Chapter 177: Emperor Supreme Rule System 3

Ibro didn't get the whole idea of that system and order. He asked:

'What is the benefit I would get from it then?'

'Your current low power at the soul cultivation holds you back. You need to raise your strength at soul cultivation. During your training, I will support you with my stored energy to speed up your training process.

The more energy you store, the faster your rising will be. During this, every time you pass a minor stage in the soul cultivation system you will gain 5 more Omega energy balls.

Every one major stage you pass, you will have double the amount of Omega energy ball than the previous major stage. Your beginning now is 256 Omega balls. Keep the hard work system holder.'

'Does that mean I'm a cultivator now?' Ibro asked at once about this confusing issue.

'No, you are a system holder.' The system replied at once.

Ibro didn't fully understand that answer but he knew he wasn't a normal cultivator now. He needed to put this new ability to test. But first, he needed to evaluate his situation and gather some Intel about this failed assassination attempt.

It seemed his enemy had his eyes in this place. He needed to assess the situation ASAP. He opened the door. The scene outside his room was exactly like he suspected.

There were a lot of dead bodies lying on the floor. He noticed the calm face of the young girl who gave him the medicine. Her face was calm even after death. He felt very angry.

He needed an explanation before, but now he also wanted revenge. He moved outside the door of the main building. He was on the side of a huge mountain.

He managed to notice some buildings in the distance. This place was really weird. He was used to the crowding towns and the busy streets. This calmness that he experienced from moment zero here in this world was an alien feeling for him.

He held his sword strongly and moved towards one of the closest buildings to him. Once he got close to it, he heard some noises coming from the area nearby.

That was the sound of battle, and it was a heated one too. He moved in caution heading towards that battle. Once he neared that place he stopped immediately in his tracks.

This wasn't a battle at all. It was a training session. He stood at his place like an idiot watching these many disciples who were training with extreme focus. The only one here who noticed him was that lady that was flying in the middle of the air.

"I can see you have recovered a lot of your wounds, but what are these bloodstains on your clothes?"

That lady moved towards him while speaking in a calm tone. He felt a strange feeling like he knew her somehow. He couldn't recall but she was the one who saved him when he lost his consciousness.

"It's nothing, just a couple of guys tried to kill me so I killed them."

"What do you say?" This lady narrowed her eyes and the vibe around her changed greatly.

Ibro didn't dare to delay his explanation for what happened. He had just recovered and he had no confidence at all in facing such an imposing lady.

Although she looked to be in her early thirtieth but he knew her age was much older than that. After he finished his explanation, that lady vanished literally from his eyesight.

After a few minutes, she returned again with an obvious anger over her face. This failed assassination attempt was really a slap on her beautiful face.

"As your wounds have healed, then you can head directly towards the inner sect. Rineo is the…," she was in the middle of her speech when she stopped.

She kept looking towards the horizon for seconds before her face showed more anger. Ibro noticed her sudden changes but he didn't dare to ask or issue a sound.

He noticed all the surrounding disciples to show looks of fear and worry. This lady must be very angry right now and that wasn't a nice thing at all.

"Those bastards. All the fire peak disciples… stop what you are doing and come with me now."

This lady's voice was really loud and explosive. Ibro felt a shiver down his spine just hearing it. When she looked at him, his heart skipped a beat. What did this crazy old lady want from him?

"You will come with me too."

"Sure thing, I will definitely come," he replied at once in fear to anger her. There must be some dangerous things that have happened. At once Ibro moved with the whole peak disciples.

While he followed them, he noticed how vast this place was. They were living the wildlife with no sign of civilization. That was strange for Ibro who lived his whole life in civilization.

After nearly an hour of complete silent walk, they reached the heart of the valley. Ibro recognized this place at once. This was where he entered the previous time. He also recognized the place where that huge arena was occupying.

Now its place was completely filled with ruins. He didn't recall his destruction of this arena. He kept walking behind the crowd. After a few minutes, he glanced at the crowd from a distance. There were other peaks that gathered their disciples and reached that place before them.

"What is the meaning of this Stone peak master?" A very loud and angry voice appeared suddenly which attracted everyone's attention. Ibro looked towards the source of the sound. There were a lot of people that separated him from the front where that heated discussion was happening.

"He took a challenge and lost it," another voice appeared trying to defend himself. Ibro felt that sound was kind of familiar.

"He had won the challenge. Didn't that boy he brought have won that monster cultivator?" the first angry voice sounded again. This time Ibro didn't need to speculate anymore. He figured out what was happening. At once his anger escalated to the highest degree possible.

'If I were you I will not cause any more trouble now,' a soft female voice sounded inside his head which shocked him. He looked around him to find no one.

'Where are you looking at? I'm standing in the air in front of you,' that female voice appeared again miraculously inside his head. He looked straight to the space in front of him.

There was no one in the air looking straight to him except that crazy lady from the fire peak. He didn't know what to do. He tried to reply to her in his mind but he felt there was no connection. He felt as if she was inside his brain and she wasn't.

'Don't try, this is a mind communication. It's a higher form of cultivation. Someone with no power like you can use it,' she again transmitted these words inside his mind.

This time he didn't react as the first experience. He just looked at her and nodded. He knew she was trying to help him here. While he was still at his place standing still, he heard a lot of whispers which were related to what happened before and was happening now.

As Ibro guessed, Rineo had been killed by that stone peak master. The excuse he gave was ridiculous, but no one could do anything to him till the sect master returned to the sect.

Ibro also knew that the sect master had travelled to attend several sect masters meetings and would return in a week. That week would be the longest and hardest week on Ibro.

Whoever wanted him dead would do everything possible to kill him before the return of the sect master. He had to survive this period no matter what.

"Ibro will live with my disciples at my peak."

Suddenly that angry female sound appeared from the front. Ibro woke up from his own thoughts to see everyone around him was looking at him in a strange way.

"Ibro, move yourself and come here now."

That high pitched order was heard all over the place. Ibro didn't dare to delay as he moved rapidly through the crowds who created a passage for him to move in.

Ibro didn't know why that crazy lady asked for him to move out. Wasn't she the one who asked him to keep calm and not cause trouble?

"As you can see, he is alive. He will live with me at my peak," that lady spoke pointing towards him as he approached the front. He managed to see a lot of familiar faces there. All the peak masters were present here.

"That boy is a crippled cultivator. We must expel him now."

An old-looking man with a bare chest spoke with a loud voice. He was that bastard who killed Rineo.

Before Ibro had a chance to make anything, the fire peak master spoke again in a decisive tone:

"He will live at my peak. I control my peak and no one has the right to tell me what to do."

"He is a crippled with no potential. Let's vote to see if he should stay here or not," that viper spoke again looking towards the other peak masters who kept their silence.

"I'm the only one who has the right here to decide this matter," the fire peak lady spoke of her decision while looking straight at this viper. Ibro wished he was stronger to kill that man, but he knew if he moved a finger against him right now he would die.

He would fall into his enemies trap. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth trying to hold himself back.

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