Then in another month or so, the Imperial Blue Army failed half of the positions it had built inside the Great Forest of Gazenfall.

But I wasn't sitting on this, and the Blue Army, which will lose its bridgehead to the woods, expands its remaining positions. He also sent in troops who had refrained further out of the woods to consolidate his protection.

At the same time, the Blue Army has also decided to reinforce the Great Forest Attack Unit. The Allied forces of demons and elves rested their temporarily attackers against the Blue Army, which endured until the arrival of reinforcements, and the war situation fell into an adhesive state.

But on the back of it another attack had started at some point.

The series of events began, abruptly, where certain medicinal raw materials could be bought up.

The herb that becomes' Fukuretsuyuksa 'is a grass with adorable red and white flowers that grows up accumulating juice in the sections of the verse swollen like balloons. It is a medicinal herb that begins its harvest season in the autumn, when it comes time to extract only the juice (also known as' phosphorus' in empires and elsewhere) and store it in barrels, then use it for a year.

This is used for multiple potion formulation recipes. They are all mainly used to treat diseases.

In the Kanis Empire, where the activity of the Temple forces is dull, there are more opportunities for those above the middle class to speak potions for the treatment of disease than in other powers. Harvested in the fall, Fukuretsuyuksa becomes an ingredient for potions that increase demand in the winter.

Poor-quality diseases were prevalent throughout the Empire this winter, and even the Lymine stock was just less marketable than usual.

That, moreover, was bought with a momentum that could be described as rooting.

It was not the specific merchants and chambers of commerce that made the purchase, but the five chambers of commerce of the two eastern coastal countries of the continent, also close to the borders of the Kanis Empire.

All in all, the imperial side had sniffed out that they had smuggling routes against imperially controlled areas at a Chamber of Commerce rumored to be a little dangerous for money.

But what they did at this time was a regular...... on the contrary, a decent buy in the momentum that it doesn't matter where they paid somewhat higher money, and the purchased phosphine stock was carried to the canal and south of the coastal route.

Almost the same time, on the south side of the Great Forest of Gazenfall.

Rumors began to circulate in the Kingdom of Lugart that 'the plague is endemic'.

And instead of the potion ingredients, the potion that we have now, even the non-magic medicine, became thin, and the price began to rise.

This also flew into the northern neighborhood of Lugart, the Duchy of Cadennis, under the feet of the Gaisenfall Great Forest Attack Force. A merchant from Lugart bought the medicine. There were also signs that the price increase and sell-off of domestic merchants multiplied by thin goods would begin.

The three countries around the Great Forest of Gazenfall are countries that have been building a de facto community for a long time, although they would not allow an empire if it were normal, such as commercial deals between the occupied areas (Cadenis) and the hostile countries (Lugart). "Pipe" exists in many ways, and the Imperial Blue Army has yet to grasp and control it.

The Imperial Blue Army, which is causing many spies to infiltrate Lugart, immediately looked into the rumors of the plague.

Because even if only rumors were spreading, there was no such thing as the plague actually spread.

A panic by Dema or another economic conspiracy by a mountain master merchant aimed at making money.

Imperial authorities grabbed that the destination of the purchased Lymine stock solution was the Kingdom of Lugart.

The Imperial Blue Army grabbed that the source of the pestilence rumors was multiple lords and merchants in the Kingdom of Lugart and that they might have come into contact with demons named the Siel-Teira diaspora.

It was just about that time.

In the Duchy of Cadenis, the plague really began to spread.

Oddly enough, there are rats.

The cats of the Duchy of Cadennis must have been the first to notice that.

The infectious disease, which is uncertain where it came from, initially struck the lowest people of the Duchy of Cadennis at the aim (...) I (...) I (...) and (...) I (...).

Those who cannot afford hygiene, are malnourished and have lost their resistance, and have no money to buy medicine, no money for doctors, no money to stop at the temple to perform God's miracles, like sniper archer (sniper) arrows.

A beggar irritated by high fever, but still walks through the city to get daily food, and eventually dies under the bridge all over revulsion. Rats and crows devoured the carcasses, which were black and rotten in limbs.

Eventually, the number of people falling ill, regardless of social class, begins to increase, the medicines that were thin are paid off, and the priests are busily killed by prayer for the dispersal of the disease.

By the time the Governor-General's Office of the Kanis Empire recognized the need for measures, the infection was already spreading throughout the country.

The administration was confused because it was still in a period of transition to occupied rule, which was bad in between, and it was not in a situation where effective measures could be struck.

It seems that some of the medicines bought by Lugart will come back for more than double the price when they are bought.

Even that is narrowed down in numbers and not enough. Stockpiling up for imperial bureaucrats and blue soldiers is a priority and does not turn to the city well.

Someone even flew across unknown information of the truth and falsehood that they were selling drugs on the dark route on condition that they did not cooperate with the Imperial Blue Army.

The Duchy of Cadennis had begun to be swallowed up by a vortex of black confusion.

A supply unit that delivered munitions to the Great Forest Attack Force loaded the space where the load was unloaded with soldiers who got their vacations and were heading north.

"Look at this."

A soldier in a swinging carriage, sitting in a proper cushion, sitting on his back with his luggage and reading a newspaper, shows the soldiers riding fantastic headlines.

Surrounded by personal belongings, equipment, etc., soldiers gather who were eager to spare their time. They were loose because they were in the process of being relieved of their duties and going back.

"Signs of a plague epidemic in Cadennis"?

"This is a local paper?

He came to camp this morning to sell it.

The Kanis Empire has swallowed the surrounding countries one after the other, but even if they are incorporated in part into the Empire as a nation, it is difficult to get rid of the classification altogether until the actions of the private sector.

Newspapers formerly territorial to one small country, even when incorporated into the empire, were licensed and remained local papers specialized in local and peripheral events (i.e., of much the same content as before).

The "Kamlhaan Daily" he had in his hands was a newspaper published in the former Kamlhaan region, next to the north of the Duchy of Kadenis and now part of the Empire.

The paper described the symptoms of the disease with horrific illustrations, and also wrote about the increase in the number of infected people and the lack of medication in the Principality of Cadennis, as well as the comments of discerners who suspected the involvement of the "Princess Rose of Grievance Prison" who appeared in the Great Forest of Gazenfall... The plague is supposedly a scourge created by evil gods and directed against people, and it is not a mistake (although mostly wet clothes) to doubt the demons and demons' leaps during epidemics.

"It's an easy disease for people to die, isn't it?

"Oh... that was close to danger. I got a good time off. Really."

"I don't know. By the time we get back from vacation, it'll be too bad."

"Then I'll ask for a new placement. The front line should be left to the 'second-class subjects'"

"Must be."

The soldiers laugh like they despise something.

They are all born and raised in the capacity of the Kanis Empire, but the people of the newly conquered and taken into the Empire are treated one step down until they obtain the 'subordination' by their work. So did conscripts to the army.

It was the role of the 'second-class subjects' to do dangerous work on the front lines.

If the plague epidemic seems to spread further in the future, the Great Forest Attack Unit will have more soldiers of the 'Second Class'.

"There will be medicine for us. Anyway."

But I don't know what's gonna happen if you pull it off.

"Only the army can't be safe, if the plague spreads beneath your feet, people won't move even if you sprinkle money"

"Whoa. Intelligence doesn't say the same thing."

"Well, if my country sends me medicine, I'll be able to purify every little country like Cadennis"

No, the soldiers argue as they please.

All in all, they are other personnel.

We had the optimism that we would stay in the safe zone and be protected no matter what.

That guess is probably correct, but at least it wasn't other HR.

I have glowing eyes in the dim corner of the carriage.

A rat wearing a chock and a military hat sat in the narrow of his luggage in an arm-wrapped, smelly pose, whispering his ears at people's stories.

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