Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 341: let's start

In the morning, Lorraine talked about the conference room of the Governor's Mansion as usual, and began the routine morning meeting of the female "Zhu Bu Ri."

Those attending the morning meeting were all chiefs of the main government departments of Ny'an Province, the generals of the Ny'an local army, and the chief of the city guard station equivalent to the chief of the Nydell City Police.

Nodding to the subordinates, Lorraine sat down in his seat, and the aunt of the secretariat served Lorraine some tea.

The tea is well brewed, just put it in front of you. It's already oh to that tangy fragrance. But look at the secretary's appearance.

All the officials sighed in their hearts, and then shook their heads faster."

At the same time, everyone secretly looked sympathetic. Quietly glanced at Governor Lorraine: There is a long princess as a girlfriend. No matter how big you are, you will also lose a beautiful female secretary with **** and big butts. This purple suit represents successful people. If you don’t have one, you would be embarrassed to greet someone when you go out.

But Lorraine didn't care about their eyes, but noticed that they were still talking whispering when he entered the door, but at this moment, they were all like old monks entering Ding, looking down at the documents in his hand. One talking.

Lorraine smiled, and said, "Hey, hello, I saw you guys lively just now, why don't you speak anymore?

The chiefs of Nian'an Province raised their heads and looked at each other, and finally looked at Angus with determination.

Angus grinned and gave a wry smile, and said, "My lord, because the salt price is soaring, the people below are complaining, and the officials underneath keep complaining. They can't stand it anymore.

Sir, let's take some action. "

Lorrain raised an eyebrow and said, "Oh? Is it so serious? It hasn't been a problem for so long. What happened today?"

"This matter" Angus sighed for a long time, and said: "Sir Serian. It's up to you.

The chief of the Nydel City Health Service, Serian, straightened his body immediately, and said: "My lord, since the salt price doubled, the people in the city have become more and more irritable, and there are frequent riots of smashing and smashing shops. For this reason, I cannot add Manpower was dispatched, and the guards in all districts were ordered to squat down. They must go deep into the streets and fight on the front line of maintaining public order and stability.

However, news from the exchange spreads throughout the city every day, and the price reduction of salt seems to be far away. The captain below me has also complained to me, and now they are almost out of salt, and the soldiers of the guard station are also starting to make trouble with the people. We have tried our best, but the security situation is still deteriorating recently

Lorraine Road:. Angus, didn't I let you try to comfort me? "

Angus said with a bitter face, "The Governor, this is really that the subordinates can no longer comfort the people. At first we paid for the experts and let them preach that this is the Governor, you played a big game. Mahjong.

After a period of time, the gangsters reacted and began to say strange things, complaining about how to prepare this game of mahjong, do they want Huangzhuang?

We have no choice but to add some money to let the experts say that the poor should not have toilets, "Ah, that's not right" because they should not be able to eat salt.

But now the middle class can't afford to eat salt, but in hindsight they can't be cheated, only to increase the money to hire a few. It is said to be a very powerful beast.

Let them advertise that it was the mother-in-law who pushed up the salt price. So now the marriage rate is greatly reduced,

Now, the experts called the beasts are also beginning to complain, saying that they just put their **** and brains, and take the large intestine together. They really can't think of any excuses."

Angus thought for a while, and finally came to a conclusion. Said: "Sir, you can think of a way, the officials are really going to be unable to hold on." "My lord, order administrative intervention. If this goes on, there will be big problems." The officials below also said.

"Yes, sir, we have found out the details of those unscrupulous businessmen, and we are waiting for a word from you."

"Please give an order.

"Yes, please give an order.

Seeing my own subordinates, whether they are true or not, they are as excited as the government officials of Bangzi Country, blushing with thick necks. Although Lorraine nodded solemnly in face," he felt very happy inside.

He casually gave a few words to the officials, and when everyone's emotions vented, he calmed down a bit. Lorraine gave a light cough, then shrugged, and said, "Gentlemen, I understand everyone’s difficulties. But what needs to be pointed out is that since these people play with us within the rules, we can’t use them outside the rules. Way to deal with them.

If we say this, no one will play with us in the future. It will have a negative impact on Nian's economic development. "

Although Lorraine's statement was justified and plausible, although the officials did not object to it, they were quite disapproving of Lorraine's statement.

Everyone is a senior official of the Empire. With heavy power in hand, they are all very ruling-class aware. Nian is in the hands of their group. Of course, he can play whatever he wants, and he cares about the opinions of the group below.

Whoever has an opinion, who dares to stab him, just copy his home and destroy his

But in front of Lorraine. They are also ruled, and of course Lorraine is what he says. In addition, Lorraine is so obedient, although it is a little troublesome and not refreshing, but it is also a good thing after all because everyone can rest assured that there is no need to worry about being played by him.

The clever guy has started to flatter Lorraine. It’s really wise to sing something like the Governor

Angus still said to Lorraine with a bitter face and a gloomy look, "But, my lord, how do we order the officials at the grassroots level?"

Lorraine thought for a moment, and then said: "Tell them, if you feel that you can't stick to it anymore, just think about our sacred Emperor, the wise minister, and think about the brilliant figures in the history of the empire, grit your teeth. Hold on again. Five minutes. Do you understand?"

Regarding Shangfeng’s commands, if you don’t understand, you must execute it. If you understand, you must pretend not to understand. Execution again, otherwise, is it not showing the foresight, wisdom and wisdom of being a leader?

Especially in this extraordinary period. This is the time for these subordinates to reveal their abilities.

Angus gritted his teeth at the moment, showing that he was going to be brave, and then said loudly: "Understood, don't worry, sir. Our Nian's civil servants will definitely be able to withstand it."

"Yeah, yeah." Lorraine nodded in satisfaction, and said, "It's just a group of clowns. Don't worry too much. You guys can concentrate on your work. After the matter is resolved, I will reward you.

All the officials are, anyhow, senior intellectuals who have read three or five novels of "Jin Ping Mei". Although all of them have learned something like "Winter is here, will spring be far behind?" and so on. They are full of inspirational and poetic verses, but everyone has been mixed up, and they have long passed the age of taking these nonsense.

These ruffians all grinned as if they had eaten flies at the moment: After the matter is resolved? How can I see that time?

They didn't know that Lorraine had the chance to win. He put his elaborate Spanish lasso firmly on the necks of those maliciously hyped profiteers

When he closes the net, a piece of sorrow is bound to remain.

But as a top trade secret Lorraine does not, and there is no need to tell these men.

At Nedel’s port, the sun was already very scorching between the dots, and the transport ships were still busy going in and out of the port, and the dock workers were carrying the cargo on the ships under the scorching sun.

The exchange started to live up early in the morning, unlike the crowds around the blackboard. In the corner behind the exchange, a group of people gathered together to chat boringly, and everyone who passed by them stared at them in irritation. These people are the salt merchants on duty here.

At the same time, in Leo's "forward command" on the other side. Leo was carrying half of the juice, preoccupied. Standing deep in front of the window.

He frowned slightly, his lips were tight, and his fat cheeks were stretched. The two white, tender and plump arms hugged his chest, and the fingers of his right hand pinched the edge of the glass. Shaking gently, the ice cube collided with the glass wall, making a crisp sound.

The snow-white shirt had a small waistcoat on the outside, a black and white striped tie inside, and a gold chain from the buttonhole to the upper pocket. Leo tried hard to press his stomach, his **** and white eyes were showing the light of thought.

Leo was looking through the glass window, looking at the wide water outside Hong Kong, this posture, how to look at Morgan (John Pierpont Morgan. Napoleon on Wall Street, in charge of one of the most feared financial institutions in the world, gorgeously Niucha to guard the level of characters.)

Leo shook the cup in his hand. Holding his pink face, said in a hoarse voice: "Let's start"

"Huh?" Melina looked around and asked in confusion, "Leo, who are you talking to?"

She looked at Leo, walked up to Leo with concern, reached out to touch Leo's forehead, and tried to put it on her forehead, and said without knowing it: "Isn't it burned?"

Leo was furious at the moment, raised his hand and patted Melina's little hand, and said: "Go, what women know, I'm brewing feelings. Such a good atmosphere has been destroyed by you.

The boss said that when the Dow Jones crash, the Nasdaq stock market crash, the Nikkei index plummeted, and the stocks plummeted by 80%, you must stand in front of the big window with your back to everyone. Putting on a cool frame, with Remy on the left hand and Cohiba on the right hand, and then say something very loud, so that the sense of vicissitudes of history is enough.

But I looked around and couldn’t find what Remy Martin and Cohiba (a well-known brand in Cuban cigars) are.”

Melina blinked her big eyes and said curiously: "What do you give and say. What are these things?"

Leo spread his hands and said, "I don't know, but according to the boss, it is a special kind of institution. Everyone is crying and shouting to throw the money at you and spend it casually. They will give it back."

"Cut, there will be such stupid people." Melina was taken aback for a moment, and then said dismissively.

"Why not?" Leo was in a hurry. He pointed to the port and exclaimed: "Aren't all those people in the exchange? They live in the port every day, rushing to give me money. I don't want them, they still cry."

Melina said in a daze: "So, I also left Sichuan."

At this time, the door of Leo Advance Command was pushed open, and Catherine, Adele, Vera, and Lorraine walked in without fail.

Adele kept swaying the fan in her hand, shouting hot constantly, and when she entered the door, she stretched her chair and sat next to the ice tray. Can't wait to hold that big block of ice in his arms.

Catherine also threw her gorgeous silk hat aside, and then walked to the window to take a look. Said: "Has the boat arrived?"

Lorraine will also throw his coat on the chair, revealing the shirt inside, and offer himself a glass of wine, Can Bingcuo is always in front of the window, holding his hands and looking into the distance, said! , "What's the matter; maybe mixed in the fleet

After speaking, he took a breath and put his hands on his chest.

Leo looked. Right now, rushing over to the Throne of God Seal, standing side by side with Lorraine, and putting on the air just now, Lorraine and Leo said deeply at the same time: "Let's start."

Then, two "pops" accompanied Catherine's screams: "You two give me almost a little bit."

Naidel is a large city with a population of more than 300,000. In order to maintain the normal operation of the jewel in the southeast of the empire, it carries passengers and food every day. Fruits, wine, cloth, steel, wood, and other material transport ships, which come up from the seaport, or down the Beni River, live in the port of Nedel City.

Sails cover the sun, ships are like forests, densely packed ships gather on the water outside the port, and the docks are crowded with people coming and going. Workers carrying various bags and boxes walk up and down. Even at night, the harbour is illuminated and transparent.

Ships leaving and entering the port have their own waterways. The ship sailed in an orderly manner along the channel.

Under the guidance of the port pilot, a transport ship slowly turned into the port and leaned on the stone pier.

The sailors tied the ropes and threw the springboard onto the dock.

The clerk on the dock walked to the ship with a habitually dead face, holding a small notebook.

The owner jumped off the boat in two steps and greeted him, "Ship name, owner, cargo, quantity, come up."

The owner of the ship squeezed to the clerk's side, first stuffed a few silver coins into his hand, and said with a smile: "Nian'an Salt No.1, Kefner, the ship only contains salt, fifty thousand pounds."

The clerk let out a cry, changed a smile, and said, "I didn't expect to be the big boss.

The old dock worker next to him booed and asked: "The boss is rich again this time.

The ship owner chuckled, then put a handful of silver coins into the clerk's hand, and smiled: "Cai, Cai, everyone's wealth, but I didn't come for the wealth today."

"Nonsense balls, you guys who sell salt have reached it recently," the dock worker yelled.

The shipowner bowed his hands and said: "Wealth are all big merchants. Those of us who make salt make hard money."

"Qiu, you still call it hard money? Now there are a few who say you can eat salt."

The shipowner smiled and said, "Everyone can afford Jinyu."

The clerk weighed the silver coin in his hand, put it in his pocket, and said with a smile: "What are you kidding me? My wife uses chopsticks in salt for cooking now. Okay, please go to the exchange."

The owner said: "Thank you, thank you, I promise everyone can afford salt today. Twenty old workers are here and the cargo is unloaded."

"Huh?" The group of dock workers who were onlookers were stunned. The Kung Fu ship owner laughed all the way out of the crowd and went straight into the exchange.

The exchange is still the same old noisy, businessmen around the blackboard bargaining, waving their arms and yelling.

Half of the blackboard was filled with chalk, with words such as how many pounds of barley. How many rolls of cloth, how many barrels of wine and things like that.

The owner of the ship, Kefner, squeezed the crowd and walked to the blackboard in front of the crowd and wrote "Salt, fifty thousand pounds" on it.

The businessman beside him "coaxed" a noise. One after another said: "Salt merchants!"

"It's another big deal."

"Look at what this business is doing."

Kefner waved to the people around him, and the salt merchants went up to squeeze the crowd and gathered around Kefner, and said, "Your shipments are too big. Reduce prices. We can only pay twenty silver coins and a pound."

"That's you, twenty-four silver coins. It's a bite-sized price, and now no one but us can spend that much money."

Several salt merchants around looked at each other. He shook his head and walked back.

Kefner held the salt merchant's hand. Said: "Twenty-four is twenty-four, and the deal is sold. Now it is not easy to sell at this price.

"That's too right. Now the market is saturated, and everyone has some cash in their hands." The salt merchant agreed.

Kefner and the salt merchant completed the transaction at the port. Kefner pointed to the salt parcels piled up on the dock and said to the salt merchant: "This pile of things belongs to you now, goodbye." Then he couldn't wait to jump on the transport ship and ordered the sailor. We sailed.

As soon as the transport ship left the berth, another ship quickly drew up.

Before the clerk came forward to register in his usual tone, the owner who got off the boat had already spoken: "Nyan Salt No. 2, table salt, fifty thousand pounds." Ah" he said. I was taken aback.

The dockers also wondered: "It's salt transport again, why is it so fast?"

"One after another

The ship owner stuffed a handful of silver coins into the clerk's hand and said: "I'm in a hurry, I'm sorry to trouble you." He said and walked to the exchange.

After adding a line of "salt, fifty thousand pounds" to the blackboard, there was a commotion in the exchange.


"Usually it's not two days for one ship, so why are there two ships for a while."

The salt merchants also looked at each other in doubt, and a salt merchant tried to shout: "Twenty, that's all.

Unexpectedly, the shipowner yelled readily: "Alright, deal."

The businessmen in the exchange were all stunned, and some people murmured: "Could it be that the salt price has really dropped?" (to be continued)

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