Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1539: Heaven's gate

In the subsequent process, Li Changsheng received the **** origin, the essence of the true spirit, and a light artifact.

Heaven's Gate: Light-type artifact, which increases the power of light-type skills by 10%. After wearing it, you can gain the sacred thorns skill, strengthen the fight against evil goblins, and improve the healing and blinding effects.

Sacred Thorns: Aura-type skills, when physical damage is taken, it will reflect a certain amount of damage from the enemy.

This means that the Dragon Clan does not have the Light Element, otherwise it would be the first to choose the artifact of Heaven's Gate.

Even so, the origin of sunflower water, the origin of Gengjin, the five golden spirit grasses and the last wood artifact will all be selected by the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

Among the attributes of the dragons, the water system is essential. The second attribute is mostly gold, wood, and ice, as well as a few fire, earth, and thunder.

The relationship between Li Changsheng and his wife exchanged several pieces of Langhuan Zhibao, leading to the consumption of more than half of their contribution, and ultimately leading to most of the world's wonder-class treasures being bagged by the Four Seas Dragon King.

Both parties are very satisfied. The Four Seas Dragon King has basically come to an end. Compared with other treasures, they value the treasures and artifacts that can improve the quality.

This is mainly because they are better at fighting on their bodies, their relationship with Dragon Balls, and their spiritual power. Even if they can manipulate several strange treasures at the same time, they can only last for a short period of time, which will lead to mental fatigue.

Compared with the other treasures, the matching artifacts are more suitable for them. Although the Four Seas Dragon Kings have artifacts, there are not many artifacts that fit their attributes. Except for the East Sea Dragon King, they often carry semi-sacred artifacts.

Two artifacts selected by the Dragon King of the Four Seas, the water system was captured by the North Sea Dragon King, and the wood system was acquired by the new East Sea Dragon King Aosen, who has the blood of the Azure Dragon.

The origin of sunflower water, the origin of Gengjin and the five golden grasses are divided by the Dragon King of the South China Sea and the Dragon King of the North Sea.

As for other world-class treasures, in addition to enriching the treasure house, they are mainly used to improve the strength of the people.

Soon, Li Changsheng allocated the remaining treasures, and the process was the same as that of the Emperor's Palace, and they were divided directly according to each person's contribution.

As for the inheritance of the Queen of Heaven, it was given to Ning Bizhen by Li Changsheng. Like the inheritance of the Emperor of Heaven, Ning Bizhen would also copy several copies to the Four Seas Dragon King at his discretion, mainly deleting the secrets about the heavens.

Li Changsheng is about to become the Lord of Heavenly Court. Naturally, the lesser people know the secret of Heavenly Court, the better. This is the principle.

The Four Seas Dragon King expressed his understanding, not to mention that sometimes knowing too much may not be a good thing. After all, if you want to keep your secrets better, the best way is to kill the opponent.

Both parties can be said to have returned with a full load. Although they have some regrets, they also got the treasures they needed.

At this time, the East China Sea Dragon King asked suspiciously: "What about the secret realm of the Queen of Heaven?"

"It was destroyed by the Profound Empress during the late stage of the Heaven and Earth Hegemony. This is also one of the reasons why the Empress has fallen!"

Ning Bizhen pondered for a while, looking up the memory of the secret world of the Queen of Heaven, and couldn't help but feel a little bit sighed.

At that time, Emperor Tian, ​​Emperor Tian and Emperor Xi led Kunpeng, ten demon commanders against Yixuan, Emperor Xuan, Feng clan, Qilin clan, and strong men who depended on them. As a result, Heavenly Court was defeated. Emperor Xi died on the spot and ten demon commanders. Only Shang Yang is left.

However, the Emperor Xuan's side was not much better. The patriarch of the Qilin clan died on the spot, and the Emperor Xuandi suffered indelible injuries and ruined his foundation.

When the fierce battle was in full swing, the Ten Thousand Demon Banner and Xuan Huang Baojian were knocked down and lost their whereabouts. Without the Ten Thousand Demon Banners, Kunpeng took the opportunity to betray the Emperor and flee the downed Hetu Luoshu, which directly caused the morale of the Emperor to drop. The key point is that many powerhouses are also subject to ten thousand demon banners, and defeat is inevitable.

It can be said that success is also ten thousand demon banners, and failure is also ten thousand demon banners.

In the debacle, in order to make the Emperor of Heaven retreat to the Heavenly Court, the Queen of Heaven began desperately, and as a result, she lost to the Empress Xuan and was destroyed on the spot by the Empress Xuan.

After withdrawing to the Heavenly Court, the Queen of Heaven worshipped God and returned to Yaochi, hurriedly left the inheritance, and the fragrant disappeared and the jade perished.

The Emperor of Heaven was unwilling, but failure was doomed. He didn't want Xuan Empress and others to win the fruits of victory. He finally chose Jedi Tiantong, which separated the two realms of heaven and man, so that the winning Profound Emperor did not enjoy the fruits of victory.

"Then where are we going now?"

"The soldiers are divided into two groups. You must meet Emperor Wen and others as soon as possible to avoid the idea of ​​the Emperor and the Blood Emperor. Bi Zhen and I will go to the Star Palace!"

Li Changsheng always thought about the Emperor Yuan in the Star Palace. As long as the Emperor Yuan was killed, the blood emperor would be destined to suffer a great loss. At the same time, the Emperor Yuan was a veteran emperor with profound background, and he might have unexpected gains.

This time, because of the arrangement in the Star Palace, if nothing else, Li Changsheng can easily eat Emperor Yuan, and there is no need to share the results with others.

At the same time, just like what he said, the Human Emperor and the Blood Emperor might go to the top ten tribes to find them trouble.

Of course, it may also be a star house, but as long as they enter the star house, Li Changsheng will feel it.

Since it did not appear in the Star Palace, it is more likely that it is still the top ten tribes, or there may be other plans.

This time they have suffered a lot of losses. According to normal people's thinking, they naturally want to make up for it, and they will destroy it at the worst, because anyone with a discerning eye can see that the heavenly court will soon be surnamed Li.

When the Four Seas Dragon King disappeared, Li Changsheng asked Ning Bizhen to stay in his secret realm, using the teleportation function of the 12th-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform, and instantly entered the Star Palace Crape Myrtle Hall.

Looking at the open door of the Ziwei Hall, Li Changsheng raised his mouth, showing a smile, and entered the Ziwei Hall lightly with his hands on his back.

On the nine steps, the Star Emperor Yixu was still sitting on the throne, as if looking down below.

Just taking a look, Li Changsheng was sure that the forbidden formation on the first eight steps had been broken, and the Zhou Tianxingdou forbidden formation on the ninth step had been activated, and it was obvious that Emperor Yuan was there.

This progress can be considered very fast. Although the first eight bans are far inferior to the Zhou Tianxing ban, but here is the star palace, which naturally has a strong increase effect on the star-type ban, which shows the strength of the Gen Emperor. .

At the moment In the Zhou Tianxing forbidden formation, Emperor Yuan was slightly embarrassed, the crown on his head had disappeared, and the yellow robe had been torn apart a few holes, but he didn't suffer much damage.

Without the sun, moon and stars map, the power of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation is inevitably inferior. Moreover, without the coordination of the sun, moon and stars, the loopholes will be even greater.

I believe that after a long time, Emperor Yuan will be able to break the Zhou Tian Xing Dou forbidden formation.

However, at this moment, a treasure map containing stars suddenly entered the forbidden formation, and the void disappeared.

Suddenly, the power of Zhou Tian Xing Dou's forbidden formation skyrocketed, the space became more solidified, the loopholes were almost eliminated, the array eyes were constantly shifted, and the difficulty of breaking the formation immediately increased by one or two levels.

Yuandi Dun felt that the pressure had doubled, and he had a very bad premonition in his heart. He immediately recognized that this was Li Changsheng's map of the sun, the moon and the stars.

Before coming, Emperor Yuan thought that the Star Emperor was like the Emperor of Heaven, and lost the treasure in the process of defeat, but from now on, he can conclude that Li Changsheng has obtained the inheritance of the Star Emperor, otherwise the sun, moon and stars map would not be so easily integrated into the week. The eyes of the Tianxing Dou forbidden array.

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