Recreation Starts From the Heartbeat

Chapter 313: Su Tang: I'll keep the salary for you first

Genius remembers this site address in one second: [New]https://fastest update! No ads!

I forgot to forget, but Su Tang will still take the initiative to remind him.

In other words, after arriving at the company building, Su Tang thought about going there, but still felt that the matters on Sister Wang's side were more important. After all...

"After all, you are now also a shareholder of Dream Entertainment."

Su Tang said.

Yes, Dream Entertainment, a shareholder of this tens of billions of market capitalization company.

Although he only has a mere 3% of the shares, he is no better than any shareholder here. He is just a small shareholder who has no right to speak except for the shareholders' due rights.

"Hey, I never thought that I would become a shareholder of this company."

Tang Su couldn't help but sigh.

Dream Entertainment is not a small company. The market value of this company is no less than tens of billions. Even if it only has 3% of the shares, it is enough to make itself a billionaire.

Have the three small goals been achieved in this way?

When Tang Su thought about it, he felt as if he was dreaming. This success was too difficult and made him feel very unreal. Remember the URL m.xbequage. com

What is the concept of nine-figure worth?

Looking at the whole world, there shouldn't be many people with nine-figure worth?

They are all big people standing at the top of the world, and money is just a number to them.

Tang Su has thought about it, with the help of the system monarch, he can pretend to be slapped all the way, and finally reach the pinnacle of his life.

But he never expected that the way to reach the pinnacle of life would be so simple.

Just wrote a few songs.

"Almost done."

Su Tang was a little speechless: "Don't forget the series of contracts you signed. This shareholder is not easy to be a shareholder. Now that Sister Wang has something to do with you, you should go there quickly... You have become a shareholder this time, and many people in the company have already been involved. I feel unbalanced in my heart, I have to come up with some action for everyone to see."

"I know."

Tang Su nodded, thought for a while, and then asked, "Do you know exactly what Sister Wang is looking for?"

"It seems to know a little bit."

Su Tang thought for a while and said, "It should be related to Senior Xu, well, it shouldn't be a bad thing."

Senior Seo?

Xu Mengying?

Tang Su frowned slightly, and suddenly remembered something.

It’s almost mid-October now, and the battle between'Xu Mengying vs. Cui Yuting' will soon come to an end. At this critical moment, Xu Mengying suddenly has something to find herself. Is it possible that the new album's results are not ideal?

If Xu Mengying's new album really loses to Cui Yuting, then I am afraid it would be really a bit troublesome.

According to Tang Xiaolin's previous statement, Xu Mengying did not do much to successfully become a shareholder. As the company's strongest top female singer and top cash cow, Xu Mengying's influence is not small.

If Xu Mengying really loses to Cui Yuting, her commercial value will be reassessed, and then, perhaps by the shareholders of that group of capital institutions...

‘I hope that’s not the case. ’

Tang Su took a deep breath, then stepped forward to Sister Wang's office.


When entering the office.

Sister Wang was calling someone with a smile on her face, and her tone of voice was also smiling, she seemed to be in a good mood.

She didn't close the office door, so Tang Su walked in and sat down on the sofa not far away without disturbing Sister Wang.

After a few minutes, Sister Wang hung up the phone.

"Sister Wang, are you looking for me this time, is it related to teacher Xu Mengying's new album?"

Tang Su frowned and asked.

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing."

Sister Wang smiled, walked to the sofa and sat down, poured him a glass of water, pondered for a few seconds, and said: "In this half a month, two first-line singers are fighting over the album. Teacher Xu is here. Obviously, she has the upper hand. After all, she is a top first-line singer, and her reputation and influence in the industry are very good, far from what Cui Yuting can compare..."

This is good news.

Tang Su nodded slightly, but did not speak.

He knew in his heart that Sister Wang came to him this time because of Xu Mengying, and it was definitely not just to inform him of the good news, she must have something to ask for.

"I got a message these two days."

Seeing that he didn't speak, Sister Wang continued: "Cui Yuting didn't want to admit defeat like this. She planned to add a few more songs to the new album in order to improve the performance of the new album and take the opportunity to overwhelm Mr. Xu..."

"This is fine too?"

Tang Su was stunned: "The specific song catalogues in the album have been set long before the release, and they have been advertised. Moreover, the new album has been released for more than half a month, and new songs will be added at this time..."

He is a little bit blinded.

He hadn't heard of Cui Yuting's behavior before, and it was definitely a wave of **** that had never happened before.

"According to common sense, this is most certainly inappropriate, but if he really did this, everyone will definitely not object."

Sister Wang said helplessly: "After all, listeners have already spent money on buying albums. Even if Cui Yuting releases a few new songs, as long as they are included in the new album, they will all be free. Who would refuse a free one for the listeners? What about the first-line singers who give benefits?"


Tang Su was speechless for a moment.

If the other party asks listeners to continue paying after they have paid for the album, there will definitely be a large group of people who are unwilling. After all, most people are very sensitive to things like consumption, and not all listeners are willing. Spend more'wrong money' for the singers you like.

But if Cui Yuting added new songs to the audience for free, then...the fool would refuse.

"Now is the era of digital albums, not physical albums."

Sister Wang said with emotion: "If it is a physical album, one album has a set of tapes, there are as many songs as you say. As long as it is confirmed, there is no room for change...

But now it’s different. Now the mainstream of the music market is digital albums, which are virtual, and the control is in the hands of the company and related music platforms. Although consumers spend money, they don’t have the right to speak once. What does capital say, what is that...

At the moment, Cui Yuting wants to release a few new songs for free in the albums already released. Although this is a bit outrageous, it's all within the rules. "

Tang Su nodded lightly, almost understanding what was going on.

"So, Sister Wang hopes that I will also write a few new songs for Teacher Xu to add to the new album, and use this method to overpower Cui Yuting, right?"

Tang Su asked.


Sister Wang frowned slightly and looked at him meaningfully: "How many songs?"

This guy says "a few songs" in one mouth, and it seems that there is a lot of inventory.

"You got it wrong, I said a song."

Tang Su calmly corrected.

He knows very well that, as one of the most popular young musicians at the moment, the quality and good songs he creates are very precious. The smaller the number, the more precious it is. If you can write it casually, or you have a lot of inventory , Then it will not be cherished.

He still understands the truth that things are precious.

"A song or a few songs, after all, you are the boss, you have the final say."

Sister Wang didn’t bother to argue this with him, and went back to the topic: “For Teacher Xu, although Cui Yuting is just a junior and does not seem to be a threat, the glorious entertainment behind her should not be underestimated. At the moment, Cui Yuting wants to add more. A new song, coupled with the secretive efforts of Glory Entertainment, may not be able to quickly surpass Teacher Xu in a short period of time. Therefore, we cannot just sit back and wait."

"I know."

Tang Su nodded, and then asked, "Did Teacher Xu say what kind of song you want? I can try my best. Of course, I just try and see if it can be done. I don't know."

Be humble.

Chinese traditional culture.

"Take what you are best at. Cantonese songs and Mandarin are also okay. The requirements are positive energy, inspirational, and a wider audience. It is best to fill the audience gap for the album "October" and attract some extras. Audience."

Sister Wang said.

Positive energy, inspirational, a wider audience, attracting a part of additional audience...

"So, there are no restrictions?"

Tang Su was happy: "I'm pretty good at this."


If there are no explicit restrictions, who is not good at it.

Just write what you do best.

Of course, you can't be too capricious. If Teacher Xu doesn't look down on him, and just calls him back, it would be embarrassing.

After all, he has just acquired shares and has just become the only S-level contract owner of the Dream Entertainment Music Department...

"It's best to stay steady and don't be too risky."

Sister Wang reminded: "Mr Tang is already very risky to find a way to get you shares and divide the control of shareholders of capital institutions. Now the company is staring at you up and down. If you are unsteady at this step, Tang It’s hard to do it over there."

In the eyes of most people, Tang Su, a newcomer who is not even a music professional, wrote a few songs with luck and obtained hundreds of millions of shares in the company, which is a bit too absurd and too outrageous.

Some people have doubts about the company’s shareholders and worry about the company’s future. They feel that such an ‘unreliable’ company may find it difficult to go long-term.

There are also people who simply want to watch a good show. They are very curious. Tang Xiaolin and others have held Tang Su to such a high position.

Envy, jealousy, theater, hostility...

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

If Tang Su stands firm at this step, it will naturally make everyone shut up, but if he doesn't stand firm, it will probably be troublesome later.

Since ancient times, there have been disputes where there are people, which is inevitable.

"Okay, I see."

Tang Su nodded: "I'll go back and prepare later, and I will hand in the new song in these two days."

Although this kind of requirement is quite high, Tang Su is not nervous, and there is no pressure. After all... he didn't let him write songs by himself. He was just a porter of music culture. Isn't this a simple matter?


This time I should copy... Bah, who should I move this time?

Tang Su began to think.


After coming out of Sister Wang's office.

Tang Su took the elevator to the next floor and saw Su Tang.

"How's the talk?"

Su Tang was the first to ask, obviously he cared about it.

"pretty good."

Tang Su nodded: "As you said before, let me write a song for Xu Mengying. There are no restrictions on the subject matter, but the requirements are not simple. I will think about it after I go back... Don’t worry, it’s not difficult. After writing so many songs in a row, the musicians who are close to the trump card are not my opponents. This is just a small scene."

"I feel relieved."

Su Tang nodded his head: "Although your character is not very good, you always think about unhealthy things, but your musical talent is still trustworthy."

Tang Su:? ? ?

Okay, just take it as you praise me.

"Didn't you say you want to show me some prototypes of new products?"

He changed the subject: "Where is it?"

"I thought you were not curious."

Su Tang squinted his eyes and stared at him.

"How could it be? After all, it is a new product from your studio, and it is the structural design I provided. Of course I am curious."

Tang Su said with a smile.


Compared to the new products of the studio, he is even more curious about the surprise Su Tang prepared for himself.

But how to say it.

Surprise this kind of thing, you have to take the initiative to say it, and I look forward to it and I can’t wait to ask it... almost meaning it.

Tang Su's concentration is not bad, so he kept holding back without asking.

At this moment, it's good to use the new products of the studio to divert attention.

Moreover, when he came over from the factory, Su Tang clearly stated three things: Sister Wang was looking for something to do with him, new products in the studio, and surprises prepared.

This girl has a sense of ritual, and she likes to do things one by one.

The first thing has been settled, and the next thing is the second thing: new studio products.

Then, it was the surprise.

After getting along for such a long time, Tang Su also understood the girl's character and habits quite clearly.


Su Tang nodded: "Then let's go over and have a look."


She took Tang Su's hand and walked towards the studio.

Passing by the office area, my colleagues looked over here one after another. Although it was not the first time I met, they were the boss’s boyfriend after all, and he was also a talented musician and successful game designer...this kind of'big guy' Everyone is still quite curious about the existence of the level.

"good afternoon."

Tang Su greeted everyone with a smile, and then walked into a special meeting room with Su Tang. Several young people were discussing something in it. Seeing them two walk in, the discussion stopped immediately.

"Everyone, the structural designer of our new product is here."

Su Tang clapped his hands: "Everyone applauds and welcome."

Bang bang bang ——

Everyone applauded face and gave polite smiles. The scene was very harmonious for a time, and there was no plot of the brainless villain in the novel that provoked and waited to slap in the face. It was very warm.

"What structural designer?"

Tang Su was a little confused.

"It's you, the structural design you provided was adopted by us, so you are one of the designers of our new products."

Su Tang said seriously: "A keyboard requires the joint efforts of multiple designers to create it. Appearance design, styling design, layout design, functional design, structural design... Among them, structural design is a very important part. You create it independently, so you can be regarded as one of the main designers of the new product."

One of the main designers.

This means that it has a higher status than other designers.

"It's too polite, I didn't do anything, just paint casually."

Tang Su waved his hand again and again, a little flattered.

Draw anything...

Several young people who originally wanted to flatter him, the smiles on their faces froze when they heard this, they looked at each other, and they didn't know how to speak for a while.

The structural design seems simple, but there are too many things to consider. It requires a lot of experience and professionalism. Of course, it also needs inspiration, but it can’t be done with a brainstorm. There is basically no “luck”. Kind of stuff.

Tang Su can make five different but very powerful structural designs in a very short period of time, which has fully demonstrated his ability, and is probably comparable to the top designers in the studio.

They are all at this level, and I still use "painting freely" to come from Qian...

Several young people felt desperate. Even if they wanted to'commercially blow each other', they didn't know how to blow it.

"Then what, let's take a look at the new products."

Su Tang sensed embarrassment in the air, so he quickly changed the subject and turned to look at one of the boys with a short head: "Zhang Lei."


The boy nodded, then turned and walked towards the solid wood cabinet not far away. After opening it, Tang Su saw that there were a few keyboards inside, not many, there were only nine in total.

"These models are finished products made separately according to the structural design drawings you provided. Because they are only used for testing, only one key arrangement is made, which is the most common 87 arrangement on the market..."

Zhang Lei said: "The other products are the products we mainly plan to produce. The internal structure and appearance design are very similar. The main difference lies in the layout of the keys. They are 64 columns, 75 columns, 81 columns, 87 columns, 98 columns. Arrangement, 104 arrangement...These are all time-proven in the customization circle and mass production circle, and they are most in line with the needs of the public."

"Is it just a difference in the arrangement?"

Tang Su asked imposingly: "Is there any difference in the hands-on experience, such as hand feel and sound?"

"Yes, but very little."

Zhang Lei explained: “We adjusted the design schemes according to the different layouts. Taking the 64-arrangement plan as an example, the layout was done separately in different key positions, and then limited...input area, F area, functional area There are separate designs for the, direction area, and number area. This means that there is no obvious difference in experience between the large key layout and the small key layout in the finished product. At least most users cannot perceive it. But do not rule out psychological effects..."


Tang Su seemed to understand but nodded pretending to be satisfied.

After coming out of the meeting room, the two went to Su Tang's office.

"Couldn't this be the surprise you gave me?"

Tang Su smiled helplessly: "I'm really not interested in being this designer for you, and I'm very busy. There are so many things."

"It's just a name."

Su Tang said casually: "After all, he took five sets of design drawings from your hand. If you use it in this way, it would be a bit inappropriate and a bad name. Just give you a position that sounds tall. It’s a matter of course, and you don’t suffer a loss. Those with a salary start at 30,000 yuan a month."

Starting at 30,000 yuan a month...

Tang Su frowned for a while and asked abruptly, "Does the company pay five insurances and one housing fund?"


Su Tang was silent for a few seconds: "The other employees must have them. After all, we are a regular, billion-dollar company. It can't be too small, but you don't need this kind of thing, right?"

After all, he is the shareholder of Dream Entertainment, and he is also at the helm of another studio. Five insurances and one gold, can't you just hand in it by yourself? Why do you want to come here for a copy?

Can’t take advantage of it, right?

Usually when the two are alone, they take advantage of her hands and feet, and now they take advantage of her studio...

"Hahahaha, just kidding."

Tang Su said with a smile, "Why would I care about five social insurance and one housing fund, right?"

The four words ‘five insurances and one gold’ bite hard.


Su Tang is not a little fool anymore, he heard what he meant, and after a few seconds of silence, he sighed: "Okay, I will hand it to you according to the company's standard. Then what? I will take you to handle it first. Let’s enter a job... Don’t worry, there are no rules for working hours, just make a name, occasionally cooperate with the work, and then get the salary."

As for salary...

"I'll keep it for you first."

Su Tang said lightly.

Tang Su:? ? ?

Are you planning to take over his salary card before getting married? ? ?

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