Whether it's a tablecloth, a cloth to wipe your hands or a ripped apron.

Anyway, he put a cloth on the wound and tied it tight, and Miaranze applied a first aid to Rene.

I don't know how effective the usual first aid would be in this space, though it makes sense in a normal way.

"Wow, I... am I going to die...?

Rene's breathing, laid on a curtain with a thousand cuts, is bitter.

The wrapped torso is seeping blood over the impromptu bandage.

"... don't die, I won't. Never......!

Gently stroking Rene's forehead, sweaty with heat, Mialanze rises.

In fact Rene should already be dead, but that's why I don't think it's a good idea to leave the status quo alone.

- That's crazy! What was that...? This space locked us in with a strange trick, but didn't do anything that directly hurt us. Why, suddenly...

It's only intuition, but Mialanze thought something was wrong. It's nothing like what the Mialanses have been doing to date.

Number one, if you can do that, you should be doing it from the beginning. Why now?

"Rene. I'll come looking for the exit. We have to get out there as soon as possible."

"... don't go..."

Hand held back, stared at with moist silver eyes, Mialanze even remembers her guilt.

That would be best if I could take him, but inadvertently moving him is a wound that seems better to stop. Now we have to leave Rene here to explore the situation.

"Please tell me. In me...... I can't heal that wound. I need to call a doctor who can handle this as soon as possible.

I'll come looking for a way out. I will, I will return. "

Holding Rene's hand tightly, Miaranze popped out of the cooking area early enough.

Then there was something like a distorted tunnel ahead.


The hallway was crazy.

It becomes more of a cylindrical space than a square, and both carpeted floors and wallpapered walls like coal are distorted like the scenery you see when you get drunk.

Tans and cupboards floated in the air as if they had been mutilated by something.

- The world is... broken!?

Looking back, the hallway behind was a squared space that was howlingly common sense.

Only the front of Mialanze is going crazy in a straight line.

And from the tip of the distorted space, the light was shining slightly.

- Rather than say it's broken... it's broken?

Something is happening that is even out of this' hiding place 'law...

Mialanze hesitated for a moment to go towards the odd space. Because we are certain that there is only something strange going on ahead.

But suppose you have a clue to get out of this otherness...

I can't stop and wait.

Mialanze ran out.

Running through strange textured corridors like even wool stepping on, diving under a flying playboard with holes jumping into the playroom from an empty wall, screwing and sliding through the gap in the twisted keyed door.

Running through the chandelier's fallen dance hall, a brilliantly strong light was also slipping through the hole in the wall.

Beyond that, far away, there's a voice that sounds like someone is talking in...

At the foot of the Great Spirit Tree, in the sinus, a sacred ritual, there were always so many elves packed.

It existed at the root of a tree so huge that it was distracting that it was a domed, semi-ground vast space.

The walls, floors and ceilings are all made of intricately intertwined roots of the Great Spirit Tree, surrounded by blue and white light.

The altar set in its center...... was kicked in and something like a thick root stretching out of the floor and ceiling was tied together in the air to hold something in.

Like a spider yarn wrapped around prey, it tied something up in the air like a red and black gem bigger than a bear.

It also looks like a giant and disastrous gem. This was the gateway to the other world.

A place where fathers would sleep quietly, returned to the woods if they were meant to be. The 'sanctuary' exists overlapping the Great Forest of Gausenfall.

But now, it served as a cage to capture the "Princess Rose of Grievances".

The gates to the otherworlds were stained with a disastrous colour, even as a sign of the presence of mighty evil within, and were now materialized, even though they should not normally be able to see or touch them.

It is sealed by the power of the Great Spirit Tree to prevent what is inside from overflowing.

From the crevices of the crawl that tied up the gates to the otherworlds, swords, spears and arrows were protruding against the gates.

It was just a beautifully decorated weapon due to its skill beyond intelligence, but it faded rapidly, eventually crushing and becoming sand, and spreading.

"Or the gift of God and our treasure..."

Gival Magza is stunned to see the sight.

Every weapon protruded is a weapon given by the gods more than in the war 400 years ago. The warriors of the tribe fought bravely with that weapon in their hands and drove away hundreds of millions of demonic armies.

Afterwards, it was never used for a long time, but the weapon of gift was a symbol of the tribe.

That was too broken.

"I guess the power of the dwelling was diminished by the terrible use of it in the former war and the passage of even longer time.

But no problem. Well done. The evil weapon certainly did its part. "

Cruz Salina, who was watching the sight, said quietly, not looking at all heartbroken.

No, I can tell just by the signs that it's not Cruz Salina anymore.

Witches sometimes bring down the spirits of their fathers during rituals. But this is like going one step further and turning your body completely into a puppet.

That is, the will of the great paternal spirit itself was manipulating Cruz Salina.

The long green hair of Cruz Salina, and the eyes that should have been green, dwelt in a divinely glorious sun-like light. When seen to shrug with its eyes, it instinctively made me feel that I was facing something so mighty that it was difficult to understand, and Gibarmagza had feelings closer to fear than awe.

"Did you..." Princess Rose of Grief "..."


Denied a word that was only meant to be confirmed, Gibarmagza doubted his ears.

The elders and the elite warriors who solidify their surroundings.


"Enough as a stepping stone, it caused great wounds, but the" Princess Rose of Grievances "has not yet perished. It wasn't enough miracle power. The miracle given by the Evil God to the" Princess Rose of Grief "was stronger than the miracle given by you gods...

But don't worry. There will also be those who aspire to wickedness in the Kanis Empire, and who possess more miracles than we do.

For them too, "Princess Rose of Grievances" is an enemy. It's with their help. If you do, you will destroy the silver stars of evil. "

Everyone on the spot was flabbergasted because the prodigal Cruz Salina said so.

"Then, the story is different......! Didn't you take away that power by arguing" Princess Rose of Grief "and use it as food to protect the forest!?

"That's very difficult with my (...) chi (...) power. But if you hadn't, you wouldn't have cooperated with me.

The bad news is you. Because I didn't try to hear my words. "

Without any evil, Cruz Salina speaks out.

She told me that defeating the "Princess Rose of Grievances" would benefit her, and she made me bring out the treasures of the tribe.

But it was a big lie.

"We can no longer turn back. The sanctuary is still subject to outside interference...... one day the" Princess Rose of Grievances "will be out of the sanctuary. At that time, that anger will be upon us and upon you.

Impossible to join hands with the wicked. There is nothing better than to take hands with the Empire and annihilate Princess Rose of Grief. "

"So what happens to the forest! If you let them step in even one step, the Empire will take them away from you......!

"What is important now is to destroy the evil gods who exchange revenge in this world. Isn't there something about who owns a forest?"

Out of no-one, a screaming voice rises that draws.

I realized I made irrevocable mistakes.

- Is this to say that something like this is really the whole will of the fathers......!?

Jibal Magza also stared at the head of the witch with a clear face that erased all emotions, supporting her glitzy underfoot.

Where do you want me to go if I lose this forest? I can't live properly.

Protecting the forest, protecting the tribe, it should have been supreme.

And yet Cruz Salina... the soul that dwelt in her said it as if it didn't matter.

Gibarmagza thought that it was only by questioning the judgment of his fathers that they could not go wrong with their love of the woods and tribes. For they are, at any rate, former members of the tribe.

But. But......

Out of the way, there was a frightening sound, and Zibal Magza looked up at the gates of the other world.

There was a red gate in the grotesque, tangled in thick crawl, pulsating.

Shortly afterwards, when I wondered if light had appeared around me, the presence of a human form formed by white light appeared in sufficient numbers to fill the outer edge of the great cavity. In their hands they carried bows of light as if they were integral with their bodies.

"The 'reflection'...?

"Take your weapons, warriors! An evil man is about to escape the wounds of the sanctuary!

The sanctuary has also been damaged by earlier attacks. We can't fix it in time. "

It was when Cruz Salina flew away and the warriors set up their weapons, surprised at what was going on.

Something black fell, like a beast to be laid down, sliding out of the midst of intertwined spreads.

In this space full of clean light, the woman was heterogeneous.

White and black service clothes used by humans. It is the triangular black ears that protrude from the lustrous hair with a fur-like texture. Bloodless, pale skin and contrast, eyes that glow red like blood burn in anger.

Her evil signs of spreading the wings of the dermis precipitate a space that was purified and quiet.


She rounded her back and raised her voice of intimidation like a cat.

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