Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1007: Dimensional bag

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"Kill it!"

Following Li Changsheng's order, the demon pets who were still hesitant suddenly moved.

Seeing that the demon commander was not good, he wanted to use the secret method he used desperately.

But just at this moment, a black and white aperture suddenly appeared, and while covering it, it instantly shrank the restraint, directly interrupting its secret method.

Not only that, countless vines appeared in the void, completely enveloping it.

Click~ Click~

The demon commander struggled, breaking free from the shackles of the aperture and the vines in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, a piercing sound rang from the rear. Before it could react, I felt a pain in my chest. I looked down and saw a The extremely hideous giant claw barely rushed out, holding a pounding black heart.

It was Dui who did it. As the back defense led by the demon was broken, the beating heart was faintly visible, so that Dui accurately grasped the devil's heart, and the remaining strength barely penetrated.

Even so, the demon leader who lost his heart, even if he could survive for a period of time with strong vitality, would eventually die.

"give me back!"

The demon commanded the ferocious face and grabbed dumb's giant claws, trying to **** the devil's heart in the giant claws.

As long as the devil's heart is pressed back, it has the possibility of continuing to survive.

However, after losing his heart, the power of the demon leader fell sharply, and now its power can't be compared to Dumb.

At this time, the other demon pets were not idle either, Kailan held the dark green light blade and slashed fiercely at the neck of the demon leader, but still couldn't cut the neck of the demon leader, but could only cut a huge gap.

In an instant, Ashe slapped the demon leader's head with all his strength.


The neck bone led by the demon finally broke, and the whole head was spinning dozens of times in the air like a top before it began to fall.

Black demon blood spewed from the broken neck, Li Changsheng took out a jade bottle, a burst of suction emerged, and all the demon blood was taken away without wasting a single bit.

Even if it was caught out of the heart and severed neck, the demon leader still did not die immediately, its hands and feet were still trembling, and its head could even speak, speaking blasphemous language that Li Changsheng could not understand.

Of course, this is just like the threat of the bully before his death. There is no such thing as a curse. If it is an ordinary person or a low-level demon master, it is afraid that he will be cursed and doomed, but Li Changsheng is the king. , Blasphemy that didn't exert much force was invalid to him.

When the demon commander swallowed his last breath, a small group of mysterious yellow clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, flying towards Li Changsheng with lightning speed.

Naturally, this is the aura of Xuanhuang Gongde, and only by slaying the demon leader and above-level demons, can you get the aura of Xuanhuang Gongde which is commended by heaven.

It's just that compared with the last time the demon leader was killed by going beyond the realm of the pseudo-king, this time is less than 10% of the last time.

Although the amount is much smaller, with Li Changsheng's current configuration, there is a complete opportunity to kill the demon leader near the gate of the abyss, and the probability is not small.

Xuankun's good fortune monument can resist the abyss consciousness, the ancestor Leopard Beast specializes in defeating demons, the gate of light and dark purifies nearby demons, Ning Bizhen's Sumiluo net can also block it, plus the transformation of Emperor Jiang + Chi With the combination of the dragon's pursuit, the ordinary demon leader could not escape even if he wanted to.

Li Changsheng's current strength may not be as good as some top kings, but in terms of the ability to kill the demon leader, I am afraid it is unmatched.

Li Changsheng didn't absorb this group of profound and yellow merits, and continued to store it. As long as it accumulates enough, it can condense the golden chakras of merits, or use it to upgrade other treasures.

Li Changsheng still valued his ability to kill without being causal.

What is meant by killing without causation is that you don't have to worry about causing cause and effect with the other party. It can automatically block the secrets, even if you are the emperor or the emperor, you can't guess it.

This kind of treasure is also known as the different treasures of merit, but it takes a lot of the energy of Xuanhuang merit.

At this time, Li Changsheng observed the situation around him.

The demon army had already fleeed, and there were not many remnants nearby, leaving only one corpse, most of which were demons.

This kind of chaotic and evil creature is best at fighting tailwinds, and if it encounters a crisis, it will choose to escape.

Seeing that everything went smoothly, Li Changsheng quietly suspended for hundreds of meters in the air, waiting for the return of the dragons.

The powerhouses of the Huguo Capital City returned first. After seeing the corpse of the demon leader, the Huguo powerhouse could be said to be astonished. How long did it take for Li Changsheng to kill the demon leader.

Even if the demon leader is suppressed by the heavens, he can only display part of his strength, but most kings may not be able to keep them.

Under this circumstance, the powerful Huguo people landed one after another and saluted Li Changsheng respectfully.

Among them, also includes the emperor of Hu Guo.

If it is an emperor in a medium-sized country, the status is equal to that of the king, but the status of the emperor of a small country is not as good as that of the king.

"Welcome the king to Huguo!"

The emperor of the Hu State is very knowledgeable. He has recognized Li Changsheng’s identity. After all, Li Changsheng’s recent major events have made the mainland famous. The key Hu State and Langya State are also separated by hundreds of miles, making most of the top leaders of the Hu State Have seen his portrait and great achievements.

"Free gift!"

Li Changsheng waved his sleeves and fell to the ground lightly.

"Under the crown of the king, please come into the city and sit down. You are our benefactor. Please let me repay your gratitude."

In front of Li Changsheng, the Emperor Hu State dared not be alone.

His words are true and sincere. If Li Changsheng hadn't come in time, he would definitely have a miserable end, and he would not be able to escape the tragic end of being eaten by his body and devoured by his soul.

Li Changsheng subconsciously wanted to refuse, but the Emperor Hu's next sentence made him instantly suppress the refusal.

The Emperor Huguo said sincerely: "Under the crown of the king, you don’t know that our Huguo has set up generous rewards in order to attract the idle king and drive away the demon leader. Now that you have killed the demon leader, we will definitely Raise a level on the basis of this reward!"

"Then go into the city and sit for a Li Changsheng pretended to ponder for a while, and finally agreed. Don't get the reward for nothing, not to mention that the pot country is rich in resources, and the reward must be good.

Well, he is just such a layman.

Soon, the dragons flew back one after another, some of them were elated, and some of them looked depressed. You can see their gain this time from their expressions.

Although demons are not as greedy for money as dragons, they will also consciously collect treasures. Because demons are selfish, they tend to bring their wealth with them.

Just like the leader of the demon killed by Li Changsheng, Li Changsheng got a dimensional bag from it.

Dimensional bag is a palm-sized bag. Its principle is the same as that of space ring, that is, the style is different.

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