Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1338: Unexpected achievement Lang? Seed curtain?/a>

The buds are like a beating heart, which expands and contracts, and each time they expand and contract, they will become larger by one point.

At this time, Li Changsheng ran "The Stars of Zhou Tian", and at the same time, 365 star pans spread to help the lotus platform increase its traction.

In the next moment, the pillar of starlight became significantly thicker.


Suddenly, an accident happened.

Not far away, the big Zhoutian star fruit tree swayed its branches and leaves, making a slurping sound. There were a little green fruits on it suddenly and fully ripened, and then 365 fruits broke away from the branches and leaves and fell on their corresponding lotus petals.

At the moment of contact, the big Zhoutian star fruit melted instantly, turning into a liquid and quickly blending into the lotus flower.

Regarding such a change, Li Changsheng did not say that he was surprised that it must be a lie, but he raised his hand, but in the end he did not stop it.

The attributes of the big Zhoutian star fruit tree and the lotus platform are the same. In this situation, there must be only advantages and no disadvantages.

Of course, there are no absolutes in the world, just like people are overwhelmed, there is always a limit in the lotus platform.

In this case, Li Changsheng's mental power has been paying attention to the changes in the lotus platform. Once something goes wrong, Li Changsheng will forcibly stop the lotus platform from upgrading.

Judging from the feedback of mental power, when the big Zhou Tianxingchen fruit merged into the lotus platform, the energy fluctuation representing the lotus platform suddenly skyrocketed, and the mark on the lotus flower representing Zhou Tianxingchen also became clear.

"This won't directly become Langhuan's greatest treasure, will it?"

Seeing such a change, Li Changsheng couldn't help but look forward to it for a while.

Generally speaking, the eleventh-grade lotus platform is similar to the Qiankun plate, which belongs to the rare purple house. But now that such a change has occurred, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be promoted directly to Langhuan Zhibao.

Seeing that everything was heading for the better, Li Changsheng couldn't hold back, and hurriedly shattered a large amount of material that contained starlight.

Countless star power emerged, and then a vortex-like scene appeared on the tenth-grade star palace lotus platform, and the star power was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This time, Li Changsheng shattered the material containing the power of starlight five times, causing the tenth-grade star palace lotus stand to absorb for more than an hour, and finally stopped.

Li Changsheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Even if he controls the Langya Kingdom, Dai Kingdom and Xi Kingdom, he still feels overwhelmed, and there is not much material in his hand that contains the power of starlight.

The tenth-rank star palace lotus platform was successfully promoted to the eleventh rank, and it resonated more and more strongly with the ancient stars in the sky.

At this time, the lotus platform of the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace hummed, and the invisible ripples spread rapidly.

For a time, the purple gas came to the east, reflecting the indescribable price of the entire secret realm, and immediately fell into the eleventh-grade lotus platform and disappeared.

Although Li Changsheng saw such a vision for the first time, he had seen it in ancient books.

Only when Langhuan Treasure was born, would such a vision appear.

Thinking of this, Li Changsheng couldn't help getting excited, and hurriedly inspected the Lotus Terrace of the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace.

"Sure enough to reach the Langhuan Supreme Treasure Level!"

After confirming that the lotus platform of the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace had initially reached the Langhuan Supreme Treasure level, Li Changsheng was inexplicably excited.

Although he also had a few Langhuan treasures in his hand, if the combination-type exotic treasures were eliminated, only the purple pole gold starry sky crown obtained from the ancient star emperor would meet the requirements.

Here comes the question. The lotus platform of the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace was raised step by step by Li Changsheng, which represented a different meaning.

From this moment on, the lotus platform of the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace was completely regarded as the most defensive treasure, giving Li Changsheng a little more protection.

After the purple qi disappeared, a vast starry sky appeared above the eleventh-grade star palace lotus platform. Li Changsheng could clearly feel that the connection between the eleventh-grade star palace lotus platform and the star palace had increased again. It seemed that he could do it with just one thought. Entering the star palace, instead of using the space channel to enter the star palace like before, obviously becomes more concealed and efficient.

Of course, the lotus platform of the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace can still establish a space channel for people to enter the Star Palace in batches.

Li Changsheng tested the defense of the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform a few times, and was very satisfied. Even with the combination of the blue and yellow springs, he still couldn't break the defense in a short time.

However, it would be different if the Lingxiao Sword Box was used. With the increase of the Lingxiao Sword Box, the combined power of the Biluohuangquan Swords was too strong, almost breaking the defense of the Eleventh-Rank Star Palace Lotus Platform with a single sword.

This is still the relationship between the eleventh-rank star palace lotus platform specializing in defense. If it is the Langhuan treasure who is not specializing in defense, it will be broken by a sword.

Li Changsheng expressed his satisfaction and began to take out the yellow gourd, preparing to refine the blood of the original python.

In addition to the original pythons, Li Changsheng did not spare the three descendants of the original pythons, and also took a lot of blood to purify the blood of the earthly pythons.

Regarding the blood of the giant python, Li Changsheng is more inclined to refine it for his own use.

The earthly giant pythons seem to be very strong and belong to the unique nature of beasts, but they mainly rely on a tyrannical body, without other effective means, and because their body is too large and inconvenient to move, they often can only be reduced to targets.

The advantage of the earthly giant python is that its body is too exaggerated and its skin is thick and thick, which leads to its extremely powerful destructive power. It can destroy a large city in minutes. In this regard, even a giant with a hundred arms known as a war fortress, I am afraid it will Inferior.

However, this seems to be of little use to Li Changsheng, not to mention that the earthly giant python does not have the eternal immortality characteristics, and its recovery is far inferior to dumb and chubby.

In addition, only the original python and its three descendants provide blood and blood, how long does it take to create an earthly python?

The most important thing is that if you want to become a giant python in the world, you have to let the giant python that lives in the world die.

The unique nature of the beast is so troublesome, just like the throne of the fairy world, except that the former has the unique nature, but the latter has nine.

Among Li Changsheng’s demon pets, the fall of the ancestral dragon and the candle dragon is recognized. As long as the water reaches the drain, even the blood of the Elf King of Kailan, there is always a trace to As for the specific nest of the earthly python In which plane, at least Li Changsheng hadn't heard of it, but he could tell through the bloodmark that the earthly giant python was still alive, but he couldn't sense its location.

In other words, even if he sensed it, with his current strength, he couldn't help the opponent at all.

Li Changsheng decided to make the earthly python become one of the changes in "Xuanji Nine Changes" while continuing to strengthen his physical strength.

I believe that with the characteristics of the earthly giant python, the physical strength can be improved to a certain extent.

Without consuming much time, Li Changsheng extracted nearly two pots of earthly python blood.

If you kill the original python directly, you can extract more than three jars of blood from the earthly python at one time, but it is always undesirable to kill chickens and get eggs, and it is far inferior to a long stream of water.

The next step is the refining process. In the process of refining, Li Changsheng can faintly feel that his physique is growing, and the skin, flesh and blood, muscles and bones and even the internal organs have all been strengthened to a certain extent.

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