A beast-skinned drum carves the culminating beat, and a park vertical whistle with a whole thin wooden trunk plays a heavy bass.

The stone altar, which bathes in the morning sun, was dedicated to the head and heart of a tyrannical pig (Bloody Boar), which the hunters of the tribe had planted, and incense had been burned.

Face each other in front of it, big and small figures.

Together, they wear crowns like knitted wooden skins. Most importantly, one of them was not wearing a crown directly in the forehead… or the head itself did not exist and was forced to overlay the crown over the severed neck.

The big one's figure is Auga's Great Sheikh Nvadogi.

The rounded upper body is not threaded together, but instead is painted in the same primary colour system as the one from the stone stick. But the paint was also half seeped by waterfall-like sweat.

Are you breathing rough and shoulders up and down, for damage or at the limit of stamina? From around his legs to his abdomen, there were already a number of painful moles engraved.

In contrast, Rene, with no neck, exposed to a bright white, thin, painty upper body.

Breathing is... impossible because you don't have a head in the first place. On the contrary, I am not sweating.

This is simply because Rene is undead, but it was a painting that brutally demonstrates superiority and inferiority without this if confronted with the exhausting and full-bodied Nvadogi.


He raised the roar he deserved to describe as the roar of the beast, and Nvadogi shook down a giant paint stone stick.

Rene responds to a blow he only thinks about smashing.

He stuck one foot into the ground and stomped, swinging the stick with both hands upwards and upwards.

The sticks shot at each other in the air and the Nvadogi sticks, misplaced, were slapped to the ground.

From the orgasms watching the battle, there was a voice that could neither scream nor cheer.

"Ha ha!

In the gallery surrounding the battlefield, René's head, dedicated by Udanoske, raised his temper voice.

Immediately pulling his foot off the ground, Rene jumps forward to drag the stick.

Rene, diving through Nvadogi's crotch in the sliding, couldn't get up, and struck Nvadogi behind his knee with centrifugal force.


The response is subtle, but the servant muscular demon also breaks his knee.

I haven't had a single 'knee cuckoo' where the damage was accumulating on my lower body and my underfoot was becoming unstable.

Out of balance, Nvadogi rounds his back.

Rene jumped right there.

Kick your sweaty seeping back and step on your wide shoulders.

"I took it!


A stone stick swung down by Rene to a single letter hits Nvadogi's head clean.

The crown was crushed, a beat away, and then the knocked out Nvadogi giant fell down with the doe like a felled tree.

"Shh, chief!?

"Oh no, the chief...!

The Augs scream this time.

The cleric had forgotten the eulogy, the musician had forgotten to play, and had been wolfed by the state of the amazing land.

I rushed over to Nvadogi with a potion that the ambulance-like orgasms had put away in a wooden vessel.

Alastair, who sees the battle as over, weaves Rene his coat and returns the head that Udanoske had kept.

Rene, crowned and with her head around her neck, looked around at the glittering orgasms.

"... the crown has been crushed. Now that means I win, right?

"Ah.... the winner, Rene... honor the good fight of Yu, Yu, and the brave warrior, but also, with your battle, the sacrifice..."

The priest Auga, who adorns himself with polar-colored bird wings, finally returns to me to congratulate him with a trembling voice.

The duel was fulfilled and René won.

This would mean that René took control of the tribe that Nvadogi ruled.

"Ugh... I want to win..."


The potion drunk Nvadogi gets up early as he rubs his head.

I don't know how unstable the posture was, but it's sturdy because Durahan's power won't knock him in the head and crumble him into a tomato. Well, the crown must have cushioned somewhat.

"Win or lose is decided... Ode, obey..."

"Before then, I wonder.

... Say magic NG or something and you're practicing chi!!

Nvadogi, who regrettably admitted to losing, gives a pompous look.

Magic is the move of the weak and unacceptable in a place of duel...

Nvadogi said, but when the battle began, he was attacked by self-enhancement (buffs) with his "complete body (golden body)" technique.

Qigai technique is the technique of changing one's own flesh by using biological magic to Teco.

It delivers self-enhancement (buffs) and magical body surgery.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah,

Mastery requires the training of one's own flesh, so it is more a skill used by warriors than magicians, but it is magical to say what.

"That's not magic! A warrior move!

"No matter what you say, the principles are with you!

... Ha, that's enough. I don't think I've had this kind of situation twice or three times, but should I train my chi or something? "

The Battle of the White Soldiers is Durahan's physical ability. Please, if you need it, you can magically buff yourself...

Rene, who had thought of it that way, had no experience using Qi technique and was forced to struggle.

Advanced physical training mediated by equipment… I haven't even mastered the technique.

Either way, René beat Nvadogi by avoiding a head-on meeting as much as possible.

Nvadogi's fighting skills are only for his august opponents… i.e. against opponents as big, powerful and dull as he is.

Rene took advantage by moving around lightly.

But Rene thinks he can't even be happy with this victory. After years of confinement in dense forests, generations of orgasms continue to train martial arts among themselves and lack experience in fighting people.

Don't lose everything when you fight an enemy that makes use of speed. We need to figure out a way to support it on the battlefield, and we'll have to get the Augs to train themselves.

"Well, as I said before the battle. You're as good as ever as the Great Sheikh.

Though thou shalt be responsible, that thou mayest make me obey all the members of the tribe. All right?

"I get it... no, it's serious"

Nvadogi sits back down, I don't know if it's a dungeon or a prayer, but I'll lay down and thank you.

All the orgasms who were on the battlefield learned to do it like hitting an avalanche, creating a dugout ring around Rene.

"Alastair. Pack it up for future action plans.

As soon as Evelis and the others get back, we're moving. "


"... there was a job I wanted to do before that."

René, who created a red blade in his hand, lifts the jaws of Qui and Nvadogi with his cutting-edge and gazes at them.

"I'd like to ask you to take the path of the dense forest (...) within the proposal (...).

Get as many good looking warriors as you can. "

There was a light of doubt in Nvadogi's grey eyes.

In addition to the presence of several Orga tribes in this area of the dense forest, demons still lived there.

It was a large dome, made by knitting reed-like grass.

The sunlight is inserted from the knitted ceiling, creating a gap like a smoke hole, shining a green carpet knitted with grass. Strangely enough, the carpet of grass was as bright as living grass.

The one behind the dome is partially flooded, like a beaver's nest, through the river.

"Yes, sir... I submit to our family, the princess."

A dried lizard, seated against Rene, drowned his head and vowed to be respectful.

Lizardman, an upright lizard-like demon.

He has a generally streamlined smooth body, but his scales were thicker and thicker around his head, shoulders and back, and he looked like a dragon.

On his abdomen, where the scales are soft, he carves a tattoo and wears giant fishbone armor from above to protect it.

They are a species affinity for water and live by the water and underwater.

Though they could otherwise operate ashore, these densely forested Lizardmans seemed to have refrained from entering the ground for fear of competing with the Auga.

Incidentally, the exception is if the forge erupts too much fire and there is a mountain fire. They were hitting fire extinguishing activities to keep the dense forest from disappearing.

The Lizardmans gathered at the riverside assembly hall when Frussirleggi, the chief of the Lizardman, declared his unconditional surrender.

They make double rows and sit in a circle, whispering at each other with a shrugged, snake-like voice.

"Chieftain, but...!

A young Lizardman with a pale blue scale rose out of the circle.

Fullshylleggy shows his sword curtain a frightened trick for a moment, but stares back with heavy sunken eyes.

"If you think you can win, try pointing the spear at me."


The young Lizardman looked speechless.

Rene is drooling uncontrollably in his own evil as he pushes to this occasion.

Even the demons who are the family of the Evil God are so evil minded that tremors come, they intimidate the neighborhood.

If he is not so dull, he perceives the difference in strength.

What's more, a steel beast sitting well at the entrance to the assembly hall, the "rotten melting beast" Forge that Rene has ridden as a horseman so far.

And a selection of aug warriors who are retreating and holding back cramped behind Rene.

Rene came even following the 'terrestrial threat' that the Lizardmans feared.

What that means.

When Nvadogi snapped his neck as he thought, the Lizardmans subsided.

"... can you live by abandoning your mother's forest and river!

Weak hips!!

The young man who stood up looked like he couldn't find a fist drop... but didn't even look over there enough to stick it up here, pissed off his shoulder and left the assembly hall.

Later there was still unsettling air.

"That's an ugly thing...

Sorry, we, never want to defy, etc!

"I know."

Full shrug Leggy rushes to take it back.

Rene's ability to "perceive emotions" read that bitter emotions gush from around him in such a sheikh's appearance.

I'm not disappointed. Which is a "I guess" and "I knew" reaction.

- Um, I guess it's a place where you're a restless sheik. If some young Hope came up, it would definitely have been a civil unrest that cracked the tribe or something, this...

Rene doesn't know how the chiefs of this tribe are inherited, but the support rate of the weak old chiefs seems to be one thing now. On the inside, does that mean fewer Lizardmans think like the youngsters just now?

Well, Rene's demands did not just include obedience, but even "abandon your dwelling for many years," so there is no way that dissatisfaction can be directed to the chief who promises and obeys you.

But in this circumstance, Furschylleggy was rather so hung up that he wanted to jump inside, pointing his temper at Rene.

While sitting in a braided grass seat, Rene narrows her eyes and shoots her gaze at Fullshylleggy.

"… chief. If you obey often, we will spare you our cooperation.

I want loyal soldiers. (…). "

"Ha ha!

Full shrug Leggy bows his head.

To him Rene's visit seemed like a boat to cross. Fürschylleggi, who had lost his temper in the tribe, can maintain his power by becoming the name of René, the overwhelming conqueror. You can't win no matter what you think where you fight, so choosing the path of obedience itself will be hard to criticize.

Rene, on the other hand, can easily grasp the Lizardman tribe by putting a collar on the chief.

I mean, it's a win-win relationship.

Rene looks over the assembly hall of Lizardman.

Just turn your gaze and everyone will be shot, and no one will try to disobey.

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