Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 399: Under the reward

It's actually very simple to say, it means boy, I'm optimistic about you, let's die! "

Whenever the leader above says this, it means that you are too unpopular, and the leader is fully prepared to open you.

Lorraine looked at each other with the officers. I wondered which one Lorraine was singing in my heart. It is said that the current situation is very good, not a small one, but a great one.

With this momentum going on, before this winter, the orcs going north will be wiped out by our Nian's army.

There is really no need to do these things, right?

Seeing that the people below stopped talking, Lorraine could probably guess their thoughts, and patiently explained: "Everyone, although we have won two battles in a short period of time, we have eliminated more than 20,000 people. Orcs.

But our situation in Nian'an is still very serious.

There are also a full 100,000 half-orcs, invading northward along the entire border. As Nai An province is very sparsely populated, our personnel are mainly concentrated in big cities, like us"

When Lorraine said this, he couldn't help but sigh in secret. This was the first time he felt that his territory was too large after he became the leader of Nai An province, and it was also the first time that he felt that there were too few brothers receiving wages from him. When his old man encountered such a large-scale invasion, he was really in a hurry, caring about one and the other.

He paused, and then continued: "With our current military strength, it is impossible to completely effectively stop their harassment."

The officers lowered their heads to think seriously. They can also understand the difficulties of the current situation.

Regardless of whether Lorraine took them with them in the city of Cronie, he was so happy, Lien Chan won. But the price was that they had drawn the forces of other cities as much as possible, so that they had to shrink with all their strength. They are currently in the full defensive stage.

According to the current battle report, the half-orcs walked along roughly ten thousand people, separated by hundreds of miles, advancing unevenly to the north.

Especially after Lorraine and the others defeated the half-orcs, the other half-orcs had learned shrewdly. They quickly changed their fighting methods, trying not to head-on the human army fortresses and guard posts, but divided into small units and dispersed operations.

The Orcs suddenly adopted a pack of wolves tactics, which caused Lorraine a headache.

Now, the orcs are constantly harassing the cities and villages in Nian's territory, and the west of the border is better.

In the east of the city of Kroni, the half-orcs often went deep into the territory to make sneak attacks. When the reinforcements received the alert and arrived, they did not fight the reinforcements, but were divided into several parts. Relying on his big feet, as if wearing a certain brand of sports shoes, "Gray. Generally, they disappeared.

The city of Colony is temporarily safer. According to the original plan, the next step, Lorraine will use the mobile force of the three legions to support those in desperation.

It can be expected that there is no sufficient number of reinforcements. To guard the entire line of defense. In the next one or two months, the southern region will be in a state of melee.

It can even be said that they shoulder the responsibility of keeping the soil. The Governor of Lorraine, who cannot afford to be lost in any city, will fall into a sea of ​​people’s war, passively being dragged by the orcs.

Just like rice in Afghanistan, it has a strong military force, but it is dragged and beaten like a dog to death by others. The fat is dragged down and the thin is dragged down, and then eaten bite by bite.

This made Lorraine, who has always only liked bullying others, very angry.

You must know that Lord Luo Jue from the previous life, the family is "If you don't pick up things in the aisle, you will lose it. If you don't take advantage, you will lose. Naturally, his elderly can't swallow this breath.

At this time, Lord Lorraine couldn't care much. The moment he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, he also acted fiercely.

"This task is" Lorraine glanced around at the people in the meeting room and paused. Shi Potian said in shock: "Deep into the grassland. Sweep the half-orc tribe." There was silence in the meeting room, and the officers were taken aback. Then you look at me and I look at you. Thinking of the task Lorraine said.

Lorraine looked at him, all the officers with furrowed brows, and said in a deep voice: "This is a very dangerous task, but it is also a very glorious task.

Therefore, I don't want to appoint those of you casually. Whether you like it or not, I will order you to go to the enemy's place alone.

I need volunteer

The troops going deep into the grassland will have no supplies or reinforcements. All actions are determined by the commander himself. All the materials needed will also be raised by the commander on the spot.

The task of this unit is very simple. It is to wipe out the tribe of half orcs. I don't need to attack the city. There is no need to capture these things. I just dig out their den and hurt the orcs so that they dare not go back to the rescue. "

Listening to Lorraine's words, the officers thought carefully.

Can lead the team to go deep into the 2,000-mile prairie, lead the team to come out alive, alone for thousands of miles, fighting wild sand!

This can be said to be the ultimate dream of every passionate officer.

As long as it can be done, it is only a sound shock empire, and it can even be said to be eternal

However, for most people, this kind of legendary thing doesn't matter if you think about it. Don't take it seriously, you really think you are three-headed and six-armed. Xiaoqiang who can't be killed?

Unfamiliar with the terrain, without knowing the strength of the enemy, without logistical supplies, and without reinforcements, this is equivalent to running in a dark room full of deadly traps. It is a miracle to survive.

There are three million half-orcs on the prairie, and they can be trampled to death by just stepping on them.

Why is it so good forever? The answer is very simple, because few people can do it. Shan Dengmo knows that China’s war for thousands of years is well-founded. The civilization of the Central Plains has been fought by the Zha Dingbo people for more than two thousand years. This kind of lone army can go deep. There are only a few skilled people...

One of the most famous is Huo Qubing and the other is Li Jing. Do you know who these two are? That is the male protagonist who travels through, the character of the level against the sky.

Of course, Xiao Huo is a little bit sad, because the medical technology of his time was too backward.

At the same time as Xiaohuo, there was also the brother-in-law of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, named Li Guangli. At that time, 100,000 people entered the grassland, but few came back.

After this, there were also tens of thousands of little brothers who were given food after they entered, and several of them were wiped out by the army.

The most sad thing is the Ming Dynasty. Although I have had the experience of playing the Shenyin Throne in the past, I have even had the experience of being caught alive by the leader.

Lorraine had already thought of the reaction of his officers. Therefore, the Shang was not in a hurry, and said calmly: "I need two squadron captains and one squadron captain.

In addition, all the soldiers who did not want to go. You can also stay and be replaced by soldiers who voluntarily perform this task.

I will also equip the troops for this operation with two hundred orc soldiers from the Abendan tribe. In other words, the force of this operation is only 800. The orcs of the Abendan tribe are earth snakes. They are familiar with the topography of most of the grassland, as well as the environment and weather of the grassland. They are a strong guarantee factor for this operation.

In addition, this unit will bring more horses to ensure its mobility on the grassland, so that it can run even if it can't beat it.

Finally, I will provide rewards for all soldiers who participated in this operation. Each soldier will receive 500 mu of land before leaving, and the officers will receive a year of land. "

It was like a spoonful of cold water poured into a hot oil pan.

With a "coax", the meeting room suddenly became chaotic, and the officers lowered their heads and started talking in a low voice. Many of them have red eyes.

Because the reward Lorraine gave was too generous.

The officers have 1,000 acres of land. Even for the officers from the main family, that is a wealth of the boss. With 1,000 acres of land, he immediately moved to the rich rank.

And 500 acres of land, seemingly less than half. But for soldiers from civilians or tenant farmers' families, it has a fatal appeal.

Even a self-employed farmer with a little surplus has only a few dozen acres of land. If he can get 500 acres of land, he can get rid of his status as a commoner and become a landlord on the road of feudal happiness. Stride forward, boldly.

You don't have to worry about eating and drinking for a lifetime, and you don't have to face the loess and back to the sky. Even if you gamble on your life, the soldiers will still participate actively.

Lorraine didn't worry at all that he could not find 600 soldiers who would kill him.

At the beginning, when Lorraine picked people from the half-orcs, the rascals broke their heads, they were treats and gifts, and they were the relationship of the three uncles and seven uncles. Just for this desperate glimpse

Therefore, Lorraine didn't care about their little actions. Leave them enough time to think for themselves.

After all, the danger of this task is too high, and he can't, and is unwilling to act with a cold command.

"I'll go." A young man said loudly at this time, pushing away the chair and standing up.

Lorraine looked at him and nodded solemnly.

As Lorraine expected, it was indeed the members of the Nian's Legion who came out first, and only they had the deepest hatred of the half-orcs. In order to stab the half-orcs, they must not be afraid of death.

The Seventh Army and the Tenth Army of the East are guest troops after all. Although they are under the control of Lorraine, their roots are not in Nian's. It can be expected that their enthusiasm is not great. Lorraine offered high rewards. These two If the Legion is not afraid of death, Lorraine is certainly welcome.

Lorraine was also very familiar with that young man.

Captain Volkal, the captain of the cavalry brigade of the Nyan Army, came from a military family, and his family are all officers of the Nyan Army.

Vocal was already a squadron officer at the age of twenty-seven and eighteen years old, and he had a promising future. He has fought half-orcs for years, and his experience is absolutely rich.

Seeing him stand up first, Lorraine nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Okay, good Volkal, I didn't shame us Nian. Well done, I'll get you a legion when I come back.

Volkal puffed up his chest and said loudly, "Yes, my lord."

Then he scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "My lord, I actually don't want to be so good. I also have a brother who died in the battle, so I am not afraid that no one will support my parents.

I just thought that half-orcs always came to beat us before. I have been angry with them for ten years. This time we finally can fight half-orcs once. Of course, I can’t miss it. This time I will go to the grassland and get out well. Vent. "

Lorraine slapped the table and exclaimed: "Okay, that's what it means, why only half-orcs come to beat us every year, I have to endure like a little wife?

I don't believe in this evil when it comes to saying that the grassland is difficult to survive. This time you go and shake the grassland upside down for them, so that the gang of lowly orcs will know that if they are really cruel, they will play gangsters. They don't even deserve to lift us shoes. "

"Yes, sir, don't worry. How the Orcs bullied us Nian before. I'll double it ten times and report everything back to him." Volkal said with cold eyes and gritted teeth.

Lorraine nodded, and secretly said: What you want is this brutal force.

At this moment, an officer stood up and said cautiously, "Um, my lord, can I ask a question first?"

Lorraine saw that he was the squadron captain of the Tenth Army of the East, in his thirtieth grade, which kind of unwillingness he was, and said immediately: "Ask any questions, let's talk."

The Tenth Army of the East... gritted their teeth. Road! "Your Excellency," the reward you gave is that the Ten Places of Trade and Economics are limited to Nai An Province. "

Lorraine was taken aback, and immediately understood what he meant. It seems that the officers of the Eastern Legion are not unmoved, but they are just worried that the rewards will not be implemented. When they return to the Eastern provinces, a large area of ​​land hundreds of miles away will not be taken care of at all, just like nothing.

Lorraine thought for a while, but also gave up. Shen said: "Based on my relationship with your eldest sister, in the eastern provinces, I still speak, where is the land you are willing to reward. I will get you a piece of it from that place. But if you are I want Ruman City. Then I'm really helpless."

The officer below laughed.

The officer of the Eastern Tenth Army who stood up said loudly, "Okay, I'll go. The captain of the first team of the second brigade of the Eastern Tenth Army, Rabinus."

"Very good" Lorraine nodded and said, "As a governor, I assure you that you will see your reward before you leave."

Rabinus said loudly: "Thank your sir. But I still beg you to trouble you. Miss, please give it to my son directly."

Lorraine was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect this guy to look ugly, and he was actually ruthless, already holding his own will.

Even though this is just a sentence, it is equivalent to the famous sentence "Moscow Red Square is behind" which has a high impact on the morale of the soldiers on the expedition.

Knowing that it is a dead end, and daring to wade inside voluntarily, this kind of person is the most terrifying, just like the tiger in custody, it can kill people.

At this time, another officer stood up and said, "My lord, I will go too. You all have it. Our Seventh Army in the East is no more. It doesn't seem like we are soft. The First Brigade of the Seventh Army in the East is the first. Squadron, Squadron Captain Overanor."

Lorraine looked at the three young officers who stood up and said: "Very well, you are the pride of our Ruman Empire. After the meeting, you come with me."

Then, in the afternoon, an order was circulated throughout Kroni’s barracks, “Summon volunteers to go to the grassland. The action is extremely dangerous. No only child, no brothers in the army, no soldiers who volunteered. Five hundred acres of land will be rewarded before going out."

Cronney's whole city was boiling. Both the soldiers and the civilians in the city are talking about this matter. Everyone is eager for the reward of 500 acres of land in it. That is to get rid of poverty and go to Dakang directly.

But from the plain sentence "don't want the only child, don't have brothers in the army", we can see the danger of this mission.

Under the reward, let alone brave husbands, even brave wives.

Not long after the order was issued that day, soldiers went to the officers to sign up in groups.

The six hundred places were quickly filled up, and in the evening, two thousand people were willing to sign up for the expedition.

For this reason, Lorraine conducted a special selection on the second day. After the endurance, archery, and riding skills were tested, six hundred people remained.

And the two hundred and a half orcs who had already been prepared, gearing up for the expedition, joined the two squadrons, and after reorganization, they began to receive basic training and equipment.

Lorraine looked at the young officer in front of him. He stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder heavily, and then said: "Tikar, you are the best pup under me, but the mission is arduous, and the mission is lonely.

He paused, then changed his tone of voice and said, "Brothers must be more


Fight if you can, if you can't, set fire to them. Don't go head-to-head with them. The most important thing is to bring the brothers back alive. "

The officer put his feet together, "pop." He saluted, and said, "Don't worry, sir. According to your instructions, in addition to their own equipment, each of the brothers is equipped with three fast horses, two hundred sharp arrows, and a hard bow. There is enough food. Even if there is no supply, you can casually support it for ten days and a half months. "

He glanced back, the group of elite knights who were just one out of a hundred in line behind him, and then proudly said: "I don't believe it, on that grassland, who can block our iron"

"That's good. I won't say much." Lorraine nodded, then raised his head. Looked at the sky.

At this time the sun had just risen, and there was still a faint mist on the horizon in the distance, but the sky was cloudless, which was a perfect weather in early winter.

Lorraine took a step back, and then also saluted a military salute, saying: "I am here to hear the news of your victory."

All the cavalry immediately raised their hands to salute, and replied in a slam: "It will definitely live up to the entrustment of adults!"

After talking everyone turned around, jumped on the horse, and then galloped past Lorraine at the command of the officer.

Although they were not many, they carried a total of 2,500 horses.

For a time, iron hoofs roared like thunder. Straight into the sky.

Above their heads, there were a few magicians passing fast in the air.

The long dragons, armed to the teeth, lined up and flew quickly toward the south. After a while, it disappeared below the horizon. Only the dust raised by the warhorses remained high in the air for a long time.

Lorraine stood there and watched for a while, and saw the doubt on the face of General Larry next to him. He couldn't help but sighed in his heart. It has been too rigid.

He smiled, and then said: "Your Excellency General, if you have any questions, just ask." If you want to know what's going on, please log in to Xinxuebao, more chapters, support the author, support genuine reading!

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