Chapter 176: Emperor Supreme Rule System 2

Immediately the seven peak masters moved at the same time to surround this hanging big platform. From each one, a different energy emerged. Each one used his best defensive technique without hesitation.

Seven supreme defensive techniques merged together to form one higher form defensive ball. It acted like a barrier isolating the platform from everything else.

The monster inside was petrified first from Ibro's insanity then it tried to escape. It got stuck by the barrier at once. He couldn't escape this barrier. Not even a speck of dust could escape this combined move from such mighty people.

This monster looked with deep hatred towards Ibro. Ibro was like a sun that was born on the earth. His body was emanating threatening energy to everything around him.

In seconds, that huge platform couldn't withstand this huge energy and got crumbled into dust. Ibro's body was bleeding from every orifice he had. He looked with bleeding eyes towards that monster and said a numb body from extreme pain:

"I will die, and you will die with me."

* blink*

'Emperor supreme rule system has sensed the presence of a supreme form of energy. The Emperor supreme rule system asks for permission to absorb this energy. Would the system holder agree?'

That sound was like the healing water that poured over Ibro's painful body. Ibro smiled wryly in this situation, he even laughed. His laugh was like a mad man's laugh but deep inside him, he felt gratitude and comfort. He was saved.

'Dronil, I really, really missed you.'

'Emperor supreme rule system asks for permission to absorb this energy. Would the system holder agree?'

Ibro felt that Dronil was unable to communicate with him like before. that system name was the one he chose before with Dronil on a whim.

He knew how gluttonous appetite Dronil had, so he decided to postpone this inevitable decision till he finished his mission first. Ibro looked towards that monster and started to move.

His body was weighed by all the massive energy he had. That slow speed was impossible to catch that sneaky monster, but he did.

That monster was really pinned in place from terror and under the mightiness of Ibro's leaked energy. It couldn't even move a muscle. Once Ibro reached it, he raised his sword sky high. He was like a death god. Simply he lowered his sword muttering:

"I agree."

'System holder agrees. The Emperor supreme rule system starts energy absorption.

Energy absorption is absorption is 25%... energy absorption is 50%... energy absorption is 100%. The system has successfully absorbed energy. The Emperor supreme rule system will hibernate for 24 hours then it will fully start working.'

During these few seconds, Ibro's sword had decapitated that monster head and cut its body into several pieces. After that, all the energy disappeared as if there was nothing before. Ibro's body was completely bloody but he felt relieved and ecstatic.

He had finally managed to kill this nasty monster and kept his life. His old companion Dronil had returned. He was about to turn away but the brilliance of a small object inside all the huge meat pieces of this monster caught its attention.

He moved slowly towards that monster with the remaining energy in him and grabbed that object. It was another core like the one he ate before. The previous one was risky but very useful.

He took part in his tattered clothes and held this core in it. He then tied it to his waist before he lost all his remaining strength.

He fell from the air towards the ground without any consciousness at all. The last thing his eyes saw was two big breasts and a nice fragrance that he smelled before he totally lost his consciousness.

He didn't know how long he kept losing his consciousness but when he awoke he felt severe pain all over his body. He opened his eyes to find himself in a totally new place.

He tried to sit but he couldn't. His pains were so immense that he even released a muffled scream. He heard the sound of small footsteps moving near him.

"Don't move" female voice appeared from behind him. He tilted his head to see a young girl that was no older than him was trying to open a small bottle with opaque orange liquid.

"Your injuries are severe. You should keep in bed for several weeks till you can rest."

Ibro understood that his wounds after that fight were really bad.

The last thing he recalled was his success in killing that monster. That girl moved to be on his side before pouring the content of this liquid in his mouth slowly.

"Drink this healing potion. It should be enough to ease your pain for the whole day." She explained.

"How long did I lose my consciousness?" Ibro asked after he swallowed that bitter medicine.

"You slept for nearly a day now. You need to sleep more to get better."

Ibro followed with his eyesight that girl while she moved outside his room and closed the door behind her. He was lying on the bed in this simple looking room.

He needed to know more about his current situation. He wasn't worried about his health though; as he was confident in his body ability to heal. He only needed info.

While he was lying motionless there, he heard some noise coming from outside. He tried to focus but he couldn't understand a word.

While he was trying to know what was going on, he heard the sound of something hitting the wall of the room next to him followed by the drop of many things. After that, many footsteps came towards his closed door.

"That doesn't bode well." he thought. The door opened and some young cultivators moved inside his room. They were six in number. Ibro noticed the stain of blood on the clothes of some of them.

"You finally awake, hmmm, you must pay the price." One of them said while extracting a long sword from its handle.

"Who are you guys? I don't have a feud with any of you." Ibro tried to buy himself some time by asking this. These guys walked in and closed the door behind them. They surrounded his bed while each one raised a different weapon.

"We know we have no feuds but you have killed our master then you must die." One of them answered Ibro while issuing orders with his eyes to the surrounding people. Ibro tried to think of a way out of his predicament.

'Emperor supreme rule system has initiated successfully. The system is analyzing the surroundings of the holder. The analysis is finished. The system has concluded the holder's life is in danger.

Analyzing the available options. The system has found a good source of energy. System asks for permission to use it.'

'Use it,' Ibro didn't need to think as he replied at once. He felt some sort of heat emerging from his waste. Suddenly a large ore appeared in front of him. He recognized it at glance.

He didn't hesitate as he opened his mouth fully and bit on this monster core. Like the previous one, this core was completely swallowed by him. Unlike the previous time, he now had a system to help him. The surrounding cultivators found it strange.

They knew about Ibro's strange condition. He couldn't cultivate but he could generate energy. As they heard from the investigation that Rineo went through, this strange crippled cultivator could absorb energy from the cores of the monsters.

He miraculously transformed this energy into those strange balls. That movement from Ibro alarmed them. They exchanged looks trying to decide what to do. Their master had died before by the hand of such a dangerous move.

'System is directing the energy. The energy amount is way bigger than the holder capacity. The system has finished analyzing the holder capabilities.

From the holder's memories, he could use this energy to form some sort of unique energy by merging with Intelligence tech-side energy. The system is formulating a plan. The plan is formed. The system is implementing the plan immediately.'

That familiar voice had appeared repeatedly in his mind while those cultivators hadn't made up their minds yet. At this time he sensed the changes that were happening inside his body.

Unlike the previous attempt, this time everything was under complete control of the system. That core energy wasn't as wild as before. It was really docile.

It followed the arrangement of the system. It was separated into three parts. The first part which was the smaller part had moved to all of his body. In a blink of an eye, he got better with an obvious degree.

He at least could move his body parts without feeling any pain at all. That energy continued to be poured to all his injuries. The second part which was much larger had seeped inside his muscles, skin, joints, and blood.

The last part which was the largest of them had been formed into multiple smaller balls gradually. At the same time, there were wisps of energy that moved from his brain towards each ball.

Each wisp was like cooling water that began to transform this raw energy into his Omega balls. Ibro kept observing all these rapid harmonious changes that occurred simultaneously at the same time.

"Let's put an end to him. We don't know what this stranger hides. The more time we give him the more variables we have.

Our orders are obsolete: either his life or ours," one of these cultivators decided finally with a whisper-like voice. Ibro was near them so he could hear all their talks. This order was the decision every one of them waited for. They looked at Ibro in the eyes with no hesitation in it.

"As you just said, it's either your lives or mine," Ibro said these words in a confident tone that shocked them. He was supposed to be heavily energy not able to move. But right in front of them, he moved his body sitting on the bed with extreme comfort.

"Attack at once. Never give him the ch…," that leader of these assassins had stopped in his own words. What made him freeze was the sudden disappearance of Ibro from their eyesight.

In a blink of an eye, Ibro had left the bed and reached that distant table. He passed by them. He looked at the table and towards that long broad sword of his.

He came here with nothing but that sword and now he had a sword and a system. While he moved to this table, he didn't forget to leave a welcoming present over everyone's shoulder.

This gift was one of the 256 Omega balls that he had formed inside his body. He didn't need to check at them, his omega balls were really destructive.

At once, all the balls detonated and the flesh of these cultivators had polluted the whole room. Ibro took the sword and then headed towards the door.

'Emperor supreme rule system had finished its emergency work. The Emperor supreme rule system will start its first order. The first order has been selected and executed immediately.'

Ibro felt extreme weirdness when he heard these words. He knew Dronil was aiming to become a full system, but this was the first time he experienced it firsthand. While he was dazed in front of the closed door, another raw of words appeared in his mind:

'System first order has been initiated. The first order is: Emperor might. Congratulations for unlocking the first order. Keep the hard work system holder.'

'What do you mean by that order anyway?' Ibro couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked at once.

'Emperor might order his unique way from the system to the system holder to raise their power at a rapid pace.

The system has analyzed your experiences and made this order specifically for you. It's a unique order for you only. no other system holder can use it.'

'I didn't understand a word from what you said. Can you explain again? and where my dear Dronil had gone?'

Ibro was confused. He really didn't understand a word from what he heard just now. He was also interested in Dronil's fate. He really missed this tech with godlike scout ability and that upgradeability.

'Dronil has transformed into me now. The system is a higher version of Dronil. The order is a service that aims to raise your total power. The emperor might grant you the ability to absorb the energy from any energy source you can obtain.

When you kill a monster it will help you absorb every ounce of energy from it. If you kill a person it will help you absorb every ounce of energy from it.

This energy will be divided to heal your body, raise your strength, speed, and defense, helps you to form Omega ball energy and finally be stored in the system for future needs.

Your current capacity is 256 Omega balls. You need to raise your cultivation level to match your tech level for that number to increase. All the energy absorbed from these killed persons now is stored in the system for future use. Keep the hard work up system holder.'

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