When Oswald returned from talks with Zislan, the kids who were waiting rubbing their minds greeted Oswald so that the fish could eat on the sprinklers.

"Father. How is Your Highness?

Ask Steve to represent us together.

Oswald then answered with a difficult face and a rubbing trick on his eyelids.

"... too good"


"You look full of determination and a sense of purpose. It didn't look very much like it was being forced or festivals all over my heart"

'Be so,' he said. Marquis Edfeld. I thought Zislan would have decided for himself instead of being used for Marks' ambitions, but when Oswald told me this, everyone was taken lightly.

Because it was so unexpected.

"Or perhaps His Highness is a good king.

You are an academic and thoughtful person, and all you have to do is get the decisiveness to move your country... "

"I mean, you say your highness now is. Father."

"But the Noaculio army is gone. Johan... If His Highness and Gilleshhattar are to associate, can His Highness Zislan win?"

Zislan becomes king and brings the country together. If you can hope for such a future, that would be a good thing.

Even if Zislan himself is qualified to be king, he cannot be king unless the back shield functions. Even if you become king, you just become a source of chaos.

The Marquis Edfeld seems to be trying to hold hands with the Holy Kingdom of Diletta as well, but the formula seems high in time.

"Either way, it doesn't change what we do here. If the Princess Rose of Grief is coming, I will protect this city and Your Highness."

Oswald's grey eyes sparkled brightly.

Besides his own children, Oswald has several knights with him as his escort. Marks has asked me to lead them into the defense of the city.

The Horsemen are the king's knights. I don't have the right to represent the country as a candidate for the Crown Prince, but that would be more about protecting it than I have ever been able to fit in with.

"Steve. Priscilla. You guys are in a position you don't have to go out with. If..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Steve blocked Oswald's words.

And he makes a force bubble on his arm like a marutai, making a creepy sound and pulling it back.

He said, "There's no way I can get away with throwing my father out! My dad can't fight properly without us, can he?

"You're right. Besides, isn't it dangerous to leave the city now?

I will fight too. to protect your father and Catherine, and the people. "

Priscilla also said so, putting her hand on the holy mark she had raised over her outstretched chest, and praying with Rin.

"The Marquis will either speak or deserve it, but if the" Princess Rose of Grief ”attacks, it is the people of the city who will be sacrificed. You don't sleep well enough to abandon it."

"I aspired to the path of the priesthood and dedicated myself to this temple, not the Count's. But I didn't intend to abandon my duties as a person born in Count Keeley's house."

"Thank you, both of you..."

Oswald narrowed his eyes so as to distort his stern face.

He seemed thankful and sorry and it was as if they were burdened with fighting as those in the Count's house who were supposed to have left the house.

Anyway, this is going to be a battle that could die.

"But, Father... can you win? Even the Knights of the Royal Palace lost, didn't they?

"I'd like to think it's promising. The Holy Beast left behind by the Noakurio Army, the country's best adventurer party, and the survival of the Second Knights… may be small in number, but in this formation we can also cross with the top undead"

"Father, I...!

Catherine tried to say something, and the words didn't last.

You want me to follow you to the battlefield? I can't. What would you do more or less like that for? What can I do?

You say hello to Rene? Was it my in-laws I could tell you? Katherine herself, what do you entrust Rene with if you don't know what to do? The Oswalds are going to fight René for their lives.

"… where should I give it to me"

From his mouth, he felt like he was spitting blood, not his voice.

I said what to save, but in the end, that's all Catherine can do right now.

"You should let them stay in the chapel in the castle. The undead are hard to get close to in that place, and there's a way out when it's time."

"Okay. Fathers, sisters, brothers... please, give me a lobster."

My chest hurt.

"Well done, you're here," Zero Jingxiang "!

Marks himself headed out to the castle's front yard to greet the “Zero Jingxiang” that came.

There are adventurers around in response to Marks' gathering. Everyone of them watched "The Best Party in the Country," throwing their admirably jealous, intricate gaze.

Zeft of a warrior (fighter) who is a leader.

Cain, the big man in the armor who looks like a shieldman.

Sprinkler Magician (Wizard) Crail to shine Dade glasses.

Savaged Atmosphere Women Monk (Priestess) Albina.

Female fighter (grappler) chency in imperial-style outfit.

Both the lower adventurer and he wear the same gear, but if they are as powerful as the "Zero Jingxiang", the gear is demonized to each of them and designs are also specified when ordering.

Cain's armor is decorated with relief-like relief craftsmanship, and the colorful Chelsea road attire based on red reminds me of a fairy or spirit-like fantasy dweller.

But above all, they have confidence in their abilities and pride themselves as the strongest party in the country. That spirituality was what made the "Zero Jingxiang” look good.

"I find it very comforting that the strongest party in Ciel-Teira can help. Please, for the future of this country..."


He didn't take the hand that Marks offered to shake his hand, and Zeft stared at Marks. Marks becomes like he's been shot.

"We have heard that the cities and villages in the territory have already been harmed by the" Princess Rose of Grievances ". Do your utmost to protect those who are powerless to fight.

But, Marquis. We didn't agree with you. I would like to say that your actions in connection with the coup were verbal. "


Marks has nothing more to offer than to black-and-white his eyes.

Is that supposed to be a euphemism, or a blue-smelling, no-face claim?

Even the adventurers as well as the knights on the spot feel the disturbing air.

"The battle that accompanied the coup was kept to a minimum by numerous fortunes. But still a lot of blood flowed.

Some were killed by the ensuing frenzy.... The most important thing would be him (...) woman (...).

All that's left is a pile of corpses. The political chaos, the division of the people, and the "Princess Rose of Grievances."

Words, gaze, everything was straight.

Even Marks doesn't think that what he does is endorsed by all the people. But this was the first time anyone who was not an enemy had thus complained about not wearing clothes on their teeth.

"... it was something I had no choice. Everything was over when the four powers, except the Federation, attached to His Majesty Hilberto.

Besides, it was never a commotion caused solely at the convenience of His Majesty and the Marquis. It was an expression of the grievances accumulated among the people and an opportunity to shake off the disadvantages that were covered in the country "

"But shouldn't we have carried things politely to avoid this happening? We're losing a lot of lives in the process, aren't we?

It may indeed be unfair to see and state only the consequences of failure. But still, you're probably just getting blood back right now. It is the people who will have to follow you. "

- Hear the windy mouth I found out...!

Marks was as angry as a fiery fire in his heart when he was told by a kid half his age who was not alive.

I was told Zeft was a righteous, heroic ideal adventurer. But his justice now cuts to Marks. Marks thought it was unpleasant and unpleasant.

But it's not a good idea to crack here with "Zero Jingxiang". And I knew somewhere in my mind that Zeft was telling the truth again.

"… harmony must be restored to this country. The flag for this is His Highness Zislan.

Under His Royal Highness the people will be integrated again and Ciel-Teira will be regenerated. To that end, please… "

Excuses as a politician, all Marks can do is state the title.

Zeft had a serious face and was able to take it.

"Yeah. Let me believe that word. I hope the Marquis is honest."

Of the survivors of the Second Knights, nine remained under Bertil.

Some of the survivors returned to their families or gave up fighting and fled. The only people who are at Bertil now are those who have come to Bertil wanting to work for a poor country. Anyway, Bertil thought that would be appreciated.

Now all of them had assembled in Bertil's room at the Inn where they were staying for Marks' money (tsuke).

It's a relatively large room, but it's just small when you get 10 people together, including Bertil.

Our responsibilities have been lightened by the arrival of the Zero Jingxiang. I mean, it's not a matter of maneuvering, I'm back to treating you as if you were doing exactly as you were instructed. "

"What cash......!

Making his eyes as sharp as a hound even more rugged, Khaya was angry with her teeth peeled off.

Others also mouth their dissatisfaction with Marks.

"Fine, fine. You don't have to be angry. I don't trust this one. If you march shoulder to shoulder with your opponent, your footprint gets messed up somewhere. That would be unfortunate for each other. We're going to have the Holy Beast attached, so let's do it."

Bertil deceives his men.

In fact, Bertil didn't remember his anger or anything against Marks. On the contrary, I even think I'm sorry.

Because Bertil is about to offer Rene Marks' neck.

Of course, my men don't know about it.

"The Marquis seems to think" Princess Rose of Grievances ”will be attacking soon, but my predictions are a little more pessimistic and pressing. There's a whole day or two of movement... if it's bad, it could be today."

I felt nervous as lightning ran.

At a time like this, the men take Bertil's predictions seriously. Because Bertil has always read the situation from a big point of view and put things ahead like a prophet.

I'm just saying, "I know because I know."

- Rene is coming. We're gonna die a lot. We're gonna keep a lot of them alive.

"To be clear, this battle is pretty tough. At least that's what I see. But then there's got to be something we can do. That's what you have to win, but even if you lose, you have a way of losing. We have to connect Ciel-Tayla's lifeblood. A little fat, a little strong."

Cut the words, Bertil looks around at the men in line.

Like eye to eye with each and every one.

Guys, give me a hand.

"" "Ha!!

Neighborhood An annoyingly powerful response returned.

The withdrawal of the Noaculio army front-line troops, which no longer even retains the form of a march.

Morgana had been escorted to the head of a long stretched line.

Morgana's escort was rushed in a speedy sense to separate it from Patrick (who was) being transported to Wesala as well. Because Patrick the Holy Beast is being harshly restrained and transported, he has put Morgana ahead of him so that he can move quickly.

In an undecorated carriage. Morgana sat down so that he could hold both sides to the two armed knights.

The hands and mouth are shackled.

Light plunges through a small window into a coffin-like carriage.

The blue, high Siel-Teira sky was visible.

- Come on, you fucking hungry bastard. I'm sure she'll do well.

No voice could be uttered, but Morgana combined her squeaky hands into a form of prayer in front of her chest. There are shackles, so I can't hold my hands together perfectly, but I turned my hands apart as a sign of prayer.

The seeds are no longer scattered.

- That there is no God's guidance.

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