Reincarnation into the Barrier Master

Episode 461: Becoming a Man?

So, what can you do?

That's what the woman said, bringing her face closer to Albe.Inadvertently, the woman put her hand on his back and deprived him of his freedom.

"Um... oh..."

I knew very well that the behavior was suspicious.I don't know what to say or what to say... he was confused in his head.

In front of her is a beauty of the world.Her sniff as she looks up is close enough to see Abel hit her cheek.You can see that Albe's own sniff is getting rough with a beautiful face that seems to have escaped from the painting.Her heart was beating at a terrible pace, and I didn't think she would hear it.The woman looked at him with a mean smile.

"What's the matter? You better tell me soon."

The woman's hands came down from her back to her buttocks.The hand gently strokes Albe's ass.He felt an indescribable tickle and twisted himself unintentionally, but at that moment the woman grabbed him by the edge of her body.

"Whoa, poison me..."

Yeah? What is it?

"Poison, distinguish, distinguish,"


The woman had a look on her face that she was not sure about when she answered Albe.She bent her head a little.At that time, a very good smell tickled his nose.

"Poison me..."

"Poison? What are you going to do with poison?"Can you make poison? "

"Yeah, I can make it."


The woman's eyes slammed open.Arbe continues to say more words.

"I can make poison."That's not all. You can smell the poison and distinguish its taste.That's not all. We can also make antidotes. "

"... it's funny, as I expected."

The woman gives a satisfied smile.She was gesturing to think of something, but eventually, when she turned her attention to him, she opened her mouth again.

"In this mansion there are fifty servants, in addition to the master.How long can you kill that person? "

Albe suddenly took a breath.I didn't even imagine that such a topic would arise.

How long has it been?


All of you? Is it that powerful a poison?

"Oh, I'm confident I'll kill you."


The woman licked her lips with her perori tongue.The appearance was very erotic.

How are you going to kill me?


"Let everyone drink poison."

It's impossible.


The woman walked away from Albe and walked towards the stateroom and the bed where she had been sleeping.Pyong jumped on it and slowly laid himself on the bed.

"So do not kill 50 people at a time."

The woman stares at Abel with a mean smile as always.He tried to argue, but swallowed the words.

Indeed, as this woman says, it is difficult to kill fifty men at once.It was very difficult to create the situation, except that all fifty men at a time would wipe out the poison of Arbe.For if any man falls, even if he is mixed with a meal, if any man has not eaten, he may soon be able to escape, or if he spat, he may turn to Arbe himself in doubt.The more he thought about it, the shallower he answered, and regretted his deeds.

The woman stared at him in the bed and laughed.

"Cahahaha, I didn't think you could do such a big thing from the beginning."It's because of your peace of mind. You said you could use poison?What kind of poison is that? "

"It's a tasteless, odorless poison. The more you drink, the more you lose your life."


The woman's eyes are opened again.Black eyes covered her eyes.It was like a pupil that was about to be sucked in.

So, can we kill Jarissey, the owner of this building?

"... I can kill you"

Not if you kill only one person.Arbe feels it in her heart.Perhaps she liked the answer, but the woman laughed again.

"Well, if we're going to kill just one person, we're not going to make anything out of it."But you said you had a tasteless, odorless poison?So if you throw it into a well, you can kill a lot of people, right? "

Albe nods silently. The woman also nodded with a satisfied expression.

"I want to see the power of that poison."You, let's kill the Lord of this mansion with that poison. "


"What's the matter? Are you timid?"

"No, no. Is that... good?"

"It doesn't matter." That man is nothing to be bothered by.Death is the best thing in the world. "

"No... I don't think so..."If your husband dies, you will..... "

In response to Arbe's words, the woman laughed wildly in her stomach.

"Cahahahahaha, it's as funny as ever."I won't be bothered just because that man is dead.We just need to find the rich guy again.More than that, I guess.

The woman got out of bed again and walked without any confusion to Stasta and Arbe, bringing her face closer together again.The forehead is hit this time.

"I think I'd enjoy it more if I stayed with you."


You still don't know a woman, do you?


"If you can kill this master, I'll make you a man."Isn't that a bad condition? "

When she said that, the woman stepped back a few steps, took off the clothes she was wearing casually, and instantly became naked without a thread.Albe's eyes widened.

"What do you say? You can do whatever you want with this body."If you kill that man, I'll be yours. What do you say? "

Albe was unconsciously running towards this woman.I gently hugged the small body, and threw it as it was and laid it on the bed.

She looks at Albe with a mean smile as always.And he took off his clothes that were silently and roughly clothed, and covered him over the woman as if he were a beast.

Put your mouth on the shaped breast.When I fully tasted it, I bit the milk this time.It was not enough, and I raised my teeth everywhere: on my shoulders, on my stomach, on my feet.With such an abnormal caress, the woman did not resist at all, she did not raise her voice, she just turned herself to Albe's desire.

Albe's teeth are engraved all over a woman's body.Little by little, he began to politely lick the raised part of his teeth with his tongue.Not tired of it, he crawled his tongue all over the woman's body.

As expected, it tickled the woman as she laid down on her face while twisting her body.At that time, Arbe breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a small feather growing on the woman's back.

When I was a child, in the church that I was forced to take away, I heard so many times that I was tired of hearing the figure of an angel, the use of God.Albe was obsessed with the woman's back and kept crawling her tongue without getting tired of it at all.It was obviously an act of madness.

How long has it been?A woman suddenly opened her mouth.

You're the same, aren't you?

Albe raised his face with a surprised expression on his face.Suddenly, feelings of contempt are on the woman's face.

"I'm not with the owner of this hall."I licked it for a long time.But if you don't, you won't be able to come.Are you with me? "

Albe's body became so hot.Don't be with that middle-aged guy.My self-esteem was severely damaged.When he laid the woman on her back again, he covered her...

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