The undead, who were released into the ranks of the Noaculio army, began to kill with allowances and gradually. Suitably divided into several pieces, he breaks into the tent and kills the soldiers who were waiting without question.

"It's undead! It's undead!

There's more screaming than just panicking than a sudden announcing voice.

The surroundings became exactly the kind of noise that poked the hive, and the trumpet of emergency contact was blown.

I am not wearing armor, except for those who were on the alert. The knights, who only grabbed the sword and the shield and popped up, are bait when they flee.

But the undead side is small. Rene hasn't counted himself, but there shouldn't be 200.

I can't kill every soldier who runs away. I mean, there are more guys running away. And the soldiers, who spared the undead ambush, set up a shield or whatever to form a detachment party and begin to form an impromptu defensive formation.

But Rene saw it (...).

He climbed onto a nearby skeleton and rode in his shoulder car and saw the soldiers gathered over the heads of the herd of undead.

"Ahhh... uhh..."


The soldiers who were near the head go crazy. They stopped the defense and looked back, looking for an ally right behind them and were slashed.

"Hey, what are you doing!

"Hey stop...... Yikes!

"Stop it! Stop these guys!

Incidentally, the soldier began to kill each other.

The overturned soldiers wave their swords like rampant, mad beasts, and strike at those who were allies until earlier.

A slashed down soldier is dead.

A soldier who returned to sanity in a counter-attack died as it was already too late.

Weather forecasts are very important to the military. It involves policy decisions for marches and engagements and, above all, the admissibility of vampire activity.

Already at a time when the sun starts to set. The sky is covered by thick snow clouds, which will snow from night on. The area is spookily dim, and vampires damaged by solar rays are unimpeded in their activities.

"Come, poor souls. Burn it down!"

When Rene hung up, the Jacques-o-Lanterns, who had kept Rene's cognitive area on standby, flew in instantly. The flight of the soul is incredible.

Girl spirits (deformed) dressed in simple robe-like clothes, wearing a creepy pumpkin mask and a lantern of fire.

By the way, I just used it because it was just in stock, and nothing Jack O 'Lantern ingredients don't have to be a girl's soul.


Order number one.

Jack-o-Lanterns flew away, spraying flames like rat fireworks.


"Come on, come on, come on."

Right and left people wind up in flames.

But it's not a lot of damage, actually. The tent also seems to have some magical defense, and it doesn't burn easily with Jack-o-Lantern flames.

But that's not what Rene is after.

"Ahhh!? What the fuck are you guys doing!?

A scream of semifrenzy went up.

Loaded crates… Jack O 'Lanterns are turning around on fire for the rest of the food.

If we run out of food, we starve to death.

The soldier, who came to extinguish the fire holding a water bottle with his bloody running eyes, was just slashed from behind by a skeleton and was out of breath.

Confusion accelerates even further, and fighting expands.

Rene felt the killer thrust into a straight line, as he cleaved the commotion.

- Are they after you?

Outer circumference of formation. Temporary wooden walls.

There are those who aim for Rene from above its corridors and watchtowers.

Sniper bows and stationary machine bows of the Magic Machine (artifact) were pointing this way.


Arrows were unleashed simultaneously.

Making the sound of cutting through the sky, several arrows strike for Rene. I guess I feel bad signs from the arrows because I'm dipping holy water in my arrow butt. This hand is commonly used in battles against the undead.

However, even the magic of "Short Range Transfer (Short Warp)" is wasted on such a null attack.

That moment when the arrow pierced Rene, Rene's body had a hole in it to bare the arrow.

Rene's body was turning into a cloud or fog, with every piece of clothing he was wearing, gathered together black particles like ash Kagura.

Vampire's Ability 'Fogging'. I can make my body look like fog. There are a lot of abilities that can be used to escape an intrusion. At night, you can hide the signs in the dark.

Only Rene's neck was floating over the body that had lost the entity, and Rene circled it 360 °, gazing through the surrounding wall.

Rays go through, which means sight goes through, too.

The arrows began to splurge in the mess.

Avoid Rene and the undead soldiers as much as possible, the arrows on the machine bow smash through the tent, and arrows descend on the crowd of confused Noaculio soldiers as well.

Soldiers who received "The Evil Eye of Charm" are on René's side.

"" Painful Cry Whip (PAINWIP) "" Painful Cry Whip (PAINWIP) "" Painful Cry Whip (PAINWIP) "!" Create Corpse Soldier (CREATE UNDEAD) "!!"

Rene runs through the snort screaming indiscriminately with magic, making allowances or gradually carcasses. Immediately added to the battlefield with the creation of the Corpse Soldier (Creative Undead).

You don't have to kill them all.

You don't even have to kill a strong guy.

Dozens of miscellaneous soldiers will be enough.

Aim is a blow away.

The last damned push to take the will from the Noaculio army's front-line troops and knock morale down to the bottom of the ground.

We can say that the killing norm was more or less achieved at the time of the successful first blow from the invasion.

For a few more minutes, I'll be rambling here. The purpose... is positive.

When that happens, there are naturally obstacles.


A roar echoed that rocked heaven and earth.

- You're here!

This formation, situated on the outer edge of the city, is naturally within the surveillance of the Holy Beast.

Of course I was aware of the signs of approaching.

It is the Tiger-type Holy Beast that is approaching to knock down loads of supplies and tents… Evelis codenamed it 'Disjector'.

In addition, I can see the bird-shaped Holy Beast dancing in heaven whether there was a spare somewhere or a new addition. This one is named "Watcher" by Evelis.

It should be noted that René decided not to speak too much about the sense of codename as he had poked at the critical line of dassadness and difficulty.

From right to left, a total of three Tiger Shaped Holy Beasts (Disjectors) loom.

Claws like golden armor, peeling their fangs off and jumping on Rene.


"Eat it!

Rene quickly unplugged the knife and threw.

It was like making the arrow butt as big as it was, and the sorcery ceremony was stampeded like a demonic decoration.

A knife thrown to intercept a disjector. It was small and thought it would do little damage to the tiger's body.

But it was the moment the knife touched the disjector.

Multiple demonic squares were drawn in purple light in the air and converged on the disjectors.

"Yi Yi Yi Yi Yi!!

He raised an unnameable voice and the disjector threw up blood.

White epidermis rise and dissolve in the universe, as if skin were stripped alive. And later, only things like the loss of ability of a human body model combined with muscle in bullshit were rolling. The stained blood wets the area.

"... not a blow special"

It worked better than I imagined.

When you also throw a knife at the subsequent dissjector, the descending bird-shaped Holy Beast (Watcher), what until just now was the Holy Beast becomes an ugly real human body model and sinks into the ground.

A special Evelis, anti-flesh-receiving Holy Beast effect item, The Fallen Wedge of Heaven.

The appearance is a small throwing knife, but when you throw this, you sever the technique that is linking the flesh to the Holy Beast, and the Holy Beast is forcibly repatriated to heaven. Later, only raw debris will remain and become fertilizer.

The effect was to become weaker instead of more versatile, but the reverse engineering of the carcasses of the Holy Beast recovered by Rene allowed us to analyze the Morgana Sacred Beast's manoeuvres and specialize in the Sacred Beast against Morgana for even greater accuracy.

The remains of the Holy Beast are too messy to remain undead.

Either way, we can't leave this behind.

"" Emergency Storage (Boschute):! "

When Rene cast the spell, the carcass and knife of the Holy Beast disappeared.

By Evelis' new magic (renamed only), he recovers the flesh-receiving Holy Beast, which has been turned into a raw, earth-friendly garbage, and the "Wedge of Fallen Heaven" stabbed at it.

Because they don't know that there are measures, or analyze this procedure so that they don't strike "measures."

- Well, it's time...

Where Rene had cleaned up the raw debris, an explosion sounded from relatively close by and the ground swayed.

A blast blows through the area, knocking down the tent, winding up dust and skirts.

"Temporary jaws, it's blown away with a bomb! I'm leaving first!

I rubbed my face (...) with a prototype disguise kit made by Evelis, said Tracy, who was disguised as (...) Yi (...) Eh (...).

Rene moved flashly, creating a gap for Tracy to carry out the sabotage.

The only thing that matters is destroying it during battle. Temporary food for cooking can be rebuilt immediately, but to cause mental damage by making the impression that the food has been thoroughly attacked.

"Stand by at point A! We'll pick it up when we're done here!

"Copy that!"

With Tracy on her ass leaving to fly, Rene ran with four (...) books (...) feet (...).

The body, round and lying on the ground, changes its appearance to melt, and its entire body is covered with rich silver hair.


Rene growled high as she ran.

Its body no longer retains its human form. It is turned into a silver wolf.

It's a vampire's ability, Wolf Change.

Vampires do not possess weapons as inherent as Durahan forms.

Claws and fangs if you insist, but bad minutes when the sword is the opponent.

If you fight normally, you want to change your appearance because Durahan forms and rich forms are easier to do, but when the form changes, the "evil eye of charm", which is only a special ability of vampires, expires.

So I decided to take advantage of the 'wolf change' deriving from the vampire form. Running around lightly to magically support undead soldiers while sprinkling charm, it's the style of flying at enemies and biting and tearing down their throats if there's a gap.

"What is that!? Silver........................... dog?

By the way, is it because Rene is a child or something, the size is about the adult dog of a firewood dog.

Both the undead soldiers and the fascinated Noaculio soldiers were much less numerous.

Struggling on the enemy are knights with swords and shields that look a little good, wearing Mithril clasps. Somewhat, it would be someone with status or financial power.

They can't shake, even if Rene and I have eyes.

- You're using magic or magic items that interfere with your mind...

I won't go through with this. My vampire power is no big deal.

Knowing the upside of the battle that Rene attacked reinforcements the other day, he may have equipped himself to prevent attraction.

Exactly, though we won't be able to have enough for all the troops to equip in this short period of time.

- Anyway, just the magician!

Letting the undead soldiers penetrate, Rene crept under its feet and penetrated it so that it could be disputed by the group.



"This guy!

Keep that momentum running through tearing the earth apart.

... If you want to describe it more accurately, flirt with the knights sneaking around under their feet.

And he caught a mage in range who refrained from going backwards, jumping at once.


"Oh, my God."

Jumping to hang his forefoot on the sorcerer's shoulder, Rene devoured his neck.

The taste of blood spread in my mouth.

Eat in your fangs, step on your forefoot, and twist your body.

My neck was lightly cut a thousand times.

Rolling to mate with the magician's corpse, Rene had taken his passive and by the time he stood up he had already returned to being a person.

Clothes that disappeared when they werewolved also come back. And.


He pulled out the "Fallen Wedge of Heaven" and intercepted a new watcher.

The bird, flashing its golden nails and descending suddenly, receives a blade throw, which becomes a dirty fireworks in the air and destroys itself.

"" Emergency Storage (Boschute):! "

The carcass disappeared before it reached the ground.

Having confirmed that there were no more magicians around, Rene fogged his entire body on the spot.

Flowing like a flock of worms, it descends a little further from the battlefield, in front of a pile of burning food.

During the turmoil, the fire extinguishing operation was no longer given up and two Jack-o-Lanterns danced with pleasure around the firepillars like campfire's parent balls. He is holding the remains of a crate and carving a primitive beat with Dondoko Dondoko.

"What about the other two?

"I think the Holy Beast did it"

"Being and Nori are light..."

Pumpkin mask girl...... Panilla, whom Rene duly ordered captain, briefly reported.

"Fair enough. I'm going home."


By thought Rene ordered the zombies and skeletons to stop.

The makeshift walls are already in a state of confusion, so let the magicians and empty riders in the area attack. You'll be knocked down soon, but I don't mind. I have meat because it's hard to bring it back. The undead leaves it here. It's a soldier I brought with me more disposable intentions.

"Follow me!

Rene jumped up round her body like a high jump.

The body shrinks so that it is turned around, and the world looks big.

Rene turned into a single bat, wrapped in silver hair. This is also a vampire's ability.

Small body and small wings. But the power produced by its wings is no less than that of Hippoglyphs.

René flew through the sky, which began to sink into darkness, becoming a silver meteor. Followed by two jack-o-lanterns.

Soon the battle was over, and later the Noaculio soldiers with exhausting faces were left behind.

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