Issei was standing on a barren land where there was no one to be seen but he could see a city from there. Even though the buildings were highly damaged atleast he would be able to guess his location.

As Issei used teleportation and directly came inside the city he saw Zombies and foreign creatures roaming around everywhere and there was no human to be seen.

Issei used space magic to cloak his presence and moved there unhindered. Though he knew that these zombies have there senses dulled during the time sun is there on the sky and becomes predators in the night he wanted to move fast so he used his magic.

"So the first thing to check is where am I " said Issei to himself.

"I don't know what you can get from here" said Draig.

"Not much I just want their technology that's all" replied Issei.

As Issei was moving on the city road in between the zombies he heard a cry of a woman "Help! help me please! somebody help me"

"Oh! maybe I would be able to know where I am right now" said Issei as he looked at the woman who was tied and hanging downwards from a building.

Issei slowly went towards the building pulled the woman inside and untied her.

"Ok you are fine it's alright" said Issei to the woman.

"Oye partner there are....." Draig said but was interrupted by Issei who said "I know Draig and I am waiting for them".

"Hands up in the air kid or your head would be blasted" said a man standing behind him and pointing the gun at his head.

"Haha boss we got an someone this time and looks like this idiot is strolling in a park" said his subordinate 1

"Hmm.... yeah where are your Weapons and other gadgets kid" asked the boss.

The woman whome Issei saved was now standing by the side of the boss trying to seduce him.

"Well I didn't have them because I was going to take them from you" said Issei while he started standing.

"Oh no you don't" said the boss and shooted at Issei but the bullet passed through his head.

"Woh shooting me will not work man" said Issei as he turned and looked at the three men and a single woman standing there.

"W-WHAT was that" shouted subordinate 2 and shooted at Issei along with others.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* but all the bullets passed through Issei like he wasn't even there all four of them were scared shitless.

"Ok Which one of you know where we are and which way is 6th Street " asked Issei

All four of them didn't said anything and just stared at him in horror but after sometime someone said "I know where is it"

"Oh looks like you aren't boss for show" said Issei

"So what are we waiting for tell me about it and I will leave you all here" said Issei continuing.

"Yes right know we are in Wanghai City and if you go from here in south direction you will be able to reach 6th Street" said the Boss.

"Hmm ok alright thanks for the info" said Issei then he snapped his fingers cause of which all the gadgets and guns that the four of them had were in now Issei's possession.

"Since you all wanted to rob me, then I will take these as compensation" said Issei and teleported from there to another building in Wanghai City leaving the four robber's there alone to defend themselves without any weapon and gadgets in this apocalyptic world.

"Hmm.... this Wanghai City in 2190 sure doesn't look good don't you think Draig" said Issei as he was checking all the gadgets he robbed from those robber's.

"Hmph I still don't know why we are here these gadgets won't be any help for you" said Draig.

"Not necessarily look at this EP AID this can help me know the overall status of anyone who wears it" said Issei

And as he did he clicked on the EP AID which showed a screen showing his status

User Name :- Issei Hyodo

Muscel Strength :- 700

Bone Strength :- 800

Reflex :- 750

Brain Activity :- 50

Note :- Unidentified elements present in users body and immune to all disease.

"Hmm well it shows my physical strength while my ki and magic becomes Unidentified elements to it, so after a tune up it will be able to show those as well. I think Azazel will be able to make them" said Issei

"So you came here for the technology they have" asked Draig

"Yes since I have seen how powerful a person can be only from technology, you know I have seen someone who was an ordinary human fight against God level beings with only his brain and tech" said Issei

"I don't care let's just finish what you have come here for and let's go from here" said Draig

"Ok,ok" said Issei and vanished from his place.

In front of the sixth streets gate a really handsome young was standing looking at the 6th Street, it was obviously Issei Hyodo.

Issei knew that to enter here he will have to show his gene code to the guards at the gate which he obviously didn't have so with no other choice all he could do was directly teleport inside the 6th Street.

"So I will have to go directly inside, then let's do it" thought Issei and teleported from his place to inside the 6th Street.

After entering the 6th Street he straight away went to the store which bought items from people and placed a cann food infront of the buying window where a machine was standing instead of a human.

"Oh this! is without any lead and radiation free, air do you have more of this" asked the Robot

"Yes I have" replied Issei

"Then please enter the VIP room towards the right side" said the Robot

As Issei moved towards the pointed direction a door was suddenly opened and a women wearing a Chinese dress came infront of him exposing her breasts "Please this way Sir" said the girl.

Issei entered the room and saw a man sitting there "Hello sir I am the owner of this store and I heard that you have something interesting to sell" said the owner

"Yes, I want to sell these cann food" said Issei as he took out 10 canns and putted them on the table, looking at which the owner and the woman behind Issei were surprised.

"Fine then I will check the food quality after which we can negotiate the price for it" said the Owner while the woman started to seduce Issei and service him.

But Issei rejected the offer saying he is a commited man but the real reason was because he doesn't liked used goods or he simply doesn't want the women's he fuck with dose it with another man as a self-centred man he is, he would kill both the man and the woman who NTR'S him.

"These are really best quality products I have seen so how about 40 crystals per cann" the owner said

"80 crystals" Issei said

"Huh!?" the owner said

"I won't sell anything less than 80 crystals per cann if you want it then that's the price for it, otherwise I am sure I can sell it for more in the inner circle" Issei said.

"Ah..ah you sir are a true merchant ok 80 crystals it is" said the owner while smiling.

Issei took the crystals qnd went outside of the VIP room and thought "Money earned, now to the next step is....."

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