It's been a topic of discussion among friends at Applied Schools, but lately, at night, you can hear the sound of Orgol coming from somewhere.

My mother said she couldn't hear it, but I did.

Rumor has it that only girls can hear it, and some children say, "It's a magical organ played by fairies."I don't think so, but if it's true, it's romantic.I think it's very romantic and luxurious to sleep listening to the orgasms that fairies may be ringing from somewhere in the city.

Does anyone think it was the work of someone who shouldn't be making noise at night?

While listening to Orgol's tone, I remembered that the headmaster was banned from eating lunch outside the classroom.

The reason is that when you gather for lunch, your neighbors are annoyed by the noise of the conversation.But there were no complaints, and the teachers thought it was annoying.I can no longer talk to my senpai during lunch time.

Don't bother people.

But what bothers you varies from person to person.

If someone erases everything they think is a little nuisance from the city, I feel like there's nothing left in the city.

I want to ask adults.

Some people might think it's "noisy" or "annoying."

But maybe you can miss the Orgol.

If I see someone playing an organ in the middle of the night, can't I leave you alone?

Applied School Students (13)

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