Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1006: Demon leader at the end of the road

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The demon leader felt very panicked, and he regretted it even more. It wanted to seek the assistance of other high-level demons, but they were also unable to protect themselves, and they were defeated by the joint efforts of the pot nation powerhouses and the dragons.

In fact, the overall strength of the demons is not bad, but whoever makes them selfish demons, after discovering that their lives are in danger, one by one escapes faster than anyone else.

It was also at this time that the secondary ancestors black dragon, golden dragon and red dragon breathed three different dragon breaths, rushing towards the demon leader from three directions.

Although it was severely weakened by the Heavenly Dao, the current level of Demon Leadership is roughly between the ordinary Demon Saint Level and the Excellent Demon Saint Level. The key is that its ability to resist is not weakened. In this respect, it is still the top Demon Saint Level.

When the three dragon breaths rushed, the demon leader moved quickly. As a demon leader who has lived for nearly a thousand years, it can be said to have extremely rich combat experience, quickly avoiding acid dragon breath and sharp golden dragon breath. A dark shield emerged immediately, easily resisting the last breath of the flame dragon.

At this moment, an extremely fast-rotating dark-green light blade rushed through the air and pierced the dark shield for a moment.


Using the point to break the face, the dark shield made a clearly unsupported sound, and immediately under the horrified gaze of the demon leader, the dark green light blade successfully penetrated.

But what made the demon leader breathe a sigh of relief was that the dark green light blade was completely cast, and it was stuck on the dark shield.


However, at this moment, the dark green light blade suddenly exploded, turning into a large green storm covering a radius of tens of meters, from which the frightened voice of the demon leader sounded.

Ashe rolled up a gust of wind, and instantly dispersed the green storm.

The demon leader looked a little embarrassed, there were some less deep wounds on his body, and the dark shield on his body disappeared.

It was also at this time that the Crown Li Huoluan turned into a fire phoenix, swooping down from the sky.

The demon leader hurriedly evaded, its speed was so fast, it barely avoided the phoenix wing Tianxiang crowned with Li Huluan.

However, at this moment, Ah-Dai was already close, swinging out his hideous giant claws.

In this time, the demon leader twisted his body into a twist shape, which was able to avoid the offensive of Dumb and looked extremely embarrassed.

Suddenly, three more six-pointed stars appeared, and the demon leader could be described as complaining, it almost couldn't hold it anymore, as a result, the other party continued to call.

In order to escape his life, the demon leader immediately used a secret method, and an unusually strong dark devil aura appeared all over his body, and his momentum was obviously soaring.

The sad reminder is that even if the secret technique with great side effects is used, the combat power of the demon leader has not been restored to its heyday. It is really the suppression of the heavens is too strong, and now it is roughly in the excellent demon sage level to the top demon sage. Level demon pet this grade.

At this time, Day, Night and Chilong were summoned.

Chilong instantly blocked the space near the demon leader, causing the demon leader to tighten his body, and his agility was weakened to a certain extent.

Although not much, it can be said to be fatal at this time.

At the same time, a door of light and darkness appeared above Li Changsheng's head.

Within the range of effect of the Gate of Light and Darkness, the aura of day, night, double-eye bird of heaven, and secondary ancestor black dragon skyrocketed instantly.

During the day and night, they turned into a light blade. The coordination between them was very tacit. As soon as the demon leader avoided the black lightsaber, the white lightsaber on the side suddenly flipped in the air, stabbing fiercely against the demon leader. On the back.


The demon commanded extremely high physical defenses, with only 13 white lightsabers inserted into its back.

Even so, the demon leader still couldn't help screaming, because the energy of the light element could be said to be the nemesis of the devil. It was like putting flesh and blood in concentrated sulfuric acid, and an extremely fierce reaction occurred.

The demon leader said that he could bear it, but in an instant, the white lightsaber exploded.


Even if the demon commanded the body and was hard, a lot of flesh and blood was still taken away in the explosion, and a big blood pit was blown out on his back, with dense bones and beating internal organs faintly visible.


The demon leader opened his mouth and spewed a black blood, only to feel that there were bursts of tearing sensations in his body, and he suffered serious injuries.

The demon was not given a chance to lead. Except for Ashe, Kailan, day and night, all the other demon pets launched a long-range offensive, with powerful energy beams, light balls, beams and even light rushing from all directions.

Because it was too dense, the demon leader only had time to avoid part of the long-range offensive, and instead was hit by the rest of the offensive, and the screams began to echo.

In the next moment, Ashe, Kailan, day and night all rushed into the frantic energy tide. Due to the group light shield blessed by the double-eye bird of paradise, they were not corroded by the energy tide.

At this moment, the demon command is quite miserable. Under the attack just now, a lot of wounds appeared on the surface of the body, the horns on the top of the head were cut off, and the bat-like wings became pitted. While the mobility was greatly reduced, it was almost affected. Hit hard.

The demon leader had no time to breathe, and the four figures rushed towards it against the energy tide, which also filled its eyes with despair.

Not despairing is no good. In this situation, the demon leader has completely lost the hope of escape.

"Dear human power, I surrender!"

Suddenly, the voice of the demon commander sounded, which can be heard within a radius of tens of miles to prove its ‘sincerity’.

As a result, Li Changsheng seemed like he hadn't heard him, and he turned a deaf ear. How could he believe the words of the devil?

At this time, the four demon pets continued their offensive, making the demon leader quite embarrassed, and his injuries quickly aggravated.

"I am willing to tell you my real name!"

For the sake of his life the demon leader is willing to pay any price, after all, if he loses his life, what is the use of freedom.

The real names of demons are equivalent to their handles. Unless their lives are at stake, they cannot tell their real names to let people know, because as long as they know their real names, they can control their lives.

With the real name of a demon commander, Li Changsheng didn't even lose his heart. Even if he had the real name of the demon commander, he would not dare to'take in' the opponent.

It seems that he has gained a powerful combat power, but it is actually a time bomb. Not only that, humans and demons are deadly enemies, and they are still insoluble. If Li Changsheng accepts the command of this demon, he is likely to be As for other powerhouses, the prestige will be dissipated overnight, and even Tiandao will give him a debuff.

Compared with the harvest, the price was too serious, not to mention he would not believe in the devil.

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