Reincarnation into the Barrier Master

Episode 462: For the First Time:


In the silence, a man's regretful voice resounded.Arbe slowly lifted herself away from the woman, breathing on her shoulders.

"What is it? Is it over?"


Albe bit his lip regretfully.It was a completely unexpected situation.

I knew what men and women would do, even if I had no experience.He had such books, and above all, his father frequently called his concubine to his room to satisfy his desires.I have been peeking at the situation many times, so Albe thought that when I got into such a situation, I would be able to deal with it adequately.

But in fact, I couldn't do what I thought I could.No matter how hard he stirred up, his ego showed little reaction.Even so, I tried to force a challenge, but the result remained the same.

I didn't expect this to happen to me.

The woman has an obvious expression of dissatisfaction.His voice was also angry.Albe got off the bed in a great way, and slowly gathered the undressed clothes.And when I took my underwear, I was embarrassed to wear it.

Suddenly, I turned my eyes to the bed.The woman was staring at Albe with her arms crossed as she exposed her torso.After all, it's a beautiful well-shaped breast.My skin is clear. But my desire for her was already exhausted.

"I've made many men before, but I've never seen anyone like you before."


What is it?

My body was trembling for some reason.I realized that if I let this woman down, I could be in danger.When this woman is attacked, Arbe will be seized from the men in this hall and be beaten with sacks.If you do it badly, you may lose your life.Right now, the woman in front of me was the very person who was taking Albe's life.

We have to get in the mood for this woman somehow."But I can't find the right words..."


"What is it? Tell me clearly."

"I love it too much, I can't."


Words came out unexpectedly.What the hell are you talking about?But I didn't have time to test it.A woman stepped out of her bed and approached Stasta and Arbe.

What did you just say?


The woman's face was brought closer to the distance again.The forehead is hit. Moreover, the woman pushed her grips and forehead.

What did you say?

"Woah, I love it too much..."

"You like me too much to use."Did you say that? "

Albe finally nodded.The woman laughed.

"You're not the first person to say that."

As she spoke, the woman stepped away from Abel and walked out toward the bed with her arms crossed.Still naked with no strings tied.The shaped buttocks are swaying up and down.

“I've met a lot of guys.Many of them threw their lives away to seize my heart.The man I aimed at always fell down in front of me.Some even bowed their heads in tears and told me to hold my body for once."All those people tasted my body in tears..."No one said they liked it too much to be useful..... "

The woman muttered to herself, but when she turned her gaze to Arbe again, she stood in the pose of the king with her arms crossed.

What do you say? Do you still want to embrace my body?

To the woman's words, Arbe nods slowly.She continued her words with a satisfied smile.

"I see. Then kill the lord of this mansion quickly."After that, let's enjoy your body a lot.Rest assured, I'll make sure you can do it next time. ”

A woman sneezes her chin.An emotion similar to the obsessive notion that we must leave this place and kill the Lord as soon as possible.He wore his clothes in a daze, and when he took his bag as if he were folded, he turned to the door of the room with a fluttering footstep.

"Come home early."Let's have some fun. "

When I closed the door, I heard a voice like that.A wide, long corridor stretched out in front of her.


As if their souls had escaped, Tobotobo and Arbe walked in the original direction.There was no one in the hallway, and there was a creepy silence.

It was a long corridor.When I was told earlier, I felt like I had arrived in the room in less than a minute, but now I feel like I have been walking for many times longer.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Unexpectedly stopped, unexpectedly stopping.Suddenly, he raised his face, and in front of him, the man who had guided him, stood in front of Albe as if to stop him.He looks at Arbe with a look of contempt.

“I'm asking you what you're doing.Have you finished using your daughter? "

Albe could not answer the man's question.I was feeling my throat dry rapidly.I couldn't speak. The man's expression was getting stronger and stronger.

"Answer me."

"Hey, the main thing in this hall..."

Milord? What's wrong with you?

"I said go..."

"Is that what the young lady told you?"

Albe nods desperately.The man touched his tongue, and he turned his gaze again harshly.

What are you going to do to Milord?

"Ugh, noo, ahhh..."

I can't say I'm poisoning you.As he was struggling to answer, the man sighed loudly and continued to say more words, creating an atmosphere that seemed troublesome.

"Why don't you tell me soon?" Both Milord and I are busy.I don't have time for you to be alone. "

I can't help it, so I'll listen to you, but I always said you weren't worthy of listening to.It was a nuisance.I didn't come to this mansion for nothing.You brought yourself to this Mansion on your own.The mumbling and angry emotions burst into Arbe's heart.

”Take the medicine... and my body will be fine. I'll give it to the owner of this museum...”

I squeezed my voice out desperately. The man stroked his tongue again and gave an indescribable expression.

"Again...? Are you a merchant?"

"T-That's not true."

So, what is it?

"Ugh, I'll make some medicine..."

“A pharmacist? Is there anything you can prove?”

The man inadvertently mumbles to the question.Since he did not officially serve the royal family, he did not have such an identity card, nor did he have it with him when he left his father's mansion.

The man who answered nothing to Arbe sighed loudly again.

"Well, I brought you along as you walked down the road."Do you have such a thing?So where do you live?What's the name of the master you're serving? "

"... no. I'm the one who travels"

The man raised his hands and slightly tilted his neck, thinking that his eyebrows were in the shape of a ha.There was an atmosphere of not talking.

The man passed in front of Arbe and went to the room where the woman was.And when I thought I'd knocked politely, I went into the room.

After a while, the man who came out of the room came back to Abel with a big strand.With an obviously unconvincing expression on his face, he silently jerked his chin and urged him to follow.

I was guided to a room like the reception room.The chair and desk are arranged neatly.

"We need to make that medicine right here and now."

In the man's voice, Arbe quietly placed his bag on the desk...

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