Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 342: I won't be proud

Everyone in the hall whispered to each other. Talking in a low voice.

The voice was low and messy, and it kept amplifying in this hall. In the faintness, everyone seemed to be able to feel that deep in their hearts, a fierce and cruel beast was opening its blood basin and roaring silently towards him.

Sure enough, everyone saw that the salt of this ship had not been completely discharged, and the same transport ship was on the berth next to it. Moreover, the sailors on the two boats greeted very familiarly.

The young clerk who was in charge of registering ship records on the dock looked at the sign on the bow and was very strange at the moment, and said in a daze, "Salt Industry Company?"

Then, he suddenly woke up, raised his head and shouted, "You are from the Salt Company?"

The owner of the ship stood at the bow, looked condescendingly at the clerk on the pier, laughed and said, "Yes, we belong to Nyan Salt Company. Not only I am, but the ships behind me are all~!"

The clerk was taken aback and said to himself: "People are crazy today?"

The shipowner laughed and said, "Sorry, sir. I am not crazy today. But some people must be crazy today~!"

Before he finished his words, the workers on the dock did not know why. Suddenly, there was a great commotion and a commotion.

The clerk looked at it and frowned.

He was about to reprimand, but he couldn't help but lose his voice when he heard the voices of the workers.

Just listen to those workers pointing at the sea not far away and shouting loudly: "The third ship, and today three ships carrying salt are here."

On the blackboard of the exchange, just below the line of "salt, fifty thousand pounds" just now, there is a line with the same content.

The merchants in the exchange suddenly exclaimed like a little hen being harassed by a fox.

A group of salt merchants slapped the table and stood up, shouting excitedly, "How could this be?"

"This is impossible!"

"Usually there is only one ship for two days, why are there three ships this time?"


"Everyone, what do you say?" An old salt merchant in his sixties stood up, looked at his colleagues around him, and asked in a deep voice.

The salt merchants looked at each other, and they all fell silent.

After a long time, someone said in a low voice and desperately: "What else can I do? Buy it! If the supply is not available, once it reaches the market, it will be released. The goods we stocked are worthless. ."

At this time, the ship owner crowded out the crowd and came to the salt merchants. A salute to everyone, and then laughed and said: "You are really rich, everyone is rich, everyone is rich."

The salt merchants stared blankly at the smiling ship owner, and an old salt merchant said with a wry smile: "Get rich. Today, your man is getting rich, and we are in misery~!"

The ship owner glanced at the man, but he was a little sympathetic, but according to Lorraine's previous explanation, he still smiled and said: "Old rules, I waited for you to bid?"

The old salt merchant looked around, and his colleagues were all dumbfounded now. The old salt merchant yelled twice now: "Hey, hello, bid, what are you in a daze~!"

"The two ships just now, how can there be money?"

"Yes, the boat just now was still the money we collected together."


It seemed that they had no choice. The old salt merchant sighed, carefully calculated his family property, and then said in a astringent voice: "Eighteen silver coins per pound, do you think this price is okay?"

The ship owner laughed, and said readily: "Okay, the deal, if you don't hurry, there will be no chance. Several of my colleagues are all rabbits who run faster than anyone."

Listen to the owner of the ship. Lao Yan Shang immediately had a bad feeling.

His turbid old eyes burst with two bright lights immediately, staring at the owner's face closely, and asking every word: "Your colleague?"

The ship owner still smiled and said, "Yes, why didn't anyone tell you? These salts..."

As he said, he pointed to the blackboard of the exchange, then drew a big circle, and then said proudly: "We are all from Nian'an Salt."

"You... Naian Salt Industry?" The old salt merchant's eyes widened, as if he had heard some terrible news, his eyebrows stood upside down, and his expression became fierce.

The surrounding merchants also whispered to each other.

"Nian'an Salt Industry?"

"Never heard of it. New company?"

"Being able to play Nian's name, it seems that the strength will not be weak."


The shipowner still had that kind of naive smile, and even smiled more peacefully than before. He bowed his hands at the salt merchant first, and paid respects to the merchants around him, saying loudly: "Just established, the company is not big. Please take care."

The old salt merchant laughed miserably at the moment, and said to himself: "Nian'an Salt Industry."

At this time, I only heard a riot outside the exchange. People outside were yelling, and they couldn't hear anything.

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

The old salt merchant was about to send someone out to inquire when he saw a young man stumbled in from outside the exchange.

His face flushed with excitement, pointing to the outside and shouting loudly: "Again...there is another boat~!"

Seeing his excitement, the old salt merchant immediately reached out and grabbed him, and asked sharply, "What is a boat?"

"Salt! Another boat of salt~!"

There was another roar in the exchange.

The merchants who bought and sold other commodities looked at the dumb salt merchants next to them, looked at them with a gloating gaze, and whispered to each other: "These salt merchants are going to be unlucky."

"Unlucky? More than unlucky, but this time, they are all dead."

"Deserve it!"

"Yeah, deserve it."


And the salt merchants stood together like a concubine. All their faces were pale.

"Salt, it's salt again..." A salt dealer pressed his chubby hands on the table, and big drops of sweat dripped down his cheeks onto the table, and his body slowly trembled. He grabbed the person next to him and said tremblingly. : "Report to the owner, the big thing is not good..."

Then, there was a soft ‘cough’ deep in the throat, followed by loosening his hands and falling backward.

The guys around him hurriedly helped him and yelled at a loss: "Boss, boss!"

At this time, another ship owner wearing a captain's hat quickly walked into the exchange.

He was also on the trading blackboard, and after skillfully filling in a line of "salt, fifty thousand pounds" below with chalk, he felt a silence in the exchange.

He couldn't help but looked up and saw that everyone in the exchange was staring at him. He was immediately taken aback and asked in confusion, "What's the matter with you?"

"You also belong to Nian's Salt Industry?"

"Yes. Is there any problem?" the captain asked strangely.

"How many ships do you have salt?"

The man barked his teeth immediately, laughed, and said, "Trade secrets, no comment."

at this time. After another berth on the port was added by a transport ship, looking at the familiar sign, the clerk suddenly felt dizzy and said to himself: "Is this salt falling from the sky?"

The owner jumped off the boat and walked by the clerk, and said, "This is not what fell from the sky. This is growing from the ground. It's 50,000 pounds of salt. It's troublesome."

Having said that, he also had to walk to the exchange.

At this moment, Jerry emerged from the side.

He pointed to the owner who had just disembarked. He shook his head and smiled and cursed: "You guy, didn't you tell you to enter the port later? If you come out, which ship in front will sell it?"

The ship owner spread his hands and said innocently: "I don't want to either. But those guys behind me forced me to come in. They jumped and shouted like monkeys, the later the price was lower, the lower the bonus. It's less."

At this moment, a group of strong men squeezed out of the crowd and walked towards this side.

These people's style is extremely rude, after they step forward, they directly push other people's chests and force them to both sides.

The squeezed person just wanted to get angry, but after seeing the sword on the waist of the group and the chain mail exposed from the collar, they all closed their mouths wisely.

These people rushed to the front of the transport ship and formed a strong wall in front of the crowd of onlookers.

When everyone looked at these expressionless big guys, they couldn't help but feel a furry in their hearts. What do these guys do?

At this moment, I heard a crisp childish voice from the wall, and said solemnly: "Jerry, why are you still here?"

Jerry took off his hat in a hurry, then bowed respectfully and said: "Go back to your highness, our company's ship came a bit too soon."

Everyone was shocked immediately.

Although their status is low, they are in the provincial government, and relatively speaking, they are more politically sensitive than the local wealthy people in the countryside.

All kinds of gossip are also very informative. Everyone is only slightly on the side of their minds, and they also know that in the empire can be called His Royal Highness, and there is only one person at such a young age.

Moreover, that person also happened to be the cheap brother-in-law of Governor Lorraine. According to the official statement, he was investigating and inspecting work in Naian Province.

At the moment, someone boldly glanced from the gap between the people and saw a small figure in the middle.

"How many times have you said it, I want to call me the president, the president~!" Leo said with a sullen face and displeasure, then folded his arms to show his majesty as much as possible. Said: "I saw it, you..."

Leo pointed to the ship owner who had just gotten off, and said, "Quickly, go and register the merchandise. Give those guys another heavy blow, go quickly."

The ship owner hurriedly nodded and bowed, and said loudly: "Yes, hall...ah no, your Royal Highness."

After speaking, he ran over quickly.

Leo was furious at the moment, looking at his back, waving his small fist, and yelling: "It's the president~! Bastard, believe it or not, I will deduct your salary?"

He sighed, patted his forehead, and said, "It's really troublesome for me to have you clumsy men. I don't have any autonomy at all. I have to do everything myself. If you don't pay attention, you will make trouble for me. It's..."

Leo the Melina listener kept breaking her thoughts, frowned, and interrupted Leo: "Leo, aren't you still going to bring justice to those salt merchants? If you don't go, maybe they will all run away. Up."

Leo uttered a loud voice, and said in a still inexplicable voice: "No wonder Nicole always likes to scold me, it's so cool to scold people like this. Okay, business matters, Jerry, listen to the training tomorrow."

"Yes, Dian...President." Seeing Leo turned and walked with satisfaction, Jerry wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said in his heart: Fortunately, this master is a master who forgets things when he turns his head, otherwise the president is happy for himself, Catch him for training like this every day, it will be great fun.

When another line of "50 thousand pounds of salt" was written on the blackboard, the businessmen in the exchange were no longer excited. They had already thought that someone was dealing with these salt merchants and dumping salt.

The businessmen who guessed the cause of the matter are all watching the excitement at the moment. They also no longer trade their own commodities, but stay in the exchange and wait for the development of things.

Just now the salt merchants were able to pretend to be calm and think about countermeasures, but the 50,000 pounds of salt that came out completely destroyed their confidence at this moment.

For nearly half a month, the salt merchants who had been talking and laughing in the exchange with no eyes left to look at them, hugging the female secretary and laughing, all the energetic salt merchants were all panicked at this moment.

They froze on the chairs at a loss, like a group of frightened quail.

A salt merchant jumped up, punched the table, and shouted hysterically: "Buy~! Buy it all."

At this time, other salt merchants suddenly woke up and shouted, "Buy, buy, buy all~!"

A loud shout came from the door: "Okay, fifteen silver coins a pound, how much do you want, how much will I sell~!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then turned their heads to look around.

I saw that among a large group of people, a half-large figure appeared at the entrance of the exchange. It was not developed, but a little flat nose with big sunglasses on the bridge of the nose, with white, red and plump. With his small cheeks, a white shirt and a black vest, and a meticulous tie, it is the little grandfather Leo waiting for the opportunity to appear.

Leo was at the moment with one hand behind him, pointing at the group of salt merchants, with a righteous expression on his face.

Everyone in the exchange was confused by the sudden appearance of Leo, and asked: Who is this?

Seeing Leo’s raised arm for a long time to let go, Podoch, who had been following Leo, suddenly woke up, clapped vigorously, and yelled: "Well said, it’s wonderful, it’s really amazing. It's so bold~!"

Only then did the Guardsmen who were guarding Leo wake up, and they clapped vigorously, yelling: "It's so handsome~!"


Leo haha ​​smiled, waved his hand, and said modestly: "There, there. It's normal. Everyone, don't praise me any more, you just praise me, I won't be proud, hahaha..."

Everyone saw the profuse sweat immediately, and they secretly said in their hearts: You are already proud, uh, no, you are already proud~!

Melina looked at it and felt a little embarrassed, and then she quietly moved aside two steps, acting like "I don't know this silly boy".

The people in the exchange watched Leo and the lively movement of his men. After half a day, a guy in the crowd asked, "Who are you?"

Jeff came out from behind Leo and said loudly: "This is the president of our Nian'an Salt Company."

Some of these businessmen had seen Leo at the reception party in Lorraine, and whispered in the crowd: "This is His Royal Highness Leo."

The businessmen in the exchange looked at Leo, who was also the president, in surprise. The businessmen had the most flexible brain power. The group of businessmen in front of Leo also cheered and shouted, "Your Highness is wise."

"Long live, long live Ruman."

Leo had a small belly proudly, and his nostrils snorted. Winking at Melina triumphantly.

Leo pressed down with both hands to signal the people to calm down, and then raised his finger at the group of salt merchants who were in a daze, and said: "You guys, your conscience is greatly broken, and you are exploiting Nian's frantically for profit. People, your behavior cannot be judged by the law, so I will judge you morally. Today this president also represents the moon...Ah, no, it represents the sun, ah, no..."

Melina lowered her head, rubbed the doll in her hands vigorously with both hands, and said sharply with a voice that only Leo could hear, "It's the people of Nian."

Leo turned his head to look at Melina and said, "What did you say Melina?"

Melina gritted her teeth and said, "It represents the people of Nian." Melina's two white tender hands twisted the doll hard, and the tendons on her knuckles jumped up.

"Ah, yes, it's the people of Nian, who punish you." After speaking, Leo looked at the twisted doll in Melina's hand, swallowed, and stretched out his hand to loosen his tie, haha ​​and laughed twice.

Melina raised her head, smiled sweetly at Leo, and said: "Hurry up and finish playing your limelight."

Melina smiled brighter and brighter, but Leo's small face turned white. He knew that Melina was more and more like Nicole now, and Catherine, who had the sweetest smile, was the scariest.

Leo shivered, nodded and bowed at Melina and smiled: "It will be done soon, it will be done soon."

Then he turned around and pointed to the group of salt merchants, put on the righteous expression, and said loudly: "From now on, five ships of salt will be shipped into the port every day. I think you can hold on for a few days."

After Leo finished speaking these loudly, he immediately turned around and walked out of the exchange surrounded by the guards.

After hearing Leo's declaration, the workers surrounding the exchange waved the hat and cheered.

"Salt prices are finally going to drop."

When Leo left the exchange with, in the eyes of the merchants, either with pity or contempt, the salt merchants sat down sullenly, and several of them even fell from their chairs to the ground due to lack of consciousness. .

The salt merchants were all pale and scary. One of them covered his face and kept chanting: "It's over, it's over, it's over."

Another salt merchant, who fell to the ground, slowly propped up from the ground, and suddenly pounded on the slate ground, crying loudly.

A salt merchant on the side seemed to be ten years old in an instant. He grabbed the guy next to him, stared at his hollow eyes and said in confusion, "I threw all my wealth in, what should I do?"

The guy was crying and said, "The boss, our salary this month?"

The salt merchant suddenly burst into laughter, and even tears from his laughter. He laughed and said, "What kind of wages do you have. Hahaha."

A person beside him stood up swayingly and said: "You just bankrupted your family, I also borrowed more than 50,000 gold coins, and all went in. Alas, my wife advised me not to be too greedy, I'm sorry for her~"

Speaking of this, the salt merchant walked through the crowd tremblingly and walked out of the exchange. (!)

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