RWBY: Path of Blood

59 Chapter 51: Come at me all at once.

Haruki and friends were taking the classes normally, The professors and instructors on the other hand were paying extra attention towards Haruki's team.

On combat classes, they were barely called. The instructors would push Pyrrha to show off her skills and shine.

They were told by Ozpin to give her extra attention.

This nevertheless bored Haruki, They were observed all day until the classes finish and even if they're planning on going out they would need Ozpins permission.

The others noticed this and asked them. "So, Haruki... I feel like they teachers are paying close attention towards you guys. Did something happen?" Ruby asked.

Haruki smiled, "Yeah... a little something happened when we were in vacation."

Blake frowned as she had heard rumors about what really happened on Vale, The one Grimm that Adam and Haruki fought came into her mind.

"Is it one of those talking Grimm again?" Weiss whispered, Haruki shakes his head as his expression darkened. Pyrrha on the other hand wasn't paying attention. She went straight back into her room.

Everyone stared at Haruki, andHe scratched his head. He wanted to clarify the things that are going on but, He stopped himself not yet...

They needed to get stronger first.

"I'm sorry guys, Pyrrha really needs to be alone right now, it's just there's a lot of things had happened these few days."

Everyone nodded, Weiss spoke up as she patted his shoulder. "Well, if something's bothering you we'll be here to help."

"We're a Pyrrha good pals after all!" Everyone slowly turned around and looked at Yang. Blake covered her face as she shook her head.

She was grinning, Haruki on the other hand was forcing himself to not laugh. Making him look kind of stupid.

"What I can't help it! It was laid out foamy!"

"Urgh!! Yang stoop!!" Ruby dragged her sister to the cafeteria.

They merrily ate They combined a few tables so all of them would fit, (Haru, Salem just sent us instructions to transport a batch of weapons towards the underground base of the white fang in two weeks. What are we going to do? Should we report to Ozpin?)

Haruki pondered, If he could take this chance to train Team RWBY.

'Fuck, the security is tight as hell right now, I don't think if this would be successful... Is she using this chance to test my loyalty? Damnit... Everything is happening too fast.'

He contacted Hazel for confirmation, all he got was to delay the security until Roman and Mercury to deliver the cargo.

After what happened a few days ago Haruki thought that Ozpin might not cooperate...

He wanted to train team RWBY to be strong enough to deal with this kind of missions.

After class, Haruki promptly reported to Ozpin, "They're moving a bunch of cargo in two weeks, If you're ever planning on stopping this I couldn't help you, since I'm stuck here on lockdown."

Ozpin narrowed his eyes, "Child... is this a threat?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I told you everything I know, Since I can't be the one stopping the cargo, you need to send some other squad."

Ozpin pondered, "Are you required to be there?"

"Yes, the queen herself required my presence."

"Fine... Just make sure nobody gets hurt, I can't send out Hunters right now... We're stretched thin as is... We need some form of defense."

Haruki nodded as he brought out a map, "Here is the place where we will be loading the train, we would be using the Vale underground subway to transport weapons."

He pointed towards the stops they're going to make to hide some of the weapons to be picked up by a courier later. "This is the most important thing" he pointed at the cargo. "If they detect at least one intruder they would immediately detonate the bombs."

Ozpin processed the information Haruki gave him, He now understood why those white fang were raiding factories.

If the detonate those bombs it could attract Grimm, and enter vale through the closed subway entrances...

"Is this information accurate?" He asked Haruki, he can't really trust him right now... He has 1 and a half maiden on his side. He didn't expect that he has been preparing for this. He smiled, not bad kid. He told Haruki to return and Keep him posted on the plans.

No matter what they need to maintain a partnership, they both need each other for the same end goal...

He was thinking, Haruki bid his farewells and left Ozpin to his own devices as he pondered the information he received.

He was observing Haruki as he went near the place where team RWBY were training. This Young man is more formidable than I expected. He felt that Haruki was sending him hints on what to do... 'Hehehe, what a cocky brat.'

Haruki was stretching His muscles as he entered the training room, He was observing the formations of Team RWBY.

'There's still a few things that they need to improve, but they're quite good...'

The four stopped as they looked at the person who just entered, "Huh? what are you doing here? I thought you're going to flirt with your team?"

Weiss said sarcastically...

Haruki smiled, "Hey, That's rude... I do train from time to time..."

Blake sighed, "Yes we know, the Spartan training only stopped when you were on vacation and when you're injured..."

Ruby then realized something as she covered her mouth. "Oh no! Are you planning on dragging us for more Running!?"

Haruki laughed but he shook his head, "No little red... I came here to spar."

Yang Grinned, "Oh yeah? I've been meaning to fight... so? pick your poison! Although it would be better if you picked me."

Haruki went towards the middle, he was surrounded by team RWBY. They were thinking that he would take them on. One by one.

But contrary to popular belief he just stood there, he closed his eyes.

Haruki, for the past few days has been trying to Talk to Both Gluttony and His Ars Magus, but they were giving no response.

They stopped speaking ever since the fight with the sinners...

He couldn't use Absolute domain or summon warmonger and Fenrir Fangs. The only thing he could summon was basic weapons and Mournful Vengeance.

He was at an extreme disadvantage towards the sins, so what he needs the most is time right now, and people that could stand up to the sins.

Haruki breathed, and smirked as he summoned Mournful Vengeance. "All of you... Come at me all at once."

Yang raised her eyebrows and grinned, As she glowed yellow and her eyes turned red. "Wow someone's very cocky..."

Weiss on the other hand was pissed, She wanted a proper duel. If Haruki is not going to take them seriously. Then that would be a huge insult towards their pride.

Blake was also wondering why He was doing this, "is this a joke? are you that confident!?"

Ruby on the other hand was silent. She nodded towards Haruki, she remembered how he fought that hulking Grimm, she knew she's no match for him alone, but if she wanted to show him her progress... She needs to do it as a leader, and as a team. She wants to tell him she could fight together with him and not be protected, that she's not a burden, that she's a friend he could leave his back to.

She then told her team, "Guys please... Haruki is serious... We need to calm down and fight as a team."

Haruki then nodded as he looked at them one by one and gave them a taunting smile.

Yang was the first one to move, She used her gauntlets to propel her towards him. She sent a punch towards him. She used her momentum to send a strong impact towards Haruki.


Haruki used the handle on his blade to stop Yang's strike.

"Cool your head off Goldilocks..." He gripped her hand and tossed Yang towards the approaching Blake.

"Oh cra- - " Yang passed through the Blake that was running towards Haruki and disappeared. She was already in the air. She wrapped her gambol shroud towards Ruby's scythe as they pulled each other close together.

Weiss created a Glyph to catch Yang and create a footing for her. So she could jump back into the fray.

Ruby engaged Haruki, she was spinning her scythe around methodically, Her body was completely focused, without the slightest strain.

Haruki only dodged her strikes without even intercepting them, He was studying her strikes. Blake tied his hand and pulled him to create an opening for Ruby.

Yang went charging once again, using wiess's glyphs to gain momentum.

Haruki smirked as he closed in on Ruby, He pulled down her hood and jumped upwards.

Yang couldn't stop her speed as she barreled towards Ruby sending them crashing towards the edge of the arena. Blake used her Doppelganger to dodge Yang's tackle.

She Exchanged blades with Haruki. Blake whose speed was boosted by the glyphs was still being led by Haruki's pace.

"Just like old times right?" He smiled towards Blake. But Blake ignored that remark as she concentrated real hard just to get at least one hit in. She wanted to show him how far she's grown after he left.

She kept using her semblance to distract Haruki, Weiss appeared behind Haruki. Weiss aimed for his legs, and sent multiple stabs.

His body slid naturally, without opposing the force of her strike. Weiss stepped forward aiming for his chest this time. Both Weiss and Blake pressured Haruki.

But then Haruki finally drew his blade, so far he has only been using the scabbard to parry. "Alright, you guys deserve an applause not ba- -"


Yang landed on the middle creating a crater. Weiss and Blake stepped back, But Haruki took on the full brunt of Yang's attack.

He was unscathed, but the ground beneath was cracked. His one hand caught Yang's strike, while the other was touching the ground.

"Tch, Not bad... I guess I now know why you're so confident..." She said as she stepped back and readied to attack once more.


Haruki bent his body as he dodged Ruby's hook strike. He backflipped towards Weiss direction, "Don't underestimate me!"

She created multiple white glyphs that surrounded Haruki, She dashed towards them and used those as stepping pads to launch her as she barraged Haruki with her attacks.

Haruki blocked her strikes and redirecting them away from him, On her final strike he caught her rapier and pulled myrtenaster away from her. He tossed Mournful vengeance towards her, and just as she was about to catch the blade panicking.

Haruki was already dashing towards her stabbing towards her. Blake pulled Weiss away from his attack, Yang appeared in front of Haruki as she sent a punch. Haruki stopped just enough to not her hit by the blast.

Yang didn't stop, she kept hitting him aiming for his vitals, Ruby swooped using her semblance to keep slashing towards him.

Weis awkwardly wielded his katana, she has experience in the sword but not that good. Haruki showed all of them how to weild the myrtenaster.

He riposted all of their strikes, like an elegant warrior, He left after images as he sent thrusts towards all of the directions.

A crimson Arc is drawn in the air as the silver light was repelled by Ruby. She was smirking, She finally read his attacks.

But Haruki didn't panic, He dashed towards Ruby. He leapt up and Ruby chased him while using her semblance. But As she did Haruki tossed the myrtenaster towards her direction.

She blocked, sending it flying and fired below to propel her forwards and reach Haruki. He held her Crimson Rose and Yanked it away from her. He kicked her towards the ground.

He landed near Blake, She used her semblance and distracted Haruki she wrapped the scythe with her chains. He pulled her towards the range of the scythe.

Bam!* She was sent flying.

He collided with Yang as she sent strikes towards Haruki, "Lesson number one: Don't let anyone take your weapons..." He kicked Yang away.

He picked Blake's weapon from the ground ashe spun crimson rose and tossed it towards Yang. He wrapped her arms with the chains and took Yang's gauntlets.

"Don't ever do that!!"Yang screamed as she recklessly charged towards Haruki. He tossed Blake's Gambol shroud, and wore her gauntlets.

Yang's fiery aura rose further as she dashed towards Haruki. She sent a punch towards his direction.

He parried all of her strikes and struck her on the vitals. She staggered a few steps but her power rose further.

Haruki picked up all their weapons as he used lightning form. "Catch!" He tossed all their weapons in the air."

Weiss came up behind him to slash at him, but he dodged sideways and sent a palm towards her abdomen.

Bam!* She was sent flying once more. Haruki's mournful vengeance spun in the air.

The other three dashed towards their weapons, Haruki caught his blade and the four of them dashed towards his direction.

He sheathed his blade, They charged towards him. He closed his eyes, as they were just about a meter away from him. It was the same move Pyrrha used against two but more polished.


A jet black flash passed through all of them, He stood in front of them his back facing them. His blade was already sheathed.

"Lesson Two: If your weapon is taken, make sure you have a back up plan."

Their aura flickered telling them that they have already lost.

Yang was stubborn though, she still charged towards Haruki, "Lesson three: Always be calm and read your opponents."

He blocked Yang's strike with one hand. He slammed her down on the ground after grabbing her hand.

"We already know all of these!!" Yang screamed.

'Fuck, I forgot about her semblance...'

She charged up all the damage she has received and channeled it on to her fist. She stood up and charged towards Haruki.


Haruki held her fist, He stood still but the ground behind him cracked, and blew dust everywhere.

"Alright this was quite fun... I hope you all learned something. So same time tomorrow?"

Yang stood up, "Wait! you can't just walk away after all that! and say same time tomorrow!!

And besides I can still fight!"

Haruki sighed, "Yeah... but your teammates can't keep up... be mindful of your team, although I'm pretty sure you guys already know this. But Yang you let your anger get the better of you. We could still continue tommorow you know..."

He helped all of them stand back up, "Calm down, you guys can take me on tomorrow, for like two weeks."

They all wondered what this is for, but they don't hate this kind of training.

With those words he walked away, as they looked towards his departing back. With complex feelings. They were beaten without having the chance to even retaliate, he even used their weapons better than them.

They all each had their own agenda for proving themselves to him, but most importantly... what they want is revenge...

The next time he would be beaten black and blue...

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