Marquis Edfeld's concentration of his power on Taylakaine means that every other city in the realm has been naked as well.

Most importantly, even if you disperse your power, it will only destroy each and every one of them, so you are not wrong to concentrate your power while praying that Rene does not attack anyone but Taylakaine. Besides, René has fallen into several territorial capitals so far, but in all cases he took the tactic of ambushing the territorial capitals without looking to any other city, so he may have thought he would come the same way next time.

But the operation was only to efficiently kill the marquis in an ambush.

As a René, it is not too rash to take the corresponding steps, beyond the considerable amount of force already gathered in the territorial capital.

René crushed the city near the territorial capital, where the defense system had become Skasca, like a flow operation. The equally scattered countryside also uprooted a large number of detachments of dozens of undead soldiers.

Wealth, food, and weapons were taken away depending on allowances, and what could not be held was destroyed.

However, non-combatants did not kill.

Destroy a house called a house, and if there is a city wall, destroy it in mind, and if there is a well, punch in the fat (visible) or the zombies enter the water, and if there is a field, sprinkle the poison. Still, people only killed minimally.

Inevitably, those who have been displaced by the destruction of their livelihood base come together to Taylakaine.

A man who just couldn't fit into a city pushed over, and in front of the city gates a long line of snakes of people waiting for a physical examination.

The somewhat wealthy held up the inn instantly, but even when the highway price rises, the inn fills up quickly, and there are those who try to pay their citizens to provide the inn. Those without money also appear to be the labor force and, in some cases, those who seek to provide their bodies.

Boxes (...) where people can sleep, such as temples and assemblies, are generally already filled by refugees from the Wang capital. Although Taylakaine is relatively close to the Wang capital, most of the evacuees have traveled west and so far have been overhoused.

But they poured in refugees from all over the territory, and the equilibrium broke down. Bad thing between them. It's winter now. Suicide applicants are in a good season to just sleep outside. Still, I can't fit anything that doesn't fit.

As a measure of destitution, Marquis Edfeldt scratched the tent from all over the city, arranging it within the enclosure left by the Noaculio army to accommodate the refugees. But still, in the end, it's not enough. There are people who fall asleep and fall ill in private houses.

The only way to get warm is to provide a fire. Stuffing people in one place can cause trouble.

Not enough rice to feed the refugees either. The food stock on the market was in poor condition because the Noakurio Army and the “Princess Rose of Grievances” had bought it. If you don't have money, if you can't buy it even if you have money, then the stealer will leave.

It was also disastrous that the humanitarian supplies brought from the temple were concentrated on the western side, where there were initially large numbers of refugees.

If put in a predicament, people resent someone.

Why do I have to be seen like this? Needless to say, the direct cause is "Princess Rose of Grievances”.


Lord I (...) gathered knights to my lap and left all the other cities unattended. Can you say he's not responsible? The people are paying taxes in return for the nobility to bind and protect the people.

The Noakurio army, called in by the Marquis Edfeld, also cowered (...) sickness (...) wind (...) to (...) blow (...) and (...) escape (...) and (...) return (...) eh (...) (...). Distrust of the Noakurio army also became distrust of the Marquis Edfeld, who used it as propaganda material.

People who starve, tremble in the cold, and have suspicious eyes on the Marquis (and, finally, the Noaculio army) …

What would happen if such a thing came together beyond the capacity of the city?

Similar to the withdrawal of Noaculio troops, several cities were simultaneously attacked and defeated.

Then even at dawn of the night, refugees continued to flow into the city of Taylakaine.

"Marquis. With all due respect, I don't know what the citizens who lost their teeth would do if Princess Rose of Grievance attacked them. That's the frank feeling of looking around the city.

I'm only sure they'll panic, but I don't know what they'll do as a result. "

"No, uhh..."

Marquis Edfeld, a large old man deeply seated in the office chair, had a short pruned dark brown head, only to flaunt his face like a rough rock.

Bertil was walking around the city to see how the evacuees were doing. The sentiment is as mentioned.

The atmosphere of the city stinks somewhere, and it also illuminates as if it smells of red rusty iron.

But it's not something we can do with ingenuity and effort, so we're going to be in a situation that really makes the refugees more inconvenient for a while now. I mean, we're going to intercept "Princess Rose of Grievances” in this situation.

"The army of the" Princess Rose of Grievances ”seems to be at the ruins of Dual Camarte so far."

"By ears fast. … that's what I hear too"

"Given the speed of march from the devastation of Wesala to the attack on the King's Capital, it's not strange when the enemy comes here... no, at all, it's only a nightmare, such as an army where there's always unity of will without need for rest or meals. Depending on the general's mood, I can move him like a limb."

Bertil himself stained and knew how fast the undead army marched, and Marks understood the matter. A normal army would have taken a few days to trample the road in a day, and it is new to my memory that I ambushed the King's capital.

Even though the city of Dual Camarte is near Taylakaine, this was the equivalent of already having a blade stuck to his throat.

"Do not dare to kill people, gather them to this Taylakaine... and continue watching them as they prepare to be attacked soon. As if waiting for the wine to ripen, waiting for the city to ripen.

There's a rescue request coming from a surviving city, but if we split the troops here somewhere else, it's the enemy's idea. "

Marks chewed his back teeth with abomination.

Bertil didn't say anything.

Bringing people together deliberately to cause confusion...... that would certainly be Rene's preferred way. Asylum-seekers gradually increase and grievances gradually descend. And the food is consumed. Taylakaine gradually finds herself in a state of acid deprivation just as the undead army keeps watching.

But only Bertil knows. René saturated this Taylakaine in people with an even more ruinous aim.

I don't even have to wait. It would rather work right now. Because there are (...) people (...) who (...) are (...) charging (...) minutes (...) with (...) kake (...).

Now Taylakaine is like a pond that has been stirred and the sand on the bottom of the water has become cloudy. It's better to multiply that mess. Rene's operation fits in.

"Either way," Princess Rose of Grievances "is definitely coming soon. How do you deal with it?

Bertil said here, intending to try Marks.

Fewer dead people are better. I want to protect many people by myself. It's up to Marks to figure out what Bertil can do to do that. To what extent do you use it? And where to abandon it.

At first, Marks appeared to have secretly escaped with Zislan and had the soul audacity to be protected by the Noakurio army.

Rene has been pinpointing the Hordes so far, and on the contrary, it was hard to imagine going out of his way to target Taylakaine, where neither Marks nor Zislan are. There seemed to be a prospect that if he dared to promote his place under the Noakurio army, he would divert René's eyes from his own territory and leave him even more untouchable to himself and Zislan. He also thought of the hand of coming back with a second 'reinforcement' ready to go in line with the withdrawal of the Noaculio army.

But the Noakurio army was torn apart by the sudden (...) death (...) of Patrick, the general. In this situation, where I accompanied the retreating army, I don't even serve as an escort.

- Sudden death... sudden death. Damn, what happened? Before I could grab anything, the Noaculio army left.

Bertil did not know more about what had happened to the Noaculio army. All I know is that there's been a strange incident where Patrick suddenly dies. Marks doesn't give a lot of information, and he has no attitude to find out for himself so far.

I've just left a message by prescribed means to make contact with Shelley, an intelligence agent of the Gilleshhattar Federation, but there's no guarantee that she knows anything.

Whatever it was, it was certain that Marks was no longer being pushed into a situation other than to rely on his castle and the knights to intercept the "Princess Rose of Grievances".

"Assuming“ Princess Rose of Grievances ”has attacked you, how?

"It's about that. I want the Second Knights to move as the main guerrilla unit."

"Let the Holy Beast fight for you."

Bertil has also heard about the use of the Holy Beast left behind by the Noaculio army.

"If you are indeed against“ Princess Rose of Grievances, "you can't just align your head count. There are pawns that cannot be contained in numbers, including herself, who is a general. We have to get an ace-class unit ready for the operation."

"Originally, it was the role of the" decisive droet ”. The whole thing, where the hell did you sell the oil... No, excuse me. I was wondering if you could tell me what you didn't hear."

Marks looked bitter, like he had finished eating on a full course of weeds.

Saying that the "decisive droet” has problems with bareback doesn't mean it's definitely the best party in the country, and I don't know if you got away or tired of it, but it would be a huge pain in the ass for Marks if they disappeared here.

Even if I spoke to the Holy Kingdom of Diletta through Erminio, it's not like the Kingdom of Noaculio to be a neighbor, so it still takes time for Diletta to come and help.

We have to do something with the cards we have.

"A soldier of mediocre strength, whether a knight or a farmer, buys time anyway in a mass battle. Strong enemies that can't be defeated with it will be crushed by elite guerrilla units with holy beasts on them.

I know it's tough, but that's all I can do anymore... "

"Leave it to me," he said.

... Let's do our best. All my remaining men, including Khaya, are a thousand brave men on one horse. I am now only one arm of the machine, but I will not stand behind the undead soldiers. "

"Thank you. Please, protect Your Highness."

Adults are sloppy, Bertil laughs bitterly in his heart.

If we put out His Highness Zislan's presence here, Bertil will have to fight for Marks as the remnant of the Knights of the Royal Palace. That kind of calculation is seeping in.

It's just a pre-construction story. Bertil had already put a cut on both Marks and Zislan.

They can't beat Rene, he said.

Marks, a party, will have to fight, but he shouldn't have to keep the people attached to it.

"All you have to do is gather more adventurers. I'm calling, but so far we've only gathered the same stuff as the Miscellaneous Soldiers.

Can you help Count Keeley, who is just coming to the city... "

"What about the previous Second Knight Commander, Sir Aleotti? Even if you're out of line, you're no match for those adventurers."

Bertil knew the answer and heard it.

Alfio. Former Second Knight Commander opening a swordsmanship dojo in this city. He's a freak who even pushed the governor against his brother to find a way out of the sword. The strength of the full season will also be approaching Lawrence.

Marks answers with a slight irritation.

"He said he received the candidacy for crown prince of the Marquis of Berger and traveled west"

Alfio had already travelled to the territory of the Marquis of Berger to be the back shield of another Crown Prince.

Arfio's sudden actions, such as those that have kept anything from politics, would not have been readable to Marks either. Behind Alfio's actions, of course, is the backlash of the Gillechhattar Federation and Bertil.

- I have to go over there soon. But before I do... I'll get rid of the work I left in this city.

"So when it comes to defense, do you want to keep track of your current strength?"

"... oh"

He seemed uncomfortable, but Marks nodded in disapproval.

Marks didn't trust Bertil very much, and until now he hasn't given much information, and he's been consistent in his attitude that he just needs to work as he says. But I didn't think I could keep my mouth shut for this period. Because there's nothing else I can count on.

But as Marks tried to open his mouth, a bright blue light lit up his face.

An emergency call mark (caller) on the desk conveyed an incoming call. The margin of the bill says' Captain of the Guard 'with a note.

Marks' face turns blue. The Knights of the Royal Palace and others use call marks (callers) from time to time, but Marks only uses them in combat or when they have really urgent contact. This means that something has happened that must be reported to Marks immediately.

Touched the call mark (Kohler) with his finger and Marks activated it.


"What! Even the undead showed up!? Or did it happen in a riot!?

'Chi, no, it's not!

The voice of the captain of the guard, heard from the call mark (Kohler), was driven by the impatience of having to say the next word quickly, as if words were tangled in his throat.

But the voice seeped an uncomfortable immediacy, and an irresistible colour of exaltation.

It's "Zero Jingxiao"! Ciel-Teira's Greatest Adventurer Party has responded to the gathering!


- Oh, no. I don't know, Rene. This isn't a strand of boulder, is it?

Bertil was secretly biting off a mean laugh.

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