Rich Devil

Chapter 254: , thirsty


When the flight attendant leaves.

Hu Yanshuo discovered that it seems that these flight attendants are Thai flight attendants.

Although it did not reach 80 points of beauty.


They are in great shape!

Officially, because Huo Qiyang kept looking at their figures, his girlfriend Chen Xiaoxiao looked jealous. The flight attendants had to leave quickly, avoiding too embarrassing things from happening!

Hu Yanshuo even saw that Huo Qiyang had a trace of regret in his eyes when the flight attendant left.

Ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past.

Hu Yanshuo couldn't imagine how good Huo Qiyang's willpower was that he would endure it until now.

Now Chen Xiaoxiao sees it so severely.

In Hu Yanshuo's mind, Huo Qiyang's image of hunger and thirst is about to break through the sky.

Special channels are considered special treatment.


The process is completely in accordance with the formal process, but it saves a little more time than others, which is more suitable for the management thinking mode of throttling and open source.

It's not unreasonable to spend more money!

A little bit of insight, but Huo Qiyang didn't care about the expression, obviously he already knew or was used to this situation, but he didn't know how much he knew about the doorway.

Just thoughts flashed by.

Hu Yanshuo just sighed about this, and he turned his attention before the plane landed.

Huo Qiyang occasionally found time to chat with Hu Yanshuo about business!

Obviously, this is the son of a wealthy family. In his spare time, he likes to chat, but he thinks that Hu Yanshuo should have this idea, but he doesn't know that Hu Yanshuo is not interested in making money at all.

Although Hu Yanshuo's attitude was a bit perfunctory, Huo Qiyang's self-cultivation was very good, and he didn't chat awkwardly.

Such a situation!

Instead, Hu Yanshuo gave Huo Qiyang a high look.

Not for anything else is this kind of self-cultivation, and it is not something ordinary people can do.

have to say.

A lot of the rich second generation are crooked, but more rich second generation and background second generation seem to be born with this kind of self-cultivation. And this kind of self-cultivation is the origin of family learning for them. For ordinary people, it can only be cultivated through acquired experience and exercise. Every ordinary person who has a similar kind is called a successful person.

Obviously, a person's self-cultivation is not possessed by one's birth, but only based on experience and cultivation.

In the eyes of many people, self-cultivation is also one of the elements of success that should be possessed by successful people.

Huo Qiyang's behavior changed Hu Yanshuo's view of him somewhat.

However, when Chen Xiaoxiao's vigilant eyes looked over, most of Hu Yanshuo's affection for this guy dissipated. He has a girlfriend who even men are wary of. How hungry is this guy?

Maybe this guy will look very handsome when he looks at a **** now!


Hu Yanshuo's attitude of keeping a distance again obviously made Huo Qiyang smile bitterly, but because his appearance is not high, Hu Yanshuo did not have any emotional waves...

Huo Qiyang returned to his girlfriend again, and the two were glued together again.

The plane landed quickly.

Arrived in Thailand!

The staff of the plane quickly made arrangements. The commissioner quickly went out from the plane, and a short walk after getting off the plane, this is the place where the entry stamp has not been reached, and there is a counter for applying for a visa on arrival: visaarrival , The flight attendant quickly took the application form and other things, handed it to the other party, and then took Hu Yanshuo and others to the place where the seal was sealed, and left with the seal.

In contrast, other people need to ask the staff to get the application form, and after filling out the application form, hand over the application form, round-trip air ticket itinerary, photos, entry-exit slip, passport and 1,000 yuan visa on arrival fee to the staff. It takes a while to leave.

Hu Yanshuo found out that he and others did not even need to pay for the visa on arrival.

1,000 yuan is nothing to him and Huo Qiyang, nor is it to the airline company.

However, the arrangement of the airline is obviously very thoughtful, which makes people have to deepen their impression of it, and, on the attention of a QR code arranged by the airline, they started scanning the code without any hesitation!

Generally speaking, there are not many troublesome procedures to get to Thailand.

There are only about five bullet points:

1. Fill out an application form.

2. A photo with a white background of about 2 inches.

3. Show the round-trip air ticket.

4. Passport valid for more than half a year.

5. The visa fee on arrival is 1,000 yuan.

Doing this will grant you a 15-day stay in Thailand.

Commonly known as tourist visa.

When they were at the gate of the airport, Huo Qiyang and Chen Xiaoxiao were not far away. When they saw Hu Yanshuo planning to take a mobile phone, when booking a hotel, they quickly said hello and recommended the same five-star hotel for them.

Originally Hu Yanshuo didn't plan to go with them, but Huo Qiyang said that the hotel's special car had arrived.

The driver found Huo Qiyang and Chen Xiaoxiao coming over.


The chauffeur said hello, and then I heard him speak neither salty nor bland, and his tone was a little strange, not quasi-Chinese, "Mr. Huo Qiyang? I'm the chauffeur of the Royal Hotel, and I'm responsible for taking you to the Royal Hotel. ."

"My friend hasn't booked a hotel yet, and plans to go to your Royal Hotel together."

Huo Qiyang spoke with some Cantonese accented Chinese. Hu Yanshuo, who had planned to refuse, hesitated for a while, but he still did not refuse. After all, there were also some Chinese who were familiar with him, so he felt more secure, and foreign countries would not be so harmonious. It's in a dire situation, and there are people who are familiar with it who can take care of it.

"Thank you so much, thank you Mr. Huo for your recommendation!"

The driver quickly thanked him. Obviously, without Huo Qiyang's recommendation, Hu Yanshuo probably wouldn't choose their hotel so quickly. At the same time, he also quickly said to Hu Yanshuo, "Our Royal Hotel is the Royal Thai One..."

Although the words are awkward and incoherent, the meaning can still be understood, and most Chinese seem to have no intention of correcting them.

Hu Yanshuo said directly to the driver: "Speak Thai directly!"

Obviously, most of the other party's Chinese is memorized by memorization. In the case of Hu Yanshuo, it is natural to search the guts, but obviously this is rare, so the language is not smooth but people can understand the meaning, and , no one has corrected his mind!

After all, many people are still very generous!

As for speaking in Thai!

It was not long after getting off the plane, but I didn't understand it well... Okay! Hu Yanshuo immediately realized the communication problem when he didn't understand Thai at all, and quickly found the Thai language skill book in the Krypton Gold Mall!

A little bit of kryptonite made the Thai language to the level of lv3!

The daily communication in Thailand is probably Thai, English, and less Chinese, only occasionally professional people speak.

Hu Yanshuo also admires Dong Thrushi's heart. She can't speak Thai at all. She only speaks savadika, so she dares to come to Thailand to travel, and she doesn't even have a tour guide or translator. Hu Yanshuo thought she had already I came here after thinking about it, and as a result, the special thing is that I ran over as soon as my brain was hot.

If Hu Yanshuo didn't have a krypton gold mall, wouldn't he still need to find something for translation?

The driver of the special car gave Hu Yanshuo a surprised look.

I didn't expect this person to speak Thai more fluently than me!

"What's your name, sir?"

The driver asked in Thai.

"Hu Yanshuo."

Hu Yanshuo used his name directly, and he had to register something later, so there was no need to hide it. Besides, Hu Yanshuo was such an upright and upright person.

"Mr. Hu Yanshuo speaks Thai very well. Have you lived in Bangkok for a long time?"

The driver of the special car expressed his surprise and asked a question at the same time. Hu Yanshuo was so fluent in Thai, and he chose an accent in Bangkok, so the driver couldn't help but ask.


Hu Yanshuo replied casually, he can't tell the truth that he bought it from the krypton gold mall!

What if the driver of the car understands?

What if this Thai taxi driver has also read the online novel?

"You are amazing!"

The driver of the car with a thumbs up praised.

Dong Thrushi and Wu Wanyu next to them both looked at Hu Yanshuo in surprise. They didn't expect that he would be able to converse fluently with the driver in Thai. Dong Thrushi's eyes couldn't help but the little stars popped out. Knowing many languages, I was so happy that she actually met her!

Especially seeing the surprised expressions of Wu Wanyu, Huo Qiyang, and Chen Xiaoxiao, she felt a sense of pride.

"When are we leaving!?"

Seeing that her boyfriend's face was frustrated, Chen Xiaoxiao said quickly.

Although the topic was rough, Hu Yanshuo and others could see her intention to protect her boyfriend, and no one bothered with her too much. Then, before a few people came to the special car, Hu Yanshuo was very familiar with the style of the car!

"Berhamas bske!"

Huo Qiyang recognized the car at a glance, and then said to Hu Yanshuo, "Let this lady sit in the co-pilot, how about you and us in the back row?"

Huo Qiyang didn't take Wu Wanyu together, apparently thinking that Hu Yanshuo and her had a very close relationship.

"No need, I'll take the co-pilot!" Wu Wanyu said.

to this.

Hu Yanshuo was naturally noncommittal. The space behind Behamas bske was large enough to accommodate four people. Seeing that Hu Yanshuo didn't speak, Huo Qiyang immediately understood the general relationship, and didn't mean to mix too much. He hurriedly greeted him and got into the car. He sat in the middle with Hu Yanshuo, and the two women were close to the door to enjoy the street view.

"It's a good car, but it's a bit of a gas hog!"

After getting in the car, Huo Qiyang tried to open the topic. Hu Yanshuo really didn't want to answer, but he still reluctantly chatted, "This car is okay!"

"Mr. Hu also understands cars?" Huo Qiyang asked curiously.

"I'm not very familiar with cars, but I know a little about planes."

Hu Yanshuo is relatively unfamiliar with cars, but relatively familiar with planes: "I have one of this car, so I know about it. The rest of the cars have probably heard of the brand, and I don't know much about the performance!"

"Oh, how does this car perform?"

Huo Qiyang was a little curious. The evaluation of the performance of this car in Hu Yanshuo's eyes made Hu Yanshuo ponder for three seconds before answering, "The car! The fuel consumption is decent, the performance is good, and the sterilization effect is good!"

"Sterilization? Does this car have a sterilization system?"

Chen Xiaoxiao looked at a loss, and said to Huo Qiyang eagerly: "Why don't we buy one too, it can sterilize, and the safety performance should be pretty good! By the way, how much does this kind of car cost?"

Cough cough!

Huo Qiyang was a little caught off guard, but he didn't expect his girlfriend to take it seriously.

"It looks like 30 to 40 million!"

Huo Qiyang still answered his girlfriend's words, and at the same time gave Hu Yanshuo a look of envy for your ability to play.

Obviously this driver pretended to be new before!


Huo Qiyang obviously has a girlfriend, but he is still so hungry, something is wrong!

After hearing this, Dong Thrushi quietly leaned into Hu Yanshuo's ear and asked, "How is the suspension system of the car?"

I don't know if Huo Qiyang heard these words or not. He glanced at Dong Huamei in surprise, then at Wu Wanyu who looked back, and then looked at Hu Yanshuo with a look of envy in his eyes. With a concealed look, Hu Yanshuo subconsciously squeezed into Dong Thrushi's position.

Dong Thrushi thought that Hu Yanshuo was hinting at him!

Throwing a charming rolling eye...

His lips were slightly opened, and three words were spit out in his mouth: wait for the night.


"What a big misunderstanding!"

"How can I be such a pure person..."

Thousands of dragons roared in Hu Yanshuo's heart. In the end, he even had to tell Dong Thrushi the truth himself. His lips rolled and he said silently, "Okay!"

Behamas bske soon arrived at the upcoming Royal Hotel.

as a five star hotel.

The Royal Hotel here is a building with a strong Thai style.

Like a crown, the top of the highest part is a golden Buddha probably means that divine power is higher than imperial power and life, and it belongs to the top international architectural design recognized by many people.

Because I heard that when I first came to Thailand, I had to go for a walk in the middle of the country, in order to truly and completely feel the unique customs and culture of Thailand!


The location of the airport landing is Bangkok in central Thailand.

Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, has achieved the culture of Thailand today through the efforts of King IX. It has not only become the center of Thailand's economy, politics, science and technology, religion, etc., but also can be felt here. All the customs and customs in the territory can be said to be the central gathering point of the whole culture of Thailand.

Although I have never been to Thailand, I at least know that its attractions are widely distributed.

For the first time, Bangkok, Thailand is the first choice. If you want to play, you don’t need to worry too much. First, you need to choose a place to stay, and then make appropriate arrangements for the itinerary. After collecting the scenic spots, I saw Hu Yanshuo and Dong Thrushi arranging their residence, and they seemed to have encountered a problem!

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