Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1577: Ma Zhi

The eight rings are large and small, but at least they are tens of thousands of cubic meters, and the largest is the size of a football field.

Without hesitation, Li Changsheng took out all the items in the ring.

Countless treasures fell on the open ground and piled up into mountains.

In terms of quantity, this pile of treasures is not less than the ring of the Emperor of Heaven, but the quality is undoubtedly lower than the previous level, but this does not mean that there are few fine products.

Among them, the most important piece is still a jade shard of seeking Taoism.

Originally, Li Changsheng thought that the fragments were not big, but found that this Dao-seeking jade fragment had reached the Zifu rare treasure level, which was a bit beyond his expectation. The key had not been refined yet.

Obviously, Emperor Ai did not carefully identify the Dao-Seeking Jade Jue Fragments, especially he did not have the special abilities of Li Changsheng. As a result, he missed the great opportunity. With the rank of this Dao-Seeking Jade Jue Fragment alone, there are definitely some complete avenues.

The next moment, Li Changsheng's jade jue flew out, and the two began to merge.

Li Changsheng began to use special abilities to find high-level treasures.

Surprisingly, Li Changsheng found a secondary golden avenue crystal, which seemed to come from a double-character king who did not deserve to have a name.

Naturally, it is impossible for Li Changsheng to have too much of the crystallization of the great road, which is also a surprise.

In addition, there are three rare treasures of the Purple Mansion, which are an ore, an elixir and a ganoderma lucidum.

This is a piece of black ore, from the fallen demon lord Yeenogu, Li Changsheng looked at it for a long time, but did not identify it.

The pill is in five colors, corresponding to the colors of the five elements. This is the Five Qi Dynasty Yuan Pill, a real super-grade pill, and the effect is also very prominent, allowing the pseudo-monarch-level demon pet to temporarily remove the pseudo-characters.

How do you say the effect of this pill, it feels very tasteless!

This is mainly due to the fact that the number of pseudo-demon king level demon pets is very small, and as long as it is given a certain amount of time, it will definitely be able to break through the demon king level.

To put it simply, there are very few people who meet the requirements, and currently only Emperor Wu (Emperor Wu) has a pseudo-monarch-level demon pet.

Li Changsheng was a little helpless, and took the Five Qi Chao Yuan Dan back, and used his expectant eyes to identify the last Ganoderma lucidum.

I have to say that there is probably one and only one kind of Lingzhi that can reach the rare level of the Purple Mansion, and that is the top grade Chemazhi.

Chamazhi is proficient in soil escape and can travel thousands of miles in a flash.

Most of the first-formed carts and horses are in the form of six animals, most of which are bull-shaped. Good quality can be human-shaped, and the top quality is the shape of a horse-drawn cart. The middle-to-low-grade chamomile can cure diseases and build health and prolong life. In addition to the above two effects, the top-grade chamomile can also lift the clouds and drive the fog, and slightly increase the probability of breaking through the Demon King class.

This horse-drawn cart-shaped horse-drawn cart is undoubtedly the legendary top-grade horse-drawn cart.

The same is the flying ability. The high-grade car Ma Zhi's effect of flying through the clouds and fog is naturally far superior to the colorful beads. If Dumb and Chuanqiong are subdued, their normal flight speed will no longer be as slow as before, and it may be very fast.

In addition, it can slightly increase the probability of breaking through the Demon Emperor.

What I have to say is that the top-grade car Ma Zhi can live to death, let alone prolong life. I don’t know why its owner didn’t use it, or wanted to keep it for later use, but it turned out to be a waste of money. Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng inspected the treasures again, but he also found several treasures that could improve the quality.

Among them, there is a lava origin, three sub-primary origins and several X spirit treasures.

Among Li Changsheng's main demon pets, now only the five-color dragon **** is still in the half-step legendary quality.

Therefore, Li Changsheng gave the origin of the lava to the five-color dragon **** to absorb.

In addition to these quality-improving treasures, there is also a world-class treasure of bloodline transformation.

This treasure is called Crimson Blood Red Phosphorus Jade, which can greatly increase the probability of bloodline transformation, but at most it can only be increased to the Dacheng stage.

Li Changsheng thought for a while, instead of giving it to the five-eared macaque to absorb it, he gave it to the Zixiao Kirin directly to see if he could make the bloodline of the ancestor of the Zixiao Kirin go further.

Once the transformation is successful, as long as the corpse of the Lin ancestor is smelted with essence and blood, and then the heavenly status is determined, I believe that the Zixiao Qilin can become a new generation of Lin ancestors.

When the Zixiao Kylin was refining the red blood red phosphorous jade, the five-color dragon **** had finished refining, and from the feedback of his spiritual power, it had reached the legendary quality very smoothly.

[Fairy name]: Five-color dragon **** (growth period, gather the power of rules, multiply the power of skills, and cause continuous damage to the enemy; rule guard: exempt part of the damage, depending on the opponent's realm) "Absorb the five-color glazed fruit of the mysterious sky, greatly Strengthen the foundation of the five-element demon pet, and comprehensively improve the physical fitness of the demon pet by 20%. Absorb the dragon and dragon pattern jade, comprehensively improve the physical fitness of the monster pet by 30%, and improve the purity of the dragon dragon. Absorb Gengjin elites, enhance the power of gold skills, with certain armor-breaking effect, and comprehend Gengjin God Thunder. Absorb Dinghai dragon blood fruit, possessing the power of Dinghai, can greatly increase the power of water attribute dragon breath. If you are in water, the body surface will automatically condense a layer of water system shield."

[Fairy Realm]: Demon Emperor Tier 1

[Fairy Race]: High-ranking beast

[Fairy Quality]: Legend

[Fairy Bloodline]: Nine-faced Dragon God (Dacheng)

[Fairy attributes]: gold, wood, water, fire, earth

[Fairy State]: Health "The state of returning to the ancestors of the bloodline, the combat power is extremely weak, the state is sluggish, and it is very easy to die. It needs meticulous care and replenishing massive energy at all times to complete the return to the ancestors. The return of blood fails, the fairy will die directly"

[Leprechaun Weakness]: None

Li Changsheng has always had a doubt, that is, if there is no heavenly status, whether the five-color dragon **** can transform into the nine-faced dragon god.

This situation can be said to be Even the Emperor and others have never encountered it before, there is no way, just the blood-returning fairy is rare, let alone The one who returned to the ancestors is still the unique animal, and this is probably the first time.

Li Changsheng's luck can be seen from this.

According to Li Changsheng’s estimation, the possibility of success is unlikely. After all, status status cannot appear out of thin air on this day. Even for the gods of the fairy world, condensing the status status is probably going to hurt your muscles and bones. Otherwise, why fight in the three races. After that, there was no new unique beast.

A hundred dragons? It is probably also the existence that was born at the beginning of the world, but it has been guarding the golden apple tree, and it is not very famous.


Not long after, the Zixiao Qilin looked up to the sky and roared, his voice changed slightly from before, becoming full of majesty.

Judging from the sound alone, the bloodline of the Lin ancestor who wanted to come to Zixiao Qilin was transformed successfully.

They are all gifted, and the grades are also different. Li Changsheng naturally surpasses the others, and may not even be the first grade.

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