Marks lay his eyes down with a bitter look. Patrick would have looked the same.

"So you still mean retreat"

"Yep... unfortunately"

Patrick told me with the thought of a severance.

Patrick decided to raise his own army from Ciel-Teira.

"Destruction of the supply and reinforcement units. And yesterday's raid...... Anxiety is starting to rise from the knights close to me as opposed to the peasants at the end. There is also a serious shortage of supplies.

Frankly, it's no longer a better situation than 'I'll be home while I can'. "

An army with uninterrupted supplies only starves without being able to fight.

And the shortage of supplies is applauding even a further drop in low morale.

An army with fallen morale won't listen to orders and escape on its own, and there's really nothing you can do about it. You can't defeat a zombie without being forced to attack Wang Du.

"Rest assured, Marquis Edfeld.

On behalf of the Kingdom of Noaculio, my Holy Kingdom of Diletta will defend the Marquis and the Crown Prince. Yes, a great army illuminated by the glory of God! An overwhelming army! And that would be the end of "Princess Rose of Grievances”!

A good voice, not reading the air, sounded kinky in the reception room of the Territorial Castle.

- Why is he here in the first place?

A blonde with stubborn hair and excessive shoulder decoration that says it's the latest mode of diletta.

A slightly narrower body for a warrior (fighter). "If you keep your mouth shut, your son," they say, a more elegant face above.

Erminio Droetto, an adventurer now employed as an escort to Marks, the dra son of the heavy minister of the Holy Kingdom of Diletta.

For whatever reason, I am present here on this occasion where we should talk about our future strategy.

Possible is around 'Erminio told Wagamama to be present and Marks couldn't turn it down'... or 'there was no particular reason to say no'? For once, there is a pre-construction guard.

However, the Erminio himself is admirably destroying the pre-construction. Does it intend to be acting on behalf of the Holy Kingdom of Diretta? If so, it would be unforgivable to come into the negotiating arena between Noaculio and Ciel-Teira, and so would Marks, who allowed it.

Marks at the time has a distressed look on his face, pointing his gaze at Erminio, "Please, don't talk any more." I guess we can't let Erminio get in the mood here because of his association with Diretta.

- Erminio (this guy) is just a fool, but as it is, he takes a delicious place in the Holy Kingdom of Diletta...

If Diletta's army came after Noaculio withdrew and defended Ciel-Teira, people's gratitude would of course go to Diletta. Even Grasselm's rights could be taken whole. That must be avoided.

Of course, Noaculio plans to send a substitute army as soon as his posture is in order, and Patrick is not helplessly withdrawing.

"If anything other than the Noaculio army protects Ciel-Teira, let's make it a dangerous situation for the moment. So we will leave the Holy Beast and a small unit of its support"

"Holy Beast? But that didn't work for" Princess Rose of Grievances "at all..."

Marks deepens the frown wrinkles.

To date, the flesh-receiving Holy Beast of the Noaculio army has been engaged with the "Princess Rose of Grievances" three times, but each time it has been swept away as a piece of dust and mustard.

But Patrick was also thinking right around there.

"If you say so, those are miscellaneous soldiers. It is to be assumed that it does not work for the“ Princess Rose of Grievances ”itself. But materials can be procured relatively easily and can be numbered.

In the future, I'm thinking of a way to attach that sacred beast to an excellent knight or adventurer with his individual strength. We're changing operations. "

"Will that work?"

"The other day's raid by the Moving Central Force, and yesterday's battle......

“Princess Rose of Grievances" avoids those with more than a certain strength and focuses on farmers and non-combatants. If you can defeat it, you must be defeating it from the knight. You think even if you can win, it'll be tricky.

The battle power of Princess Rose of Grievances cannot be weak based on the fact that she defeated Lawrence Reinhardt, but it must not be so isolated and extra-dimensional. "

"... I see"

Those who continue to train their bodies increase their physical abilities to areas that are often physically impossible. By virtue of the action of biological magic, you crack a large rock with your bare hands and withstand dragon braces barely.

Lawrence Reinhardt was undoubtedly a warrior in that realm. If you think about killing him, loading up as many undead soldiers is not enough. The bearer of strength that can rival him will fight for himself. That is, the reasoning that "Princess Rose of Grievances” is strong enough to kill Lawrence.

But it's Patrick's idea to stop only 'to that extent'.

If you're strong enough to kill all the knights in an instant, you won't use your hands or avoid a fight.

In other words, if it had the strength of a different dimension, it would not have been necessary to lead an army to defeat the king's capital. Because you don't have to be such a hassle to run on your own.

"You know who the Angel of the Holy Beast (...) is (...). A limited number of fierce men can be hit by the" Princess Rose of Grievances "in a more effective way.

In addition, we can give out the Holy Beast as a showdown weapon, albeit in limited numbers. This one is unknown, but probably valid.

I'll leave Morgana here, if you need to use the Holy Beast. "

"Thank God. I, and the people of Ciel-Teira, will not forget the dedication of the Kingdom of Noaculio."

Marks and Patrick exchange hands.

If you try Marks, you don't have to hang it on both scales with Noaculio and Diletta. It would be better if we could get both support.

But when he saw it, Erminio snapped his nose.

"Hmm. You're only a master at selling grace to get your tail wrapped around you and run back. This is why the knights of Noaculio are untouched."

Patrick was seeing that he was going to have his hands on the sword.

- This guy you let get away with while you were engaged for once, you say that?

Nothing. Erminio, as a Diletta, is not confrontational to Noaculio, he is simply arrogant and mouths what he thinks.

"By the way, you, I wonder what your name was...

If you want to protect this Siel-Teira, send me the Holy Beast, too. Who could make the most of it more effectively? "

Familiarly, with gaze from above, Erminio orders Patrick.

It's a miracle I could put up with tongue-beating.

Instead of Patrick, who responded with silence, Marks broke in and took it back.

"Of course, I and His Royal Highness will escort you to the Decisive Droet with the Holy Beast."


Marks with a pulled smile. Erminio nodded to Eagle Deep, not noticing Marks' mood.

Patrick thought that worrying about Marks' stomach and bowel wouldn't hurt his loyalty to his country (Noakurio).

Comfortable as the fatigue had doubled, Patrick was walking down the corridor in the castle.

But I can't drag you around about idiots (erminio) forever. I've decided to withdraw, but then we have to do everything we can to make the withdrawal a success. Patrick must step on one more step in order to return to his country alive.

"Run away?"

It was like a needle piercing voice.

Patrick stops. An old woman in ominous red (...) brown (...) color (...) white (...) clothes (...) was watching Patrick.

"… the Technical Advisor"

"Lending me to the Marquis Edfeld to help is fine. It's a waste of time for a nation of people to be reduced. The Crown Prince has to protect him.

But why are you leaving again? You might be able to beat the King's capital with your current strength, right?

Morgana told him to teach, in his usual serene tone, but at the same rate that he would never leave.

Patrick went on to talk to Morgana not to be asked about his army's withdrawal.

If I told Morgana that I only thought about fighting in God's name about retreating, it would be more obvious than seeing fire that the story wouldn't come together.

They were going to communicate the decision after everything had been decided and moved out, but they somehow stole and listened to the earlier talks.

Morgana says that the closer we get to the Holy Beast the closer we adjacent, the more spiritual links we can connect and share our senses and thoughts. Maybe he was listening using the ears of the Holy Beast.

Patrick explains as he thinks it's been a hassle.

"Oh, I might be! But that's a one-way ticket.

If you manipulate the attack, you will be killed in starvation. Even if we succeed more and more, we will suffer a lot if we are bumped with our present power. I know it is, so the whole army wants to lose their morale.

You can't fight such a ruinous battle! It's better to bury it in the fields while you're alive, just to fatten up the land. "

If you suffer human losses in battle, you sneak around on a ten-year basis.

Needless to say, knights, because when they return to the country, the peasants will be a people who plow the land and pay taxes.

We should finally win by polishing down our soldiers, what a war we shouldn't have.

But still, Morgana is absent.

"What, maybe we can win after all? Then fight."

"The Technical Advisor. I understand your intense faith, too. But let's not do anything other than martyr to faith.

They keep the earth of Noaculio above God, my sons. When you return to your country, you will be able to cultivate the land, raise your children, and fight the forces of darkness in the future. You can't lose it.

Sometimes they retreat for greater victory. It's far from what you're looking for. "

Patrick explained in such a way that it was in line with Morgana's idea.

In the temple, it is preached, 'Man stores the power to fight against evil gods, so he keeps the earth, which God has made.' Farmers plowing the earth is also a battle against evil gods.

It is important for the Five Powers of the Legion to retain their power, which is the key to the human world. The logic should go through in faith that it is nothing if you are plunging soldiers into a battle with thin wins to diminish national power.

Yes, Patrick thought so.

"Oh, I knew it.

Boy. You know, you don't know anything. That's a self-righteous reason of the people... "

Morgana takes a deep sigh.

"Hey, you know how dominant people are in the world today? The Demons are pushed into a narrow area with less than half of the Noakurio, and in turn the human population craps a billion.

Even if you, your men's knights, and the farmers you brought are dead... it's a scratch. The hole will be filled easily. Even if the fertile earth is no longer cultivated, someone will come and inherit it it instead. And we'll exchange our children, and we'll grow the power of the future. "


Patrick was stunned.

Neither royal nobility nor folk grass...... Morgana does not regard people as people. It overlooks the world as if moving a pawn on a playboard, or as if in formation.

There's no greed there, no mercy, just one thing to ask for.

Victory in the name of God......

But if there's one "Princess Rose of Grief," you know what I mean.

That would be a disaster that could threaten the world. You know, if you might be able to take it down, you should. No matter how much sacrifice you make here, you won't be commensurate with the enormous damage that could happen to the future.

“Princess Rose of Grief" may eventually help. If I suck, I might run away somewhere. Then you can't. But you'd be there now, wouldn't you?

Morgana's eyes, too unshakeable, seemed like an inorganic golem to Patrick.

Patrick gave up control of Morgana. Values are too far from people. I'm not a fanatic, this stuff is just a lunatic.

The form alone is deposited from the central army, and I have treated it politely because it possesses useful technology. But that's the limit, too. I don't need a subordinate or anything that doesn't work as ordered.

Let's throw Morgana out. It's what she wants to fight the undead, so if you leave it at Ciel-Teira, you'll help Marks on your own, and if you leave support personnel, you won't refuse to cooperate.

If it doesn't make sense, that's the only way to use it.

No longer finding utility in his conversation with Morgana, Patrick began to walk as if Morgana did not exist there.

Did you see such Patrick's attitude as a rejection?

"That's apostasy. … have a good day"

Someone came down in the courtyard surrounded by corridors.

Men in monk clothes, hiding their faces in masks. Morgana's manipulative flesh-receiving beast. Made based on humans, they usually simulate to humans in this way.

A crowd of masked monk clothes arrived at Patrick and restrained him to instantly grab his whole body up.

"You, what...!!

Morgana's white coat showed more red stains.

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