to terms with the fact that, Human opponents no matter how weak, are the hardest and trickiest opponents there is."

Everyone sighed, Each of them understood what He meant, they have all taken a life one way or another. Nobody could comfort her, because all their lives they've been conditioned to kill.

But it's okay now, at least they're trying they're best to live normally. They were given another chance by this man.

Haruki sat by the TV as he was contemplating on what to watch, like an old man living off his pension money... that was controlled by his wife...

He lazily sat back as he switched from channel to channel, "Damn, does remnant not have any good shows?"

Emerald and Neo on the other hand we're changing, Haruki stared at the two and wondered where these two would be going.

"Huh? where are you two going?"

Emerald looked at him as if she was staring at trash, "Gaming... Team RWBY invited us for some game tournament."

Haruki tilted his head, "How come I'm not invited?"

Neo smiled at him and responded, (Girls only...)

Haruki sighed and looked at Cinder, "So you're going too?"

She shook her head, "No... I have never even tried to play a game before, I'll only embarrass myself there."

Emerald wanted to teach Cinder how to play, Neo on the other hand was quite smug about it.

Cinder ignored Neo's smugness as she sighed towards emerald, "Go have fun you two."

Emerald nodded as she worriedly looked at Cinder, She gestured 'it's going to be fine so go~'

The two exited the room excitedly, it seemed that the game they were planning on playing was a new one.

"Are you really sure you don't want to join them?"

Haruki asked her.

"Why are you planning on inviting a girl while we're out?"

Haruki laughed in monotone...

"Ha ha ha... no... calm down." He said calmly.

Cinder laughed, "Kidding! I'll only get in the way of those kids having fun, I don't want to be someone who constantly asks how to do things, or what does this button do?"

Haruki nodded his head, but he was pinched by Cinder.

"You're supposed to refute that!"

Haruki held her hands as he grimaced in pain.

"Owowow! Yes I give!"

Cinder finally let go as she leaned her head on his shoulder. She told Haruki that she wanted to watch that show about the Doctor.

The two were immersed in the series, seeing as how he cures his patients and how cynical he was, gave cinder a laugh or two.

His shoulders wrapped around cinder, as she was hugging him and leaning on his chest as they snacked on popcorn.

"Remnant really needs these kind of shows..." She said as she nibbled on the snack.

Haruki laughed, "Well, not all the shows on my realm was good... but those bad movies or shows were watched so many times just watching to make fun of it is an entertainment on itself."

Cinder was skeptical, "Hah? how does that even work?"

Haruki smiled and just pulled her close, and whispered on her ears.

"Nevermind that! You know... it's just the two of us right now..." he said as he stared into her beautiful pair of eyes.

She smiled and brought his face closer and kissed him deeply. She bit him on the ear playfully and whispered, "You wanna play doctor?" She said seductively.

Haruki gulped and nodded his head.

"You wanna join me and explore the human B-O-D-Y?"

He ran her fingers on his chest, she lifted up his chin and blew air on his face.

Haruki smirked as she pulled her by the waist, "Oh doctor... it seems I have some kind of ailment only you could solve..."

Cinder raised her eyebrows as she smiled, "Really now? what a naughty boy you are then..."

Cinder went near Haruki's face and He did the same thing, he puckered up his lips. Trying to intercept those beautiful lips.


What he kissed was a book...

He stepped back as he tried to ascertain what just happened.

Cinder was giggling, She brought out a lot of books, she lifted them up using her dust manipulation. She smirked at Haruki.

"You naughty boy... what were you thinking was gonna happen?"

Haruki went straight to the point, "Netf*ix and Chill... I thought I booked two tickets straight to pound town..."

He got smacked in the head with a book.

"Hahahahaha, Not yet... How bout just helping me study?"

Haruki opened his eyes wide, "Huh? what do you mean?"

Cinder pointed at the books, they were all medical related, and some were other books about the fundamentals of science.

Haruki was utterly speechless. "What came over you so suddenly, that made you want to do this?"

Cinder gave Haruki a melancholic smile, "For so long I have yearned for power... I have chased for it for so long I have hurt so many people in the process, alienate the ones who showed affection towards me.

Now I want to repent for everything that I have done, my sins are heavy I know... But I wanted to know how to help... no... heal people of their wounds.

Look I know this won't decrease my sins or bring back everyone I have killed, but I wanted to help, like how you helped me. How you gave me a second chance... That's why I kept reading and reading even when everyone is asleep.

I wanted to give myself a second chance, to save instead of kill... Pursue knowledge instead of power. At that temple I now understood what it felt like to care once more. When those tiny little hands held on to me... I felt bliss. They... they felt safe on my arms...

What I felt when I had to say goodbye to them once more. The way that they looked at me... they didn't even blame me! they just wanted me to live a better life! and this time I'm going to do it...

Not just out of respect for those who have fallen, but to pave a road for those who are about to follow."

She smiled gently and continued.

"I want to be the light to others even when everything is so dark, just like what you are to me. My bright star..." She caressed Haruki's face.

Her tears were already flowing like a dam. She wanted to change for the better, she wanted a normal life. She knows she can't have that until she knows how to be normal, how to empathize with other people... and understanding... how they feel. She gave him a weak laugh.

"Hehehe, I wanted to become someone worthy to stand by your side... That's why I wanted to know how to heal... how to help people... I want to be a combat medic. Even if we move from battlefield to battlefield I would help anyone in need..."

She gave Haruki a self deprecating smile and continued.

"Hehehe, it's very childish Don't you think so Haru?"

She looked towards her lover, she wanted to see what his reaction was.

Haruki thought to himself, 'When did this girl become so cute?'

He hugged her close and kissed her in the forehead.

He gave her a really gentle smile. "Small minds can't comprehend big spirits. To be great you have to be willing to be mocked, hated and misunderstood. Stay strong... what you're doing is admirable...

Always remember when you get tired you cannot give up, even if you trip multiple times, I will always be there for you whenever you fall down, so Never give up...

I never once thought of your dreams as childish, you're a great woman...Hell, I keep thanking the heavens how I managed to snag a woman like you.

I'm here... no... we're all here to support you all the way...So keep your head up, because you're one step closer to that goal."

Tears welled up in Cinders eyes as she hugged Haruki tight, "Haru~~ I love you!!!"

He hugged her back gently, "And I You..."

Haruki wiped the tears from her eyes, and he continued to help her study until nightfall.

Everyone arrived at the Room, and they were about to dash towards Haruki, he gestured them to be silent.

He Lifted Cinder up and Laid her on the bed, Covered her with a blanket and kissed her on the forehead As she dozed off into Dreamland, With a dazzling smile.

He ushered the girls to go to the dining table to ask how their day has been.

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