"Money earned, now the next step is level C gene injection for the bone strengthening and all" Issei thought.

After searching for a bit he found the hospital and straight away went to the doctor for the Level B gene injection.

"Sir the level C gene injection will cost you 30 crystals please pay first" said the doctor.

Issei payed the crystals and got injected from the level C gene injection.

"Your Muscel strength, Bone strength and reflex will increase by 20-25 in two days" the doctor said

Doctor I will like to buy these level C gene injections from you for my freinds who can't come here" Issei said.

"Ok but you will have to pay 35 crystals for each injection" the doctor said

Issei didn't replied but putted putted 770 crystals then said "Give me as many as I can buy from these"

"Ye-Yes" the doctor said and gave him 22 injections.

Issei took those injections and now once again he was broke. As this place was not into his want to explore list he straight away went towards the gate of 6th Street to get out of this place.

Though he could have left directly through his space magic and gone back to his world but since he knew that someone was following him so he thought of entertaining himself.

After going out of 6th Street he continued walking in a straight direction as to waiting for those goons to show up but no one did even after reaching an abandoned building making Issei pissed.

"Ok come out you bastards I have been waiting for you guys to show up yourself and attack me but why are you being a pussy man atleast attack me now that I have reached so far from 6th Street" Issei said

As Issei said slowly people started to come out of shadows with shocked faces as none of them thought that there would be someone so idiotic that even though he knew he was being followed he kept going without carrying a single weapons.

When Issei looked at them he once again got pissed and shouted "Seriously only 10 guys without even a tank are you kidding me, you brought more than 20 guys along with a tank for a Man and two women out of which one was a kid who were armed but only 10 for me who is unarmed"

Draig said "Look what you are saying, are you even making sense!?"

"Ahh.... shit I would have bought some weapons if I knew that more men will come after me after that" Issei said.

"I don't know what you are talking about but it's looks like you knew we were following you but you still kept on going, for me that means you are ready to give us all your belongings and for that I will give you a quick death, shoot him boys" Gang Leader said

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang" for 30 seconds the cartridge of the guns were unloaded where Issei was standing creating a layer of dust in the air.

"Okay now go collect our prize" said the Leader.

Tiao one of the goon jumped on the opportunity and went towards Issei's position but the moment he entered the fog created by dust no more sounds were made, not even the sounds of footsteps.

When the dust settled the 9 guys saw Issei standing there in his hands covered in blood was holding a bleeding heart with there guy lying infront of his feet.

The were shocked not only because the crushed heart that Issei had in his hand but also because there man Tiao didn't bleed even a little. They looked at Issei who smiled looking at them and even with his handsome face his smile looked as if a devil laughing at them (though it's true he is Devil but they don't need to know that).

"Now this is a new technique that I have just recently created so I will like your help to perfect it" said Issei to the remaining 9 guys who were ready to piss there pants.

"Sh-Shoot him! shoot him down" leader said and the goons followed.

"Bang bang bang bang bang" another round of bullets were used but this time the men started to fall down one by one as Issei started to take there heart out one by one.

"Aaaahhh.... it's not working dammit they aren't suppose to die" Issei shouted as only one man that was the leader was left.

"Don't-Don't come near me aaahhhh bang bang bang" the leader shouted as he ran backwards and kept shooting at Issei.

"Ok Issei he is the last one so let's do it nice and easy" said Issei to himself.

"Did the radiation got to your head" Draig asked.

"Shut-up Draig" Issei said and vanished from his spot the came infront of the leader moved his hand towards his heart and before he could react Issei was holding his heart.

Issei looked at the Leader while the leader did the same then he looked at his heart which was in Issei's hand and he pissed in his pants.

"Yes-yes I did hahaha... oww what the hell you pissed yourself" said Issei As he looked in his front but hw saw the leader bleeding from his mouth and fell on the ground. Issei looked at his hand which was supposedly holding onto the leader's heart but the heart was crushed in Issei's excitement.

"Ok maybe Law's method was better as he could torture people as well" said Issei.

"Hmm so taking their heart out without killing them, what is that you want to accomplish with it" asked Draig.

"You will see in the future Draig, now let me collect there EP AID then we will go home" Issei said.

"Fine but do it fast, I really don't like this place" Draig.

"Yeah even I don't like it" said Issei as he collected the last EP AID

"Huff... now we can leave this place" said Issei then he started to use his space power and *Blink* the abandoned building was left with dead bodies of 10 men lying around.

DXD World

Issei's house.


Issei came back in his house then took a deep breath and said "I am back"

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