The noise of the blast of water was echoing in the vast stone cellar.

Water erupting from the vicinity of the ceiling flows down the stone walls like waterfalls and through the waterways around the room, flowing away into unknown places.

In a room with an atmosphere like a groundwater facility, three insanely large scale-like schemes were installed side by side.

A two-stranded, three-stranded pipe sticking out of the ceiling is aiming at the balance receptacle.

While holding the floor switch, which was the size of one person, at his own weight, Rene observed the balancing scheme and gave loud instructions not to lose the sound of the water flow.

"Mr. Miaranze, at the end of the day, it's a lever to keep to the right! If you move that, the right ten-bin and the middle ten-bin will be filled with water and connected to it all!

"Is this it!?

Beneath Rene's feet is a switch that activates all the tricks.

Neither mechanism nor rationality was as if Mialanze knew, but the trick of water flowing through the balance wouldn't work without stepping on that one.

Miaranze, who operates the scheme in a small room full of levers next to a large scale room, did not know how the scale looked and relied on René's instructions.

In other words, it's an absurd dungeon gimmick where those who give instructions while continuing to step on the switch and those who operate the trick work together to solve it.

When Mialanze lowered the lever, she heard a large amount of water coming down from the balance room, and then the sound of the lock coming off rang at a different magnitude that Mialanze could also hear.

"It's time!

"Is the door open... now you can move on"

The plates of the three scales lined horizontally and the door opened to move on.

"Nevertheless, what the hell is this odd trick...

Is it your hobby or the work of the Elves? "

Mialanze feels something unintelligible about this situation.

From now on, the bard has solved a dungeon gimmick like the adventurer's adventure Tan, solved a riddle in the hall room and searched for a key to move on.

Fortunately, there's no way a dangerous trap with the ability to kill or a keeper attached to a dungeon can strike.

But even if the Elf Forest were to hide it, I didn't feel that I could flatter such an artificial and human building.

Maybe it's the product of what Evelis calls an 'interrupt process'.

I don't know how long I can make you do this, but for one thing, I just have to push along believing that there's an exit ahead where I went about solving the gimmick and the trick.

At the end of the newly opened door was a narrow ascending staircase.

A magic light is installed for the luxury of being in a place like this.

The climb was preceded by a room equipped with a large cooking table and a number of cubes.

"Oh, is this... a cooking place"

I've been walking around the basement for a while, but he's been back on the ground.

Well, it's still dark outside, even when I say I'm back on the ground. The windows were sealed with strange forces, and I had already tried to open them and smash them, but I couldn't.

The mansion was invisible to the inhabitants, but oddly enough, the fire lit, and in the pan something boiled and there seemed to be an indescribably delicious smell.

On the cooking table stands a large pie that has been cooked and cooked. He appeared to have painted the egg's yellow body thoroughly before baking, and it looked shiny and shiny.

"This pie is still warm. I want to freshly bake..."

"You can't, Rene!

Rene, who was holding her hand to the pie to ascertain the temperature, tried to take the cake knife beside her, so Miaranze raised her voice with a blanching momentum.

The surprised face Rene stiffened with the cake knife removed, and silence flowed in the cooking area where only firewood could be heard exploding.

"The... staff... I taught you before than my magic teacher that you should not speak of food when you see it in such a different world. They say you won't be able to return to the world you came from."

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

"No, I seem to have surprised you...... sorry"

The tone of speech has become harsher due to the rumbling.

It gets awkward to see the atrophying Rene, and Mialanze explains it like an excuse.

"I'm fine. Because I'm not hungry...

But Mr. Miaranze is going to eat it. "

"Oh, my God! Thank you for your attention. Without knowing it, I..."

"No, that's okay. You tried to protect me, didn't you? Thank you."

Mialanze had revealed that she was about to burst into tears.

Rene was such a good girl that she couldn't have done too much.

"... you can't eat and drink, but let's take a break here. So far, it's packed, and you must be tired."

There were just two chairs in the corner of the cooking area and at the work desk.

As Miaranze pulls the chair, Rene jumps on the tall chair and sits back.

Mialanze remembers that she moves to prepare tea because of her physically stained habits.

I can't help but be restless that I can't do anything to take care of the Lord.

As Miaranze looked around the cooking area and stared at something that seemed hidden, she somehow noticed Rene gleaming her eyes and looking at this one.

"Um, Mr. Mialanze. Your ears... you can touch them."

Mialanze was going to blow out because Rene, who seems to have endured the urge the whole time, says that with a very serious face.

"Go ahead, be my guest."

As he knelt before Rene, sitting, offering his head, Rene reached out to a triangular ear covered in horrible, hair-producing, short hair.

And I touched my ear so that I rubbed it against the fuzz.


Rene cheered, stroking up to enjoy the feel of her soft ears, and even began to scrub obsessively to comb her hair.

Mialanze's hair texture is moist closer to cat's body hair than human hair.

I always had no choice but to be offended when I was caressed by a perverted nobleman who wanted it, but it wasn't bad to be touched by Rene.

Mialanze's throat rang gobbly. I wanted to lick Rene's forehead with Zarazara's tongue.

"Mr. Mialanze. I've never seen anyone like you before. Which one is it?

"If that question meant 'what kind of race', I'm a very small number, cat beast (Ketsey) and human compatible child. It's natural to see it for the first time."

"Were you?"

Rene simply responded with the appearance that she just thought 'I see'. That was comforting for Mialanze.

"... Phew"

"What's wrong?

"No. Again, you, like my father... are a good person, I just thought so.

You didn't scorn or abhor me when you found out the blood of the beast man was mixed. "

"It's sad and I don't think it's right to look different, to make fun of others (one) for a reason, or to throw stones at them"

Hearing the words of René, Mialanze realizes that she could not reach her own thoughts.

I'm not just talking about being a good kid or a good person. Rene didn't separate Mialanze with her blood muscles and appearance because she knew the pain.

Mialanze was blinded by that abominable execution and was unaware of how René had lived until then.

Silver-haired silver eyes considered abominable in Ciel-Teira. I wonder how much hardship Rene has been forced to endure and exposed to animosity and malice just because he was born into that figure.

In that sense, it can be said that René had a part close to Mialanze.


"... thank you for your hard work..."

Mialanze stood up irresistibly and embraced René.

Long silver hair touches Mialanze's hand. It was as if it were touching a clear breeze.

Rene's body was helplessly small. It seemed so brittle that if I applied or subtracted the force incorrectly, I would likely crush it.

My chest is tightened.

What a terrible fate has been imposed on such a child.

And I thought of my stupidity trying to impress Rene. I thought I should leave everything to Rene, but that thought seemed too good a bug now.

What were you thinking of letting such a child carry? We must walk together, before we entrust ourselves.


"... excuse me, excuse me"

Rene was perplexed, not knowing why she was suddenly hugged.

"Always, let's get out of here. Whatever it takes, I'll get you to the outside world."

"Yes. Thanks......?

The determination was also renewed, Mialanze swore.

Though René seemed to have a question mark on his face when he saw Mialanze consolidating his determination on his own.

"How many keys do you have now"

"Eh, the blue key I just found in my bump and the heart key that came out of the puzzle and...

Is the square iron pile in the cat painting also the key?

Rene lines up on her desk with what was stuck in her one-piece pocket.

Solving the mystery, getting keys and virtual keys, it seems, is the pattern in this hall to move on.

The situation is still incomprehensible, but the exploration went well when the wax was not known.

"Shall we go back to the hall earlier? There's a door that can be opened."

Something raw and warm hung on Mialanze's cheek.

"" Huh?

The voices of doubt for both of us overlapped.

That was too abrupt.

As if an invisible swordsman had been there and waved his sword, Rene had just been slashed hanging from his left shoulder to his right flank, his clothes torn and flesh torn, and a splash scattered like blood in return had also hung on Mialanze's cheek.


Mialanze hugged Rene, spitting a chunk of blood and collapsing, all over her blood.

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