Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 400: Wind Wolf

General Weeping uttered a long speech now, said! "So forgive me Dan Roar, sir. Although I understand the necessity of this action, there are only more than 800 people. Is it a bit lack of troops? Not to mention, it is a slightly larger tribe on the grassland. It's not something they can play."

Lorraine looked at the direction the eight hundred cavalry was going away, and said: "Of course I know this. But there is really no way. Conditions are limited.

In the prairie, what is most lacking is not food, but water

"Water source?" General Larry wondered.

A guide from Lorraine said: "The more you go south. The drier the grassland climate, the less water sources. The half-orcs migrate and nomadic every year in order to chase water sources. Because of this, the Star Lake area has become a holy land for half-orcs. , Only a few of the most powerful tribes can occupy.

Our people go deep into the grassland and want to survive. They can only guarantee high mobility, so that the half-orcs can't catch up with them. They have no strongholds and can't rest. They must move constantly.

If they can eat and dress these things, they will have the half-orc tribes there, and only drinking water is a problem. According to the carrying capacity on the grassland. It can only guarantee the constant migration needs of a medium tribe, that is, a total of 4,000 people and large livestock. "

General Larry took a breath of cold hair and said in surprise: "So"

Lorraine nodded and sighed helplessly. Said: "It's just too few. For the prairie, there is no essential difference between two thousand cavalry and eight hundred cavalry. This number is not enough to change the power balance in that area.

But for the cavalry participating in the war, it is crucial.

One man, one horse. The soldiers who go to war with their husbands are equal to losing their lives. With one person and three horses, they can intersperse freely. Moreover, the fighting method I gave them was different from the previous ones. "

General Larry's eyes lit up and he said, "Change the way the cavalry fights? My lord, please teach me

Lorraine smiled and said: "Once in the far east, on the other side of the endless sea. There is also a grassland like here."

General Larry looked at the fantasy that Lorraine was talking about, and pulled one end of the sky. Although he was confused, he didn't know which Lorraine was singing. Only listen patiently.

"On that prairie, a powerful nomadic empire once emerged. It only relied on a core cavalry force of hundreds of thousands of people to conquer and rule most of the continent. Although I have no favor with nomads, I have to Said that they were too powerful Lorraine said leisurely.

"It's impossible." General Larry blurted out. After finishing speaking, he knew that it was very rude, and said quickly: "I am not questioning what you said. It's just that, even during the battle between the gods and demons, the most powerful cavalry unit , The black knights of the demon race, relying on the number of 200,000 people, they have not been able to conquer even one empire."

"Black Knight?" Lorrain scratched his forehead for a moment, he was a little impressed by this term. But because he was not interested in that mythical battle between gods and demons, they were all thrown aside. According to the book, the black knights are a group of powerful warriors with both demon and martial arts. They are armed with long spears. Not only are they high in martial arts, but each has the ability of a junior mage. The powerful black knights and even their mounts are all raptors or nightmares, wearing Black heavy armor, killing people is the same as grinding ants.

Lorraine sneered at this, and once laughed at this as another epic joke that a hundred thousand people surrounded Troy for ten years, there are really two hundred thousand black knights. Not to mention that they can cut people right away, and the horses can turn into sheep, even if they are all used as junior mages, they would have killed the Protoss long ago.

Lorraine waved his hand and said: "Which is different, the nomads, they only have short horses; the light cavalry does not even have armor, and the heavy cavalry is equipped with light armor such as leather armor or chain armor, and only uses bows and arrows and spears as weapons. . They can often defeat heavily armored troops several times their number."

General Larry said in a daze, "How is it possible?"

"Yes, many people think this is impossible until now, but they did it. Because they are well-trained, disciplined, and tactical."

"Just like the eight hundred cavalry sent by the adults, General Larry said thoughtfully.

"This is just the surface Lorraine shook his head and said: "The key is that they particularly emphasize the mobility of the troops, with long-distance outflanking, roundabout, split and combined attack as the main tactics.

Relying on the high agility of this light cavalry, they often carry out circuitous maneuvers for hundreds of miles, from the enemy's unpredictable and guarding their offensives, thereby mastering the initiative of the battle, and dragging the enemy into a powerful battlefield environment for them. "

General Larry frowned, thought for a while and said, "But my lord, a highly mobile unit must not have high attack power."

Lorraine spread his hands and said, "In our opinion, yes. But in fact, it is different.

So my order to Volkal is to never attack the enemy from the front.

I have equipped them with enough wizards. Ensure that the enemy can be spotted before the enemy spotted them. Also avoid them being surrounded by orcs.

After the army of the half-orcs, they only attacked with bows and arrows, and they would continue to harass them. After the half-orcs were chasing them, they would retreat, maintaining a state of separation and running with the half-orcs until the half-orcs were exhausted and the formation scattered. "

General Larry deduced the tactics Lorraine said in his heart, and raised his head and said: "This is why the adults must give each cavalry three

Lorraine curled his lips and said, "I originally wanted to match five horses. Our horses are good, but I'm afraid they won't be able to adapt to the climate on the grassland.

There is a joke in Ruman City. There was a nobleman who raised a famous Parthian horse. After taking good care of him, he was very good. Later, he rode this famous horse to fight in Parthia. That poor Parthian breed The horse couldn't stand the Parthian climate and was frozen to death in the desert. In the end, the hapless nobleman had to walk from the frontline of Parthia back to the city of Constantine. "General Larry was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

Lorraine shrugged and said, "So, the most important thing to go deep into the grassland is mobility. For the cavalry, mobility is life.

The orcs can't catch up with our cavalry, but our cavalry can drag them down a little bit, and then, as long as the remaining people copy from the four loaves. Cover them with dense bows and arrows, and then rush up to engage in close combat. Eight hundred cavalry can eat two thousand and a half orc warriors. "

General Larry nodded and said: This tactic used by the unit can indeed bring down a considerable number of enemy troops. In a large-scale battle, if equipped with ambushed infantry at this time, you can fight more with less. "

"In fact, half-orcs have always done this, but because we have walls and half-orcs don't, this tactic has less impact on us." Lorraine said: "I have given this set of things to Vokkar. ."

"But there is no time for him to get acquainted with it" Lorraine sighed. Helplessly said: "How much can be achieved, how much results can be achieved. It all depends on his own good fortune. As long as he can come back from the grassland alive, then our Ruman Empire will have another outstanding cavalry commander.

General Larry said: "Vocal is the most flexible-brained officer I have ever seen. He has courage and determination. He knows how to advance and retreat."

Lorraine gave a wry smile and said: "The vast grassland, who knows what difficulties are waiting for them in front of them."

General Larry stood up and said: "As an emperor, we should defend our home and our country. This is our duty. The adults in the Maple Leaf Danlin only commanded a few hundred students to face the 70,000 Almohad. It’s more dangerous than Volkal, he can run if he can’t fight, my lord, you didn’t even have a way back then

Lorraine said: "You look at me high, I never thought I would die in the maple leaf Danlin battle. The Almohad people live and die, and they still don't understand whose **** they touched."

Lorraine secretly said in his heart: There were two dragons, one large and one small in the academy, and one became the dragon spirit. And Vera is a dangerous person in the dragon clan, I feel at ease.

As the eight hundred cavalrymen headed south with an aura of "Wind Desire", the plan for fire prevention in the backyard of the Orcs was executed, and the rest was up to their own skills.

Later, the cavalry regiment called the "Burning Legion" disappeared in history for some reason. However, a conscientious historian pointedly pointed out that it was called the "Wolf of the Wind." The famous imperial general and cavalry commander General Carl should be directly responsible for the death of one hundred thousand half orcs on the prairie. Nearly half a million deaths were indirectly responsible.

But immediately, the brick family was known as the "Just, Open, and Fair" the "Modern War History and Culture Research Center of the Ruman Royal Academy of Sciences. Please go have tea."

Then, after the patient thought work of the deputy director of the center, this great young man was finally saved by the gray-headed old man. He really realized that his mistake had been made in the face of his old man. The friendly deputy director used his old man's own car with the imperial admiral's badge to return home.

But these are things to follow.

After sending away the cavalry, Lorraine put all his energy back into the stalemate on the southern front.

At this time, the two sides are going along several cities east of Cronie City, and you come and I play lively.

Cities everywhere obeyed Lorraine's orders, that is, if they were killed, they could not leave the city. Even if there was only one half-orc in the city boringly catching rabbits, they could never open the city gates without Lorraine's orders. The city lord opened the city gate to beat the orcs and was dismissed on the spot.

This is a non-negotiable order. The various city owners immediately implemented it thoroughly.

Even though the orcs ran back and forth in the city, peeing and swearing, the defenders on the wall just ignored them. At the beginning of the net, they used arrows to expel them. Later, they didn’t bother to control it. See The half-orc came, and waved his hand enthusiastically, first greeted "have you eaten yet?" and then greeted the half-orc's female direct elders.

After Lorraine ordered a strong wall to clear the wild, the half-orcs lived in a better place. The houses outside the city were all vacant, just like we are now, but they couldn't get food or benefit.

Although the patriarchs of the orcs kept cheering on the hungry orcs, saying that there was no supply. Can't fight? How can that work! The Japanese army, ah no, the heroic half-orcs can endure any hardship. Food can be taken from the enemy.

In desperation, the half-orcs had no choice but to venture deep into Naian for more than a hundred miles to grab food.

Human beings rely on the perfect beacon signal to guard against them early. The half-orcs gain little, and they are always intercepted by the Nian army that comes afterwards. After so many times, no one wants to risk going inside again.

The soldiers of the orcs were forced to go hunting in the mountains to the west by themselves. The patriarchs did not dare to attack the human city, only cursing Vichin and Torek continuously.

In the face of increasingly dissatisfied subordinates, the patriarchs once again preached that "half-orcs have been a herbivorous people since ancient times. You are surrounded by such fertile farmland and report a lack of food? What's the matter!"

Some patriarchs lived in the manor with a family of wives, and the Orc warrior under his opponent did not go out to fight, but one. I'm very dissatisfied with eating hard.

These patriarchs said that because they could not fight without food, they wanted to return to the grassland. Can such a person still be called a half-orc who has a long glorious history and great tradition, and is always favored and inspired by the great and glorious ancestor god?

Even if we half-orcs have no food, we must continue to fight. Can't fight without weapons and food? This must not be a legitimate reason!

Without a sword, there is still a fist. Without fists. It can be kicked. Even if these are gone, can't you still bite with your teeth? "Don't forget the spirit that the orc warrior should have! The gods of the ancestors will surely bless us. If you are interested, you can search for the Battle of Imphal. It is very happy.

The hard ones are not good, then the soft ones, the orcs used their brains, racking their brains to come up with various tactics. It's showing weakness and acting or something, just trying to induce humans to go out of the city to fight with them.

However, those human beings are all a bunch of cowards, and they all regard their official position more importantly than the heads of a few half-orcs. All the dedicated performances facing the half-orcs were just not seen.

Although the southern line has become a hot pot of porridge. The flames of smoke were everywhere, shouting to kill, but the city of Nydal was still a flourishing scene of singing and dancing.

Although the tense atmosphere of the battlefield can be imagined from the battle reports posted every day.

But there is no beacon in the city of Nydal. I couldn't see the wounded, let alone the **** half-orc invaders, of course there were still half-orcs. The leaders of the Abendan tribe have now fallen in love with the city of Nedel.

This battle is in full swing, to the Nian people who are walking leisurely on the street, it seems that the distance is on the horizon.

Catherine and Adele obviously didn't think so. Lorraine and Vera had been away for a long time, and every battle report from the south made them both worried.

The two of them now manage the entire province instead of Lorraine, handling a lot of administrative work and war-related matters every day, such as allocating logistics materials and granting pensions.

Especially when Lorraine didn't even say hello, he would give a large amount of land rewards to 800 soldiers. This made Catherine really annoyed and busy all day, when she wrote to Lorraine and complained about Chase. Said that I have a few more wrinkles, I can’t sleep well every day, and bags under my eyes come up, etc.


After receiving the letter, Lorraine just looked at the deflated wallet that Vera had ransacked on his website, and shrugged helplessly.

Because Leo was not backed by Lorraine, he was a bit lonely, so he had to adopt a strategy of turning in, temporarily succumbing to Catherine’s lewd power, slowly trying to tell him, especially Catherine assigned him a lot of winter vacation homework. Leo was forced to scream with his head every day, and then chased after Melina to copy homework.

Silmelia each dog is in Neidel's temple, bringing all the members to pray for the soldiers on the front line.

The priests behind Silmelia saw that although their archbishop was in a high position and had a tough backstage, he still loved the people like a son, regardless of his own body, and kept praying for the frontline soldiers. All were moved and shed tears of excitement.

These Grim Reapers never thought that what Silmelia was thinking about was just: let the dead guy come back safely.

Since taking office, Silmelia has taken the pope's decree and resorted to heavy rectification and continuous use of methods. A few disobedient priests and chief priests were rushed to the small town to the north, and now Nian's church only had the voice of Silmelia alone.

The people of Nyan were moved to see that their archbishop was so concerned about the happiness of the people of Nyan, and they were moved to the next level with their donations to the church.

Of course, although the situation in Naian Province is now very good, it is good, not small. But it's not that there are no unpeaceful factors.

But the Dongchang Jinyiwei built by Lord Lord Lorraine is not a simple Therefore, the quarry outside Nydal City is already a bit unsatisfactory, and two bases have been opened.

I have to sigh for Captain Belen’s ability to work, for the people of Nyan, especially for Governor Lorraine to keep an eye on the saboteurs inside Nyan.

How else would it be that Captain Belém is the confidant of Governor Lorraine

Pilianke, the young man in the store, has been active in Belem's eyes since he was dug by Captain Belen.

After the basic training of venture capital companies. Pirianke officially started his internship. His task is to stare at the man in black who was spotted by him, and observe for a period of time. Now Belen has determined that the person is indeed in trouble.

After the man in black settled the bill in the hotel, Piriank knew that he might be leaving the city. Immediately sent someone to report to Belem, while following closely.

Belen did not dare to delay after receiving the report, and urgently asked to see Catherine and Adele... If you want to know what is going on, please log in to the muscle called Beng, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!

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