Eventually the sun climbed the silver ridge, and the creepy night was filled with lies.

The city, which had just just sunk black, was illuminated by the sun, making it glossy while wet and painted with snow.It's a nostalgic home for Wilfred and Catherine.Siel-Teira is also rich in stone, which, when processed a little magically, becomes insulating building material that can withstand the harsh winters of Siel-Teira.

The black stone city is common throughout Sierre-Teira.

The city where Wilfred lives is as complicated as a labyrinth as it can be... the king's capital, Teira Luare, seems to be better than the capital of the Great Five... but it's wide enough, but building construction is familiar in its infancy.

And the castle rising like a sword toward the high and clear sky looks beyond the sloped roof.

"This is a familiar castle....

Is this the capital of the King after all....? "

Wilfred walked carefully exploring the surrounding signs.

Something suspicious and evil is stupid and I don't feel any signs.Strange undead attackers are also vulnerable to the sun.

When I ran away from Admiral Sa, I ran around a rather complex city, but to that extent, I couldn't be an adventurer to forget the road.

When he came back to the area where we broke up last night, Wilfred found a group looking around.

Dear Dong Li!

"How are you?"

When Catherine called out, Winter Le and the Imperial soldiers at the store looked relieved.

But the number was about half the number it was when we broke up last night.

"The others....."

"I don't know. I want to believe it's okay."

"Well, Mr. Winter Lee. We met Yoshiza-san."

Oh, my God!

"Ha, yes, but that wasn't normal...."

Worried about how to explain such an event, Wilfred realized something strange at the time.

A group of Imperial soldiers are mixed with strange men.

He's about 40 years old and in good shape.He wears a thin hat on his short cut head and layers on several thin winter clothes that are unbearable for facing the winter of Siel-Teira.

A manual worker... no, a samurai.A man with a hard-working look, he looked exhausted and stood hiding among the soldiers.There were scars on his cheeks like scratches on the skin of the beast.

"... who's that?"

"Wait, wait, calm down. It looks safe now.Why don't we just calm down and sort this out? "

A flaming fireplace warms your body and mind.

The group illegally broke into the nearby house and decided to use the fireplace to warm themselves.

The firewood made by dismantling the costume hanger explodes irregularly.

"My name is Neil Marridge, and I was in town trading adventure groceries.

... oh, this city, but before it turned into such a strange scenery, it was a normal city. "

Sitting on the sofa like a sink, the man talks in a breathtaking tone.

His name was Neil, who was with the Winter Days.Not Sierre-Teira, but the inhabitants of the Republic of Falaia.

"We ran into him and were saved.

He knows how to survive in this city. "

"It's a coincidence... while I was lucky enough to survive, I just figured out how to stay alive in this city."

Neil has a head.

His tone seeped with helplessness and despair that he was not 'surviving' but 'postponing death'.

"Half a month ago... this city sank into a nightmare.

The city has completely changed and turned into a cursed city where evil spirits roam. "

"Evil Spirit....."

Hearing the word evil spirits, Wilfred felt his stomach fluids pouring up.

A bloody and screaming evil spirit is burning behind his eyelids.

One of the worst tragedies you can experience as an adventurer is the murder and undead of a face-to-face companion and being attacked and fought by it.

Yongsa was a shallow companion, but I still didn't want to see her like that.

"... we met Yoshiza-san.

But she looked terrible, turned evil... frenzied and tried to kill me.

I managed to escape into the gap that dazzled my eyes with light. "


The Imperial soldiers looked shocked.Some spoke small words of prayer.

"If they kill me, I'll be one of them.....

Most of the people who lived in the city of Tolha are now demons.

This spoiled city is too big, especially in the neighborhood, so I rarely encounter it..... "

Neil's finger scratches his cut head.

"What happened to this city?"

"I don't know... I don't know...

I've been looking for a way out, a way to call for help...

But I don't know anything. There are only a few survivors, and I don't know if they're still alive. "

"We seem to have disappointed him.He called out to us thinking that help was coming. "

"No, don't say that.I finally met someone outside.That was the only hope I had. "

He said so so that he could tell himself that he was restless.

In fact, it can be said that this situation has only led to an increase in the number of victims.

"The thing is, they come out at night.

They try to kill when they see someone alive.Whatever holy water you put in the store won't work against undead items.I've been running away. "

And all of them were silent. There was only the sound of the firewood exploding.

Everyone must have remembered the night of fear.And when the sun goes down, the same thing happens again.

Catherine opened her mouth in a thick, snowy silence.

"You said 'six months ago', didn't you, Marge?"

"Oh, yes, the city went crazy when I counted correctly."

"If this city had been deactivated for such a long time, the republic would have been in a mess....

As far as we know, that has not happened. "

"To the left.

It was also the day before yesterday that we contacted this city and obtained permission to fly.At least the transmission was alive by then. "

Neil turned into a psychopath.

It doesn't look like he's lying, but the situation contradicts his testimony.

"Perhaps time is accelerating in this different world.We may be spending a month or a year outside after a day. "

"... what are you saying? How could you do that?"

"I don't know, but if there was some kind of intent in the slippage in the flow of time..."

Catherine stares at the rising sun through the window.

No, the eyes saw something farther away.

"The purpose is not to detect any abnormalities.

To buy time to do something before outsiders can perceive and solve the anomaly of a city being swallowed by other worlds. "

Neil was small and breathed with a sound like something was stuck in her throat.

"Do you have any idea what's going on here?"

"I don't know... really nothing..."

Wilfred didn't miss his eyes swimming.

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