Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1540: The rebellious source emperor

Come whatever he thinks, Li Changsheng appeared in the Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation, holding his hands, looking at Emperor Yuan from a bird's-eye view.

"Emperor Yuan, you can catch it with your hands, maybe there will be a way out!"

Li Changsheng tried to persuade Emperor Yuan, but even if Emperor Yuan was willing to surrender, he would not be able to make him a partner of cooperation. More likely, he would be imprisoned, and wait until the overall situation is determined.

In addition, as long as you hold onto the source emperor, the vacancy of the emperor will not be +1, you can limit the development of the human emperor and the blood emperor to the top combat power as much as possible.

The Emperor Yuan sank in his heart and frowned. Seeing that Zhou Tian Xing Dou did not attack Li Changsheng, he thought of a possibility, and asked in a deep voice, "Is this a trap you set?"


Li Changsheng tells the truth, it doesn't matter.

"In other words, you have already got the Star Emperor inheritance!"

At this moment, Emperor Yuan was in a very bad mood. Working with him, he was destined to be unable to gain anything, and he sent himself to Li Changsheng.

If there was no Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation, Emperor Yuan would still be sure to escape, and it would be hard to say now.

However, Emperor Yuan is a veteran emperor, and even if there is only a glimmer of hope, he is destined not to be caught with his hands. After all, no one would like to be a prisoner and place his destiny on others.


Emperor Yuan chose to preemptively, under the command of his mind, the demon pets instantly launched a fierce offensive against Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng didn't evade, just a thought, 365 stars immediately released a beam of light, shrouded him, and turned into an unusually thick star power barrier.

No matter how the Yuan Emperor's demon pets tried their best, they could not break the star power barrier. They could only produce cascading ripples, and with the supplement of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation, they instantly returned to their heyday.

This is the Star Palace, the most indispensable thing is the power of the stars, unless it is broken at once, it will be useless for a long time.

"Since you are stubborn, then I will fulfill you!"

As Li Changsheng's voice just fell, his figure instantly disappeared in front of Emperor Yuan, as if he had merged into the Zhou Tianxing Dou forbidden formation.

At the next moment, 365 stars condensed by star power emerged, slamming into them frantically from all directions.

If you observe carefully, you will find that these planets follow certain trajectories and laws, which seem complicated, but they will not "cannibalize each other", and it is all about maximizing the attack.

"Blast them!"

Following Emperor Yuan's orders, his monster pets launched an offensive one after another, exploding the planets they had hit.

However, even if the monster pets tried their best, they still couldn't keep up with the speed of the planet's condensing, and they were about to be disrupted.

At the critical juncture, Emperor Yuan's eyes suddenly changed, as if the sun, moon and stars appeared in his eyes, and then three figures emerged from him in one breath.

The three look similar, but they are different.

One person is wearing a sun gown, with a sun mark engraved on his forehead, and holding a balance in his hand, which looks very similar to the balance of order of the Emperor.

One person was wearing a moon robe, with a lunar mark engraved on his forehead, and a red hydrangea in his hand.

One person was wearing a robe of stars, with a star mark engraved on his forehead, holding an alchemy furnace in his hand, and the word "Dousi" engraved on the furnace body.

A person's head was suspected to be an imitation of the balance of order, and with a wave of his hand, dozens of phantoms of the planet instantly shrank and appeared on one end of the balance. The person immediately took out a few high-level demon cores and placed them on the other end.

When the end where the demon core was placed was pressed down, the other end was lifted up, and dozens of star phantoms suddenly disappeared.

As an equivalent exchange, most of those demon cores also dissipated.

One person throws a red hydrangea and explodes the planets easily.

One person opened the alchemy furnace and released a group of purple flames. This is the famous purple flame, which contains amazing destructive power.

With the help of the three of them, Emperor Yuan's decay was dissipated, and Zhou Tian Xing Dou's forbidden formation could not help him for the time being.

Judging from the strength of the trio's performance, they are not much inferior to Yuandi's body.

"One qi transforms three cleansings! There is also an imitation of the balance of order, what is the relationship between you and the emperor?"

Seeing the actions of Emperor Yuan, Li Changsheng felt as if he had caught a big fish.

Li Changsheng's voice sounded, but it came from all directions, and Emperor Yuan could not determine the specific position of Li Changsheng by listening to it.

The Zhou Tian Xing Dou ban seemed to be unable to help Emperor Yuan for the time being, but with such a crazy output, Emperor Yuan could not last long. This was the case when Li Changsheng had not taken a shot.

Emperor Yuan didn't answer, his eyes rolled around, gritted his teeth hard, and made a decision.

In an instant, a few of the demon pets were filled with blood flames, but it was the source emperor who released the blood burning secret method on them, which caused their strength to skyrocket in a short period of time.

Not only that, the three avatars of Emperor Yuan also burned, the marks on his forehead became more prominent, and the offensive also surged.

In just one or two breaths, the 365 planets disappeared a lot, and the rate of destruction of the source emperor obviously exceeded the rate of regeneration of the planets.

Obviously, Emperor Yuan chose to fight desperately, even if he suffered heavy losses, he would break the Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation to escape.

However, at the next moment, Li Changsheng made a bold move, and powerful monster pets appeared, standing on planets, launching offensives from all directions.

At the same time, Ning Bizhen appeared beside him.

The two of them were holding dragon head crutches and the other holding phoenix crutches. The two crutches resonated, and there was a faint sound of dragons and phoenixes.

With a wave of the crutches, the two rushed out of the crutches, like a dragon and a phoenix. The dragon has nine claws and the phoenix has five-color feathers, representing the ancestral dragon and ancestral phoenix respectively.

In an instant, the dragon and the phoenix mingled together, turning into a huge stream of intertwining lights, rushing towards Yuandi at a speed beyond imagination.

"Block them!"

The dragon and phoenix came too The Emperor Yuan hurriedly released a shield with a grimace engraved on it, zooming in and blocking it in front of him.


However, under the impact of the dragon and the phoenix, the grimace shield instantly shattered, turning into countless fragments and flying away.

The streamer did not dissipate, and continued to rush towards Yuandi.

At this time, Emperor Yuan's Sun clone hurriedly pointed at the streamer, and the streamer disappeared instantly, and was suddenly transferred to the imitation balance of order.

Click~ Click~ Wow~

Under the horrified gaze of the sun clone, countless cracks occurred in the imitation balance of order. Before the sun clone took measures, the imitation balance of order suddenly shattered, like the big bang, the endless brilliance spread rapidly in all directions. Everything within the scope is annihilated.

With just one blow, Emperor Yuan lost two treasures and even the Sun clone.

What made Yuandi most desperate was that Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen swung a stick again.

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