The hallway was dazzlingly painted bright red.

Flowers and ceilings are regularly lined up everywhere with gorgeous patterns, separated from the left and right rooms by watermarked carved gratings.

There are those who walk in such long and wide corridors.

Leading the way is a young man in red and black clothes. Kanis Emperor and Dragon Abyss.

A few of the samurai behind it were senior officials of this country.

The Dragon Abyss was a small man in this group, but whoever saw it was so hectic that he could not think of such a thing, and he led the others.

"Apparently things should be seen not only in terms of medical welfare, but also in terms of military aspects.

… Star Ring "

"Ha. Assuming the disease was intentionally spread, the aim is to obstruct the Imperial Blue Army by risking the Principality of Cadenis with the disease.

It is believed to have the aim of making it more difficult to concentrate resources (resources) on the Principality of Cadennis by buying up potion materials beforehand and, more recently, integrating them into the Empire and propagating infections into politically unstable areas so as not to eliminate them. "

An elf dressed so perfectly in his official clothes that he couldn't find a fold answers that he knows everything just because he was called by name.

Strange diseases were spreading to the Canis Empire.

At first, in the occupied Duchy of Cadennis. Next, the infection spread naturally too quickly into the country.

The Canis Empire, long at the forefront of the battle against demons, naturally suspected this as a curse disease.

The prayers of the priests curb the epidemic.

Well, if the disease of the curse sent by the wicked gods is with their opponents, it's even worse.

If it is a conspiracy of the wicked, then people should work together to hit this... only now is that difficult. Because the relationship between the Holy Kingdom of Diletta, which should take the head, and the damaged Empire of Canis is in what can even be described as the worst state since the founding of the nation.

Originally, it was difficult to say that the relationship between the Canis Empire and the Holy Kingdom of Diletta was good, but the fact that the Empire acquired the 'walkway' of the mountain range and built a bridge headfort across the mountain made it instant.

of the Holy Kingdom of Diletta in this situation… i.e., it is difficult to fight the plague of the curse with the help of the 'Central Great Temple'.

I have not missed the 'Siel-Teira Exodus' for its weakness.

No, they threw it at the Empire in the first place off the path of the mountains, so I don't even know what they were thinking and moving so far from the beginning.

"I didn't expect them to miss Lugart.

... What's the status of the Blue Army?

"The infected are out, but the situation is controlled by sacred magic and potion.

Let's just make it harder to replenish. The locality naturally also has to control the infection if the personnel sending it from the rear do not have it.

The morale of the soldiers has also fallen. I'm asking you to turn a soldier who doesn't already have a "subordinate" on the front. "

"I leave that decision to you.

... Is it the devil or the magician who spreads the disease, or the demon who uses it? Can we deal with this in the Blue Army?


We will find and eliminate the culprit as soon as possible. "

Starring's response is calm.

No matter what the target is, the Blue Army will never take a back.

Even if it's a demon. There is no difference between the devil and God, and by human standards they are near immortality, but there is no way that they will cooperate with someone for free and indefinitely, and if they give him a painful beating, he will return to the moon all the time saying, 'I can't go out with you any more'. The fierce men of the Blue Army would do the job to that extent.

It's more of a hassle than a strong opponent to run away and hide, but even so, it's still a matter of time.

- Whatever you offered as a price to give the disease from the demon god, you should have been forced to spend a lot.

Let go of the same arrow twice. This one just needs to minimize the damage.

Dragon Abyss only sees things from the big picture.

Not even the Demon King's Army could do anything to sprinkle the plague unlimited.

The gods, whether holy or evil, are restrained from giving themselves grace, begging and responding, but for the most part demanding some consideration.

If this plague were contained without much success, "Princess Rose of Grievances" would instead be dressed to suffer losses.

"Let it be so.

… you keep the situation until the Blue Army does its job, noon light. "


Prepare isolation measures for infected people, regional isolation measures for areas of increased infection, and soap distribution for hygiene maintenance. The Hygiene Division, which works to stem the spread of infection in the waterfront areas, is also scheduled to be formed in a day or two.

We also ask the Alliance to increase the production of non-magic drugs "

A magnificent man humbly responds, with a lumpy body so much samurai than an elf-like and luxurious star ring.

It is the Prime Minister's lunchtime photograph, the head of the Imperial Administration.

"Fine. As soon as we turn down the culprit, we'll splurge the potion and control the plague in one breath."

"Ha. Alternative recipes for therapeutic potions have also been selected."

After the noon light, several senior officials specialising in medical administration followed, one of whom glanced at it while walking when he handed the documents to the noon light.

"In domestic production…"

"Not enough. That's roughly half of the goal. If you prolong it, it's even shorter."

In the name of 'humanitarian aid' or 'fighting demons', the idea of whether it could be done to Diletta plundered the head of the Dragon Abyss.

Because the Kanis Empire would still hurt Diletta's prestige to abandon the people of the occupied Duchy of Kadenis.

In the end, however, it would delay the process for some reason by merely expressing its support. I'm going to use the people of Kennis for a card pressing for diplomatic concessions to the hostages.

The future seemed clear to Dragon Abyss to hold.

"... then let's just say the rest will talk to Faraiah"

"Ha. I'll let Russa rush the arrangements"

"It's a halfway around the continent… it takes time and money, but I can't help it"

If you're buying from the Republic of Faraiya, you can transport it on the latest high-speed ship. It takes time because the distance is a distance, but this was still faster enough to carry it by road from a half-distance country.

Even buying from the private sector will require diplomacy, but Faraiah and Kennis are not in the mood to compete directly so far and the relationship is relatively good.

- as being transported on a demonized motor ship or demonized high-speed ship... roughly two months, including arrangements? It's still sooner than waiting for the harvest season for Fukuretsuyuksa. Either way, if you want to insure it, you have to buy it here.

Until then, I don't mind a small amount at a time, so I'll buy it nearby and use it as a gesture...

"Is it not in battle that we can just exchange dried goats?"

"My lord... are you enjoying yourself?


Dragon Abyss did not particularly deny the words of the rings, which also appeared slightly frightened.

- Not yet, the race is in the rest of your hands.

You don't think you can win this, do you? What will you do next, "Princess Rose of Grievances"?

The vase flowers that were placed in the hallway disturbed me.

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