Rich Devil

Chapter 253: , giants


"How did you meet?"

After listening to Huo Qiyang's words, Hu Yanshuo thought they had met each other, so he was a little curious about how and where they met. Of course, he said it casually. He didn't expect Huo Qiyang to say so much in detail. Thinking of Huo Qiyang, he said it.

"We shouldn't have met before. I learned about her from a friend."

Huo Qiyang said with a smile.

Then, Huo Qiyang stared at Hu Yanshuo with wide eyes. He felt a little uncomfortable and wondered if Huo Qiyang was bent. Although Hu Yanshuo was very confident in his appearance, he never thought about seeing him. Huo Qiyang just bends, how good is the face value to be able to do it!

Thinking of this, Hu Yanshuo doubted whether he was right.

The body is slightly subconscious, trying to deviate from Huo Qiyang's position.

"Your name is Hu Yanshuo?"

Huo Qiyang's reaction was beyond Hu Yanshuo's expectations, which made him inexplicably relieved. It didn't seem that Huo Qiyang was bent. At that moment, he was really worried that this guy was afraid of bending, and Chen Xiaoxiao asked him for it. What about compensation?

Money is a good solution!

But if the other party didn't ask for money, then Hu Yanshuo must be at a loss in terms of her looks...

Fortunately, Hu Yanshuo is an honest person.

"Didn't I just say it?"

Hu Yanshuo remembered that he had introduced it, and the other party's reaction was not as great as it is now.

Huo Qiyang looked at Hu Yanshuo, but he lost the curved eyes just now, but it still made Hu Yanshuo feel very uncomfortable. Fortunately, Huo Qiyang also seemed to have discovered this, and immediately revealed that he was sorry for his rudeness. With an expression on his face, he said, "Sorry, I feel so unexpected!"


Hu Yanshuo caught this point and looked at Huo Qiyang again, and he didn't seem to know him.

"You don't know me, but I know you!" Huo Qiyang said.


Hu Yanshuo was noncommittal when he waited for the following, before Huo Qiyang said: "I know people at the Gushen Hotel, and you naturally know about you. Although there is a non-disclosure agreement, I know the person in charge of the Gushen Hotel."

Hearing Huo Qiyang's words, Hu Yanshuo suddenly came over. No wonder he said that he was so famous. He met someone on the plane, and he actually knew him. It was because of this!


Huo Qiyang said this, and Hu Yanshuo felt a little different!!

Huo Qiyang said that he knew himself, because if he wanted to investigate the matter of the Shenshen Hotel, then when he first got on the plane, he should have recognized Hu Yanshuo, not Wu Wanyu before recognizing him. , Relatively speaking, Wu Wanyu's attention is higher than her own, so there is only one possibility!

"The person who cheated on the chef in the Gushen Hotel, couldn't it be you!?"

Thinking of this possibility, Hu Yanshuo opened his mouth and said.

Because probably only the person who cheated on the master chef's apprentice would pay more attention to this matter. According to Huo Qiyang, he at least knew who that person was, if not.


Huo Qiyang was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and explained, "It really has nothing to do with me!"


Huo Qiyang thought about it and said to Hu Yanshuo: "Mr. Hu, even if you want to participate, it's a little inappropriate. This matter is a personal matter of the Wu family, and it's a buddy of mine who has played together and plans to play Hero Rescue. A beautiful trick, I didn't expect it to be planted in your hands, and it would be embarrassing..."

What Huo Qiyang meant when he said this, Hu Yanshuo could feel that if his so-called buddy didn't suffer, Hu Yanshuo who suffered a loss could only be an ordinary person.

As an ordinary person suffers a loss, they will not have any uneasiness and guilt.

This kind of thinking is unacceptable to Hu Yanshuo.

After all, Hu Yanshuo's family is also average, not a rich second generation. Before the family could not afford a subway, he could only be regarded as a poor diaosi. The idea of ​​Huo Qiyang's wealthy family is unacceptable!

"Although you can't accept this kind of thing, you can definitely understand these facts!"

At this time, Huo Qiyang said another word to Hu Yanshuo. He didn't know whether it was because he saw Hu Yanshuo's unacceptable expression or what. He did not persuade Hu Yanshuo to smile and forget his grievances, but he made Hu Yanshuo understand this kind of thing. situation, after all, such behavior exists objectively.

If everyone acts like Hu Yanshuo, it's not a mess.


Even if Hu Yanshuo is Guo Jianglong, it is not enough to build a wealthy family.

Most of them explained Huo Qiyang's attitude towards this matter in one sentence.

Just because you can understand it doesn't mean you want to understand it!

Hu Yanshuo also has his own rules, and he will not explain his behavior to others, he said lightly: "It doesn't matter if I understand it, the important thing is that they can understand me!"

This is what it says!

Huo Qiyang's mouth twitched for a while, obviously Hu Yanshuo was not a good person.

However, this matter has nothing to do with him. It is an exception for him to be able to say so much. Since Hu Yanshuo has any ideas here, he naturally cannot stop it. Otherwise, it is not simply persuasion and friendship, but a naked offense.

"It seems that you don't know much about Manager Wu!"

Huo Qiyang's words changed and he returned to the topic before the arrival, which made Hu Yanshuo raise his eyebrows slightly, and then heard Huo Qiyang continue: "Although Manager Wu came from a wealthy family, she was not recognized, it's just her ability. Very strong, took a sum of money from the family, and established the financial securities business..."

"There were many people who were not optimistic at the beginning, but she also used her ability to gradually make people invest money in securities companies, but recently, her securities company, because the family is going to pick peaches, has returned the promised dowry! A company that was originally worth hundreds of millions of dollars has been messed up, and it's a mess!"

"Like most people withdrawing capital now, many people don't trust the people of the Wu family."

"In this case, Manager Wu can only seek resources from multiple sources. Although my buddy can't talk a little, he obviously wants to get Manager Wu, and then ask the family to negotiate with the Wu family and buy the Wu family. With the shares in my hand, I will get the company that should belong to Manager Wu..."

Huo Qiyang roughly told Hu Yanshuo about Wu Wanyu's identity.

And what happened to Wu Wanyu!

Hu Yanshuo did not expect that the so-called wealthy dog ​​blood actually let him meet.


Whether the so-called Wu family is a wealthy family, Hu Yanshuo doesn't care at all.

Even the dowry that was sent out had to be taken back.

The layout is a little too small.

As for why Huo Qiyang talked so much with Hu Yanshuo, it was something he was very curious about!

Hu Yanshuo thought about it and said, "You tell me so much, don't you think that I, like your buddy, are thinking about the so-called several hundred million securities companies?"

After speaking, seeing Huo Qiyang's somewhat embarrassed expression, he immediately became amused.

A few hundred million securities companies are a lot to others, but to Hu Yanshuo, it seems like a few months of hang-up time. Will he be thinking about this little money for so long?

A joke indeed.

"There is indeed a little temptation." After being discovered, Huo Qiyang also responded simply.

"So what did you find out?"

Hu Yanshuo's question caused Huo Qiyang to shake his head again.

Seeing that Huo Qiyang didn't find it, or didn't want to say it, Hu Yanshuo didn't bother to pay attention to it, he just said to Huo Qiyang: "The effect of the blockbuster here is not bad, there is no too much lag, if you have nothing to do, just start it by yourself. Electronic equipment, find one you like and have a look!"

Hearing that Hu Yanshuo was about to end the topic, Huo Qiyang said quickly, "Don't!"

"What's the point of watching a movie, do you also go to Thailand?"

Hu Yanshuo couldn't help rolling his eyes, not going to Thailand, did you take the wrong plane?

But he still nodded, giving Huo Qiyang a polite answer.

Seeing Hu Yanshuo's nodding action, Huo Qiyang's eyes lit up and said, "Is Thailand a tourist or what? I heard that Thai ladyboys are very interesting..."

"Don't go to travel, do you go to work?"

Hu Yanshuo glanced at Dong Thrushi and brought them to work in Thailand. How unthinkable he was!

Regarding Huo Qiyang's question, Hu Yanshuo felt that he was rare and strange.

Had he never been to Thailand to see a ladyboy?


Hu Yanshuo said he didn't understand what Huo Qiyang said was interesting. How could it be interesting?

"I haven't been to those places. Most of them are told by a few buddies who hang out with me. I rarely go to nightclubs. My girlfriend keeps an eye on them. Even the yacht parties I went to a few times, always It's because I didn't have enough fun, and I rarely go." Huo Qiyang quickly explained to Hu Yanshuo, saying that he rarely went to any grand feasts, and the appearance of needing an old driver to lead the way made Hu Yanshuo a little helpless.

"Thailand is my first time."

Hu Yanshuo explained that he is not an old driver and can't bring any new ones. How can someone who is so pure, so innocent, and so upright be an old driver?

Speaking of Huo Qiyang's words, Hu Yanshuo could only believe half of it.

The party was probably just for fun, and he probably wouldn't do anything at the feast.

Huo Qiyang is a rich second generation.

It's not that I can't find a woman, but that after finding my girlfriend, I rarely see other women.

That's what I said, it's not that I don't have other women, but that after I have you, no matter how other women look for me, I won't agree.

This is the pride of a rich second generation.

Whether there is a shortage of women, this question is too layman.

Now Huo Qiyang is just talking about it, really makes him make an exception, unless he is seen too tightly, and he happens to meet someone who is suitable for stealing, then it's not too simple to jump over a wall or something!

The looks of Dong Thrushi and Wu Wanyu were seen in Huo Qiyang's eyes, although they were only envious of Hu Yanshuo.


In Huo Qiyang's eyes, there was no obscene intent.


Hu Yanshuo felt that he was not far from crossing the wall or something. After all, he had to rely on chatting up with Hu Yanshuo to win such a little private space. After being summoned by his girlfriend again, he smiled bitterly and said goodbye to Hu Yanshuo, of course. , the most unbearable thing for Hu Yanshuo is that his girlfriend is still wary of Hu Yanshuo's expression of ruining her boyfriend!

Hu Yanshuo really has a saying that MMP does not know whether to say it or not.

"I'm so handsome, and I'm still a man. I'm not interested in your boyfriend at all."

Hu Yanshuo almost held a loudspeaker in his heart, and shouted in Chen Xiaoxiao's ear. He really had no interest in developing Huo Qiyang's new posture at all.

Only a strange person like Chen Xiaoxiao would feel that there is a man thinking about opening a bureau for her boyfriend!

This sounds a little confusing!!

Afraid of being drunk!!!

In the end, Hu Yanshuo didn't bother to argue, and regarded it as a small episode.

The plane began to fly on the route in Thailand.

There is no such hearty flying sword project, Hu Yanshuo can only watch some European and American movies. In these hot countries, the heroines of the blockbusters are basically hot and sexy. Seeing these conditions, Hu Yanshuo Gradually, I came to understand a truth. These European and American filmmakers clearly want people to be directors.

Because I became a director, I was able to have the opportunity to compete with these heroines in acting skills.

It's abominable!

It seems that God does not allow low-key ah!

If you want to be an ordinary person, you can't be a director. If you can't be a director, you can't compare your acting skills with those hot heroines.

In the end, when saving them, I couldn't make them move, and I was so moved!

After watching several big movies.

Hu Yanshuo didn't find it either. Huo Qiyang sneaked over halfway and said that the movie recommended by Huo Qiyang's buddy was said to be a touching movie about a Japanese female teacher educating students.

After the two bored and searched for a while.

They looked at each other and gave the flight a five-star negative review.

Been through this.

The two can be considered to have similar smells, ahem, a relatively friendly acquaintance.

Although Huo Qiyang's girlfriend Chen Xiaoxiao is still very vigilant and does not let Hu Yanshuo have the opportunity to open a division to her boyfriend, but after learning the truth that Huo Qiyang is not far from crossing the wall, he is too lazy to remind Chen Xiaoxiao about this matter , as Hu Wudi, who can occasionally pretend to be a psychologist, is so accurate, and so careful...

The plane has not yet reached Thailand.

The flight attendant on the plane prepared an application form for passengers in first and also got a white background photo, which is about 2 inches.

Since the ticket is a round-trip ticket, there is no need to repurchase it again. Then, the flight attendant asks intimately whether the passport is carried and whether the validity period is more than half a year.

After getting confirmation, the flight attendant exited first class.


This kind of thing can be done from the staff there as long as you go to the counter for the visa on arrival.

However, at this moment, the airline has electronically sent the customer's information to the counter of the sign-on-arrival according to the Internet connection. The staff at the counter has quickly completed the input, and only need to wait for the airline's person to get Hu Yanshuo Wait for the application form to be filled out, stamp it and you are done.

This is called taking a special channel. rich devil

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