Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 316: Snatching relatives~! Seriously~!

Leo was blinking! The bad water that popped up suddenly, Catherine, in her heart, Tongrui knew that Leo’s straight-forward temper, as long as he praised him, would raise his tail to the sky, maybe it was another mistake.

She snorted noncommittal, then looked at Lorraine and asked Lorraine softly. your opinion. "

Lorraine thought for a while and said that although it was a bit more difficult from a technical point of view, it was precisely because of this that the enemy would not be able to guard against unexpected circumstances. In my opinion it is feasible. I just don't know how this guy's acting is. "

Catherine snorted coldly, he could do it. "

She turned around and said to the bandit in a cold voice that it would give you a chance to survive. Do it well to avoid death and do it well. There is no shortage of your position on the gallows, understand. "

Seeing this, the thief knew that his fortune had been saved, lying on the ground and hastily kowtow. Almost five-body bowed and said yes. I can do anything as long as madam can survive. "

Catherine waved to lead him down first. Detained in solitary confinement. "

Watching the imperial soldiers pull the bandits out of the tent. Leo jumped up and said loudly that he promised my terms. "

Catherine waved her hand indifferently. I agreed. "

Leo wiped his fist excitedly and said that I want to play the role of officers and soldiers to catch the robber hero to save the United States. "

Catherine was taken aback and then settled on Leo. Seeing Leo's heart straight.

Leo's heart winged and authentic, I just play around. It's not too much to ask for neither money nor things. "

Catherine suddenly smiled and said, see for yourself. "

Leo was taken aback for a moment and said something inexplicably. "

Lorraine. Adele and Vera saw this alone. Unanimously sighed together.

Leo blinked his big eyes and suddenly understood.

His face changed with a cry of exclamation. With a bitter face, she slowly turned her head and looked at Meilinna, who was holding her white tender hand with a sneer.

The two wine vortexes on Melina's unusually sweet and pink cheeks turned into wine cups.

She smiled and looked at Leo without blinking and whispered, Leo didn't know that you were going to save that beauty. "

Although her voice was still very clear and crisp like a silver bell, there was an incomparable chill in it.

Leo looked at the rich experience gained from being beaten before, and now he knew that the girl had reached the edge of the boom, and immediately retreated two steps and said with a smile.

Melina listened to me explain that I was just playing games"

Catherine got up and said without looking back, Leo said that since you like to play, the task of teaching this bandit is left to you. "

Adele looked at Leo sympathetically, then took Lorraine’s arm and pulled Lorraine and went out.

Veraph's big blue eyes rolled, and he ran out in a hurry without knowing what he was thinking, even Leo didn't even notice Leo's eyes for help.

Vera ran out of the tent to catch up with Lorraine and then hugged Lorraine's other arm out of breath and asked Master when we copied the villain's cottage. "

Lorraine copied the cottage. What are you doing. "

Vera's face turned red, like a big tempting apple, and Lorraine wanted to grab a bite.

Vera said, I heard that the old dragon at home is not the old man who said that it was quick and no trouble to go out to grab money from bandits or pirates. "

Adele was surprised.

She poked her head out from the other side and looked carefully at Vera Dao Vera what your old family did. Even robbers dare to shoot. What a bunch of ruthless people. "

Lorraine smiled and said that Vera's hometown was a mess. "

If the old dragon, who has always been doing things for the heavens and robbing the rich and helping himself, knows that Lorraine scolds them as nasty people, it is estimated that under the anger, these guys with self-esteem and chilling can keep Lorraine from soy sauce. Eat alive

Lvshui Town is the only town within a hundred li, so there is only one street in the town. Backed by the vast mountains and jungles to be hunters or to run inns along the road is the only way for people here to survive.

However, in recent years, a group of robbers have been entrenched in this area to commit crimes. The residents of this mountain are miserable.

Every time the officers and soldiers marched in, they were stationed here. Everyone has tossed more than that, the bandits are more powerful and even the most ridiculous times are returned without success.

As time passed, the people here did not hope that the old monk struck the clock and counted day by day.

Because of the robbers, the caravan rarely left here. The originally thriving town now looks like a ghost town.

Lorraine was on a hillside outside the town. Look into the town.

I only saw that the sign of the hotel at the entrance of the town was rotten. The doors and windows were full of holes and the roof was originally covered with red tiles, but covered with pieces of thatch.

The only thing that proves the popularity here is the clothes drying in front of the house. It's just that those clothes are mostly tattered, mostly with a lot of patches on them, let alone wearing luxurious clothes like the people in other places.

Lorraine looked at Leo next to Leo and Melina, who ignored Leo while pouting her mouth, but at the same time was still inseparable.

Lorraine sighed and said you want this

Leo said excitedly, of course I have been waiting for this day for a long time. "

Lorraine nodded and said, all right. "

Speaking, he waved behind him.

Four hundred heavily armed knights simultaneously urged their horses to rumbling hooves, causing the houses in the town to rustle down.

The residents of the town looked at them in panic when the knights rushed into the streets of the town. The people rushed home and closed the door and looked at Lorraine outside. They saw the Ruman Empire hemorrhoid banner they held high. The talented person understands that this person is the emperor team.

Everyone grinned. Although they were afraid of bandits, they were more afraid of the army. Because the bandits have always been brutal to shoot things, guns, women, and even kill people and set fires, but they have limited manpower. It’s impossible to take care of every family every time.

Unlike the military men, they have time to have someone who can steal all the chickens and pigs from every town in the town and eat the women.

And these uncles are extremely cruel and cruel in case if they dare to have their lunch from time to time. Maybe the next moment is to take out the knife and yell at you, Tong Lie will follow their usual procedures and ransack the door. Then he chopped off the heads of the people and went back to pretend to be a leader.

The residents timidly walked out of the house and watched the group of knights in bright armor galloping past them.

After going around the town, the soldiers finally came to the inn at the entrance of the town and surrounded the small inn.

The brigade of attendants behind quickly led out the long string of bandits tied with rope.

The residents onlookers outside saw the bandits dejectedly being **** and escorted to the scene, and then they shouted excitedly, saying that they were the officers and soldiers who had caught them. "

When the residents who had been hiding behind heard this, they were agitated at the moment, and then he squeezed forward and raised his head to look inside.

The imperial soldiers outside shook their whip. Shouted loudly and walked away. "

The residents looked at their thick whips and did not dare to approach but did not want to be far away. They gathered on both sides of the street and watched carefully.

The attendant led dozens of bandits into the siege of the Forbidden Army and then cut the rope that bound them into a string from the middle. The bandit's hands were still trapped behind and stared at them in circles.

The door of the hotel slowly opened and a gray-headed middle-aged man walked out from inside.

He looked at the scene with trepidation and couldn't figure out what happened.

Behind him, a middle-aged woman and a ten-year-old girl stuck their heads from behind the door. Looking at this side with fear.

Lorraine glanced at the girl and found that although the girl's appearance was just black and red, but she had the health and youthful breath of a simple country girl.

Leo couldn't help but feel disappointed. Turning his head to Lorraine and said that the bandit leader's taste is average

Lorraine curled his lips very much. The ruffian was just following Catherine and there were a lot of beauties who had never encountered any brother. Sisters and the like have long made his eyes tricky. I really thought all the women in the world were long and beautiful.

He waved his hand disapprovingly and said that there is a good mouth in this big ravine."

The middle-aged man looked at Lorraine and Lei Ouqiang, who were guarded by a group of guards like stars holding the moon, calmly and tremblingly, and asked if there was anything wrong with the adults. "

Lorraine glanced at him appreciatively. Ordinary country folks may have been scared to speak after seeing such a big battle, and then said that our Imperial Guards borrowed your place and borrowed you personally to finish it.

He paused and added, oh yes, don't be surprised when anything happens. I promise you are all right"

He nodded to Leo.

Leo had already waited impatiently and yelled at the moment, then jumped off his horse and drew a short gun and pointed at the bandits. At the beginning of the Tao, give me seriousness. Go up and grab a gun."

Look at me and I look at these bandits. They just stay where they are.

Leo told you that when he was furious, he hasn't reacted at all to be stupid."

He scolded for a long time and saw a group of bandits still staying in place, motionless, and waved to the imperial army behind him to catch them.

When the soldiers jumped off their horses with grimace and waved their whip, the bandits snapped hard.

The bandits approached the hotel slowly with bitter expressions driven by the Forbidden Army.

Leo looked very dissatisfied. Pointing at them and cursing loudly, dare you not to act well for me today. Go back and all nailed to the bench. How did you play last night and add tonight

The soldiers squeezed their fingers in the back and looked at the bandits with a scream. It's like watching a group of pets.

Despite being intimidated by Leo repeatedly, the bandits still watched nervously at the surrounding imperial army and the residents of the town outside, pale and froze in place.

Leo sighed and shook his head weakly.

A ban soldier slammed his whip on the back of the bandit leader with a crackling sound. The bandit’s clothes were all tucked... The bandit’s screams fell in the enclave, screaming, Shunbai’s cheeks could not help shaking.

Lorraine watched these bandits driven by Leo. Like a group of pure and innocent sheep, I can’t help feeling that it is ridiculous. Torturing the wicked by the wicked is indeed a human drama.

The onlookers in the town were also confused by Lorraine's weird behavior, but Lu, no matter how much, only saw that the robber was caught by the government, they were satisfied.

Leo pointed to the other bandit and said that now you have taken it to me to **** my kiss. My patience is almost gone. "

The bandit pointed out by Leo was stunned. But after hearing the screams of the bandit leader. He immediately woke up.

He stammered bitterly to the innkeeper, please invite your daughter."

Leo grunted heavily and stretched out his hand on his neck to make a gesture of kill.

The imperial soldiers from behind stepped forward to follow the whip behind the bandit, which was also fierce. This time, even more blood spattered with the whip.

The bandit uttered a high-pitched scream and fell to the ground with pain. I didn't even scream, I could only cough and pant loudly.

Leo angrily said loudly that letting you come to grab your relatives didn't let you come here to pay back the bandits. He didn't have any consciousness of robbers. You just you now you come"

He pointed to a bandit again.

The thief who was pointed out almost cried in terror. The thief gritted his teeth after he turned his head and saw the fierce and vicious soldiers standing behind him. Two steps forward and loudly said to the shop owner to call your daughter out. "

After speaking, he looked at Leo nervously. Seeing Leo didn't react at all, the bandit breathed out secretly.

The innkeeper didn’t know which one was singing in front of him, but he saw Lorraine and Leo, who looked like a leader, supporting this bandit. The innkeeper had no choice but to turn around and talk to the door. Come out, the Emperor team is fine. "

The proprietress of the hotel is like an old hen. Hiding his daughter behind him, he walked out of the gate heartily and stood behind the innkeeper.

The innkeeper kept stooping and stooping to tell Lorraine and Leo that everyone in my family is here. "

The bandit stepped back and glanced at Leo. Leo clenched his face and looked up at the sky with a cold snort.

The bandit hurriedly turned and said to the innkeeper with a dumbfounded expression

I, we are here to **** your daughter out. "

Leo heard that Kaka, as a robber, talked to the victim in this way. I don't have any common sense of acting. I can't play the feeling of a robber again, this young master will kill you. "

The imperial army behind the bandit was very cooperative with a flick of the whip in his hand. The bandit narrowed his neck in fright and almost squatted on the ground.

The bandit summoned up the courage to say that we are here to grab the acquaintance of the relatives and hand in your daughter. "

The innkeeper's family probably understood what was going on. The girl fluttered behind his father and laughed.

The innkeeper scratched his head and didn't know what to do, but his daughter walked out from behind the innkeeper and said to the bandit in front of me that I'm here, what's wrong with the bandit. "

The bandit turned his head to look at Leo. Seeing Leo still staring at him seriously, he only continued.

Everyone arrested her. "

Although the other bandits heard it, they still didn't know what to do.

Leo loudly asked you to catch that girl. Didn't you hear them? Catch them up. "The last sentence was addressed to the soldiers of the Imperial Army.

A group of imperial soldiers stepped forward and kicked the thieves behind them.

Leo shouted Kaka when these bandits walked to the innkeeper's side. It’s a good rehearsal. Whoever makes a mistake through the formal performance will kill him. Did you hear me. "

The bandit who served as the main supporting role said in a daze that he would do it again. "

The whips of the ten soldiers behind him immediately grabbed him and the remaining bandits immediately became honest.

Leo twisted his head and asked how the boss of Lorraine Road was. My level of rehearsal is still okay. "

Lorraine nodded and said that if you get yourself a big beard, it would be more like Leo smiled triumphantly with his hands on his hips.

Melina immediately snorted and turned her head away from Leo's triumphantly, grunting loudly and deliberately, that the performance was not vivid at all. "

Leo said indifferently that a bunch of extras could have such a level. Okay, the show officially begins. "

Leo put on his clothes and sorted out the holster behind his waist, pulled out the gun and stuffed it back, then nodded in satisfaction.

The bandits did it again in accordance with the same routine just now. In order to evade the lashes of the Forbidden Army, they invested too much this time.

When his hands had been trapped behind his back, the bandit surrounded the innkeeper Leo, raised his head and drew his musket, and stepped forward with a loud shout. You **** let go of that girl. "

The innkeeper and his wife couldn't laugh or cry, looking at Leo and the bandits, his daughter giggled.

Leo looked at her angrily and said robbing relatives. For more chapters

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