Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 373: There may be no customization in the future

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Not only Mi Tang Studio is studying this new product of Wolf Map Company, but other studios and mass production manufacturers are also the first to start.

Although there are a lot of voices on the Internet that slander the three giants, after all, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and the influence of Langtu Company in the industry and the decades of experience in the industry should not be underestimated.

Therefore, many well-known forces in the key circle started the first time, and wanted to see how this product, which was given high hopes by the wolf map, was like.

"After all, they are the first domestic manufacturers to make mechanical keyboards, so they won't lose to a studio that has only been established for three years, right?"

Before starting, everyone thought so.


After seeing the real thing, this group of people in the circle were silent.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the gap between this thing and the 'Honor A87' is a bit big."

"It's not just a little big, whether it's workmanship or experience, it's not at the same level at all, okay?"

"It's a bit unbelievable, this is one of the three giants of the key ring, and it makes this kind of thing?"

"Actually, it's very good that Langtu can make this kind of product. After all, they are not a professional keyboard company, and this time they only have three months... It's very good to be able to make such a product in three months. All right."

"Yeah, as a layman, it's amazing to be able to do this..."

"Unfortunately, I originally thought that the wolf map company could subvert the 'Honor A87', but now it seems that it is impossible in a short time."

"I'll go! Wolf map's new product is so unremarkable, isn't that a stepping stone for the Honor A87?"

"Let's see how the other new products are. If you guessed correctly, they should be released soon."

"If they can't come up with a product that completely beats the 'Honor A87', then they may no longer be able to stop the rise of Honor peripherals."

"It can't be stopped now. Once the 'Key Emperor' comes out, the status of the Glory peripherals cannot be shaken in a short period of time."

Insiders are talking in private.

They sighed a little. They remembered that when the "Honor A87" was about to be launched, they had a hunch that this product might become a hit, but they didn't expect it to be so popular...

This is not as simple as an explosion, it is simply an earthquake of the key ring, and the three giants are just at the core of the earthquake...

It can be said to be very miserable.


After chatting and chatting, I suddenly realized that something was not quite right...

They suddenly thought of the phrase just mentioned, "Wolf Map is not a professional keyboard company after all"...

Take a look at the wolf map that has been established for decades, and then look at the rice soup that has been established for more than three years.

Take a look at the Honor A87, and then look at the Wolf A87 in front of you...

Just like a dream.


At the same time, Wang Dao Studio.

"It's not that it has been established for a long time, the brand is old, and it is famous, it must be very professional."

Looking at the pile of parts on the table, Wang Qingfeng couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief while feeling a little emotional.

He found that he looked a little too high on the Big Three.

In the face of the sudden attack of Mi Tang Studio, Wolf Tu, the big brother of the key circle, has no way to deal with it. Except for those marketing methods that don't work very well, there is nothing else.

After finally waiting for them to come up with a new product, I bought it and disassembled it into parts for the first time, and then I was a little disappointed to find out...

The difference between this thing and the new Honor peripherals is not a little bit.

"Compared to our 'ace', it's not at the same level."

Wang Qingfeng said very calmly.

The ace is their brand name for this new product.

"Doesn't that mean that we can also step on the wolf map under our feet?"

A young man in the studio said excitedly.

"Think too much."

Wang Qingfeng glanced at him and shook his head: "I don't know if this 'Wolf Map A87' will sell well or not, but even if the market response is unsatisfactory, with Wolf Map's brand and marketing capabilities, it can be built into Explosive models...but we are different, our products are better, but the price is high, and we are just a small studio, we don't have enough publicity ability, and we don't have any brand effect..."

This is why Wang Qingfeng went to Tang Su for help.

He is confident in his own products.

He also has high confidence in his own design capabilities, and believes that if they have the conditions of the rice soup factory, they can even make works that are not inferior to the rice soup studio.


The mass production consumer market is not the same as the customized market, and the difference is very large.

"If we are still in the customization circle, we only need to make a rendering of the new product, find Mi Tang to record an out-of-box evaluation, and then wait for the money to be collected. Consumers will automatically deliver it to our door and give us the money. "

Wang Qingfeng shook his head: "But mass production is different. Customers in the mass production consumer market will not actively seek us. We need to find a way to sell our products to them... And this is precisely what we are least good at."

If the product is not done well, consumers will definitely buy it.

Compared with making a product, the most important thing is marketing. As long as the marketing is done well, and the product itself is not bad, the product can definitely be sold.

And if there is no promotion channel like them, no matter how well the product is made, it is destined to be impossible to become a hit, and even face the risk of slow sales, and can only survive a little bit, looking forward to the future. Fame to boil out.

"Why is Mi Tang Studio so successful?"

Someone is puzzled.

The Mi Tang studio was no longer a success. It was a beautiful battle that was recognized by the entire industry. It directly blinded the entire mass production circle, causing the three giants to be caught off guard. As the big brother of the wolf map, In a hurry, they made a product like 'Wolf Map A87', which disappointed experienced practitioners a bit.

"The success of Mi Soup Studio in the mass production market is also due to marketing."

Wang Qingfeng said: "You think about the popularity of Su Tang and Tang Su on the Internet, and then think about the 'Forest Elk' and 'Xingyao Series' that were sensational last year. 'Honor A87' laid a very solid foundation, and then, 'Honor A87' was first launched as a co-branded model. With the help of key words such as snap-up + popular game co-branded, this product has a very high reputation in the key circle and even outside the circle. famous..."

No matter whether these things are intentional or unintentional, the 'Honor A87' can become a mess in a short period of time and become the so-called key king, so that the brand of 'Honor Peripherals' can gain a firm foothold in the key circle... It definitely has something to do with these inseparable relationship.

The reason why Wang Qingfeng happily agreed to let Tang Su become a shareholder is not only because of the benefits promised by the other party, but also some of Tang Su's own resources are also things that he values.

"Then what should we do?"

The members of the studio understood, and then they were a little bit troubled: "We don't have such good conditions."

As an ordinary studio, they don't have anything to be famous.

The only thing that might have some value might be Tang Su, the shareholder, but that guy cherishes feathers very much, so he might not be willing to let him borrow.

It's like Wang Qingfeng went to him for help this time.

As a shareholder of the studio, Tang Su held a quarter of the shares, but he still chose to refuse without making any promises.

"There will be a way."

Wang Qingfeng smiled: "I still have the confidence to ask Tang Su to help. I gave him an engineering prototype before, and there is still a lot of room for improvement. When the real thing comes out, he should still be able to impress him... If the keyboard is within 1,000 yuan, I may not have much confidence, but if it is about 1,500 yuan, there is a lot of room left for us."

If it is within a thousand yuan, it will inevitably face the big killer of the 'Honor A87'.

Wangdao Studio does not have its own factory, nor does it have the confidence to sell dozens of millions of sets of its own products, which means that he will never be able to use the method of self-production + mass production like Su Tang. Spread the cost evenly.

If they are asked to make 999-priced keyboards, even a penny of profit is not reserved for themselves, and it is impossible to achieve the level of 'Honor A87'.

However, if the unit price of the product is increased to the stage of 1500-2000, then enough funds can be spent on the cost, and the product made is not too good, at least it will not lose to the 'Honor A87'.

"For most ordinary users, their perception of touch and hearing is not so sharp to the point of harshness, as long as we can make the 'Honor A87' eight-point level, with a cool enough design, we can still become a An excellent product."

Wang Qingfeng said.

Members of the studio nodded in agreement.

Come out of the customization circle, and then look at the mass-produced key circle, and you will find one... It is very beneficial for their customization studios.

The mass-produced brands headed by the three giants have not made any progress in product design in recent years. This is the case in the entire mass-produced consumer market. This also leads to the fact that consumers who mass-produce mechanical keyboards... have never touched it at all. keyboard.

And who are the consumers in the customization circle?

Looking at it from the eyes of outsiders, it is like being stunned. Various harsh requirements are emerging one after another, which also leads to the fact that one by one, the studios will get involved, and they will be involved in such a small circle of fierce competition for three years. And then transitioned to mass production...

How to say, a bit of a dimensionality reduction blow.

This is also the main reason why Wang Qingfeng is very confident in the word of mouth of his own products.

"Boss, do you think there is a mass-produced brand that can compete with 'Glory Peripherals' in a short period of time?"

Some employees asked curiously.

"have no idea."

Wang Qingfeng shook his head: "Judging from the current situation, I don't have any hope for the three giants. Among the brands that participated in the conference at the rice soup factory before, one is counted as one, and it is impossible for a short period of time. A product that competes with 'Glory Peripherals', if you look at it this way, it seems that Honor Peripherals are about to be invincible, but you need to know two things..."

He stretched out two fingers.

"First, my country is the world's top country in terms of population, economy and consumption."

"Second, the customized studios that can play the mechanical keyboard like flowers, and can crush Wolftu, Tianzhi, Strawberry and other brands by means of dimensionality reduction, are not the only studios of Mitang. Think of Mitang in the The ranking of the world's customized key circles."

Everyone was stunned at first, and then reacted.

"You mean that the four top studios overseas may be involved?"

Some employees couldn't help but ask: "If they are involved, what mass production are our studios doing?"

In this circle, Mi Tang Studio is the first in China and the top five in the world.

There are four other top studios that are tied with it, and they are located in several developed countries overseas.

If they look at the big market opened up by the 'Honor A87', and then get involved, then the key ring is estimated to be the world of these five top studios, such as their small studios, small and medium-sized mass production brands, To be ruthlessly kicked out.

"I don't know if they have this idea, but it shouldn't be shot in a short time."

Wang Qingfeng smiled and shook his head: "You must know that those foreigners who founded top studios are all successful people with financial freedom, and the way they succeed is by no means the studio itself. For them, customized work It's just a hobby... If they are not short of money, it is impossible for them to have such a high-pressure competitiveness in our country, and it is impossible to have such a strong desire to survive. Even if they are interested in joining in, it will be a matter of next year. ."

Next year's key ring, who knows what it will look like.

Since Mi Tang Studio released the 'Honor A87', and then used a large number of patented technologies to form a big alliance, forcing the mass production manufacturers led by the three major brands to start their own research, the entire industry has been completely in chaos. Ambitious bosses are all staring at it...

Thinking of this, Wang Qingfeng suddenly realized something.

"Mi Tang Studio is doing this with a high-profile attitude uncharacteristically, and the entire domestic mechanical keyboard industry has entered the inward roll. Could it be that they want to block the four top overseas studios and make them return in a bad way? After all, as we all know... there is no country in the world that understands introversion better than us..."

Should just be a coincidence.

If true, it would be terrifying.

Wang Qingfeng suddenly found that he couldn't understand this circle a little. He didn't know what Tang Su and Su Tang were planning, and he didn't know which one would rise from the chaos next year. Today, next year, there will be a few still alive. ...

"Start the 'Ace' plan as soon as possible, and it must be online before June."

Wang Qingfeng said to everyone.

He felt inexplicably anxious in his heart, and his intuition told him that if he was late and missed the best time, it was unknown whether Wangdao Studio would still exist in the future.

As for the failure of the sprint to mass-produce the brand and return to the customization circle?


"Being so mixed up by Mi Tang Studio, when the key circle is rolled up and the chaos of the war is settled, the customization circle should be completely reduced to history, right?"

Wang Qingfeng sighed in his heart.

He can see it clearly. At this juncture, if anyone has not judged the future trend, and still wants to devote themselves to making products and only care about one-third of their own land, I am afraid that... there will be no future.


at the same time.

This 'Wolf Map A87' by Wolf Map Company has also caused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

Except for a small number of bloggers who ignore the facts for their own interests, most digital bloggers and game bloggers have given their own evaluations of these two keyboards, and the evaluations are also very consistent:

"'Wolf Map A87' is not the opponent of 'Honor A87' at all. If the full score is 10, the latter is 9 points, and the former is only 5 or 6 points. The price difference of 80 yuan cannot cover up such a large experience gap."

"From the 'Honor A87', we can experience an experience comparable to high-end customization, and we can feel the ingenious structure, but the 'Wolf Map A87' can't give me such a feeling, I even think it It's not as good as mass production of ordinary structures..."

"In contrast, the only advantage of the 'Wolf Map A87' should be the frontal lighting, right?"

"If I had to choose one as the main work force, then I would definitely choose the 'Honor A87', because it allows me to feel some happiness and fun at work, rather than boring and tortured."

"Langtu Company, as the big brother of the key circle for decades, the new structure launched by 'following the trend' this time did not bring me a surprising feeling, and even made me feel that it was nothing more than that. I hope Langtu Company can make a new structure in the future. Better products, and look forward to the new structure of Tianzhi and Strawberry, which can bring us some surprises.”

From most bloggers to consumers, the evaluation can be described as one-sided.

In the face of 'iron' general evidence, even a die-hard fan of Wolf Tu can't stand up at this time.

In the video, the bloggers made a detailed comparison of the two products by dismantling, and the result was very slap in the face.

Even some fans who belong to the three major brands have begun to shake their inner beliefs.

Next, I just hope that Tianzhi and Strawberry can make products that make consumers feel amazing, otherwise, the three major brands will really be out of breath in the "high-end field".

In this regard, the three giants were silent and did not respond.

"I heard a gossip before, saying that Langtu Company fired a group of employees from the product department, and even two management members. The general manager was furious at the meeting... tsk tsk tsk."

Tang Su was amazed: "Originally, I thought that the wolf map would be a majestic mountain, but now it looks like it's just a tiger without teeth. It looks powerful, but it's actually nothing to worry about... The concept of 'lighting on research and development, and focusing on marketing' has completely put this giant to good use."

From the perspective of capital, revenue, brand influence, etc., Wolf Map is still the top in the industry.

But so what?

At least in the field of high-end mechanical keyboards, Wolftu lost completely this time.

In the future, if consumers consider buying a mechanical keyboard with a price of 1,000 yuan, they will definitely give priority to 'honor peripherals', rather than this beaten old brand.

This time, Wolfmap's response is an attempt to restore the market.

As a result, not only failed, but also sent the competitor to the throne of the key king.

Rice Soup Studio was once again a big winner.

"In a short period of time, the wolf map is really nothing to worry about, but the other two are not easy to deal with."

However, Su Tang was not as happy as but said calmly: "Tianzhi and Strawberry, compared with Wolftu, are only rising stars, although they have a history of more than ten years, But I can't see much vigour from them, and I can even feel a lot of youthful vitality... If nothing else, maybe they can bring some surprises to everyone."


Tang Su frowned slightly, nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "I remember you said before that the new product in the studio is almost ready... Would you like to release it with Tianzhi and Strawberry? Surprise them?"


Su Tang was stunned and shook his head: "I'm not sure about the product positioning of the two of them, so I don't know if we can meet them. It depends on luck. If you are lucky, you can touch them and give them a surprise."

Yes, it depends on luck.

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