Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 315: The happy life of robber intern (part 2)

Tian Tai collected it, and when the shark spanked, remember to take his pants and muscles so that the spanking would be cool

A crowd of people were waiting for a moment, all the guardsmen and soldiers all looked at Leo with admiring eyes, this grandfather, who is just a little bit older, is already so vicious, this heart must be all darkened, he will be later. bright future.

And for the same reason, the bandits looked at the fat, white, innocent and cute boy in fear.

At this time, they finally believed that good and evil will pay off. It must have done too much bad things before and it fell into the hands of this rogue.

Leo couldn't help but feel uncomfortable under the strange gazes of everyone, turning his head back and asking Lorraine what happened to them. Boss, why are they looking at me like this. Did you take the wrong medicine? "

Lorraine let out a long sigh and said that it’s nothing. They just watched your bad head sores on the soles of your feet and worshiped you.

Leo blushed and shyly said that I am not so good anymore hahaha"

Lorraine couldn't help but dizzy when he watched him open his mouth and laugh shamelessly. He secretly said that this guy is indeed a rare genius politician in a century. Even though I have a lot of knowledge of the era, there are many things that are born.

For example, if in a few years, I will be inferior to this rascal compared to him.

At the time they spoke, everyone had already reacted. At that moment, someone took off his pants and pressed him to the ground as Leo ordered, and then someone on both sides lifted up a stick and cracked his butt.

In order to leave a good impression on the father-in-law's heart, this guard put all his strength now.

"My lord is forgiving, my lord is forgiving," "The thief was beaten so miserably that blood and flesh flying across his **** kept screaming and screaming that changed his voice because of the pain.

Leo waved his hand and said. Master, I am ready to question. "

The Custodian soldier stopped to pull up the thief and drag him to Leo again.

Lorraine saw that this guy was dying and almost lost his human form.

Leo pointed out that this guy was very dissatisfied and a group of soldiers said

How can I question if you beat him like this? "

The Custodian soldier looked down at the moment and couldn't help but screamed, and then said embarrassedly that I'm sorry, my lord, I haven't beaten someone for a long time. How about we change another one. "

Leo sighed and said that it can only be so. That's it. "

As he said, he reached out and pointed at the bandit collar who was hiding next to him.

The imperial soldier waved the big stick in his hand and grinned honestly and said, Your Highness. "

At the moment, they didn't need Leo to order any more, and they walked over to lead the bandit in the same way. What they did was another mess.

Hit that guy with a killer stick

Leo took a look at the end, for fear that he would knock that person out again, and he would have no time to play. He waved his hand and did it. Hurry over and I want to interrogate. "

The imperial soldier pulled the bandit leader up.

Leo pointed at him and asked in an official manner who is the leader of your group. Have committed that crime. What's the plan to ambush Master Ben there? Honestly.

The bandit leader was crying and saying that I was the leader. We just went down the mountain and didn't know if the lord passed through here. If I knew what to say, I wouldn't come down. "

Leo immediately furious. Speaking so easily must have deceived my young master when I was so coaxed. Master, although I am young, my eyes are sharp. "

He kept shooting the rotten wood that had just been found to act as a gavel and shouted loudly and yelled at me.

The guard next to him immediately took out a dark thing and walked up with a grinning smile.

Lorraine was stunned for a moment and then waited until the man walked closer and used the light to see that the thing shaken by the soldiers was actually a fresh bark. The bark on it had not been scraped off.

Lorraine slapped his forehead and secretly said in his heart that it seems that today is going to stage Lei Gong's case, Zhu Leiou's case. But he didn't want to stop the judicial decision of a great noble territory, after all, it is also a required course that needs to be cultivated.

If you see a little blood or something, you will feel dizzy. So Mr. Huang Shiren, who has been engaged in financial business to promote the economy to move forward and grow fast and well, is already bankrupt.

The Forbidden Army soldier skillfully put the clamp stick on the finger of the collar and pulled hard.

The bandit leader immediately pulled his throat and let out a scream of earth-shattering screams that shocked Leo.

Leo looked at the bandit collar, slapped his thigh and sneered, I think you know a little bit more quickly. Our Sino-U.S. cooperation institute, our imperial Ministry of Justice, has learned more than a thousand sets of advanced torture instruments. I think you can survive.

The other bandits were so scared that they were devastated and entrusted to the ground.

The bandit leader screamed bitterly that I was recruiting from the beginning."

Leo stagnated and then slapped the table again and said angrily, he even dared to talk back, Believe it or not... The ten major tortures in Qing Dynasty.

Tell me who your leaders have done that bad thing. "

The bandit leader knelt down on the ground and cried with his nose and tears, saying that this young master is really me, me, we are going down the mountain to grab the woman. "

Leo angrily looked at me as I was a lie, there was no woman in this big ravine. Around again

With a strong Harry this time, the soldiers tightened the clamp.

The bandit took the lead by screaming loudly and then coughing in his throat, his eyes softened and fell to the ground.

Leo looked at Lorraine nervously and said that he was killed. Set what to explain. Let me say that he didn't fight. "

Lorraine shrugged and passed out. This is the advantage of the stick. "

Leo patted his chest and made me think I was going to be beaten by Catherine. It is true that there is no role model for the leader. "

Lorraine waved his hand very meaninglessly and authentically as a leader. Good first serve

If you are in danger, run away first, or everyone will break your head in everything they are doing. They are rushing to become leaders. I really think they are doing selfless contributions to the cause of the empire.

They said that just to deceive you so happy to give them money. "

Leo stagnated. He cursed in a low voice. It seems that this guy who speaks beautiful things and flatters is really uncomfortable.

He thought for a moment and then stretched his fingers and said one of them who looked stronger

You're yours, don't be so indifferent, master, I'm waiting for fun

The bandit whom Leo pointed out stayed for a while and then crouched on the ground and banged his head and said loudly, "My lord, forgive me." I said, I said everything.

That person is our leader. The boss behind us is Baron Peter Anker of Freetown. Our cottage is on the hill twenty miles to the east. There are more than 100 people. We went to the front town to grab women. "

Leo originally wanted to give him a killer meal first. Lorraine and Leo glanced in surprise when they heard the thief suddenly burst out an anecdote.

Lorraine saw that Leo was about to give an order to spank again, hurriedly reached out and pressed his hand and said, wait for a big fish. I said that there are officials and bandits colluding with them, this bandit can't be here

Leo's eyes lit up right now. Hahaha It seems that I am really wise. In this way, we can catch the damage hidden in the empire

Lorraine paid a bit and now that he had the right thing to do, he couldn't let Leo mess around here. He ordered the guards next to him to detain this person one by one for interrogation first and then to question.

Don't be afraid of death. Even if they were not bedwetting, they asked me whether they had peeked at the neighbor’s bath.

When it's time, you guys have gathered everyone from the death squad, and there are too many ghosts. "

The few soldiers of the Forbidden Army knew that this was a great achievement that had been delivered to the door. They all responded happily and patted their chests and said loudly, please rest assured that we will get all the colleagues to interrogate them together. "

Lorraine looked at them one by one, as if they were children who got a horse, and said that this was a business, not for you to play. There was an inner ghost in front of them. If anyone leaks the wind, I will let him clean the toilet for a lifetime. "

Leo also jumped on the chair and stepped on the table and said impassionedly that this is the most wise man in this century of the young master. If anyone blacks me out, I will let him go through the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty.

The soldiers of the Forbidden Army also knew that the matter was very important. At the moment, they all had a solemn face, and then stomped their feet neatly with their hands on their chests and saluted, please let them go.

Then pulled the bandits on the ground one by one out of the camp.

The hapless ghost pointed out by Leo was already frightened and collapsed. The guard beside him who was still confessing to him looked at him, stretched out his hand and patted him.

The thief cried out of fright, raised his hands and screamed, saying goodbye not to hit me. I said everything."

Lorraine snorted and knelt down and said clearly that he would not hit you. "

The bandit was overjoyed and said loudly that it was an adult. I confess everything. "

Lorraine Leo asked whether he wanted to make a contribution in front of Nicole. "

Leo nodded vigorously.

Lorraine, now you go ask Nicole and Dai'er and the others to come over and say that you have a shocking discovery, dug out a collusion between officials and bandits and caught a big fish. Nicole will definitely reward you. "

Okay. "Leo jumped flat from the table and rushed out excitedly. I just yelled, Nicole, I have a big surprise."

Lorraine looked at the thief below and said in a deep voice, is there proof of what you said. I can't show you any evidence to tell you that this method was the beginning. I saw that the pile of things behind you didn't have me let you go through them one by one. "

The bandit below turned his head and saw the piles of mountain-like torture instruments made by the soldiers of the Imperial Army and nodded desperately. I'm sure my lord, I am the leader of the cottage, and I am responsible for contacting Baron Peter Anker. "

Lorraine smiled and said so as to take the initiative to confess your merits. "

As soon as he changed his voice, he said, if there is a little bit of deception, I will kill you directly. You may as well tell you that your bandits must be tomorrow... Whether you can survive depends on your Wenhui performance."

After a while, Catherine, Adele and the others rushed into the tent that served as the lobby.

Leo walked in the front with his chest up and his head upright, only he had a high cocked tail behind his ass.

As soon as he came in, he pointed to the thief who was kneeling on the ground and said that this guy had recruited me and caught the baron as big as that.

Catherine looked suspiciously at the bandit and then looked up at Lorraine.

Lorraine nodded to Catherine.

Catherine's face immediately went cold when she raised her eyebrows.

Lorraine felt that the temperature in the tent seemed to drop several degrees in an instant.

As the master of the country, Catherine has always been the most energetic person to be the master of the house. When Catherine is an official and nobleman in the **** department, Catherine is like a domestic servant who steals things.

According to Lorraine's past memories, dealing with this person in the evil Japanese society is generally to go directly to the family method to kill and deserve to be even put into a lion cage to be killed by a beast. It seems that they fell into Catherine's hands, which is probably the end.

A Yi'er was extremely disinterested in this matter when she was a qualified rotten girl. Just glanced at the bandits on the ground and showed no interest at all.

She raised her five hands and yawned gracefully on her lips. Then she sighed and said that this bad guy is also really there and won't let you Anning Nicole wait to catch them and they must be cleaned up. "

Catherine touched Leo's head and said softly, this time you have done a good job. "

Leo touched his nose and snorted triumphantly, his head raised in an invincible look.

Catherine walked up to the table in two steps and sat down in the position of Leo's presiding judge just now.

The guards moved in chairs Adele Vera and Melina sat behind Lorraine and Catherine.

Leo just wanted to say that was my position. But at first glance, Catherine, who had a frosty face, sat behind Catherine obediently.

Catherine looked at the bandit below and said to repeat what you just said. "

The bandit on the ground looked up and saw that what she saw was an alluring beauty. She was stunned and watched Catherine staying there like a stone statue.

When Catherine frowned again, the soldiers on both sides waved.

Several soldiers of the Forbidden Army waved the big sticks in their hands and slapped around the bandit, so that the bandit hugged his head and lay down on the ground motionless, just yelling.

Catherine waved her hand at the soldiers of the Imperial Army. "

A few soldiers of the imperial army let this guy go.

Catherine then asked, now I can speak. "

This bandit doesn't dare to raise his head."

Catherine said coldly. Let me ask first, do you know what crimes are for slandering imperial officials and nobles. "

Don't know. "The bandit cowered.

Catherine Dao was exiled from the Gulag, but was crucified with treason. Since you have committed the crime of robbery, the only way to dare to make false accusations is the death penalty. "

The bandits can't help. I dare not tell the truth. "

Catherine Dao, who is the nobleman with whom you colluded. "

It's Baron Peter Anker of Friar. "

Catherine then asked what evidence you have. "

The bandit said that every time I pass a message, I dare to confront him face to face. "

Catherine snorted at your side. Why don't I believe in an imperial nobleman but in a robber. "

The bandit hurriedly said that the adults can go and find out about the infamous Baron Peter Anker. Right, his family who specializes in stolen goods must have stolen goods.

Catherine asked why an imperial nobleman would join a group of bandits. "

My family turned out to be his tenant farmer. The baron was a prodigal family. The family’s property was lost more than a decade ago, and the land was secretly held to others. Later, I somehow contacted our leader to provide news about the caravan. The things that came were also the army he sold. We came to kill several times. We were all letters he gave in Catherine was a little bit confident after hearing what he said. She turned her head and looked at Lorraine. Ask Lorraine for his opinion.

Although Lorraine whispered suspicion, we couldn't honestly check if it wasn't for our reputation. Even if the baron is a villain, we can't let us catch it. We can't bear the reputation of interfering. "

Catherine nodded and said that what you said is what we do, think of a foolproof way, and give it to the local. I don’t worry. Who knows if their nests are rotten. Local officials in such remote places always rely on it. The emperor Shan Gao was far from being unscrupulous and lawless. "

Lorraine held his chin in thought for a while.

Leo squeezed his head between Lorraine and Catherine from behind and said I have a way, I have a way. Let’s talk about conditions first."

Catherine gave Leo a look. It makes sense for you to make a request. "

Leo said that this guy on the ground is not saying that he is a Lianzi. We can let him play Infernal Affairs as an undercover agent to expose the baron. "

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