Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1339: The Night King is here again

Li Changsheng tried it, and when he stopped, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

The earthly python has become the sixth transformation technique in "Xuanji Nine Transformations". According to the specialties of the earthly python, Li Changsheng's physique, strength, defense and resilience have all been greatly improved, and his speed and explosive power have remained almost unchanged.

At the next moment, Li Changsheng transformed into an extremely exaggerated earthly giant python. His size was not inferior to the original giant python of the Demon Emperor. This was just the reason why Li Changsheng had absorbed nearly two cans of earthly giant python's blood. Can give full play to.

After transforming into a giant python, Li Changsheng moved a little bit in the secret realm, trying to adapt to the crawling method of the giant python.

In order to avoid damage to the secret realm, Li Changsheng can only move around the edge of the secret realm.

Even so, all creatures within a hundred miles can clearly feel a strong shock.

For a while, some wild goblins showed panic expressions, subconsciously thinking that there was an earthquake, and wanted to go to other places to avoid disasters.

Li Changsheng naturally noticed it, but he didn't stop it. In line with the original intention of being less expensive, there were not many wild fairies fostered in the secret realm, and the density was not high, so there would be no accidental injury.

Soon, Li Changsheng finished adapting and regained his human form.

Now that the sky is completely dark, and the moon stars are scarce, at this time, practicing "Xian Tian Xing Dou" will get twice the result with half the effort.

Li Changsheng calculated the time and immediately activated the time delay forbidden array to increase the number of training.

The next moment, the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform appeared under Li Changsheng's crotch, and it spun slightly, resonating with the Zhou Tianxing Dou in the sky.

After a few breaths, 365 thick starlight pillars fell down, wrapping Li Changsheng in the rich stars.

Because Xinghui was too rich, it was impossible to see Li Changsheng's figure outside with the naked eye.

When he finished his training, Li Changsheng smiled again.

The eleventh-rank star palace lotus platform is worthy of Langhuan's most precious treasure, and the increase in cultivation is far more than before, and it has three times as much.

But even with the support of the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace lotus platform and the time delay forbidden formation, Li Changsheng wants to reach the pinnacle of the Double Character King, I am afraid it will take three years.

According to the seven- to eight-hundred-year life span of the Double Character King, three years is indeed not long, and many Double Character Kings retreat for more than three years at a time.

Li Changsheng was very satisfied with the cultivation effect of the eleventh-rank star palace lotus platform, but when he thought of the conditions for upgrading to the twelfth-rank star palace lotus platform, he was full of physical and mental weakness.

As before, the level-up treasures needed this time far exceed those before, which are 20 world powers, high-grade star cores, and innate five elements energy.

Twenty copies of the power of the world are not difficult for Li Changsheng, as long as half a year can be collected.

The difficulty lies in the latter two. Needless to say, the high-grade star core has reached the Purple Mansion's Rare Grade, and it will only appear after the large-scale plane is destroyed. Needless to say, the difficulty of collecting it is possible for the entire goblin. Nothing in the world.

As for the Innate Five Element Qi, the difficulty of collecting this thing is theoretically much easier than that of the top-grade star core. The key is five types. Li Changsheng only has Innate Gengjin Qi in his hands. If you want to collect five types, you can think about it. It's desperate.

The question is, if he collects the Qi of Innate Jiamu and Yimu, he must first supply Kailan.

In general, it is impossible to upgrade to the twelfth-rank star palace lotus platform in a short period of time, even if it is possible for dozens or hundreds of years.

Li Changsheng shook his head and practiced in retreat again, preparing to spend the last month of safety.

Time passed slowly, and before I knew it, a month passed.

It was also on this day that Li Changsheng's three-month protection period for Heaven finally ended.

In the secret realm, Li Changsheng opened his eyes suddenly, not because he didn't want to continue, but Mingming felt that there was a strong person breaking into Langya Kingdom, and there were still three, so he had to end the retreat.

Li Changsheng left the secret realm and entered into a state of harmony between man and nature. From the induction point of view, they were two double-character kings and three kings respectively, and the opponents were coming fiercely, rushing towards Yecheng at an extremely fast speed.

One of the breath Li Changsheng is still very familiar with, it is not the Dark Night King Dou Cangqi who can have anyone else.

Obviously, the opponent is an enemy and not a friend.

"It's really punctual, it's completely pinched. Besides the Night King, who are the other four?"

Li Changsheng secretly said in his heart that he continued to sense the other four breaths while keeping Zuo Qiulin and other strong men on guard.

In addition to the breath of the Dark Night King, Li Changsheng also determined the owners of the other two breaths, namely, the King of Dark Blue and the King of Fury.

The King of Fury followed the Night King and the King of Oak to kill Li Changsheng last time, but he was finally defeated. The King of Oak fell on the spot. The King of Fury escaped but suffered heavy losses. He did not expect to come again this time.

There is no need to say that King Underworld, she is a descendant of the Emperor Xuan, and she has only received the order of the Emperor Xuanqiang to help the dark night king Dou Cangqiang to kill Li Changsheng.

As for the breath of the other two kings, Li Changsheng said that he was unfamiliar and had never met before.

However, in the eyes of Li Changsheng, the kings are all chickens and dogs, and they can be killed easily, even if it is the dark night king Dou Cangqiang, I am afraid that it will not last a minute in his hands.

No way, the last time the Dark Night King Dou Cangqiang suffered a heavy loss, and even the only Demon Emperor Grade Burning Mountain Ape got in. Even if a few Demon Saint Grade demon pets were forcibly contracted during this period, they still existed at their peak. difference.

Among these five people, the only one that Li Changsheng attaches importance to is naturally King Hades.

King Hades is not only a descendant of Emperor Xuan, but also a top double-character king. Even if he is not as good as the king of natural disasters, the gap is minimal.

With such a lineup of opponents, although Li Changsheng will not overturn the gutter, he still has to go all out.

Here comes the Li Changsheng doesn't want outsiders to know that he has been promoted to Double Character King, after all, their promotion speed is too fast, far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Li Changsheng naturally didn't think about avoiding it, after all, this time he clearly had an advantage. The question he was thinking about was **** them while keeping the secret that he had been promoted to the Double Character King.

After a few breaths, Li Changsheng thought about a countermeasure.

In the next moment, Li Changsheng appeared in the sky above Yecheng, riding his big head in the state of a peng bird and taking the initiative to meet the Five Night Kings.

Judging from the flight route of the Five Night Kings, they came from the direction of the East China Sea. It was obvious that they had spared a circle to avoid being seen by others, especially the Royal Palace.

After entering the kingdom of Langya, the five Dark Night Kings knew that Li Changsheng had noticed, and they did not hide anything, and approached Li Changsheng as quickly as possible.

However, when they found that Li Changsheng rushed towards them, they said it was a lie if they were not surprised. The other party had done so, obviously they had the certainty to deal with them.

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