Rich Devil

Chapter 501: ,That's it


For a moment, Wang Yiguan wanted to get rid of Hu Yanshuo very strongly.

Hu Yanshuo felt this kind of thought, but he was still very calm in the face of this kind of thought. If he really wanted him to express any thoughts, he probably felt calm in his heart.

There is only one sentence, even if you don't like me, but you just can't kill me.

"Oh, boy, you are very arrogant!" Wang Yiguan said angrily.

Said in a tone of teaching poor country turtles.

With his eyes condescending, he glanced at Qi Lin and Sun Man again, and made up his mind even more, to step on Hu Yanshuo hard and let him know whether it was good or bad.


Hu Yanshuo said lightly: "It's normal!"

Immediately, Wang Yiguan had a feeling of being stuck in his throat. What does it mean to be okay? It's normal. If you say that you are arrogant, you admit it unceremoniously.

Wang Yiguan really didn't understand the trouble. According to reason, the other party didn't put it aside and said that he was not arrogant at all?

In general, what the **** is this rhetoric?

I was still thinking about how to force the other party to admit the arrogant and domineering Wang Yiguan. When I heard that Hu Yanshuo had not waited for him to use his means, and he admitted it unceremoniously, an inexplicable word emerged in his heart.

No sense of achievement!

"You are quite arrogant and domineering!" Wang Yiguan said.

"Ha ha."

Hu Yanshuo laughed lightly, looked at Wang Yiguan and said calmly, "Upbringing is a good thing, I hope you can have it too!"

Wang Yiguan's blood rushes into his head, this guy is mocking him for being uneducated!

With Wang Yiguan's behavior, there is indeed such a trend, but he will never admit it. He glanced around, his eyes fell on the table where the three of them had finished their meal, and he had another idea of ​​stepping on Hu Yanshuo.

"You mean my act of breaking into the box?"

With an idea in mind, Wang Yiguan still wanted to draw it slowly, pretending to be puzzled.

Hu Yanshuo nodded and said, "Yes!"

Wang Yiguan has an idea in his heart to beat the other party, even if it is true, can you say it like this?

In particular, Hu Yanshuo's casual glance, full of contempt, is a familiar look. He has always looked at others like this and criticized others, but no one has ever dared to look at him with such eyes.

Extremely upset in his heart, Wang Yiguan had to squeeze a smile on his face and said, "Hehe, my behavior is a bit rash, but I'm mainly worried that you won't be able to pay, after all, the consumption here is very expensive! If you can’t afford it, you deliberately put on a lot of money, and finally you have to sell the house to pay for it!”

"Can't afford it?"

Hu Yanshuo heard Wang Yiguan's words, and suddenly, with a thoughtful look, he seemed to have guessed some of Wang Yiguan's routines. It's just that he didn't intend to follow the other party's thoughts, so he chuckled and said calmly, "Even so, what does that have to do with you?"

"What does it have to do with me?"

Wang Yi was a little angry in his concern, but he held it back abruptly.

Trying to calm himself down, Wang Yiguan showed a reserved and arrogant smile on his face, and said, "I have something to do with me. Seeing you poor, I will pay for my inappropriate behavior of breaking into the box, so …”

Having said that, Wang Yiguan paused for a moment, then looked at Hu Yanshuo up and down, but he didn't see the slightest look he expected from him. Instead, Sun Man and Qi Lin were full of anger. Wang Yiguan's expectations did not meet, and he was a little disappointed in his heart, so he threw a bomb that he thought was enough to deter him, and said, "So you spend this meal, I pay for you, how is my upbringing? Woolen cloth?!"

"That's it?"

Hu Yanshuo burst out laughing, as if you've waited for a long time, then you'll show me this.

Sun Man and Qi Lin, who were a little angry at the side, seemed to be stunned for a while, but they didn't expect Wang Yiguan to hold back his big move for a long time, and then give them such a gap.

They never imagined such a situation, and in the end, they still wanted to understand.

This is probably the difference in position between them.

Hearing Hu Yanshuo's laughing words, Wang Yiguan's face twitched a few times, especially the tone of the sentence, which made him feel a little unable to get down, feeling aggrieved and uncomfortable.

However, before he could continue to speak, Hu Yanshuo nodded and said, "Is this okay? Are you really sure? Don't come, you can't pay for this meal, and you have to pay us, yourself. It’s not good if you pretend to be forced and run away, revealing the back…”

Holding a breath, Wang Yiguan felt very uncomfortable. He felt mad and said, "What a joke, it's just a meal, can I afford it?"

"A countryman is a countryman. Let me tell you, your situation is called poverty that limits your imagination. You have no idea how rich other people are!"

After saying all this, Wang Yiguan felt a sense of relief that he had slapped Hu Yanshuo for a meal, and his heart was extremely happy and joyful.

"Alright alright alright!"

Hu Yanshuo said in a row, and then spread out his hands and said, "I'll give you this opportunity, you can see it? This gentleman Shanzi insists on rushing to buy it, you can ask him for it! In addition, my mobile phone number, You should also know that if he repents, you can give me another I can transfer money!"

Now that he made up his mind, Hu Yanshuo didn't hesitate much, and the thought of coming back here has been extinguished in his heart.

Even if the other party cannot pay, he will only transfer money.

In the state just now, Wang Yiguan would definitely be very angry when Hu Yanshuo said that he would give himself a chance to pay the bill. What are your identities with me? If I pay for you, do I still need you to give me a chance?

However, Wang Yiguan realized that he had achieved the purpose of scolding Hu Yanshuo, and he felt very comfortable. Naturally, he didn't care about Hu Yanshuo's words.

With just the right amount of disdain on his face, he almost pointed at Hu Yanshuo's nose and rebuked him condescendingly: "Am I the kind of person who can't afford the bill?"

Wang Yiguan sneered and waved his hand, indicating that the three of them could get out.

He severely angered Sun Man and Qi Lin.

Hu Yanshuo said to Sun Man and Sun Man indifferently: "In this case, let's go, we won't be here anymore."

Being trampled on like this, even though Hu Yanshuo knew the other party's thoughts, he didn't want to bother with such a person.

However, the attitude of the people in Wang's restaurant made him look disappointed, and he didn't have the idea of ​​giving them face, so he directly expressed his thoughts to the two of them.

Around so.

Sun Man's face was also a little annoyed. After all, this restaurant was the kind of restaurant she introduced, and as a result, such a thing happened. As if he understood her thoughts, Hu Yanshuo had a gentle smile on his face, and said, "The dishes here are really good, and the cooking skills are still there. Just such cooking skills, your introduction can't be wrong."


Sun Man was very moved, knowing that Hu Yanshuo was comforting her.

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