Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1578: Demon Emperor Kui Niu

The panel of Zixiao Kirin has not changed much, but the bloodline concentration of Lin's ancestor has increased to the stage of great success.

In addition, the light spot representing Zixiao Kirin has also become a little brighter, but the magnitude is not large.

In addition, there are characteristics from Linzu.

Down-to-earth: Characteristics, as long as you stand on the ground, you will quickly restore energy and physical strength.

This is definitely a very practical feature, which can greatly increase the endurance of the Zixiao Qilin, even if it loses its combat ability, as long as it is lying on the ground, it can quickly recover its ability to fight again.

Of course, there are inheritance skills from the Linzu bloodline, and there are three in total.

Danshan Ganyue: Bloodline inheritance skills, greatly increase strength and size, maintenance time and effect depends on the realm.

Nowhere to hide: Bloodline inheritance skills, automatically lock enemies who are invisible, teleported, or sneaked into a different plane.

Gravity Field: Bloodline inheritance skills to create a gravity field, the range and gravity multiple depend on the realm.

These three bloodline inheritance skills, all of which are extremely supportive skills, match the powerful attack power of Zixiao Qilin.

After training with the Zixiao Kirin, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand, and the already-integrated jade of Taoism turned into a stream of light, and quickly poured into Li Changsheng's sea of ​​consciousness.

In this fusion, Qiu Dao Jade Jue is still the Mid-Range Langhuan Supreme Treasure, but the rejection of the High-Range Langhuan Supreme Treasure is only a fine line apart, and the range of sensing fragments has been increased to a certain extent.

The most important thing is the addition of Three Thousand Avenues this time. Li Changsheng squinted his eyes, carefully feeling the changes in the jade for seeking Taoism.

Compared with the pre-integration period, another batch of incomplete avenues tends to be consummated.

This time, the first ten avenues only unlocked the catastrophe technique.

Among the first ten avenues, the catastrophe technique is extremely powerful and unpredictable. It contains the ebb and flow of energy and the supreme significance of the birth and death of heaven and earth.

It is a pity that Li Changsheng has no extra energy to practice the catastrophe technique at all, so he can only let it go temporarily.

As a result, Qiudao Yujue unlocked the Seven Gates and Ten Avenues in total, and it became more and more towards Consummation.

In the remaining hundreds of doors, Li Changsheng just scanned it, completely uninterested, just like the difference between the delicacies of mountains and seas and ordinary food.

After getting it done, Li Changsheng began to immerse himself in the inheritance of the Emperor, the Queen, and the Emperor Xuan.

The inheritance of the three ancient emperors and the star emperor is homogenous, but each has its own advantages. Li Changsheng only needs to remove the homogenized content and pick the essence.

In this way, the digestion speed is undoubtedly much faster.

In addition to digesting the inheritance of the three ancient emperors, Li Changsheng also did not forget to observe and study the corpses and heavenly status of a hundred giant dragons, as well as the corpses of Linzu.

He had experimented with transplanting the heavenly status, but unfortunately, all the wild goblins in the experiment died suddenly, including a Demon Emperor-level hook snake caught in the lower realm of Emperor Wu not long ago.

As the emperor of Gochen Shanggong, Emperor Wu needed to assist the emperor to take charge of the north and south poles and the three talents of heaven, earth, and human beings.

The Emperor Gouchen Shanggong had the function of ruling the stars, but it was taken back by Li Changsheng.

The power of Emperor Gouchen Shanggong Emperor can be said to be in the arms of Emperor Wu. He hardly stayed in the heavens, and often led the newly formed heavenly soldiers to find trouble with other large forces.

These large forces all have the Demon Emperor-level existence, and their strength is slightly inferior to the emperor. If they are added to the capable subordinates, they will be comparable to the ordinary emperor, but how can they be compared with the emperor Wu Huang, not to mention Wu Huang also Brought a lot of heavenly elites.

Most of these heavenly elites come from the top ten tribes, enough to suppress the capable men of these large forces.

The Emperor Wu has achieved fruitful results, but the demon emperor-level goblins are not just fools who know how to fight to death. They choose to escape after seeing a bad situation, and only choose to surrender when there is no way to escape.

The Demon Emperor-level Hook Snake is the master of the great forces who surrendered when there is no way to retreat. Li Changsheng felt that the Hook Snake had a ferocious and aggressive temperament, and had done a lot of harming things, so it became a test product of the heavenly status.

The rest of the subjects of the experiment were all similar to the Demon Emperor-level hook snake, which was a kind of damaging existence.

Even though it was a Demon Emperor-level hook snake, it still couldn't bear the heavenly status of a hundred giant dragons. After the integration, it caused a strong backlash. The painful hook snake rolled frantically on the ground, and eventually burst into death.

The celestial status has not changed, only the size has been slightly reduced, but the constant experimentation has also accelerated the loss of the celestial status.

After repeated failures, Li Changsheng changed his mind and cultivated several evil dragons with a hundred dragon bloodlines.

Like the Demon Emperor-level hooked snake, these evil dragons are also evil-doing existences.

Using bloodline metamorphosis treasures, Li Changsheng raised the bloodlines of the hundreds of dragons of these evil dragons to different stages one after another.

Li Changsheng tried to cut the heavenly ranks, but there was nothing to do. It was not that the heavenly ranks were too tough, but that the connection between them was too deep and would be restored in an instant. No matter what method is used, they cannot be blocked. The relationship between Meng and Meng is simply a typical example of Meng's inexorable focus.

On the contrary, under constant cutting, it also accelerated the rate of loss of heavenly status.

Under this circumstance, Li Changsheng could only use the few dragons that were integrated into the blood of a hundred dragons to conduct experiments.

Like the Demon Emperor-level hook snake, these dragons also exploded and died.

These dragons are only at the Demon King level, which is far from the Demon Emperor level hook snake.

The difference is that Li Changsheng discovered that the higher the concentration of a hundred dragons, the longer it lasted. A dragon with a hundred dragons at the majestic level did not even last much longer than the demon king hooked snake.

This shows that the uniqueness of the beast is not the same and is closely related to the bloodline. The higher the bloodline concentration, the longer it will last. If the bloodline concentration is high enough, it may even be replaced, but The risks are great.

In addition to digesting the inheritance and the status of the experimental world, Li Changsheng has not forgotten to practice, which makes his mental power become increasingly vigorous and tends to be more complete.

After waiting for a month, Li Changsheng left the customs, and the heavens are waiting to be revived. Even if he is a hand-off shopkeeper, there are still many decisions that need to be made by him.

At the same time, there are four things related to him.

One, the Star Emperor’s Demon Emperor Kui Niu was found. After seeing the Star Emperor’s identity token, there was no battle, and instead he actively chose to join the Heavenly Court.

Second, find some treasures and fairies that Li Changsheng meets Li Changsheng's requirements.

Third, under the instructions of Li Changsheng, the demon emperor-class Shang Yang explored the unknown relics in the mouth of the King of Nujiang and gained a lot.

Fourth, Li Changsheng prepares to cultivate another emperor to strengthen the momentum of the heavens.

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