Release That Demonic Pet

Vol 2 Chapter 1323: Demon Live Bomb

"Your Majesty Bernama, we have killed the two kings of the fairy world and collected their souls. We will show them to your Majesty after the war!"

This is the news that Parsenka just sent, and it's no wonder Bernama is so excited.

Even for Bernama, the soul of the king has a certain effect on it. After all, the soul of the king has crystallized, and there is an essential gap between it and the non-king.

In addition, the abyss also has a special contribution system, as long as his men behead the strong in the fairy world, Bernama will also contribute half of the profit.

It's so unfair, it can only be said that this is the abyss.

The thought that there are more than a dozen kings in total, Bernama's heart can't help but become fiery.

Soon, more than a dozen demons completed the transmission after taking the lead, and news from the opposite side was continuously transmitted.

To be on the safe side, Li Changsheng once again surrendered the two demon leaders and provided Bernama with the ‘news’ specially prepared by him, and continued to seduce Bernama.

"Your Majesty Bernama, we once again beheaded a king!"

"Your Majesty Bernama, there are only eight kings left on the other side, and we kill all the others."

"No, your Majesty Bernama, the other party has activated a strong forbidden formation and is ready to fight to the death. Please continue to provide support."


Under the temptation of words, Bernama did not doubt that it had it, letting the demon leader in line continue to support it.

When the third news came, the number of demon leaders was only half.

Such a large reduction in staff naturally caused the remaining demon leaders to show fear of war, and one by one wanted to be in the back, making the queue messy, and even the demon leaders couldn't help but fight.

Seeing such a scene, Bernama, who was already irritable, was immediately furious, and several tentacles stretched out, tearing one of the most active demon leaders into several pieces on the spot, and threw them into his mouth to chew and swallow.

Under Bernama's suppression, the chaotic scene suddenly calmed down, and these demon leaders had to bite the bullet and continue to line up to transmit.

Originally, Bernama felt faint when he discovered that the attrition was so severe, but seeing that the victory was ahead, and the battlefield was changing rapidly, if he did not support it, the original ‘great’ situation might be reversed.

As a result, Bernama can only suppress his inner anxiety and continue to send capable men.

What I have to say is that at this time the number of Demon Leaders of the Abyss Gate has increased to eight.

Bernama felt that the promotion trend of the Abyss Gate was about to reach its limit, and it was still unknown whether it could be transmitted to the fairy world by this.

Soon, three minutes passed, and the number of demon leaders dropped by a dozen.

Just as Bernama became more uneasy, a demon leader who surrendered to Li Changsheng on the other side sent news that inspired Bernama.

"Your Majesty Bernama, after our hard work, we finally broke the forbidden formation, but the remaining kings on the opposite side did not run away. Instead, they worked hard with us. We will kill them all and give their souls to your Majesty. ."

In excitement, Bernama shouted to the remaining demon leader who was still in a state of panic: "After receiving the news from the front line, the opponent is about to be defeated, and soon we will be able to enjoy the fruits of victory."

As Bernama's voice just fell, the remaining demon leader gained a lot of confidence, suddenly no longer had the idea of ​​paddling, and scrambled to grab the front seat.

However, two minutes later, Bernama still did not receive any news of victory. Instead, there were only less than 30 demons left on his side.

"The big thing is not good, your Majesty Bernama, a double-character king arrived in time, and we were suppressed by the other party again. Please help your Majesty quickly."


Bernama is also too grumpy, but not a fool. After losing a large number of demon leaders, it has noticed something wrong.

"The deity orders you to send it back immediately and immediately!"

Bernama replies to this subordinate's message, which is also its temptation.

After receiving the message from Bernama, the demon leader named Komodo immediately stepped on the stumps and severed his arms, and told Li Changsheng of Bernama's reply.

"It seems that it has noticed it."

With a smile on Li Changsheng's face, Bernama has only now realized that it has exceeded his expectations.

Komodo smiled humblely and asked, "Respected master, what should I do?"

"Well, you swallow all these beads, and then teleport back to the 175th floor of the abyss."

Li Changsheng took out a bunch of adult fist-sized beads, which are made of the purification light of the gate of heaven and the purple sky **** thunder of Lei Qilin as the main materials. The final compression molding product is also a gadget made these days.

These were originally used by Li Changsheng to bomb the devil army, but now that the opportunity is rare, how can this opportunity be wasted?

Feeling the terrifying energy contained in these beads, the scared Komodo trembled all over, his face was full of horror??, he hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted: "Master, please take your life back and forgive the villain!"

"It seems that you are not willing!"

As Li Changsheng's voice just fell, two apertures of black and white suddenly caught Komodo, tightly restraining Komodo, lying on the ground unable to move.

Komodo's eyes were horrified, and he struggled violently, but with its strength, how could he break free from the restraint skills that he released jointly during the day and night in a short time.

Under the fear, excitement, and bloodthirsty gazes of the other surrendered demons, Duan stretched out his giant claws and opened Komodo's closed mouth directly. Li Changsheng stretched out his hand and waved, a bunch of special orbs all flew into Komodo. Mouth.

Duan grabbed Komodo and threw it towards the gate of the abyss.


Komodo smashed toward the gate of the abyss like a cannonball. At the moment it was about to touch the gate of the abyss, a beam of light was shot out of the eyes during the day and night, accurately shattering the two apertures of Komodo~www. Komodo was too late to stop, rushing straight into the gate of the abyss, and disappeared.

On the 175th floor of the abyss, Bernama looked at Komodo staggering out of the gate of the abyss in surprise, subconsciously thinking that he had just been overhearted.

"Your Majesty Bernama, save..."

Komodo's cries sounded. It wanted to spit out the pair of orbs. As a result, the pile of orbs stuck in its body, making it desperate. The key Komodo could feel that this pile of orbs was about to explode.

Not far away, Bernama finally realized that it was wrong. Its sixth sense was not as strong as usual, and he felt a sense of crisis from Komodo.

However, without waiting for Bernama to evade, Komodo swelled fiercely and turned into flesh and blood. At the same time, bursts of brilliant brilliance centered on Komodo, spreading rapidly toward the surroundings.

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