The Ku Lukal Mountains already have no snow this season, except for high altitudes in particular.

Still, the upland winds were cold, a climate reminiscent of the northern lands for a row.

Evelis was at the beginning of the line as the grass grew to snap to the ground.

It has nothing to do with whether it's the North Country or the dense forest or the alpine mountain, and she has the witch-style black clothing on her black Tsuba Hiroshima alpine hat (though the torso portion is more exposed than a semi-subsidible underwear figure). He held the call mark (Kohler) in his right hand and placed it on his ear.

"Huh? Orga festival?

Hey, I don't know how to do it because it's pinky, too. I'd rather hear it over there...

What, Vulcanate?

Oh, yeah or that way. Then I can teach you a little bit... but check with the other side to make sure your methods are absolutely minorly changed. "

The person on the call is Rene, who is under the mountain.

It was René who asked about the ritual manoeuvres that he was to duel with the chief in order to keep the Auger tribe on his side.

For one thing, Evelis briefly tells him about the methods of god of war worship he knows, and hangs up the call.

"Witch, you use the call mark (Kohler) against your ear, right? Even the princess."

"Something like that, it's a habit.

... Looks like things are going well over there. We have to work hard, too. "

The end-of-use call mark (Kohler) was as brown as it was exposed to the day, wet in water and then decaying like dry paper.

Evelis thinks about it for a second, then rounds it up and releases it behind him.

Then the demon walking behind Evelis caught it with his mouth and started chewing it.

It was a goat-like demon with an unusually fine mustache and tuna.

A demon who fights with a thrust using a tuna, a species known as the Knight Goat, which stands out in a knight's horse game.

It's even a demon specializing in fleshbullet warfare, and clearly it's not that strong, but once it's quite ferocious, it kills about a low-ranking adventurer.

Above all, the existence of a sufficient number of grass-fed demons like Nightgoat was a double threat in that sense, an environment that attracted and nurtured fierce carnivorous demons that fed on it.

Those nightgoats are in a row of columns, and more than a hundred of them follow Evelis.

To be precise, it follows Mialanze, who is behind Evelis.

"With more roads... I'm frightened by the boulders that so many demons are nearby."

I looked around front, back, left, right, top, and bottom in a way Tracy was restless.

Nightgoat isn't the only one.

A hustle and song bird (Early Bird), a flash bird (Sparkbird) that draws a wheel and swirls overhead.

Combined with Nightgoat is a horde of murderous white rabbits and neck pruning (Vorpalbunnies) with sharp nails and front teeth, and foxes and phantom foxes (Psychofox) manipulating the magic of illusion.

A burglar chestnut (sheaf squeel) was climbing on Miaranze's shoulder, scratching his head with a crease to repair his hair.

Little white girl with wings like a broken snow crystal in half...... immersed in evil and deviating from reason, the fallen spirit of snow (Fallen Element) is flying around Mialanze for fun.

These are demons living in the Ku Lukal Mountains.

The demons, courageously popping up at the signs of the intruder, follow with deference with a glimpse of Mialanze.

Like when Rene followed Wing Tiger, the demons were overwhelmed by the signs of Mialanze and defined her as the Lord.

Even pathetic flowers on the side of the road (with five tentacles full of mucus and thick petals, and fangs) shake their bodies in an excited way about Mialande's appearance.

"Dear Evelis, what shall we do with these demons? So far, there are many demons that seem to be more useful as livestock than as a force of war."

"Well...... I don't know if it's a good idea to take you to a moving destination, and what seems to be food is to dismantle it sequentially and turn it into food.

If the princess's scouts are going well, even the food she needs on the move will be good.

... Oh, of course, I need to give half of it in the mountains. "

Looking back at the demons gathered, Evelis and Mialanze conceive.

We're still going to pinch the move, so it's a little tough to take all the demons we've picked up. Besides, I didn't even have an acceptance posture on the move, so I needed to sort it out.

"Well, even if it's meat, if the princess or Mialanze orders it, she'll be happy to give herself up."

"... I'm glad to offer myself knowing I can eat, not be kept without knowing anything!?

Demonic world, scared!

To Evelis, who said hello, Tracy was seriously donning.

"Well, yeah. It's instinct to follow the superior demons.

It's all a trick to overthrow the world by evil gods and win over the great gods.

Well, survival instincts are the only ones with the right to order. "

"Mmm, well. Give your life for the Battle of the Evil God and your soul will return to the Evil God...

The path prepared to build up a good business (karma) even for those born in the beast?

That's why people livestock animals. "

Tracy nods at Evelis' description even as she looks like she can get a headache.

The temple said, 'Those who did wrong are reincarnated into beasts, not men. Unlike men, beasts have difficulty gaining a good cause (karma), but being offered to fight for faith is the greatest good deed. And with good deeds (karma), we can be born again "?

Farmers cultivating the land, for example, is also a battle for faith in the sense of gaining food and enriching the country and empowering it against demons. So it is supposedly a good thing that people use beasts as livestock because they are going to have the beasts loaded with good business (karma).

Similar logic exists on the side of demons and demons.

This one is even more compulsory.

"If you serve a man, even a beast can accumulate virtue...

... Is there really such a good story?

It doesn't seem to me like a human ego… no. "

Mialanze was as surprised as she thought.

"Well. It is scarce to demonstrate that there is a theory about the circle and the world of the gods.

What you can rely on is some experiments by the Temple and an overly fragmented handover of the Divine Constellation. It's like seeing heaven through a hole in a needle.

I think there's a good chance the temple is saying something convenient about the part you don't quite understand. "

Looking over at the flock of meat (scheduled) that accompanies him silently and obediently, Evelis squeaks.

"Oh, maybe these kids don't like it?

"No, no way"

I just said it was out of my heart, and Mialanze shook her head.

"... my actions are not due to my subjugation to the Evil God.

Right or wrong on the teachings, that's none of my business.

Just for the princess.

Let us dedicate no more than a fragment of men, demons, myself. "

Miaranze describes her quiet and unwavering readiness with her hidden hands on her chest with thick gloves.

Both Tracy and Evelis had already heard how she came under Rene.

It is also understandable that Mialanze abhors the human community (especially man) and vows allegiance enough to reach the realm of faith against René.


Tracy and Evelis looked at each other naturally as if they had been cornered by something.

"Yeah, well, I know how you feel... isn't that a little heavy?

"Well... there's no princess here, just fine, so let's talk about something important."

The drifting witch looked serious at all times.

"The number of princesses will increase from now on. But then, the princess will crumble.

Miaranze, whatever you say, you are the princess's first mate. I guess I should protect the princess because she's going to stay the closest. "

"That's... of course!

I bet my life I'll protect the princess. "

"No, no, I'm not."

Determination was also eminently a mialanze to hold hands, but Evelis waves a hilarious hand and strikes it off.

"Well, if you say so, you're just shielded.

You're a princess to set up and wield. "

"Ha ha..."

Mialanze looked a little pingy right now.

"Heavenly luck showed the princess.

Isn't it as if everything that happens strangely is going to be chased away and you're trying to take the princess for the demon king and push her up to the destroyer of the world to replace her?

But, hey, I can't help but think it's not a gala for a princess. "

"Gala...... is it?

"Oh, I know."

Tracy agreed unexpectedly.

Even as' can be '.

Even as' can '.

I can't wipe the idea of whether that's not a hard thing for Rene.

Rene went mad for revenge...... she drove her destiny crazy, because she's just a girl.

"Oh, you think so, but you're a witch, Miaranze?

"Look, a witch is evil, and no?

So even if the princess gets unhappy, if she can burn the princess and win the fight, it's fine. - There's something like that?


Evelis was in an indelible, and often hypocritical, state of mind as to how serious he was.

Mialanze still seemed not to fall to her heart, thinking as she let her tail dance under her thick protective clothes.

"... hey, is it time?


Evelis stops his leg as he walks as he talks.

Tracy's magic item "Ultra-versatile magnetic needle" floats in the universe. The phantom light numbers indicate the distance traveled. This place is the next work (...) business (...) ground (...) point (...).

Evelis drops a demonic stone on the ground, poking it with a cane.

The demonic squares of light unfolded and sank to the ground, and when she saw it, Tracy marked the map she had with a bat.

Its map, with almost accurate topography of the mountain range, is lined with countless bat marks in a straight line from the foot of the north.

"... this is number 57."

"Ugh, there's a long way to go.

Sometimes fieldwork is bad. "

The itinerary of the evil trekkers that traverse the mountains still continues.

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