Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1324: Siege of Bernama

On the huge island, a large oval-shaped white awn quickly spread, and instantly flooded several miles.

The orb made by Li Changsheng didn't have a very large attack range. The main purpose was to concentrate the power and allow the demons in the range to suffer more damage.

This time, even Bernama didn't react, let alone the other demons in the range.




For a time, the screams of the devil screamed one after another, including Bernama's screams.

The purifying light of the gates of heaven can purify the consciousness of the abyss, and coupled with the dignified divine thunder of the purple sky, even Bernama will suffer substantial harm.

Of course, it is impossible to kill Bernama with this degree of damage. Even the ordinary demon lord may still be injured and not killed, let alone the Bernama whose combat power is close to the demon lord.

Li Changsheng also learned from the leaders of several surrendered demons that Bernama and other high-level demons were surrounding the gate of the abyss before he implemented such a plan.

This time, except for the few demon leaders who stood behind to exit the attack range in time, all the other demon leaders were flooded by the light of purification.

Li Changsheng and Ning Bizhen waited for ten seconds before they led the demon pets and the surrendered demons into the gate of the abyss.

Due to the different planes, the limits of the gates of the abyss are very different. The natives of the fairy world can also use the gates of the abyss to enter a certain level of the corresponding abyss, and it is not as restrictive as the devil's entry into the fairy world.

If it is a ninth-level demon master or demon king-level demon pet, whether this level of abyss gate can be entered is an unknown.

In addition, Li Changsheng also didn't know whether the method of restraining the breath of heaven could be effective.

After a while, Li Changsheng appeared on a huge island with a radius of thousands of miles.

At first glance, he saw the stumps and broken arms in one place. Of course, compared with the scene before entering, this was nothing. After all, Li Changsheng had just killed more than 70 demon leaders.

As we all know, as long as you kill the demon leader, you will be rewarded by heaven and get a certain amount of merit and virtue.

However, there are great fluctuations in the awards here.

If a non-king-level demon master kills the demon leader, you can get the maximum reward; if it is a king, you can get the normal reward; but if it is a double-word king or even a ninth-level demon master, the greater the difference in realm, the reward The more weakened.

Therefore, Li Changsheng gave up many demons to Ning Bizhen.

This time, the demon live bomb directly killed nearly 20 demon leaders, and almost all of them were wounded. Their eyes were full of fear and panic.

At the second glance, Li Changsheng landed on a huge octopus. It was the first time he saw such a huge creature. Dumb and other large monster pets were completely different from adults and children in front of it.

This giant octopus is naturally Bernama. At this moment, the Bernama was exposed to the power of the demon live bomb. The two tentacles were directly broken off, and the body surface was even more scarred.

It's just that compared to the huge size, Bernama's injuries are actually not serious, and its wounds are still squirming rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, some superficial scars have been restored as before.

Such a powerful regeneration ability is much stronger than Jiufeng's broken finger regeneration characteristics, but there is a clear gap with the eternal immortal body.

In the end, it is a direct descendant of Dagon. Needless to say, Bernama's talent is definitely the top member of the abyss. It has a high probability of being a high-ranking beast, and the possibility of a top-level beast is very slim.

If there are two Dagons in the abyss, Bernama must be a top beast. Unfortunately, there is only one Dagon in the entire abyss, which makes the race of Bernama and Dagon exist a certain gap.

At this time, Bernama was falling into a rage of incompetence, that is, the anger of his subordinates who suffered heavy losses, and the anger of being humiliated in public.

It was also the failure of Bernama's command. Its demon leaders were almost exhausted, and it would take years to recover to its heyday.

This is not the most important thing, Bernama can feel that the abyss's favor for it is showing signs of loss.

No way, this time losing nearly a hundred demon leaders, Bernama naturally bears the main responsibility.

It is also world consciousness, and the rewards and punishments of the fairy world are clear, and they are a little nervous. The abyss's world consciousness is quite special. It likes to let the major demons fight, and as long as they succeed in pleasing, they can get rewards, but the most basic rewards and punishments are clear.

While Li Changsheng was watching Bernama, Bernama also spotted him and Ning Bizhen.

"Damn mortals, the great Bernama will surely set you down, light your skulls on sky lanterns, and torture your souls for ten thousand years."

Bernama let out an angry neighing sound, which was extremely ear-piercing. Many demon pets were affected. They only felt their ears hum and were temporarily deaf.

"Bernama will be dealt with by us, and the leadership of those demons will be handed over to you!"

At this time, Li Changsheng gave orders to Puskas and other demon leaders who surrendered to him.

After hearing that there was no need to face Bernama directly, Puskas and other demon leaders were obviously relieved. They hurried to kill the remaining demon leaders for fear that Li Changsheng would regret it.

At the same time, there were sudden changes during the day and night, the momentum skyrocketed, and the blood of the gray cat in the body temporarily entered the stage of completion.

It turned out that before entering the gate of the abyss, Li Changsheng took a future Sumidan during the day. With the special nature of the twin symbiosis of light and dark, the blood of the two cats temporarily entered the stage of consummation.

At the same time, their small realm has also reached the seventh stage of the Demon Emperor, and their strength has been greatly improved.

Feeling the soaring power of the two cats, Bernama's vertical eyes shrank, but still waving the remaining six tentacles, he rushed towards Li Changsheng.

"Stop it!"

When Li Changsheng spoke he threw out the Xuankun fortune monument, and forced most of the abyss consciousness within a radius of 10,000 meters. The remaining abyss consciousness was swallowed and purified by the gate of light and darkness, allowing the demon to be swallowed and purified. The pet's strength is no longer restricted.

In the next moment, the small group headed by Ash, Kailan, Day and Night, and supplemented by the other monster pets released a gorgeous and unusual brilliance, blocking or attacking Bernama.


The strong explosion sounded, Bernama couldn't help being a little frightened. If it were one-on-one, Li Changsheng's demon pet was obviously not its opponent, but the combination made it very uncomfortable.

In the first wave of fights, Bernama's attacks were stopped, without any achievements, and he also suffered a lot of attacks.

When the monster pets joined forces to deal with Bernama, Li Changsheng stretched out his hand, and 365 stars were shot out and landed in different directions. Hunyuan Heluo's forbidden formation reappeared, covering dozens of miles, preparing to encircle Berna. Ma.

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