Restricted Doomsday Syndrome

Chapter 1954: Sha's work

In the envelope of the gray fog, the Universe Joint Test Fleet passed through the tight regional boundaries like a ghost ship. "Sha" uses its own form of instinctive advantage for data hedging to encrypt and reconstruct the safety network to a certain extent. Disguise, so that it can access some of the old-time security networks transformed by the life of the body through the original interface. While uploading and downloading data, some trivial information, like metabolic impurities, is deposited in the safety network of the body life, absorbs nutrients in a subtle way, and grows into a backdoor. Before this information grows into a "back door", its form is unremarkable. If the life of the large body surveys the redundant data in the safety network, it may not be able to hide it, even if the life of the body is not clear about the role of this information. They will be swept away like garbage. However, as expected by "Sha", the attention of the elementary life is not at all on the details of the safety network. They have a specific and urgent requirement for the old-time safety network that they have forcibly transformed, which makes After confirming that they have obtained the necessary permissions of the safety network, they focus on using the safety network to do something, rather than in-depth inventory and dissection of the safety network-"sha" from the clues obtained by judging, there is even such a kind I feel that there are obviously a lot of confidential information of the ruling bureau stored in the secure network, but the life of the body is not interested in the secrets of the ruling bureau itself. They are more focused on some secret warehouses of the ruling bureau rather than experimental data.

These elemental lives have a huge amount of hunger for some resources in the secret warehouse, but these resources do not occupy an important position in the secret planning of the ruling bureau. It's not food, water, precious metals, or new structural materials, but more catalysts and binders used in the manufacturing process of structures. Once the ruling bureau spread its tentacles everywhere, a large number of structures were built. The amount of these resources serving as catalysts and binders is equivalent to the number of structures used by the ruling bureau to construct its own sphere of influence.

Elementary Life unblocked these resource warehouses and transportation lines through a secure network, and they didn't even have the energy to send a large army to disrupt the actions of other forces. If, in the early days of this war, there were at least hundreds of body life active in various ruling areas, killing outsiders and slaughtering the aboriginal gathering places, then today's body life can be almost It can be called a complete contraction, giving all the frontal battlefields to the Nazis who are also outsiders.

The Nazi soldiers are fighting fiercely with the low-level security guard army released by "Sha". This force, which can also mass-produce powerful soldiers, even makes "Sha" feel that they are more able to adapt to today's combat than any previous opponent. Way, as if they were born in response to today's war situation. Precisely because the Nazis took over the war, the life of the body and the doomsday truth religion disappeared. Even though "Sha" uses various means to mine their whereabouts from the safety network operation information of the elementary life, even if they are along the opened secret warehouses and the running transportation lines, they cannot find the greatness of these elementary life. The army-"Sha" is very sure that in the past, the individual life that has been wandering in various areas of the ruling bureau in an individual way or by individuals or teams has certainly been gathered in the same place. In the sense of such agglomeration, that place must be Can be regarded as the old nest of the body life.

As long as you find it out and destroy it, your body life must bear one of the cruelest blows ever.

However, let's not mention whether it is possible to clean up the headquarter lair of this elemental life. "Sha" cannot even find out where this lair exists. On the other hand, the number of Nazi soldiers is growing faster than the damage of low-level security guards to them. A large amount of data proves that these Nazi soldiers are quickly adapting to this level of enemy and war intensity from combat habits, instincts and consciousness, if Without continuing to put pressure on them, these Nazi soldiers will soon be able to organize a real counterattack.

Although these Nazis forcibly entered the ruling bureau, they did not show any specific goals in action, or they were destroying every battlefield they reached in a brutal and comprehensive way. They do not get anything from these areas of the ruling bureau, but after their battle with the security guards, the end result of this area is complete scrapping-all the equipment to maintain the living environment is destroyed, even the structure itself, It will not be destroyed indiscriminately, and will even completely destroy the existence of this area from the regional structure because of the intensity of the battle.

In the safety network after the restart, "Sha" can confirm that the overall scope of the ruins of the ruling bureau is still expanding. Even from time to time, some areas will be structurally destroyed for various reasons and removed from people's needs, but, The speed at which the area is destroyed is basically no higher than the speed at which the area expands. A large number of construction machines are trying to complete a "renovation of the city" project every day with terrible efficiency. The disordered building structure is not only a maze of death, but also provides a basis for the aborigines to survive in all kinds of sinister, even the elemental life can not always be guaranteed in this random increase and decrease of urban structure. Any enemy.

These huge, sturdy, maze-like urban structures and buildings themselves have always been unmatched in the world. They only focus on working construction machines and various production function modules that are scattered in every corner and hidden in the underground structure. , Were destroyed in the war between Nazi soldiers and low-level security guards. Those Nazi soldiers have no scruples and no demands, as if war is their only need and motivation. If low-level security guards are required to maintain the integrity of the region, it is basically impossible to win the war.

In this way, regardless of whether the security guards intend to maintain the integrity of the region, they cannot prevent the Nazis from unscrupulously destroying these battlefield areas.

The production line of the low-level security guards has only exhausted the production capacity to maintain the balance with the Nazi soldiers. In a short time, "Sha" cannot speed up the production of the production line. Although it does not require special personnel to do this work, it needs specific Resources, the time required for these resources to "transfer" and "use" is difficult to reduce. If you do n’t want to slowly accumulate productivity through time, you need to penetrate into the safety network of the body to a greater extent and seize the resources controlled by this part of the safety network. However, the Nazis pressed hard, so that "Sha" had no extra manpower to do this.

In any case, in the view of "Sha", his side has reached an inevitable stalemate-at this time, a fleet of outsiders is as important as sending charcoal in the snow.

The low-level security guards do not have too subtle thinking ability. Their own intelligence is almost all placed in combat. The foreigner's fleet has a high-end data processing system, and at the same time, "Sha" sees a more Spiritual information processing terminal form-whether it is the human "firewood" inside Sanxian Island, or other ship-like crews, they are all in their own way and the basic level of the ship's information processing terminal The structure is connected, and this connection seems to have an inexplicable sense of sight. Although the connection method is very rough, when these terminals process information, a ship is like a living creature-"Sha" is not clear whether the original commander of the fleet, Gao Chuan, knew this situation, but, From the perspective of "Sha" at this time, this cosmic joint experimental fleet is almost the embryo of a rough "Wall Pugets Night". Yes, it is not that any ship has such a similarity, but that the overall structure and activity of the fleet have a certain degree of similarity.

Jin Jiang once said that "Sha" is more suitable for the universe joint experimental fleet at this time than the prosthetic body Gaochuan. Now after "Sha" sorted out the status of this fleet, she only thought that she was right. The other party's present in the snow this time is definitely not a whimsy, but has strict logic of efficiency and rationality, even if it has been arranged for a long time. Perhaps the prosthetic body Gaochuan is still the most suitable for Sanxian Island, but in terms of the entire fleet, it has been unable to really exert the true power of this fleet that has undergone mutation.

"Sha" initially completed the docking with the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet. This fleet is like its second body. Now, she can do something other than resist the crazy attack of the Nazis. Based on everything she knows, what happened in the ruling bureau at this time is moving towards an outcome she can guess. The body life is of course the enemy, but it is no longer the biggest enemy, the doomsday truth among those outsiders is.

Now all the resistance to the Doomsday Truth is sliding in a direction that makes the situation worse, just as "Sha" knows from Father Sissen: all mysterious experts can feel for themselves that they are against the end of the world. His behavior did not prevent the worst, but promoted the end of the world in a subtle, long-term way.

This sentence can already be applied to the area of ​​the ruling bureau today, just as the combat troops it has released have lost contact one by one, and like the arrival of the prostitutes Gaochuan and Omi, even if the space joint experimental fleet has become a timely reinforcement, It is impossible to reduce some kind of vicious maliciousness brought about by the abnormal conditions that occurred in the prosthetic body Gaochuan and Jinjiang itself. The strength of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet is temporary, and the terrifying trend reflected in the abnormal conditions of the prosthetic bodies Takagawa and Omi is in the future-every piece of information known by "Sha" Every association, every guess, is making it feel this inevitability.

This means that every action taken by Shah will inevitably fail to shake the enemy's terrible plan. An inevitable result will inevitably appear in a certain period of time in the future, and all plans made by ourselves must undergo an essential change after understanding this point: not to deal with the enemy in front of us, not to eliminate the hidden enemy. It is not to block the plan being executed by the hands behind the scenes, but to wait for the enemy ’s plan to be completed in the best state and produce the inevitable result-when the result is generated, you can do something about the result.

For this reason, Prostitute Gaochuan has the work of Prostitute Gaochuan, and Omi also has the work of Omi. "Sha" felt that what she had to do while fighting against the Nazis was to restart the search and rescue work of Father Xisen and Qi. The Universe Joint Experimental Fleet has enough confidence to run unimpeded on this expanding battlefield. As long as the Nazi repeaters are not activated, there is almost nothing on the battlefield that can really block the power of this mutant fleet. Therefore, with this fleet as the second body, "Sha" can take the initiative to attack those areas where it has doubts.

The priority goal is "Ban", because compared with "Ban", Father Xisen, who is also an outsider, is more likely to be found by the righteous body Gaochuan-"Sha" intuitively feels ~ ~ On the premise that Takagawa has been projected out, he no longer needs to spend more energy on Father Xi Sen.

Not long ago, the equipment made for the characteristics of "Ban" and Father Sissen has entered a ship of the Universe Joint Experimental Fleet through a special transmission channel. The ship is equipped with "Sha" "What I have seen in the past is different, the appearance and mechanism are very fresh, but the device with special functions almost makes" Sha "feel that this is an investigation ship, just like the mobile technology research institutes made in the past by the ruling bureau. .

Omi ’s transformation and design of the prosthetic body Gaochuan made "Sha" have a new idea about the equipment that had been prepared. If you use the strange and strange instruments equipped in the space joint experimental fleet, you might not be able to use it. Raise the level of these equipments to the level of exoskeleton armor that is close to or even exceeds that of the prosthetic Gaochuan. As far as it knows about the entire space joint experimental fleet at this time, the modification of these equipments can be completely interrupted midway, and even when the actual equipment is equipped to the user, it can continue to be interrupted, and in an instant manner, will The next modification is applied to the user's body.

"Sha" is ready, it felt that it was ready long ago, and now it feels so. As long as all the hands are put together, it can make your own fighting power climb several more levels. Now, I only hope that the long-lost "Kan" and Father Sisen will have at least the remains.

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